Is National Socialism the only way to preserve traditional family values?

Is National Socialism the only way to preserve traditional family values?

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no, just a different one.

No. But its the most effective one.

why would the picture say nazism

he is probably am*rican, are you really asking this?

Because OP is a faggot and doesn't know words

>government run eugenic programs
>'family values'

you're right gadsden, everyone should just have complete freedom while being influenced by the jews.

>Ideology that is literally killing the white race
>Lol it preserves traditional family values.

>implying I'm influenced by jews
maybe you should just sort yourself out instead of projecting your retardedness onto everybody else.

But a bad way to preserve your state :3

capitalism is a Jewish ideology so yes you are influenced by the Jews

>Eugenics is bad goy
>How dare you try and make your race stronger by getting rid of genetic diseases.

Pretty sure if Eugenics where a thing before you were born you would of been aborted.

I despise meme-flags larping as a "Nazi". You fuckers are not even respectful in your supposed affiliation. The word Nazi is a derogatory term to NSDAP members by their political opposition and German(?) who were exiled.

Nazi literally means a "backward farmer". Grow up edgelords or if you're really passionate to the cause, at least know its history. Retarded mf i swear

>not influenced by the jews
>literally worships a psychoanalyst

>Unironically promoting eugenics
>literally unironically promoting a bunch of bullshit invented by commiefornians


also in my first post I didn't imply that you were influenced by the jews, I implied that the average person was influenced by jews and so giving them complete freedom to ""choose"" is retarded.

that's my point

No. Christianity. FUNDAMENTAL christianity, not the fake catholic soy jesus religion.

the picture is wrong. The nazi picture should be a picture of millions of dead innocent women, children and other people. And a ravaged Europe. You "conservatives" are so passionate about being pro life, but then you go and support literal genocide against countless innocent children. Hypocrites.

hint: we're not conservatives

hahaha right. you just blindly support conservative politicians, policies, etc. but no, you're not conservatives at all.

capitalism: has high technology
communism: dirt poor
nazism: dirt poor

don't put me with those nazi leftists. they are socialists and not better than liberals. the right abhors any form of collectivism.

that's a lot of assumptions and claims, not much proof however.

socialist day of the rope, when?

Family under capitalism looks pretty happy though

>first picture

But no, a strong father is.


>these god damn communist jews!
>These based capitalist jews are based!

>meme flag calls others meme flag

oh heeey so youre the guy who speaks for everyone on Sup Forums!

We live in a global society. Nuclear war aside, we will probably never be less connected than we are today
that being said, there are 2 types of global society.
A: Where the world is connected by a global shadow ruling government that controls policy and finances largely without public input, and
B: Where separate entities, or nations, coexist and control their own laws. No one else does.
That is why nationalism is the obvious choice
But there's more than one kind of nationalism.
There's the kind where the government is seen as the ruler of the people, and sets a framework for people to live but doesn't care how much they fuck up their society, see: US
Then there's the kind where the government is actively incorporated into the health and well being of society, and therefore its morals and habits, not marxist socialism, just socialism as in caring for your people
Nations and caring about that nation. There is no other choice

im sure you could imagine a better image in place

he decided to lump us all together in the first place

Yup National Socialism is probably our only hope to return to lives of intimacy and meaning.

well its nice of you not leaving him alone looking like an idiot.

congratulations on some well spent time, glad we cleared this up.

>Is National Socialism the only way to preserve traditional family values?
No, the eradication of all non-whites is the answer. The white man can make any system work, its the leeching sub-humans and thieving jews that ruin society.



Free Market = Jewish Oligarchy

Replace the Nazi one with the dad dead on some nameless battlefield and the mother being raped by Soviets. Your ideology is worthless and led to ruin the very people it claimed to protect.

I mean I know you're baiting but..

Really rotted my fishes

needing the state to make sure you preserve your family is advanced cuckoldry

>The Soviet goes home and starves to death. Generations later, his great-granddaughter marries a rich Arab for money.
>The American goes home and lives a good life for the next 30 years until his economy goes to shit. His great-granddaughter ends up a single mother with a mulatto child.

If only your nation's government cares about preserving the white family.

I don't need the state to do that, I do however need 2 things from it.

1. It must not work against my effort at preserving my family.

2. It must make sure that other god fucking retarded and brainwashed "people" keep their families together or my healthy children will grow up in fucking Mad Max

And the German stays home and spends the following decades committing cultural suicide out of guilt, culminating in a massive influx non-whites.


>H-hitler was a socialist you guys!
wrong and debunked. He was fascist.
As always, Ancaps do their best, lying like the jews.

haha le epik bro