Correlation between iq and political ideolgy

post your iq and post your political ideology

I'll start: pic related and geolibertarian

Other urls found in this thread:

IQ is negatively correlated with conservatism. This is a scientific fact

130, no ideology

Conservative Libertarian.

You should just show your favourites bar like you, we can derive your IQ from there, which is below 80 obviously.

It does seem as if OP memorized the questions and re-answered correctly.

>iq 200/200

it says test results200/200 you mong, AKA OP googled answers beforehand

>republican, voted trump

Conservative nationalist
This test is a load of bullshit though.

You are a walking meme

>can't crop screenshots

>thinking online tests will always give you sure answers abut iq

I ry not to think about mine and just focus on gaining knowledge. I don't trust online tests. If my IQ goes up, great, but I wouldn't know.


People who obsess about their IQ and their political ideology as well as others' are probably insecure about either or both.

>online iq test

Not sure but probably below 70


200 IQ
> has bookmark called kissanime

all the memes aside, if you are in 85-115 iq range, even online tests will give you pretty accurate results, since its very easy to test an average person but very diffucult to determine the differences between exceptional people so anywhere 130 and up is a total guess by an online test

Fun fact. My IQ is 145 (tested in middle school, not online).


Kinda blows your theory out of the water, now doesn't it?

According to this my iq is 160. If you actually think this is an accurate assessment of intelligence you're retarded.

The one real iq test I've taken placed me at 112. I'm a libertarian.

>(tested in middle school, not online)

And how old are you now? kek

Conservative. IQ is 180.
My chart was more centrist in whole, but my heart and soul screams the truth for idealism through conservatism.
Your theory never held any ground and is based on bias, with a chat this can be proven.
I'd like to have a further dialogue to determine why you think this way, or hold your bias. Please entertain me, friendanon.
We have many thousands of years for any of your replies even if you don't reply this lifetime.
Memory is vital.
With Love, J

No, but it blows my mind how a person with IQ above 90 could not be able to grasp the simple statistical concept of correlation.

> 145 IQ
> Not understanding the concept of "correlation"
Shit just writes itself around here

T. 146
Lean conservative majority of the time, because: logic/common sense.

But overarchingly a centrist because good ideas and options should not be necessarily correlated to one of two increasingly divergent political parties.

By the way, heres a little hint. A secret you may never hold as truth in this lifetime.
IQ, isnt relative.
It isnt in a straight line.
However more Liberal thinkers would disagree, to hold themselves to a better standard socially like a common whore.
They make fun of real geniuses while holding themselves on a pedestal of ego.
Big downfall.
There are many geniuses for many different things and few better at many things.
Now dont hold yourself to the latter now.
You may be great at wiping your ass genius even, but you could be pissing on the walls the next second.
Do you understand my parable friendanon?

Pretty sure you can all subtract 100 points off your IQ's for taking a fucking online IQ test.

> 180
Hello Einstein, thought you were dead.
Anyhow, your post is cancer and you should see yourself out.

Thats obviously the fucking joke you autistic brainlets

>Do you understand my parable friendanon?
Not really, you sound schizotypal.

These tests are not nearly as inaccurate as you're implying.

Energy never dies, you believe in human idea of death
Eternity is synonymous with Truth

Oh, sorry for not recognizing the joke on an anime imageboard where people post much more ridiculous and inane stuff every second and a large part of them actually mean it.

Got a 160 here

Clearly remember getting a 120 something back in middle school, I can even remember the graph with all our classmate's results

Anyway, I was a centrist in middle school, conservative in high school and now in college what could be said as far-right, something rather closer to fascism

Iq tests doesn't require you to compute complex things that require some depth and complex understanding of concepts, meanings or reality

So a high IQ caveman could rekt those tests and be unable to use his brain power to render solutions to problems which bases need prior understanding

This is exactly why you can find a lot of high IQ people who on top of that are highly succesful in their careers who say borderline retarded shit about AI taking over the world for example

Just got done moving Into my new apartment today, pulling an all nighter at work. Test said i have an iq if 160 even. I was tested in middle school and scored 134. White authoritarian right.

sry for being a rood dude with a bad attitude

> eternity is synonymous with truth
In zero capacity is this correct, allegorically/metaphorically/etc.

Now I see, you accidentally added the 1, before the 80, the latter being your actual IQ.

However I do suggest you test your theory by promptly killing yourself.


If you were as smart as you pretend to be you would know that correlation =/= causation. It is bullshit because university is where most marxist indoctrination occurs. It is like saying there is a correlation between cancer and losing one's hair. But it is not the cancer it is the chemo therapy that results in hair loss.
100 years ago the smartest people were conservatives. Universities used to be the bastions of tradition and the institutions that kept torch of western civilization burning.
Now they are the ones fighting hardest to deconstruct and destroy western civilization.

190 - Nationalist Centrist

Basically on most issues I am on the Center, but when it comes to America and the World... Fuck the World

Monarchist reactionary.

Fuck off!!
I am average .................
Althought I admit I became bored and after a while I clicked random... still thought.
Being average is pretty pathetic.

160s here and fuck these threads. I and everyone I work with are fundamentally conservative and our jobs address real problems and all of you know it. Who the hell are you working for?

I've got 180 in this IQ test. Instance results. Take now! #IQTest

No thanks CIA nigger.

Eat shit spook

I'm not an Ashkenazi btw, didn't cheat or look for answers. I had more trouble solving the captcha lol. My ideology? I'm your führer now bow down to me.

Test sucks even "instant results" is spelled
incorrectly as instance lmfao

Now they can link my posts here to my IP and phone. Great job CIA. Anyway I don't give a fuck.

Political Ideology: GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW

City person
Voted Hillary


I got 150 while microdosing on LSD. But first i would like to know one thing... Shouldnt a legitimate IQ test be longer and have a bigger diversity of guestions? Ideologicaly im between nat/soc and marxists.

>200 iq

You could easily infer that people with higher IQ are more likely to go inter higher education. And if you similarly want to jump to conclusions you could just as easily say that those who complete higher education are more likely to lean left. You could then infer that higher education is good at producing/fostering a left leaning mindset. Maybe your brain is just more susceptible to bullshit when your trying to learn something new?

Nobody would tell what their real iq is
Also mine is 270


And this test is bullshit.
When I was young (at my peak) I was 125-130

271 here krautbro


>iq 145
>doesn't know that exceptions exist

I spent too much time on the questions with * in the cells. Anyone know the answer to them? This test is bullshit, but fun.

382 IQ

I've never been someone under 100 who was Perennialist, Neoreactionary, Strasserist, Juche, Monarchist, an unironic Fascist, or an unironic Maoist.

I've meet tons of people under 100 who are Democratic Socialists, Liberals, Conservatives, Anarchists, Marxist-Leninists, National Socialists, and Classical Liberals.

>If you were as smart as you pretend to be you would know that correlation =/= causation.
I do know that. What makes you think otherwise?

The rest of your post is just ramblings unrelated to anything I wrote.

>100 years ago the smartest people were conservatives.
They would be conservatives today, but I would say the academia was always more progressive than the general population. So it completely depends on your definition of conservatism.



>150 IQ
>Between Marxism and Natsoc.
You might want to read up on National Socialism.

140 I feel stupid.

I identifies as kang

I got bored at question 16 and guessed the remaining answers or chose "I don't know."

Constitutional conservative/libertarian in the streets, white identitarian/sneering imperialist in the sheets.

Test your EQ also

I got 65 EQ and my mental age is 40. You?

120eq still strugling with iq test