Why do you guys want fascism when your grandfathers fought an entire war to end fascism...

Why do you guys want fascism when your grandfathers fought an entire war to end fascism? They literally died for the sole purpose of ending fascism, yet you guys want fascism. WW2 was the war to end fascism.

Go to the memorials and tell the men there whose friends and brothers died trying to stamp out fascism, that you are a fascist. I dare you.

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Fuck off commie.

They died because they were ordered to, and because of Jewish lies.
When they saw France (UK's puppy) collapse, they knew the UK couldn't win alone. They had to make you enter in the war, despite the massive isolationist mentality at the time.

facism is the best in the worst of times
socialism is okay in the best of times
capitalism is the best in the best of times.

Right =/= Fascism

you can be on the right without being fascist you pig

Germany may have lost WWII,
it would appear fascism won it ...

How many of the men in that boat would support same-sex marriage, trans bathrooms or open borders?

How many would even support interracial relationships?

>Go to the memorials and tell the men there whose friends and brothers died trying to stamp out fascism, that you are a fascist.
Go to the memorials of the British soldiers who died in WWII, and tell them that their own capital city of London is now less than 50% white. Not just less than 50% British, but less than 50% white.

What do you think they were fighting for? Is that what they were fighting for?

All of them. They were literally dying to end fascism.

Why, you ask?



They aren't around anymore to see the ((fruits)) of their sacrifice.

And then the following 4 decades were spent fighting communism

Maybe if there were no communism there'd be no need for fascism

rly maks u tihnk

our forefathers were manipulated by jews to kill scores and scores of white people. WWII makes me want to kill jews more than anything

This is a great piece of supporting evidence for

>Dad's side great grandpa was in 34th SS
>Mum's side grandpa was a doctor in mudken for the IJA and was accused of war crimes


Jews owned you then too.

No , ..... we were conned by Zoinist Shill Churchill, and his peerage pedo friends.

>WW2 was the war to end fascism
Stop falling for jewish revisionist bullshit.

WW2 vets fought for their way of life. Not this world we live in now.

your a fucking retard, I know US history better than you and I'm a leaf

5 minute conversations with the average voter, leafbro

Seriously go back to fucking hotwheels

If my ancestors had been told what europe would become, they would have joined the SS.

Facism spreads across europe and africa, US doesnt get involved. This goes on for years.

Pearl harbor gets bombed by imperialist, Americans enter the war

>but it was all about facism reee

Do you think the brave men and women who stormed the beaches of Normandy would be happy if they knew that fascism was on the rise. They literally died to end fascism, stop with your right wing historical revisionism.

our forefathers were manipulated by jews to kill scores and scores of white people. WWII makes me want to kill jews more than anything

>Do you think the brave men and women who stormed the beaches of Normandy

were bumfuck draftee farmers from kansas and nebraska. None of them know what 'fascism' is. All they know is that Roosevelt told them that germany = bad

you stupid fuck

How could France only last weeks agains the nazis?

Is something I have never understood.

Im pretty sure my grandfathers did not fight to end fascism.

Too busy drinking wine and practicing anal sex to go to the rifle range

Does seem like a long time for them, given their history and all.

Then again, some of the other countries went in a matter of minutes.

Pearl harbor is no revisionist gistory you fucking idiot.

And could you name one of the women who stormed normandy?

Germany was an ally of japan. We did not wage war with them until japan attacked us. Thats a fact of life you kike cunt.

I actually worked on a documentary with Channel 4 in the UK where they were interviewing veterans of the second world war. Overwhelmingly those interviewed stated that the world we live in today is not what they envisioned fighting and dying for when they went up against the Nazis.

No abortion, no faggot marriage, no niggers and muslims. None of that. The documentary didn't make it passed the initial stages because the whole idea of it was that they wanted to portray the veterans being happy with the "progressive" world we live in today,.

>and women

My grandfather was drafted to fight the Japs and left as soon as the war was over. He didn't give a rats ass about ending fascism. He just wanted to go home.

That's why the line in Saving Private Ryan is so powerful. "Be worth it."

And we're not.

>Sup Forums is one person

Really feels like it sometimes

Beautiful comment. Praise kek

My grandfather was in the 82nd Airborne and was one of the ones they glider-dropped early in the morning of D-Day. Fought through that and about two weeks of Operation Cobra until he was wounded. By the nineties, he swore to me that if he'd known how things were going to turn out, he'd have been wearing a swastika in 1944.

