When did you realized this 'soy boy' meme is a campaign by the dairy industry. fuck off dairy shills

when did you realized this 'soy boy' meme is a campaign by the dairy industry. fuck off dairy shills

I ain't drinkin either I DON"T KNOW WHATS IN THEM ANYMORE!!

Why does milk in America taste weird compared to Europe?


Pasturize, homogenized, puss, they literally eat soy, hormones, industrialized agriculture.

Try raw grass-fed milk. It's an entirely different beverage. All you need to know about most milk in the US is to smell it. It smells rancid and unfit for consumption because it is.

Where the fuck do you live that your milk smells rancid?

Hey you for eggnog in my goat milk

This . What the fuck?

not sure if nigger or vegetarian

I just drink almond or rice milk man.

In and around the northeast. But I've been across the country and industrial milk almost always smells rancid.

You might not notice if that's what you're used to. Try huffing it. Even 30+ years ago when I'd drink it out of the carton from the fridge I always thought something was off about the scent, but at that time I didn't know any better.

Europeans don't add extra sugar iirc


Soy creates numale faggots. Tiny little chinksects.
The white man drinks the liquid that makes the calf into a bull.

All milk smells rancid out of the bottle, because the milk crusts around the opening. Smells fine after you pour it into a cup.

I have not had that experience with raw milk. Try it.

All milk outside of Norway tastes like shit, desu. Everyone else has milk that will last for months while ours go bad after three days.

>fuck soy milk it makes you produce estrogen and makes you a soy boy
>switch to bovine lactate from specially bred factory farm dairy cows that are regularly given estrogen supplements so it can produce more milk


That's why the superior thing to do with milk if you can't get it fresh is to make butter, curds, cheese, kefir, kumis, etc.

Almond milk is a much better alternative anyway

I grew up with Danish Milk and when I moved to the States as a child I couldn't drink milk here. I still don't. Shit's creepy.

Almond Milk is the solution you tards. No cow estrogen or soy bullshit. Tastes pretty good.

It's not just in the states though, I've been all over Europe and no matter where you go outside of Scandinavia the milk is borderline toxic.

now that I did not know. Interesting.

can someone make an amerimutt meme with soyboy theme

Almond milk is glorified flavored water.

lots of americans drink real (raw) milk. I only drink real. In PA I can buy it in some stores, so easy to get..

better to be a soy boy than a dairy fairy!

A few of the local Giant Eagles started selling it for a while a few years back, but I haven't seen it around in ages. I blame the economic Jew. I guess that's what I get for city living.

>falling for the bovine mammary fluid heeb

Soycialists and dairy queens, two sides of the same shekel

no way. roslagsmjölk is the best fuck off

Found the soy goy

Would you be willing to vocaroo that word?

Soy is bad for men. It raises estrogen, which hurts your testosterone. Fermented soybean is especially bad as it increases the risk of breast cancer in women.

Almond milk? Over priced sugar water.

lol. Does it seems like it would be that weird of a word ?

just don't drink cow pus or soy boy juice, fuck stick.

Almond milk is the best alternative.

>only soy bread left in the cupboard
mum wants me to starve.

It's a pretty silly-looking word for an English-speaker even if it kind of makes sense. The fun of it would be to hear exactly how to pronounce it with a Swedish accent.

Yes, stop drinking soy and start drinking estrogen-infused milk. BTW dairy will ruin your gut bacteria, which is EXTREMELY important and has large effects on your wellbeing. Look into probiotics and the relationship between gut/brain. Gutpill is the final pill

or get prostate cancer

>live in the land of sheep
>not having loads of mutton to eat
What an absolute waste.

What about fermented products made from dairy? Shit like kimchi is bretty gud though so I wouldn't necessarily miss them. Or is it just that they're made from already fucked by hormones milk that's the problem?

It's more just dairy in general, the body reacts very poorly to it and produces harmful gut bacteria. Cutting out dairy entirely is the best option but that can be difficult, just swapping milk for almond milk is a good start.
Even ignoring the bacteria side, the hormones in dairy are bad news. Cows only produce milk in the third trimester of pregnancy, so they're pumped full of hormones to make them continually pregnant. Bad Shit Nigga

Is that all dairy or just the fucked modern shit? I know even raw non-hormone pumped shit isn't fantastic for you either since it has too many nutrients or something like that for you if you're a big boy with access to a supermarket/better than literal peasant diet.

Organic is usually okay but it's difficult to know if it's been tampered with. If you didn't want to cut down on dairy I'd say just make sure you're buying good quality organic products, ideally from a farmer's market where you know it's fresh. While dairy isn't great it's not a death sentence, there are plenty of healthy people who consume dairy regularly

I've actually cut down on dairy (that isn't used to make something else or hot cocoa tempted to you by family) but I figure it's best to know for future reference.