Do women just want men to be pussies?

Do women just want men to be pussies?

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>there are men out there who will unironically follow that advice.

Sad days.

Real good statements for men to practice :
>Not on my watch
>My God and my King
>Let's settle this with a fight
>Let's train
>Let's pray
>Let's meditate

Yes. And they want to fuck the few that aren't. It's pretty much natural selection - weed out weaklings that aren't willing to stand up for family, tribe, etc. and breed with the ones that do. Feminism makes much more sense if you look at it that way

That hair should be an immediate dead give away that this is not a woman but cancer incarnate.

Sort of, my guess is theyre just virtue signaling, or rather jus weeding out the beta males they wont breed with.

>9) I've prepped the bull

The list says
>how not to get laid ever 101

>10) Thank you for buying soy milk again

penis envy and inferiority complex.

no, it's just a shit test

Women behave erratically and counter to their own interests, we only pretend they're human

>She wasn't finished

Sounds like a sexual innuendo to me.

>Bitch, shut up
>Bitch, make me a sandwich
>Bitch, time for some loving

That should be a list of things men should say to assure they will never get laid.

If you follow this, you are giving her power. She is looking for glorification of ego and a catapult to power, influence, and wealth.

I believe her when she says she wants these things, but don't think for a second its because you will get anything in return. This person is malignant and dangerous.

>acting a certain way because a woman wants me to

fuck off, pink haired half shaven headed mutant cunt. I bet she has HPV and herpes, bitches with unnatural hair color all have stank pussies.

No. They want the opposite of this and You're supposed to figure that out.

9) would you mind substituting that with soy milk?

no, they just want betas to serve them without getting sex in return
t. guy with girlfriend who likes being choked while fucked

>Do women just want men to be pussies?
Definitely not. They've just been conditioned by evil Marxist Jews to want to turn men into that. They still instinctively want assertive men to have sex and adventures with in their personal lives.

former incel turned cyborg chad, its pretty laughable how many women love being choked, while not admitting to it, or realizing that they do.

Truly the submissive sex.


#8 is pretty cool

Rape? Actually, it was her idea

Why would saying any of that make you a pussy? It depends entirely on the context.

the fact that she says this at all means she has an axe to grind. In any iteration she's a cunt. Imagine a normal person saying anything like this, or flip it and have a man posting it. Its like nails on a chalkboard.

Normal people don't post this kind of thing, because normal people understand nuance and context.

Take solace in the fact that people like her will forever be miserable and insufferable and die, punctuating an unfulfilling and worthless life.

#2 is the only one you should say, and only in a dickish sarcastic matter

Only say sorry for horrid shit like killing her dog or accidrntally punching her lol.

best thing to say is
"im sorry you feel/think that"


If a man made a similar list about women feminists would ruin his life.

Do literally the opposite of this list to get in bed with these women.


More like there are women out there that fully believe their own insane feminist bullshit.

Women out of control are symptomatic of Men turning into weak beta faggots. Next time a woman gets out of line, slap that thot across the face and educate her on her place in the pecking order of humans.

It's not until women re-learn something important in life.

The weak should fear the strong.

>I don't want to have to stand up for my self and self advocate.

>Do women just want men to be pussies?
Most of the time it's a test of your strength of character. But sometimes they are just resentful and hate-filled & projecting that onto the "other", like plenty of the posters on here seem to do

Dude, don't say that shit.

"Sorry is for criminals and screw-ups...and I'm neither one"
- Some Badass

>Normal people don't post this kind of thing, because normal people understand nuance and context.
Are feminists just female autists?


Good statements for women to practice:
>how much lettuce do you want on your sandwiches

Women are destroyers. They entrap the weak men like a venus fly trap.

In a way, it's good for the population because it separates the wheat from the chaff.

>that last one
wait that's the same person
what in the fuck is life

>Do women just want men to be pussies?

They do not. This entire society is just one giant shit test that's gotten way out of hand.

I'm sorry.

They think they do, but they don't. Women have no fucking clue what they want. In most cases just do the opposite of what they say and you'll do fine.


Bitter red-pill virgins and feminists are losers in the game of sexual selection. Neckbeards on the one side and legbeards on the other. I have the glimmer of hope that they won't breed and their toxic nature dies with them until the next cycle of decadence.

Good statements for women to practice;

1. Would you like a beer?
2. Can I make you a sandwich?
3. Let me give you a quick blowjob after you get off work.
4. I washed your car before you got up for work today.
5. House is clean!
6. I'm ready for more babies.
7. Dinner at 8 sharp.
8. Oh, I always shave down there.
9. I'm happy if you're happy,
10. I'm sorry for being a constant burden on you.

More drastic than Sosa's change.

>Not in my back yard


You forgot Deus Vult

if only

eww gross

For women to practice

1) that was my fault
2) I did it
3) I'll try harder next time
4) I don't know
5) maybe men didn't do this
6) perhaps I'm not entitled to it merely because it exists

>She wasn't finished

Kek do you say that to her bull???

>And this is what you look like without makeup.

it's a test
you lose if listen to them

They just want what everyone else wants, control over everything and everyone.

No, they're subconsciously weeding out the betas. Trust me I used to be like this, it took a while to realize it

Do you not understand that this conditioning by women is to weed out the fucking pussybois? All that is left are masculine, conservative men. These are the men they will fuck. This is the new method for women to choose the strongest mate. If you haven't caught on yet, then sadly you fall into the test group.


Fucking right! Exactly.