My grandfather fought the nazis and hated them with a passion, but he absolutely detested mass immigration from Turkey and Morocco.

He did not fight for this, is what he said until he died a worried man.

Pretty sure they werent fighting for a "White Nation", they were fighting for a free nation and a free world.

And they succeeded. Be thankful that you were born at all

If we went to war to stop fascism why didn’t we declare war on Spain?

ask UK what really gained after WW2
what you really gained after WW2?

Yeah but France wasn't Poland. France was the second most stronger country in Europe after the UK. They defeated the germans in WWI, take some of their land, bully them, the german army was disolved and they couldn't create more tanks or planes...

And then in 7 years, since 1933 when Hitler came to power to 1939 the germans built an army that defeted them in weeks?

Didn't the french have spies or something and knew that Hitler was making fucking thousands of tanks and planes??

They didn't fight to defeat fascism or stop the holocaust. They fought to get even, and FDR wanted to take foolish europeans to the cleaners. Mission accomplished

They would've also been pissed to find out that Communism was considered normal by their grandchildren. they fought to stop Communism, where's your argument there Schlomo?

Don't forget the transsexuals that stormed the beaches too

Yugoslavia went within a week, it was all about the Blitz

You do know there was still racial segregation in the US during WW2, right? (pic related)

>My grandfather fought the nazis and hated them with a passion, but he absolutely detested mass immigration from Turkey and Morocco.
My grandfather was forced to work in Germany (Arbeitseinsatz). He had every reason to hate the Nazis, yet he also didn't want Turks and Moroccans in his country.

>They literally died for the sole purpose of ending fascism
Yes I'm sure the common foot soldier in the 1940s perfectly understood what fascism was and that was their specific motivation for fighting in the war

Churchill wanted to fight communism, and in the end he made half of EU communist because of his failed logic. UK will probable start to learn Arabic soon. Also is full of niggers. All according to plan.

irony and sarcasm

That's because humans are more complex than the Liberals would like you to believe. Whether they're Jewish or not, several groups, are sympathetic to similar goals. That's why it's possible to have people who believe in fascism, but don't believe in a need to kill all the Jews. Or why some people believe "niggers" must die, but LeVar Burton, and other based blacks arent called that.


They fought for a lie

And this is coming from a frenchie..

I hate it when cucks make it look like the Western soldiers and leaders were basically SJWs

Here's what they actually believed
>Sir Winston Churchill expressed alarm about an influx of 'coloured people' in Fifties' Britain and looked for a chance to restore punishment by flogging, newly released cabinet papers from the national archive reveal.
>On 3 February 1954, under the agenda item 'Coloured Workers', Churchill is quoted, with abbreviations, by Cabinet Secretary Sir Norman Brook as saying: 'Problems wh. will arise if many coloured people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves with colour problems in UK? Attracted by Welfare State. Public opinion in UK won't tolerate it once it gets beyond certain limits.'

Mein nigga

>Why do you guys want fascism when your grandfathers fought an entire war to end fascism?

"Socialism for not-our kind bad!!"
"Socialism for our kind nice!!"

But my grandfathers fought FOR fascism?

So he fight the only one force who solve most of the problems? No, words are words and fact are facts, let's not get fooled, is his fault.

Looking at Paris what shit hole have became, I am sure it's native citizens regret WW2 ending.

>Public opinion in UK won't tolerate it once it gets beyond certain limits.'

If only he'd been right there..

I believe medical term is ''mental retardation''
they've been brainwashed by some internet circles into
A) believing Nazis were something they were not
B) Nazis winning (this is very hard to imagine in the first place) would mean a better world

In reality Nazism would be same shit or slightly better (for Germans) communism, but end result would be the same, only with more casualties.
Commies didn't mind spilling blood, and spilled it a lot, but communism is in it's own way a humanist ideology, so they at least had some restraint about spilling blood.
Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Czechs, they all survived communism.
Nazis had no restraints, they literally planned to exterminate half of European continent. If they won, that would only reinforce their lunacy and their belief they are right. They would kill hundreds of millions. I doubt they would stop at Europe.

ok fucktard, you know nothing about both of them seems.

But for you communism destroyed all elites, Nazis didn't. Go read about Gulag and replica in all other countries.

Agreed OP

No, your grandfathers where stupid because they died for the jews. Now go and suck israels kikey dick.

