Russia didn't interfere with the electio-

Russia didn't interfere with the electio-

So Sup Forums how does it make you feel that you were fed propaganda by Russia? You were that easy to manipulate that you were brainwashed by twitter bots

>They're shilling for 2018

Other urls found in this thread:

>Impeach because of twitter bots


>not an argument

OP I'll answer your question honestly, half of Sup Forums is Russian bots. The other half that isn't is brainwashed to believe what the bots say.


nigga just kys

I just wan't to vote for a politician who doesn't insult my race
liberals should understand that idea

Why are people denying this? It's a common thing for other countries to intefere in other countries democratic process by influencing public opinion. Russia has state-funded media like Sputnik News and RT for this very specific purpose. They want to change public opinion about foreign policy. Nonetheless, the U.S does this ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Wikileaks leaked emails showing how the U.S interferes in elections all the time like in France, 3rd-world countries and so on.

>implying the entire American left hasn't been gobbling Russian propaganda for over 50 years

I admit it

I am a russian shitposting robot


> OP is trying to argue with my bot farm
how very amusing


serious question
do you ever wonder if somebody like you did this?
like just a usual Russian Sup Forums poster who happens to hax like back in the mask days and now our government thinks it's a putin approved

U.S has a more effective method of actually physically removing weak countries leaders with air strikes and manufactured grass roots movements.

You command is my wish.

The Trump astroturfing was blatant on Sup Forums back in '15 though I doubt any of you r/t_d fags witnessed it. It was pretty out of place since the election threads centered around either Paul or Webb. However once Trump knocked Bush out of the lead, the bandwagon effect began to take hold. Though personally I assume it's because many Sup Forumsacks saw the potential Trump had to win the primary and ergo the general. He was undeniably the strongest of the Republicans, and just because Sup Forums and other parts of the Internet was astroturfed in the beginning doesn't take away from Trump's victories/legitimacy at large

only newfags who were not here to see the obvious russian shills last year think that russia was not trying to influence the election for Trump.

>Russian master race confirmed

Where were the Russian narrative before the during primary election?

Probably because they thought he couldn't win. Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the Bernie shills in the beginning were "Russian shills". Though it was more obvious when it came to Putin's cult of personality; when it comes to based Assad, Sup Forums's anti-zionism just happened to align with Russian geopolitics

I make propaganda for a living.

>t. paid Russian bot.

The completely corrupt US government can't stand the competition for the narrative. Washington never offers solutions, only war and misery.

Thank God for Russia

What exactly do they mean by "interfere with the election"?
No voting machines were hacked
No russians voted in our election
No russian money went to the trump campaign
Nothing exposed by WikiLeaks was shown to be false
So what did Russia do exactly?

Yeah ok right so now according to Dems, America shouldn't vote for anyone who "Russian twitter bots" support. If we actually accept that then that means that Russia can knock out from the election anyone it doesn't want to win by merely ordering its "twitter bots" to pretend to support that candidate.
So if Putin thinks Trump is too mean to Russia, then Putin has the bots obviously overhype Trump, then American media says "Oh hey look, these Russian bots support Trump, so you better not vote for him" but Putin did that exactly to prevent people from voting for Trump.
So uh how about just vote for whoever you think is a good candidate and stop worrying about "foreign influence" because people can manipulate you either way, and in the end it is up to you to decide who you think is best - don't base your decision on what other people say.

If I have the choice between:
>a candidate that's outright celebrates the destruction of my race
>a candidate that at least pretends to be somewhat on my side but might be a russian agent
I'd choose the russian agent every time.

How does it make you feel that we are the 'russians' but msm has to say 'russians' to make what is legitimate internal dissent seem illegitimate

>this is a kike using and australia proxy

Do liberals ever realize how patronizing they are?
>you only against open-borders because some russian twitterbots told you

Here is one potato - how do you like your steak done?

Look, even your pet kike says it's bullshit

So Trumps enemies are Globalists right! Why the outcry about foreign meddling? I thought it's all about MUH OPEN BOARDERS!

