They just reached 40 million C in the W 7-X plasma

There is going to be a breakthrough soon. With high temperature superconductors, fusion power is the energy tech of the future. Combine that with robotics and you have a paradise society.

We will all be witnessing this new utopia of a post-consumerist society based on cheap energy and robotism.

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I'm just here for the memes and the good vibes!

Rock on brosephs!

This actually upsets me, I don't want to the world to get better. I want society to burn down around me so I can take revenge and drink other people's misery.

As a sheet metal worker I just wonder if they are recruiting for laggers and cladders to keep that bad boy in shape. I have no idea what they would use to stop the 40 million degrees from melting the whole fucking thing and setting fire to everything around it.

This looks like something from Akira.


We don't have nearly enough helium3 on earth, we need to mine the moon for that stuff

Germany will not share its plasma secrets.

Magnetic field keeps it all in place.

Hi mike

Sounds like you need another dose of freedom, Hans.

I bet you would in trade for refugee cock

*rubs hands

you realize that your " paradise " doesn't require people..

The chamber material is some kind of boron composite from memory, there are pretty serious concerns about how long it will last, when they have to replace it, it is almost a full rebuild. There are plenty of other problems with it too.

Fusion is a meme, LFTR is the future.

Lunar Power 2030


This is obvious technology from hell. This is fucken DOOM

>Combine that with robotics and you have a paradise society.
implying the jew won't monopolize it and enslave us even further

Free energy is the end of this civilisation.

>free energy

Lol you think fusion energy will be free? The build and maintennance cost of reactors, that's if they can even manage it with current technology, will be fucking huge.

Why should people have to pay to live on a planet they were born on?

i'm ready.

bruh look up the definition of free energy you stupid darkie

Catch 22
As soon as we get fusion power we'll no longer explore for natural gas, the only source of helium on earth is found as a miniscule contaminant in natural gas. No liquid helium, no superconductors, no fusion.

The helium on the moon is also negligible only found in trace amounts deposited by solar wind over 4 billion years. The only real sources are the sun and the gas giants and we'll realisticly never mine those planets unless we find anti gravity tech.

When the US finishes selling off our 50-year stockpile strategic reserve which is causing an artifical surplus at the moment, helium prices will go through the roof

>As a sheet metal worker, I don't understand the first thing about physics. Carry on, good scientists.

How the fuck pictures like these are made?

Wow you achieved a new form of cheap energy
>Would be a shame if you were liberated™

They already are.

Never forget Germany is a US vassal state.

In Computer Aided Design programs like CATIA.

It still looks like the prototype of the Event Horizon gravity drive to me.

You will share it with your best friend and ally, Italy

Whats happens if you stick your dick in it

It looks like some weird space colon. Only the Germans could build something like this.

An utopian society would not require people, but rather would exist solely for their benefit.

The butlerian jihad. Thou shalt not disfigure the soul.

this. a world without conflict sounds like shit. it will probably lead to mass suicide

How is it even legal in Germany? I thought you guys hate nuclear power.

>Each night, every person on Earth can all look up and see the moon.
>Most people feel that the moon is the common heritage of humankind (some versions of international space law treat it this way, too).
>The question that moon mining brings up is how to respect such ideas and prevent degradation of the lunar environment.

Warning, leftists hate progress.


you get proper fucked

It's lunacy that we put it in balloons for shits and giggles

How many niggers are required to man this shit? How long your paradise society will last without aryans to lead it?

W-what exactly do we need all that power for? Energy is already extremely cheap right now..

woah, calm down there edgyboi

>The question that moon mining brings up is how to respect such ideas and prevent degradation of the lunar environment.
Environmentalism was a mistake. It's a barren planet, no atmosphere, no biosphere, we should strip mine the fuck out of it if it proves useful

Yeah, utopia full of sjw and niggers

Yes, give tham 30 more years and they will provide abundant cheap energy for you, my good goy.

I agree.
I want full on, sci-fi, asteroid belt mining.
Fuck human containment on the earth, should be 100 billion of us living across the solar system.

You meant MooN?

>Lower the reflectivity og the moon by 1%.
>>This Just in: Scientists discover that plants use moonlight too, thats why they're all dying!
>>>We're fucked.

it's giant electro magnet that will disable everything in the world.

what about the helium generated by the reactor itself?

We are not meant to be emotionless. We're already seeing the psychological consequences of abundance. It will only get worse.

>I want full on, sci-fi, asteroid belt mining.

>Fusion power
>Electric light
>Moon is dimmer
>Plants can't grow?!?!?!

