What's your opinion on Rururaruri Rurararirararururirirari Rirararururararururararirari

What's your opinion on Rururaruri Rurararirararururirirari Rirararururararururararirari

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The ass is fat


Best Onahole

What's your opinion on her?

good anime adoptation

I'd rather a Kurumi-chan.

I couldn't sit through more than two episodes of this but I like the loli and her meme tails.

>10/10 but too small
>get's grown to normal size but turns into 8/10 in the process

crazy big ass

How thick is she?

You can't be 10/10 by being regular size.



the most practical waifu yet


Hey, there's no swirl on her schoolgirl outfit.

Oh, wait, it's on her tie.



Is there more?

I find her sexually attractive.

Hiyocco is oddly absent from sadpanda.

Her hair is stupid

She looks a bit like Botan.

too green

I came for Ruru, and I stayed for Ruru.


>you are talking to a female co-worker
>she asks whether you are single
>ruru clamps herself round your dick in your pants because she is getting jealous
>you become awkward ruining the conversation
>co worker notices your boner and leaves
>you get home and take a nap after such an embarrassing ordeal
>wake up to ruru forcing your dick inside you
>you are tied down
>forced to raise a family with they

Be on your guard fellas fairies are dangerous and cruel.

Worst girl who ruined the already-mediocre show known as Musaigan no Phantom World. Yes I know she was added to prevent exposition, but she was still too annoying to be likable. Her only redeeming feature is that her VA has a good singing voice.


See that fang? That is the mark of a predator, she will devour your love and affection for your entire life. Gosh what a terrible fate.

One of the best onaholes around.

Fairy perfection

>>wake up to ruru forcing your dick inside you

>forcing your dick inside you
u wot

What the fuck did I write. Well it's too late now you are gonna wake up getting fucked by your own dick.

Ruru is shit.

Transformation episode killed her for me.



perfect size to bully

More like the perfect size to bully your dick.

The fuck, only now I realised all her clothing there had swirls too.


So, what, advanced fairy dickbending or fairy futa genderbend dickstealing?

Yer forgetting the one on sensei's book and waitress's apron

>Use your mental gymnastics fairy as an onahole every day to vent your frustrations because your hot classmates think you're a dork
>One day she has enough and swaps genitals with you while you're asleep
>Wake up to the pleasure of being cummed inside by a brown goddess -- with your own dick
That's some /d/elightful smut.

cute onahole fairy


Really makes me think.


We require more big rurus

absolutamente asqueroso

is.Sup Forums.org/wsg/1479229387104.webm

Ruru on the front page!

Built for sex. Horrible that on the transformation episode she worse. Should have been the same just bigger. To bad the doujin with her fairy sized self being used as an onahole will never be scanned.


onahole yokai seems to sum her up pretty well



No Ruru doujins. Only Shinkas get doujins.

Crush the Ruru.

witch phantrom best girl