What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Shinji is at least bisexual
and worst boy

Just bro things.

He's so desperate for love he'd take it from a gay monster.

Shinji can't resist alien space dong

What did he mean by THIS?

If we could just go one DAY without this fucking shit I will achieve inner peace

I'm afraid you're bound to this hell, then.

Nobody loved Shinji and Kaworu was the only one who gave him attention. At this point Shinji's mind was more fucked up than it already was. Add the fact that he was just 14. It wasn't sexual love, though. Shinji may have been a pussy, but he was heterosexual.

He's bisexual and he let Kaworu metaphorically stick his dick into him in End of Evangelion, sending him into orgasm.

He wants the D

Asuka is so cute in sleep

Anno said it was sexual and that Shinji is canonically bi. Get over it.

Anno's trolling you

I love it how people take what Anno said to kids seriously.

Was him marrying a Kawoshin fujoshit also part of the trolling?

please elaborate

Is Shinji looking at a chick who looks like a dude somehow supposed to prove he's not gay?

Yes, because she contributed to the ReBuilds



>He's bisexual
IS he bi?
or desperate for someone to love him.

>Is Shinji looking at a chick who looks like a dude somehow supposed to prove he's not gay?
to prove he's not "JUST" gay?
is a better way to think about it.

I don't think Shinji was attracted to any other dude besides Kaworu, but I don't deny his attraction to Kaworu is canon. Same with his attraction to Asuka. They've obviously different relationships after that though.

That would stlll make him bi in a way.

>she contributed to the ReBuilds
how so?


It's funny how animators from Eva describe Kaworu as a manipulative character.


I can't find it exactly, it was on an Evageek translated section for the Groundworks of Eva 2.22.
In it , while describing Mari's character for a majority of revised scripts, animators (especially one who's name I forgot) described her as a female version of Kaworu, a Manipulative person, just saying the right things to Shinji in order to make him to do what they wanted.

(Mari had a greater role in earlier drafts for 2.22; i.e she convinced Shinji to fight Zerul at the watermellon fields, kissing him, ect)

>to make him to do what they wanted.
It kinda goes against Kaworu's namesake
>Tabris: angel of free will
But it does go with how he "tricked" Shinji, as how Shinji said so himself in episode 24.

Didn't one of the animators release a Kawoshin doujin for comiket two years back?
It's like everyone at Khara is a fag or something

Wasn't that Anno's wife work?

>no source


> Khara teams up with KISS wedding company and produces kawoshin inspired wedding bands
> people still believe Shinji aint chugging angelic dick

His wife released one much earlier, this was a year after 3.0

You're talking about the CRC.
They said Mari is a female Kaworu, she's a Kaworu for Asuka.
There was nothing about manipulation, Khara staff always say Kaworu is an extremely good person.

>>no source
I do have the source, Problem is that it's in this link(the translated CRC book) I just don't know where exactly.

Your free to search for yourself. I'm not going to waste my time.

You have to prove the things you claim, not me.

Ctrl + F Manipulate = 1 result
>Along with the disappearance of the torso in the design, the “fluttering” was changed to resemble the palm of a hand. […] it seemed like an image where the absorbed Eva was manipulated like a puppet.

Where the part about Mari and Kaworu being manipulative?

I think your confused user.
Ctrl + F female

well, she sounds less manipulative and more (reverse psychological)?

>"you could become God because you piloted Eva"
is interesting.

your pulling shit out of your ass.

2.0 had 16 drafts?

It was sexual.

Kaworu was introduced to make him experience romantic love and lost so he could understand Misato's feelings about Kaji. He was even copy/paste of Kaji in some aspects like Misato and Shinji parallel each other.

It was more sexual with Asuka because he didn't love her though. The relationships in general are fucked up. Wouldn't call Shinji 'gay' because he's attracted to an boy who happens to be an angel (female) and is designed to make the women in his life ugly with his 'ethereal beauty'.


kek, and it was stopped by Kaworu. what a dick.

They are all desperate to have attention and love. All of them. But only one person makes them click and open up:

To Gendo, it's Yui. To Misato, it's Kaji. To Shinji, it's Kaworu. You know what else they have in common? They lost them and this fucks them up badly. They are also mysterious, with some agenda and a vision to help the world, so can be seen as manipulative or noble. They still have sexual relationships or would fuck other people but it's not romantic love which is exclusively to those. Gendo fucks Ritsuko and her mom, for example.

>It’s a strange scene! It wasn’t used in 2.0; it was based on the originally scripted finale, which followed episode 23 much more closely and was changed very late in production.

No where in CRC says he stopped the sex scene. You need to stop mixing things up.

I'll take things that never happened for 200.

No, that's part of the original draft where Rei dies blown up like episode 22 (she pulls something similar, rather that's the angel, not Rei). Shinji starts auto destruction mode and Kaworu saves him by spearing the Eva. The last scene is Kaworu taking Shinji from the plug and carrying him while Fuyu and Gendo say ominous shit about their fateful meeting.

