Discover Jordan Peterson

>discover Jordan Peterson
>haven't watched Stefan Molyneux since then
>Stefan sounds like a crazed pseudo-intellectual by comparison

He's an anti-Nationalism cuckold. Go away, shill.

It's more rhetoric than actual information they share but you aren't far off.



>Sweden does this

>I'm a Christian who believes in the Bible
>btw the Bible is just a bunch of really good stories smashed together that didn't actually happen but have good morals

He's basically a Jew.

stefan is like passive-aggressiveness personified, its very effeminate


Read it in his voice.


JBP is on another level, has a IQ north of 150. Stefan is a smart guy buy probably no more than 120.

But it's good to listen to different people in the areas they're specialized in, Stefan is very broad, he talks about a far wider range of subjects that JBP, so it's more diluted.

Stefan kinda sounds crazy because he basically preaches on his show, they're starting to sound a lot like sermons these days. But if you ever watch him publicly speak where there's planning and structure to what he's saying, he's actually really good.

JBP has kinda fallen from grace though due to the recent no platforming of Faith, brings into question his resolve when it comes to his principles.

I wasn't saying you're wrong, I'm just making fun of you.

That's one buttblasted swedecuck if I ever seen one


>speak the truth
>even if it's hard, don't lie just because it's convenient
>that's how you get gulags
>it's so hard being famous, I have to police my speech all the time, everyone is scrutinizing my statements looking for an opportunity to jump me
>there would be consequences, my patreon money might go down
>but you should speak truth
when he starts practicing what he preaches I might give him another shot, until then he's just another greedy kumbaya boomer

He has every opportunity to name them but he chooses not to for his rep. There's literally no way he doesn't know given all the Soviet/Bolshevik literature and history he has read.

Someone post the comic of the guy with the pipe talking about dystopian future of too much power in the hands of women

Stefan Molyneux isn't a pro-censorship hypocrite like Peterson though.

I think he meant authoritarian Nationalism.

>needing e-celeb talking heads to comfort and lead you
They can teach, but only so much. The rest you need to figure out for yourself.

Molyneux is a crazy psuedo-intellectual. He's an uneducated ideologue. Peterson isn't perfect but watch Peterson's talks on ideologues and you'll realise why Molyneux is a retard.

Dont be a hater

>listening to experts means that they lead you

You can't even compare the two, their expertises differ far too much. But the one thing they have in common is they are both intellectually dishonest and afraid to actually uncork societies problems. Molyneux less so. Peterson is more of a tired old psychologist who believes his own useless brand of bull shit. But he does sometimes have a diamond in the rough statement. It is sad that these two men are probably some of societies only prolific intellects. Solid evidence of our decay.

God, how fucking bitter are you faggots with life that you're basically following the fake views espewed by trolls years before you in the dark ages of Sup Forums. Fuck, not everything is the fucking jews you fucking self-cucking cunts. Get fucking laid and stop being fucking retards. Clean your fucking room.

molymeme is a jewish shill. He is a bright guy BUT he will never address the root of all problems - Zionism.

Nvm, found it by myself

Don’t worry OP, you’ll come around. Eventually you’ll appreciate each man for their own approach of revivifing our dying culture.

Also... saying JP is a Jewcuck is not an arguement :^)


He has multiple university degrees. He might even be more educated than JP, but I doubt it since JP sounds like a "I have never worked in my life" graduate school cuck.

Truly big brained people know that collectivism is impossible because of the race divide. A multi-cultural society has never worked and never will.

I seriously DO NOT understand the fucking hype around Jordan Peterson

I have hardly ever heard him say a single interesting thing that made any sense. He just spews basic-bitch philosophy, common sense self-improvement shit, and the worst faux-intellectual nonsense about the bible I have ever heard.

Somebody please explain to me why so many people hype Jordan Peterson. I do not get it.

This. Moneymeme may be a pseudo-intellectual faggot but he isn't a verified hypocrite yet.

It almost seems like respects the Bolsheviks. There's only so much art and literature you can have if a group you supposedly hate.

>being this jealous

Because he is unthreatening, soft spoken and tries to play daddy for his audience of teenagers.

Oh yea because believing everything in the bible as fact is not what a mentally paralised person would do.

> The fatherless generation is attracted to a man who tells them to clean their room and sort themselves out
Hmmmm, you may be onto something there

than don't watch it, why are you so fucking butthurt ?

>Stefan sounds like a crazed pseudo-intellectual by comparison
because he is. anything but his history videos are pleb tier

Same here brother.

That's it though. Go watch his videos with that thought in mind, especially where he is in public with an audience. You will see - it isn't even unconcious, he is too intelligent for that.

Lol stefan is more redpilled than you will ever know. You could bring up subjects with peterson that he's never even heard about let alone looked into deeply. Stefan on the other hand is basically Sup Forums with a big brain.

Anyone who thinks Peterson isn't a charlatan is a retard, after Faith Goldy anyone who still believes him is gullible.

