Bein Libertarian in Germany is horrible. Literally everyone here is pro big government

Bein Libertarian in Germany is horrible. Literally everyone here is pro big government.
The only real libertarian party got 0,01%.
What should i say, this is the country that gave us Hitler and Marx

only solution is radical fascist communism libertarianist centrism

you'd think Germany would be against a powerful government..

> Being against borders and law&order
> believing it won't result in globalist corporatocracy
You have to be over 18 to post here

Did Marx invent this word?

I don't know. But it will replace the big government you despise so much. Oh, and they won't actually care for stuff like civil and human rights. If you're part of the upper 0.01%, you will profit. If you're not, you can expect to lose
>I will just open my own business
Good luck. Totally unregulated markets with cartels and monopolies won't let you do that. It's the big government that enables fair competition. I know, it must shocking to you

Despite what you say, the inverse is actually true. Big government has been enabling monopolies and cartels.

Sure, Big government isn't fail-safe. But in most cases they enable fair markets as well as consumer safety and worker's rights. Or do you think corporations implement such things voluntarily and disregard potential profit?

afd is center right you underage faggot they got more than enough lolbertarians in their lines
besides this the compass is accurate

Yes i know about the many "Libertarians" in the AfD

>I wunt smuller gubernment, except welfare for germans, except bigger army, except guarded borders, except higher taxes for rich people except except except......

>what are strategic commitments
85 IQ shitskin detected


Go suck Höckes big Commie dick

Why have you made all these partis so authoritarian?

How is AfD ''reeee muslims are a threat to womyns and gays rights'' Party anything like NatSoc?

>Bein Libertarian is horrible.

A few examples
Die Linke: "pay 100% income taxes for refugees and lazy germans, also praise Putin"
Greens: "Dont even dare to say anything you rich white male"
AfD "We are totally anticommunist,, btw i think rich people should pay higher income taxes, also the state should prohibit gays from marriage and it should be illegal to smoke weed. Hey can you give me some welfare my felllow Volksgenosse? "
CSU: "If you dont vote for us, you gonna have a bad time"
FDP: "Hey we love capitalism vote us. Oh the greens want to make a government with us? Why not?"

what did he mean by this
Also people don't want big government per se, they just want gibs, which the government offers in exchange for more power over the plebs

AfD still sounds pretty good famalam.

A burger who thinks a party that wants welfare is good. Can you even say your opinion in Pubic?

>the state should prohibit gays from marriage
nice framing lmao
The state won't bust into a church with kissing fags, it just won't acknowledge fag marriage because marriage benefits exist to incentivize families, and gays don't produce families, and even if they adopt they have a high rate of disfunction which may be due to the fact that both parents are mental.

> my daddy is so rich I will never need to apply for welfare even if I lose my job or get a serious disease
Nice delusion

If you are over the age of 25 and dont have enough cash to survive a few weeks without a job, you deserve to die. Darwin ftw

btw, are you a commie or an alt-right? I confuse these both very often

>greens and der linke
They are in the green. Higher compass position means nationalism, social conservatism/authoritarianism, and less individual rights.

Being lolbertarian anywhere is stupid. Nobody likes whiny faggots.

Higher compass position means (according to me) less personal freedom.
I think they fit there very well.
Or would you place Stalin in the lower half?

>survive a few weeks
And after that?
> not being a selfish anti-social and caring for others because you could face the same problems makes you a commie
Nice foresight. I bet you don't have many real friends, do you?

Collectivism is the root of communism. Your leader Mussolini was a Marxist btw

i wish, im top left and still i like none of those parties

A nation that does not look out for its own loses its purpose. Unreliable people like yourself, that possess no sense of duty and responsibility towards the nation are unnecessary and they are best sorted out before they do damage.

My friends are mostly anarchists.
>and after that?
Get a job you lazy Pegida moron

>My friends are mostly anarchists
how do you stand them
in my experience anarchists are insufferable retards

I see you've never applied for a job before or you're a boomer. Either way you obviously don't know what you're talking about

>Be me
>Be a pegida moron
>cant get a job

Collectivism is the basis of human survival. People don't survive on their own, they survive in groups. Banding together with others does not just restrict your freedom, it also provides you with power and greater leverage. You may think to be in charge of your own life, but you only exist within a framework created by collectives. The individual struggle for survival has been pushed to the boundaries between nations, laid in chains by military pacts and deterrents. This gives you the illusion of being able to survive on your own, but that framework were ever to fall apart and you would be all on your own, you would soon realise that you can only survive together with others. Because others will take all that is yours if you lack the power to keep it, and the only way to gain that sort of power is in joining others.


Sorry to disappoint you but I do have a job and have worked since I'm 18. I hate lazy long-time jobless people as much as you do probably. But thinking you are safe from getting layed off and magically getting a new job overnight is delusional. I suggest you finish school first and get some real life experience instead of ranting about your rainbow unicorn ideology online

Why would you want to be in Germany? Lol