Ain't nothing gay about a little sword fighting in the bath with your bro

*episode 23.

>No, that's part of the original draft where Rei dies blown up like episode 22
I think you are confusing it with this.

You're the one that's confused actually. Both storyboards are base on the original episode 23, they had more than one idea for the Rebuild version.

fucking homo

None of them did. You probably mistook general twisting of mad Asukafags from the forums with actual translations.

By the way, the context of Mari was mean to be like a female Kaworu wasn't even about Asuka or her species or role. It's their hopes for her popularity. They wanted her to be a character who amassed popularity by a small scene kind of thing. Kaworu was so popular who eclipsed Misato, co protagonist of Eva, with only 15-sh minutes in the original.

They kind of failed. Aside of typical waifu merch they must do in hopes they'll buy it, Mai's kind of a flop in that sense.


Rei was supposed to die until the +20ths scripts/storyboard version. They already had the story for 3.0 thought with her gone and missing. Producer kun and Enokido persuaded Anno to 'change' this to give the fans hopes and a less depressing ending. But Anno wasn't going to really change his general outline, so he killed her off in a more subtle way. Besides Tsurumaki wanted to do his version of Rei III badly and he needed Rei II gone. Tsurumaki is Anno's protegee and who will inherit Eva, so his wishes > the others.

That scene you describe is the follow up of that one. It's a copy paste of episode 23 with a different angel because they needed to condescend the story.

Kaworu is literally Shinji if he wasn't... Shinji. He's not manipulative or a bad person. He's the idealized version of Shinji Ikari. Like Gendo is his shadow, the worst of Shinji could become.

If you blush at another boy, that's fucking gay. End of story.
A lot of closet fags in this thread.

source please

So Shinji's in love with himself?


>closet fags
They are self inserts in denial. They started to self insert as Shinji to get closer to their waifu not realizing that Shinji was a fucking homo.

You have to learn to love yourself before you can learn to love others.

How could they not realize something that was established since the beginning?

nope, you just a fucking queer coming here to mark it's territory.

Kaworu wasnt even human, he was a manipulative eldritch primordial being inside the body of a boy and saw shinji like a beautiful creature. He used him and them to achieve his goals but pretty much resigned on life rather than to try and understand humans.
how is this gay at all?

>to make him experience romantic love
doesnt make sense at all. There was nothing romantic about it, perhaps homoerotic but no rommance.
Shinji expressed more sexual interest on Asuka than on any other character in the show.

At that point in the show he was desperate for someone to be kind to him, Kaworu was this awesome cool and neat guy that was kind to him, his ideal self. That's how Anno described him too.

You fucking thirsty queers.

Nothing funnier than seeing a triggered Asucuck.
Enjoy the demolished crackpairing.

What did he mean by this?

>ed crackpairing.
Ahhh there you are queer kun, coming to mark your territory like the gross creature that you are.
Where is the source of that famous scan anyway? It seems to be your only defense, specially when the show portrayed something different and was very clear about it.

This means pandering and selling merchandise user kun.

He knew that Rei was my waifu so he left her alone.

Wow, you sure showed me ESLfag.

That's sort of odd because manipulative Kaworu is mostly specific to 3.0. Shinji tricked himself in NGE, Kaworu talked like a Final Fantasy villain all along and Shinji decided on his own he was hearing better things. Maybe more from Karl, who knew of cover and coercion, but he never said anything right since immediately outing himself as a sociopath.

>Where is the source of that famous scan anyway?
Schizo / Parino

But there's many interview compilation books with Anno even excluding the famous JUNE interview.

That user is lying about the manipulative comment, but the thing with 3.0 is definitely intentional.

You are showing me a fucking a fucking manga? Are you fucking kidding me?

How about you show me one of the interviews with ACTUAL Anno user? Not some cherry picked bullshit from a yaoi manga.

>Groundworks of Eva 2.22.

>Tsurumaki: Kaworu’s line stayed the same from the very first storyboard. It was something he said while wearing his usual relaxed smile. Of course, at the last minute, just, I think, before we started postsynchronization, we began talking about whether or not it would be better if Kaworu looked scary during that scene.

>Interviewer: As a result, it looks like he’s come to take his bride by force!
>Tsurumaki: Right, right (laughing). [We thought it would be] more interesting if Kaworu looked like [he was thinking]: “You’ve been with a woman while I’ve been away? How dare you…!” It’s not Kaworu’s usual relaxed expression; he’s somehow become irritated, right?
>–Kazuya Tsurumaki, Evangelion 2.0 Complete Records Collection (Director of Neon Genesis Evangelion & Rebuild of Evangelion)

Rei got cockblocked.

CRC 2.0.

That is an interview on the left side, ESLfag.
The manga they showcase are doujinshi, GAINAX licensed a bunch of Kawoshin doujinshi in the late 90s, which you can buy here:

In a way, we construct our idea of love, according to Freud, because of the ego ideal: our self-idealization we imagine as children and we learn to love. Shinji met in real life the perfect "Shinji" in Kaworu, so he immediately fell in love. His wasn't just a person who was the closest to match this, but kind of that in flesh. Losing him was hard.

