Why is this anime so pointy, they look like they can cut someone without being edgy

why is this anime so pointy, they look like they can cut someone without being edgy

That's nothing.

Can't see what you're talking about.

look for other scenes, like this for example


would seiya be a better choice? I'm not really to picky with my subs as long as they don't come from "official" subs like funimation or crunchyroll

seiya is fine.

I've been downloading DameDesuYo since... Flying Witch I think? I kinda feel attached I'll download seiya and see the difference

seiya is not a fansub. He just ripped the subs like HS.

Still better than DDY, tho.

what's the difference? seiya's in .mp4? better encoding? the people in charge aren't cunts that play TERA?

Can you explain to me why DDY is worse than seiya? I'm not picking a fight, I just wanna know why

They like to mess with the translations, probably to make them "funnier" or whatever, but ends up being rather cringy (see: , maybe the people in the Matoi thread that's up right now can give you more examples). The quality of their video is also inferior.

ooh, I see thanks maybe I'll try out seiya

seiya is faster and the subs are white, Horrible's are yellow.

thanks seiya shill, I actually don't hate you and am convinced to try seiya out, the power of charisma is scary

>someone answers your question
>flip out at him

I was thanking him though? shill isn't necessarily a bad thing you know?

To be fair, that response did sound sarcastic as fuck.

this is why I put "I'm not picking a fight" the internet is terrible at conveying sarcasm, I thought I was being obviously honest

Totally agree there, sarcasm interpretation through text never works well.
Generally why I prefer to accompany a lot of what I say with a reaction image, with the more genuine responses having a less dramatic effect, pic related being an example of what I would likely use in the response you gave.
I would also probably say that 'I actually don't hate you' was the part that made me think it was sarcasm the first time 'round

know that I think about it, my reply would have felt more honest with a reaction pic like yours

wish I had more reaction pics