Yeah but believing 0% of the Bible means you're not a Christian. I think he believes some weird form of Kabala. It isn't Christianity though.

Believing Jesus, the Son of God, gave his life to bring Salvation to humanity is pretty much the bare minimum of the requirements to call yourself a Christian.

>Because he is unthreatening, soft spoken and tries to play daddy for his audience of teenagers.

This is what other Jordan Peterson fans have explained to me, but I have a hard time accepting that right-wing millennials are actually this pathetic.

I just cannot understand what people get out of lectures. Some of the things he says are actually BAD ADVICE. Many of his ideas actually have tinges of post-modernism in them, and I don't even think he realizes it.

They've both figured out that if they keep saying what you like to hear, they can get conservatives to pay them a boatload of money. At some point the market will become too saturated with copycats, but for now they're golden. This fucking Peterson guy is so transparently milking conservatives, he gets people to donate to him and them makes them pay again by putting his projects behind paywalls.

Stephan has a masters degree in history, he's definitely not more educated

No. He has answered questions on Jews before and said some of his best friends are Jewish and he has nothing against Jewish people being at the top because they work harder

Stefan is a fucking weirdo but he is definitely smarter than Jordan Peterson

I've actually gotten some good nuggets of practical adivce from Stefan's videos, as I have never received a single ounce of good advice from a Jordan Peterson video.

Jordan actually gives bad advice.

naive and desperate kids looking for a saviour who has all the answers. In steps the over-confidence narcissist. Everyone in this thread is young.

Shame, if that knight had some other knights backing him up he would live. But no, muh liberal hyper-individualism.

And that's one thing to never forget people, Peterson is a self-professed liberal with a lot of Jewish friends.

His Crusades video was pretty fucking redpilled.

A feel good sense of being intellectually superior to people who are only slightly more to the Left than yourself. Basically just the faggot Centrist meme. His audience is not Right Wing nor is anything he says. He is barely even a traditionalist or a Christian - he is only to a common sense capacity and nothing beyond.

Molyneux is a crazed pseudo-intelectual by comparison to a 5 year old

Stefan is a narcissist, extremely heavily invested in his opinions, stubborn, and gets massively defensive.

So yeah, he's pretty much your standard US poster but with a brain.

Ok tell me when you get to the next step and realize that both of them are mediocre intelectuals and they are popular because they support a movement that nobody else would touch.
Its not that they are smart its the age of intelectual drought that we live in....

Do you ever wonder who he's talking about when he brings up pinnochio in his lectures?

>people donating of their own free will
>things cost money, but are totally voluntary

you're a fucking fag t bh

>cites no example

Reminder that Peterson gets $60k a MONTH on patreon and for what? Putting his lectures that he already gets paid a shitload for on youtube and appearing on things like H3H3?

>e-celeb talking heads

Conflating Milo with a PhD. clinical psychologist. Typically leaf brainlet.

he's a fucking crying cuck who praises Jung and Nietzsche yet apparently doesn't realize they were both Anti-Christian and Jung sympathized with Hitlerism. in short, he's a fucking leaf, when he's not talking about hitler or rambling on he's got interesting things to say

Teach us how to bow swedenistan.

>communist flag
why am I not surprise, it's really all about being jelly isn't it ?

cringe pic


Stephen is a kike, the end.

Ok, so I kinda skipped that video with JP talking about Faith Goldy that was recently posted for the last two days or so. Can someone fill me in on what is the all fuss about?

Nope its about a charlatan

Him an a bunch of jews were on a panel and the jews wanted her kicked off and he went along with it and excused it.

Omg, free exchange of money, how horrible.

>build big platform on being 100% in favour of free speech
>deplatform someone for having spoken to fascists

It's astounding hypocrisy from the guy.

Into the helicopter with you

> Stephan is a kike
> Pays into the overly bloated Patreon of a man who thinks it's a good thing Jews are at the top and who banned someone from a venue merely for having an interview on the Daily Stormer despite not being a Stormfront person herself


I mean, even his top meme "Clean your room" is really a post-modern ideal.

It is another way of saying "Find yourself" or "reflect on yourself to find the flaws and fix them"

The problem is that he is telling people to do a self-observation to self-improve. He never gives any objective standards for when your "Room is cleaned".

Then he also tells people that they need to "clean their rooms" before they can have a developed or "ethical" worldview, okay but there aren't any objective standards for when you have achieved "clean room" status.

So he is basically telling people to "find yourself" and when you think you have "cleaned your room" then maybe you can begin to develop a stronger world-view and engage in real world issues.

That is subjectivity, that is post-modernism. If a person feels like their room is cleaned, then I guess it's cleaned.

Horrible advice that will only lead to destruction.

Also, he is too much of a cuck to actually embrace the bible and say "Yeah I believe the bible is true 100% and it all happened" so he just does endless mental gymnastics to theorize about how the stories have built civilization.