My burger

How about "Don't make me do that again."

no, it's a shit test
they are separating the male feminists from the actual men so they can know who to fuck and who to use as a beta wallet

Even this rich nigga learned.

Pretty much. One handsome alpha is all it takes to completel do a 180 on their feminist bullshit. A chad with a promising future will have the most diehard fanatical feminist polishing his knob inside a week.

Why? Because the alpha chad represents everything that society tells them will bring them pure happiness, completeness, a wealthy and healthy family and social acceptance from everyone in their own family.

Alternatively, being a feminist reject outcast is shameful and even they accept that. Most turn to feminism after they were traumatically rejected by a chad.

never skip leg day chloe

Soy boys already say that

Apologizing to a woman is the worst possible thing you can do

Once people realize this they are going to be getting so much pussy. When will people realize that liberalism is the exact same thing to a straight woman as having a cunt

>Do women just want...


Treat them as the property that they truly are, and want to be.

The Tru-Woman wants a Tru-Alpha Male to dominate them.

The rest they will put in their Cuck's Place.

>I'm sorry
Words you will never hear come out of a womans mouth.
Men are immoral and women are amoral.
Meaning that a man will do something wrong, he'll know its wrong, he'll admit its wrong but will still do it.
However a woman will do something wrong but will always have an excuse as to why she did it so it's not her fault.
E.g. "I cheated on my husband with another man, but thats because hes never home and here for me".

Revised list
Good statements for men to practice
>muh dick

I'd contend that the same could be said for most men on this site. At least half would abandon all "red-pills" for even the opportunity to touch a halfway decent looking roastie. Rejection and the mental gymnastics that follow can really do a number on the human psyche.

t. woke autist

>before Sup Forums, after Sup Forums

men, evolutionarily speaking, have to be sorry because they are more at risk for social ostracizing, which no human being likes.

Women get the puss pass due to evolution and having eggs.

Women are children. They never grow out of the immature mentality stage. You will rarely if EVER see a woman say she's sorry and accepts full responsibility.

Most are incapable of taking the blame, because they're women. It's a baked in survival instinct, absolutely indicitive of the female's innate weakness and total reliance on guile to survive a harsh world, ruled by Men.

Men can survive accepting responsibility. Women can't and any woman that refuses to take the blame is admitting her inferiority to the male human.

Good. They fail the shit test, women don't fuck them, they don't pass on their weakness to the next generation.

100% true.
You bump into a guy at a club you say sorry because he might try and fight you or vice versa.
Girl bumps into you or another girl, doesn't say anything and walks away.
There is more consequences for men.

Nope, they just want to be correct all the time, the center of attention, and alleviated of all responsibility.

Western women. This is why going MGTOW and banging hookers is the most intelligent option. If you want kids, find them elsewhere.

Women are children until they reach like 45+.
Ever notice that woman who are like 50 or 60 are way more based?
That's why the only women who could make decent leaders like Margaret Thatcher have to be over 50.

> Good statements for feminist to practice
> Its not rape because Achmed is a deprived minority
> I can barely move because I'm a fat piece of shit. I can't understand why I can't find a good man.
> I have two black children with Jamal, and the death of me, I don't understand why nobody wants me.
> I'm a cute girl that is weird and farts, I can't understand why no one wants me.

shit test

Yes thats right, don't marry a white woman and have beautiful white children that will fight back against us.

It is about control... It is unconscious.

>halfway decent looking roastie

Men learn early on that an attractive woman offers little more than sexual gratification, and even then only briefly.

There's only room for one leader in a relationship, and that's reserved for the strongest personality. Women, even if highly attractive, retain no leadership abilities, and thus are expendable.

If you're talking about some preteen betas, sure, they'd probably abandon their cringe kekistani flags for a 5/10 pussy, but most of Sup Forums are not such depraved cretin. I'd sooner marry a 4/10 uggo that knows her role than some high maintenance roastie slag that has taken more loads than a washing machine.

No. Women are disgusted by weak men. Women just like to test and challenge.

may be the same for both sexes though.. young rulers tend to go to war which isnt possible as a strategy in this age

There's a reason that liberal women are obsessed with abortion and birth control, and conservative women aren't. They don't want a weak man's seed inside them. Liberals breed far, far below replacement level, conservatives have kids.

Feminism is the biggest collective shit-test in history

dude you don't understand how a woman thinks. they want you to say that but they don't need that. they need a man and that is what they cling to. it doesn't matter what women want, what matters is what they need and they only realize what they need once they meet a man.

of course, women are the gatekeeprs to sex and they always collect their toll

i say those things when i just don't give a shit about that person and want them to leave me alone
when i act like myself im usually a bit agressive and egoistic

Has anyone else reached a state of pure apathy about shit like this?
Seeing posts from dumb feminists like this used to make me mad but now I just feel completely indifferent because there's so many bigger problems in the world that these people have no idea about.
The things that these people are concerned about seems so far detached from my own reality that I almost feel like they're living in a separate world.

Not true, JFK did the opposite.
But if you look at even in the work force women always make shit leaders, i've seen blokes who were like 25 who were fantastic leaders.
It's not everyone it's only chicks they have a immature mind until they reach like 50.

poor saps.

There are white women outside of the West and that is what I am referring to. Past that, Asians and many South Americans are a much smarter place to find a partner if you want to be treated like a man and not have your life ruined. It can still happen, but the odds are a little more in your favor.

Alternatively, you can be a hardcore white Western Woman lover and get cucked by the legal system here. I don't care. It's your life.

>cyborg chad

You forgot the 14 words

0)Shut up, whore.