You fucking moron, read about AB Aktion and Intelligenzaktion.
I intensely dislike communism, but NS was the most inhumane, insane ideology ever devised by a man, outside of some fringe cults.
That's why you niggers don't even propagate real NS here. Real NS is horrific.

These soldiers had no idea what they were fighting for. Propaganda worked well on people before the internet

I feel you dude, you are half nigger, on the black list, no need to scream, so I understand why you are angry, .. but sorry, Europe is for whites.

>says no one here propagates NS
>thinks he still has a point
Way to trip yourself moralfag

I almost agree with you but we've never seen capitalism in the worst of times because capitalism in America has never caused the worst of times. The great depression happened because of crop failure due to ignorance of good mass production farming technique

Annnnd theres the kicker. The US gubbment doesnt want an educated voter base

I'm a Serb you retarded fuck. Why the fuck would a Romanian say something like that?
And you know nothing about NS.
Point of NS was racial Darwinism. Do you understand what that means?
They saw the world only through the lens of racial confrontation.
When you say Hitler ''respected other races'', do you think that meant he drew some lines where his conquests would end?
Nope, that was just the first phase, to put it like that.
It wasn't even some scientific thing, rather mystical bullshit about Aryans and how Germanic/Nordic race is at the top and what not. Solipsism, only on racial/ethnic level. Total negation of any sort of natural law, besides the law of the stronger. I'm not saying anything precise because their views varied, but allegiance to German nation and Germanic race was present in all of them, racial bullshit aside.
Their vision of the future was further confrontation, slaughter, until all that remains are Germanic people, masters over whatever humans remain.
Obviously I'm speculating, I'm not saying they made detailed plans, but given their logic this is the only possible outcome, the apex of their ideology.
If they somehow won, do you think they'd give a fuck they were allied with Romania at one point because of realpolitik?
Maybe Hitler's successor decides to cleanse entire Europe of non-Germanics. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he doesn't want slaughter, so he'll just make everyone German, at least those who remain.
But point is, once these people won, in their minds they are infallible, their ideology is vindicated. Their apetite and extremism would only grow. They would push for further conquests, because conquest means more land, more resources, more power.
Even if their ideology loses it's teeth over time due to practical reasons, one thing is certain, they would kill and devastate so much more than communists did.
They were like Mongols, only these Mongols had an actual ideology instituted from the top, a real direction.

they died under the orders of a LIBERAL and by the JEWS who wants the secure their existence.

it took 70 years for us to realized how ridicilous it is to fought the nazi.

Yes, because you people are like ''fellow travelers'' of communists.
You don't really understand the reality and implications. You live in some delusional world, like they believed USSR was truly the workers paradise and what not.
You don't understand what you propagate.
Especially not non-Germans/Germanics here.
What the fuck does that even mean?
Do you think morals are something bad?

We didn't go to war to stop fascism. If that was true why did we ally with fascist Spain afterwards.

We were perfectly happy to wait it out until 1944 when it was clear Germany was lost.

I wonder, what they would say, if they knew today that Jews are trying to turn their daughters into Neo-Marxists and demographically replace them in their own homeland.

I think, the overwhelming majority of them would have instantly joined the Wehrmacht.

>every. single. thread.

Do you have any idea how many victims communism made?? Seriously, you have any idea?

You only say "maybe".. Maybe, you know nothing.

Why you think everybody should agree with you? Because you say so?

Europe will only continue as a ethnic zone, else we can pack all stuff and move to America and don't give a shit about everything else, except the might dollar.

Fascism and National Socialism are two different things.
NS evolved from fascism, but what separates it from fascism is it's insane racial aspect.
Again, I repeat, I'm not saying all Nazis held this belief to the fullest, or that these beliefs were precise, or scientific, or that they ''wanted to kill non-blonde people''.
But they did observe the world through racial aspect, a clash of races.
Commies needed background for their crimes, you had to be a ''class enemy'', ''saboteur'', what not.
Nazis didn't need that bullshit. You're X, Führer said you're inferior, you are a target. All of your group are a target, based on some things you can't change, things you're born with.
The fact that they weren't precise in their racial ideas makes this even more scarier. That meant that those ideas were fluid and could change on circumstance.
If they won, their authority would be absolute, so they could institute almost whatever they wanted and it would be obeyed.