Okay, so he's basically saying that The Bible isn't real and their just some nice stories with some nice underlying morals. So under this logic, how much of the bible should we apply to our lives? The parts we like? The parts WE think work?

That's all post-modernism and subjectivity. Traditionalism says that the bible is 100% real so just do what it says, and you're a good person when you're doing what's in the book.

That is not post-modernism. That is traditionalism.

Yeah, pay me $100/month and I will make a website for myself where I charge you and other poeple more money to use my halfassed project. Come on sucker. Confirmation bias is too powerful for you to resist me.

Gateway. We need gateways more than anything.

Wow that picture has it all. Is there anything missing?

Ryan Faulk actually makes content with some substance. Sure Stefan's come around to it now, after several years, but it's still just schlock. Same fellow who spawned a whole slew of
>what if the child consents though
memes with his autistic libertarian moral absolutism. You can't dispute anything I said about him. He's smart, but he's an absolute nutter. On par with Sarah the national socialist. Not a reliable figure.

Fucking Christ, Peterson is a meme in the academic community. If you like thinking then work a bit and go to a halfway decent uni, even as a first year philosophy student you're likely to have your mind blown

A communist talking about charlatans, cool story faggot. Your entire ideology is based on manipulating useful idiots to establish a dictatorship

Jordan Petersons great cure for social anxiety - "just look into people's eyes". OMG THE PROPHET HAS SPOKEN. HE FOUND THE CURE.

Dumb kids...

Not actually a communist, more socialist. This is the closest flag on Sup Forums though

She was originally invited to a panel on free speech, but then got dis-invited for being on the daily stormer podcast (I think it was that one). So essentially the crime of guilt by association.

But the reasons Peterson gave for the dis-invite was lack of journalistic integrity on her part in the podcast, which is nonsense, she was just a guest for ten minutes or so - this was about "antisemitism", and that isn't covered by free speech you see.


It's just start small and form a habit. It isn't literal, you autist. See something wrong, you fix it. Start with the first thing you find. Habit-formation goes back to, at least, the greeks. Of course it's nothing special but you're going full retard calling it a post-modern idea. It's possibly prehistoric.

His bible analysis you got right, though. It's pretty much a textbook example of post-modernist interpretation.

He's talking about your literal room, faggot. How can you support yourself or anyone else when you can't even keep your living space clean. It's a concrete first step to getting your life in order.

I liked Peterson back when he was a professor refusing to call trannys xer desu

Now he has turned into some kind of self help guru for the alt right kids. Should have just stuck to teaching

Your room is never cleaned, that's the whole point, you are never as good as you could be.

And the idea that reading the bible is not subjective is just ridiculous I don't even know what to tell you if you think every single christian genuinely has 100% identical interpretation.

> tfw anti-Peterson shills are in full force every night
You know someone is saying something important when sharia blue won't leave him alone.
Hey fags, jbp was a huge positive influence on my life and your baseless claims will never change that. An hero unironically.

You can ruminate on whether cleaning your room is a step on a journey or jot, it’s just pragmatism that will improve your life

One of the core problems he wrestles with is how so many people can both let the material obligations stagnate while being obsessed with hypothetical abstractions.

Love requires maintanence, and more people seem to expect that to just occur while they attack abstract problems

He has some good things to say. That doesn't mean he is immune to criticism. Einstein thought socialism was a good idea. People have some good ideas, but that doesn't make all of their ideas good. Nor does it make them gods, which is what they start to think they are.

>And the idea that reading the bible is not subjective is just ridiculous I don't even know what to tell you if you think every single christian genuinely has 100% identical interpretation.

The christians who don't take a literal interpretation are post-modernists

>Your room is never cleaned

Okay, so then when are you qualified to have an ethical world view and start influencing the world according to Peterson then?

Oh yeah, never. Because Peterson's philosophies are fucking retarded and basic bitch-tier. I'm not shitting on anybody who hasn't gone to college, but you learn crazier stuff in intro literature or philosophy classes.

Has there beeen any response from the Faith Goldy on the subject?

Something about agreeing to disagree in a tweet.

JP is amazing if not perfect. Its funny to see people try and tear him down because he's become too popular and over exposure.

Molyneux has some well researched videos breaking things down and conveying information but in no way have I gotten the impression that he is a great thinker. He jumps on different wagons depending on what tends to bring positive exposure. Right now it's all pol-tard stuff, it used to be don't spank your kids, no government, atheism and all women are whores.

>One of the core problems he wrestles with is how so many people can both let the material obligations stagnate while being obsessed with hypothetical abstractions.

Lmao pretty fucking easy to explain if you've ever personally known somebody who does this, or if you've done it yourself.

People are stupid and lazy. Dealing with a material obligation is 100x harder than thinking about hypothetical abstractions. Hypothetical abstractions are an exercise in mental masturbation. It's a recreational activity.


Why do people constantly suck this man's dick?