I think the idea was to weaken Hillary as much as possible, hoping for a republican victory in senate and congress to just fuck her up - Trump winning was a bonus (although his margin of victory in swing states is still very suspicious and yet to be fully investigated - there is more to look at there...)

but nothing exposed by wikileaks was actually important - that was all hype and smoke and mirrors. also massive online targeting of social media to reinforce a false narrative.

if you were here last year you would have known the relentless posting of "trump is a bit questionable, but hillary is a murderous warmongering terminally ill hag crone bitch cunt so trump might not be that bad after all" posts. or the Back to the future memes. or the bad use of slang - all the posters one day using the same "dumb nigger" insult (sometimes several at one time in one thread cross posting) It was obvious they were here, and if they bothered to hit this place, how much did they spend on places with real influence?

The propaganda coming from Russia is no more dangerous than the propaganda coming from those three "news sources" you just quoted, so fuck off, faggot.

Honestly damaging Hillary and by extension the MIC and Zionist lobby is a victory for the American people
>(although his margin of victory in swing states is still very suspicious and yet to be fully investigated - there is more to look at there...)
If you want to go down that rabbit hole then we should look into states like Virginia, Minnesota, and New Hampshire. Are you seriously implying that Russians/GOP operatives rigged the voting booths? Because this is a historically Democratic thing to do

But gerrymandering and voter suppression are republican traditions, yeah?

your entire system if sub third world. If that election had been held in Africa it would have been declared a fake by the UM observors. Same for Bush II the first time round - republicans can't win without faking it and then starting a war to keep the sheeple occupied and compliant.

I don't even get what specifically you mean
hacked the DNC? I don't even honestly think it was a hack

didn't the "hillary owns DNC" originate in the wikileaks files? beause that's sort of important, if my fellow Russians actually did it, that was sort of cool ,don't detract from their feat

Libtards consider email phishing scams hacking what a joke

O im laffin

Gerrymandering is what it is, both sides use it and ultimately at the top there's little to no difference between those like Bill Kristol and George Soros. There are 100+ million non-Yankees living in the USA, which is disturbing at the very least and until we regain 85% of the total population I'll be in favor of gerrymandering. The Republican system exists so states like California don't override states like Wyoming. This is a Federated Republic wherein each State is given a degree of autonomy, hence the UNITED STATES. The problem is Federalists like you who think each state is a province of DC. Bush's election was shady but from the 80's-10's elections were just a game between the two sides, the course was set by those who controlled both parties. The "sheeple" were just another piece of that game


but hillary did not own the DNC so that didn't originate there - it is not true.

>mug Russian bots
How do we know it was orchestrated by the Russian government?

>Hillary did not own the DNC
>Who is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
>Who is John Podesta
>Who is Tim Kaine
>so that didn't originate there
So Wasserman-Schultz didn't resign in disgrace for collusion? It wasn't revealed that major news outlets were prepping HRC for the debates? If they did that for her, just imagine what they did for Obama. Just the fact that Wasserman-Schultz headed the HRC campaign in '08 and was DNC chair after Tim Kaine's resignation should raise red flags. Hillary's was a hilariously predictable campaign just as ¡Jeb! and Cruz's were

We don't. They can't seem to grasp that regular people decided to create and distribute propaganda ( Sup Forums executed some great campaigns in 2016 like #draftourdaughters ). They are terrified of losing control of the creation and distribution of (((their))) narrative. Since the plebs are too stupid to create and deliver such sophisticated propaganda and Hillary was the perfect candidate. it must have been ...GASP... The Russians. They are finally losing their monopoly on information and doing whatever it takes to make sure they don't and it will never happen again.

i thought some black lady that run the thing wrote a book about it being true
but obviously some random bot on Sup Forums would know better thn a russian hacker

keep talking back and i'll put you into a canadian flag pool

>confusing military-grade autism with bots

Been happening for decades:

They were predictable because they were braindead.

Fact of the matter is that normaloids and their puppet masters are mentally inferior, and their brains more easily conquered. This is why they are losing in abstract arenas raging from economics, diplomacy, and even (worthwhile) scientific output globally.

Sup Forums is ground zero for the Russian trolls. It's so sad how easily they take advantage of right wing retards.

> criticizing a woman's looks
thought lefties weren't suppoesd to call ugly women ugly or whores whores
even when very much deserved

Wtf are these idiots even talking about. Most of this stuff is just american conservatives that dont want to be persecuted for being conservative so they create a fake account to shit post or log in through a vpn.