>hey did observe the world through racial aspect, a clash of races.
>implying it isn't

Tens of millions. I never ever defended communism. You have been brainwashed by some people here into believing there is a dichotomy between communism and NS.
Actually, communism (Marxism-Leninism, especially Stalinism) and NS are quite similar. Islam is another similar ideology, though obviously most benign out of these three.
>You only say "maybe"
Because I can't know something that never happened, but I can give an educated guess as to what would happen.
>Why you think everybody should agree with you?
Because my predictions follow a logical course and are rooted in facts.
>Europe will only continue as a ethnic zone
I'm not sure what you mean by this?
In case Nazis won?
Or now?
But you need to understand, my friend, is that Nazis weren't PRO-WHITE movement like American retards want to convince you on this board.
Nazis were German/Germanic supremacists. Do you understand the difference?
They didn't have the same concepts you do. Well, they had ''Aryan'' race, but all that shit was imprecise.
Some thought Slavs were Aryan (like Rosenberg), some didn't.
But whatever they were, their first plane was mass extermination of tens of millions of people.
They would repeat all the victims of communism in one region of Europe, in the span of few decades.
So if you hate communism, you need to hate NS too, because it's even worse insanity.

They literally were not though.

Winston Churchill's campaign slogan, even after WWII, was "Keep Britain White"

It isn't.
Furthermore, many of their predictions were idiotic. Starting from ''Germany is overpopulated''. You now live in a Germany that's even more populous than their Germany, are you starving?

What idiots here don't understand is that fascists like Mosley were people who held beliefs similar to theirs. Even Mussolini to some extent.
Nazis didn't hold those beliefs. Nazis were strictly German/Germanic nationalist movement.
They didn't concern themselves with anyone else, outside of political/practical concerns of course.



By your logic, our ancestors also saw nothing wrong with slavery

Here's the general reason that people do here, explained by a former U.S. Navy Commander
Regardless, it's still mildly retarded imo, and I think it's mostly people memeing like autists as per usual.

so from everything you said, comie = nazis = bad. ok.

WHAT'S left dude?? where you want to go? multiculture? or ? Care to explain? What utopia you have in mind?

Furthermore, again, there is a big difference between racist beliefs (races are different, liking your own race, people should stay in their own regions) and Nazism.
Nazis weren't ''defending'' themselves from anything, outside of their propaganda.
Read fucking Mein Kampf.
Hitler openly says their plan is to conquer Eastern Europe and colonize it.
Nazis weren't defenders, they were aggressors, and they were fine with it. After all, in their view, entire human history and future is struggle of races/groups, and they wanted their group to prevail, to be the only one standing.
And they wanted to achieve this as quickly as possible.

I don't think you meant to say overpopulated, but a too high density of people living in a too small country. And that is indeed true for Western Europe, but especially for Germany. And the fact that modern human has accommodated to these dehumanizing conditions, especially in the inner cities, does not disprove it. And we're not starving thanks to modern agriculture and imports.

And it absolutely is. Maybe you should live in the West for a while and experience diversity first hand. Might be enlightening. Or simply look at the role of the Jews in the demographic replacement of white Americans as a tool of power. cis.org/Jewish-Stake-Americas-Changing-Demography

But I'm sure, you're educated enough to rationalize that away.

Fascism is why I exist so I guess it cant be that bad

Shit, you are horribly under educated

>what's left
Shitload of other political positions.
>what utopia
What fucking utopia? Utopia is a concept, it will never exist.
Communism is also utopian, and far more utopian than Nazism.
How did that end up?
Beware of utopian ideologies.
But my whole point is, people you are defending were not the people you think they were.
Your vision of Nazism is mythological bullshit invented in post-war America.

Historical illiteracy. They where fighting Germany's european imperialism, not fucking fascism

my grandfather was an italian soldier and he got captured by allies.

>they wanted their group to prevail
>to be the only one standing

And do you want to complain about German colonies? Compared to what? Britain or France? The British starved 20 million Indians to death on one occasion. No concentration camp needed for that.

>Shitload of other political positions.

start talking here, i wait

Better a Nazi than Red.

I'm not rationalizing anything away, and my own beliefs are quite ''Nazi'', according to modern political lingo.
But being against immigration, believing that race isn't meaningless, believing that cultures aren't equal, that's totally different from being a National Socialist.
You can disagree with all those things without going down the same path they did. All it takes is some fucking education.
Explain what I said wrong, just saying it like that is useless.