>Catch 22
Is there a full list?

you have to go back

Environmentalism is just a facade. The real drive is whatever ideology needs it as a front to do its thing. Misanthropes and marxist revolutionaries are the usual suspects. Can't tell the general public you want them culled directly so there's need for picking your words carefully, and positive ones that invoke emotion are more likely to work as bait.
At any rate environmentalists will cause issues and we'll be seeing increased presence and interest towards space if the commercial sector actually achieves its goal to send people to Mars and so on. It's going to be ugly.

Did you know computers in the sextys we're as large as a whatehouse but as strong as a potato? Nowdays I can hold the power of 1000 potatoes on my hand. Free the potato power

That movie half sucked from overdoing all the creepy stuff. The concept was so good but then they had to put deadly looking spikes in everything, make the living quarters look like a tomb, encase everything in dark iron casting (for a spaceship wtf) etc.

The moment you realize no sane person would ever design a spaceship like that the fun kindof ends.

>being this autistic
It's like you've never built or maintained a physical device in your entire soy-ridden existence

I prsy for a civil war that purges the left and its useful idiots from the land

No it's not cheap. Households only consume around 13% of all energy produced. There are far more energy consuming processes we need than to you to power up your dragon dildo.

>going to Mars
We can't even go to Moon.
There is no answer to space radiation.

Then why is it so cheap for households if it is needed elsewhere?

>I'm undeducated but i literally cannot stop giving everyone my opinions

Erasmus did nothing wrong.

Nuclear fission, hated by stupid green party members and our green undercover Agent Merkel

Agreed, Nederbro.

>Not preparing for space wars
What are you, faggots?

We pay 1.5 Zloty per kw/h

He‘s fucking with you

America will force you to share it

You missed the point, it can be cheap for you and you make like a microscopic fraction of that 13% in your country, but for the guy operating a manufacturing plant it costs thousands times more for every day of his factory working. If we had free energy from fusion, almost everything we produce could be made 70% cheaper because most of the costs are generated by energy. You could buy your dragon dildo 70% cheaper, ahmed could buy ps4 70% cheaper. And that's not counting further automation.

>Implying we won't be a beautiful ones society

Niggas we gotta destroy the Titans

Ok, ok, but fast internet for small towns when?

>utopia full of sjw and niggers
As long as everyone is fat and happy and has a robotic waifu or robotic chad-data, why would those people procreate? Procreation is hard work, you need to have 9 months of pain and shit. SJWs and minorities will gladly go for bread, beer and games as well as robotic sex.

Only true smart white people will have kids in the future, because they will see the long term benefits of having a family around them.

So what happens to all the unemployable masses?
>muh carbon footprint
>muh overpopulation
I think we know we’re this is going and it’s not going to look pretty for the majority of us.

I'm a cnc operator.Aka Green button pusher.
I don't give a fuck, some of those parts look interesting to make.

theyll just look into fusion for hydrogen into helium, but the price hike before that is probably gonna happen

>There is no answer to space radiation.
What's electromagnetic shielding with super-conducting magnets?

If this works could (((they)))continue to push immigration? As this technology would no doubt be licensed world wide. Bringing all populations cheap unlimited energy so that infrastructure could be relatively easily built and kept maintained...etc. plus no jobs here in the west anyhow due to automation and free energy.

The push for immigration would change. Everywhere in this world would be paradise. Think about Star Trek... just everyone would stay where they are.

They will all work in service, I mean people will still need others to clean their shit etc.
We will basically return to slavery.

>LFTR is the future.
so how you gonna handle the nasty liquid radioactive byproducts?

They clearly stole the design from the black man (again)
White invention? Think again honey.

Have this for later friendo


It is clearly massively over engineered. Looks like a million different things can go wrong with it.

>Fusion is a meme, LFTR is the future.
And that is why? Because everyone is building thorium based reactors right now?

Oh wait, ... I know the answer, nobody is... oh wait, that is also wrong, there have been 20 thorium reactors since the 1960s, none of which yielded a good enough economic design model.

Didn't think the LFTR idea through, eh? Why do thorium advocate never address the fact that all kinds of countries had and still have thorium research reactors, but none have come up with an economically viable plant design?

And degeneracy levels currently unimaginable

> nonplanar coils
fucking demons, dude.

>to make self sustain fusion power plant efficiency of energy in/out would need to be 15 times better than current record
>double that for economic feasible power plant
It's not happen

Achieving controlled fusion is the first step. The whole point of the matter is getting more energy coming out than you are putting in.

How efficient is making those strong magnetic fields?

>le 10 years away fusion power reactor

get back to me when its actually useful

It's a nod to warhammer 40k's chaos faction.