Digimon Adventure Tri

Writing and WHEREMUHOHTOOS aside, do people actually like this art style?

Even when it tries to be sexy, it feels so flat, unexpressive and blande.

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Tri kinda sucks as a whole.

I like the art style but it seems like the people who are actually animating and creating spreads with it don't know how to make the eyes more expressive. They rarely change shape and the eyebrows are always flat as fuck even during extreme emotions.

Tri is a clusterfuck of disappointment and ham-fisted nostalgia bait. I'll watch for my childhood crush but there's no way I'd pay for it. They forgot how to write a compelling story with actions and events that make sense. Instead they went from nostalgia check point to nostalgia checkpoint without worrying what tied them all together.

Which one would you fuck?

Patamon a best

Sora looks so fucking bad in ths one holy shit what is that hair what happened???

Maybe if they didn't copy paste hikari's boobs into sora.

Is anyone else weirded out by this image?

My brain just can't seem to process the fact that characters I adored in my childhood now have official art of them in bikinis. I think I'm having some strange mental collision of 6 year old me and 22 year old me.

the problem isn't the nudity, it's how devoid of anything else it is. It's just shallow pandering, and that's something your 6 year old self should agree with.

No, because my childhood was spent fapping to that one picture of Mimi getting fucked by Palmon's tentacles

is this digimon? I coulda sworn this was a kid friendly franchise

As your triples show. it's the most daring kids franchise, and that's since the very start.

Nothing wrong with drilling through a guy nose to tail.

Let's talk about digimon universe.
The premises is cool, I'm kinda hyped.
The only thing I don't like is the GATTAI scene that kind sucks.

not sure if it has the right kind of fanservice.

And now I can't unsee it

Thanks user.

>everyone is Santa themed
>except Sora who is a cat girl

>puppetmon had a fucking gun
Man, I thought there were just a few references to booze they edited out. I gotta watch the subs some time.

Nah, there were a few mature things edited out for the dub like Wizardmon bribing Demidevimon with sake being changed to "hot sauce that goes great on tacos" or in the second Tamers movie they removed scene where a monster is stabbed through the fucking eye with a lance and green blood pours out.

I think there may be more sexual looking digimon in more recent series, but seasons 1 and 2 both had catfights between Angewoman and Ladydevimon.

old promos were more creative.

not just puppetmon.

Also myotismon was an actual vampire

Welcome to adulthood. I hope you despise it as much as I do.

Forgetting to mention the pedo woman?


It's crazy how this franchise has come.

Did it just have a falling out with children because Pokemon is still the same as it always was

Did not realize the puppetmon arc that hardcore. I remember the Myotismon thing, but it does bug me because why the hell would a digital vampire need drink human blood? I get that the other digimon still need to eat too, but its never made sense to me.

I knew they edited the scene so the guy who picked them up was a "cousin" but didn't know they removed a fucking pedophile.

Nah, the other TV series are still about the same with Xros Wars still being dubbed and aired on Disney. This is for the anniversary movie series so I guess they're deliberately targeting people like us who grew up with the series so now showing tits is a reasonable marketing decision for an audience all in their 20s.

My guess is that while Pokemn has managed to attract successive generations of children, Digimon's fanbase are the same grown-up kids from the middle 90s.

Pokemon also has the benefit of not really doing much with the story. If anything, it's more of a vessel for the sales of other things than Digimon ever was.

I love Tri for the most part and I've been around since the beginning of Adventure. I think it's just trying a bit too hard but it's still rather good.