In general each Eva character stands for something on Shinji's mind, sometimes several traits. Rei is understanding for example. Kaworu is love.

I remember greentexing a huge bulk of the JUNE interview for you, with the episode 24 drafts as well where Kaworu and Shinji even kiss and you still ignored it.
At this point you're just trolling or pretending to be retarded.

Schizo / Parino.

It also has the interview with staff members explaining why they made Kaworu that way and Anno worried as if he came across as someone Shinji/himself (yes he self inserts) would fall in love at first sight.

Anno didn't have just Freudian concepts in Eva, but the whole thing with Kaworu took a lot from Roger's work as well:
>Carl Rogers (1902-1987) was a humanistic psychologist who agreed with the main assumptions of Abraham Maslow, but added that for a person to "grow", they need an environment that provides them with genuineness (openness and self-disclosure), acceptance (being seen with unconditional positive regard), and empathy (being listened to and understood).

>Without these, relationships and healthy personalities will not develop as they should, much like a tree will not grow without sunlight and water.

>fucking homo
yes this was part of his plan

And a bit of Kant:
>The first condition for the highest form of Aristotelian love is that a man loves himself. Without an egoistic basis, he cannot extend sympathy and affection to others (NE, IX.8). Such self-love is not hedonistic, or glorified, depending on the pursuit of immediate pleasures or the adulation of the crowd, it is instead a reflection of his pursuit of the noble and virtuous, which culminate in the pursuit of the reflective life.

Asuka is just a sex object mostly. That's the point. He never saw her as a person and why she's fucking livid to him in EoE. That's why she calls him disgusting but forgives him. All their realization was about how she was perceived as a sex doll and piece of meat in EoE and Shinji realized it. Asuka was even saying she wasn't going to be a sidedish (which is lost in translation because the original refers to 'comfort woman', someone who is used for sex but is never the one he loves).

Kaworu meanwhile was the person (angel) he fell in love with. Anyway, it's not even gay because Kaworu is Adam. Adam is the male angel of the Seed of Life species. They are shapeshifters. Sure, Shinji had no idea, so he's kind of a fag.

>At that point in the show he was desperate for someone to be kind to him

EVERYONE in Eva is desperate. Asuka only gave two shits about Shinji because she wanted someone's attention too. That's why she even pilots Eva. Otherwise she wouldn't even look in his direction. See Asuka was Shinji's Ritsuko equivalent, but unlike his father, he could actually realize he was damaging her. Nobody even argues he wouldn't eventually learn to love her, if they weren't so fucked up in that ending, but he didn't. He was attracted to her. In fact, I think if there is a woman who should be with Shinji, it's Asuka. As other user explained, Kaworu was pretty much designed to be Shinji's Type. The ego ideal in flesh which gives the concept of love, romantic one, itself. Asuka and Kaworu share some associations for some reason in a meta-symbolic way: transfer students, popular (Kaworu would have had his fanclub if he had attended to school), extrovert (which was necessary to balance Shinji), Eva 02 pilots, and Death and Rebirth quarter, Kaworu plays the first violin and Asuka plays the second one. They "fight" over Shinji in a way in 'after the end' cd drama (Rei is not perceived as part of a triangle, by the way, and Anno wrote this).

Tsurumaki was saying there Rei was the Other Woman Shinji was cheating his Wife with, by the way. Which is agreed by the staff.

>in the development of self-concept, positive regard is key. Unconditional positive regard is an environment that is free of preconceived notions of value. Conditional positive regard is full of conditions of worth that must be achieved to be considered successful.
>Human beings develop an ideal self and a real self based on the conditional status of positive regard. How closely one's real self matches up with their ideal self is called congruity.

Shinji, who had no access to unconditional positive regard or love couldn't develop self-worth and a healthy image of himself.
Meeting Kaworu allowed him to actualize these parts of himself, he was shown love and shown he was worthy of love. And these are the first required steps in accepting oneself and accepting others.

>is the female angel

Yes, Kaworu is Adam, the mother of the angels.
All the other angels are male.

That was Anno selling him out when he was originally just an angel. Now it's "not too gay" because Kaworu is listed as genderless officially and Adam is female.

Shinji needs someone who will accept him for who he is and give him positive encouragement to change the parts of himself that are damaging.
He's sensitive and shy and he needs someone who will cater to that, otherwise he'll just break down further into himself.
None of the three girls ever really did that, arguably excluding Rei at the very end, they all berated him for different things. Some of which that weren't even necessarily bad.

Anno is just taking the Devilman approach to things, he always wanted to be Nagai 2.0.

shinji is gay 4 dicks 2bh

someone post pictures of shinji in girl clothes

So it's that time again, huh.



I fucking loathe that site, but ED's "Fake Bisexual" article describes Shinji pretty well.



