Christianity is the worst thing to ever happen to white people

Cucked them eternally to the Jew. Destroyed Rome. "Forgive your enemies" nonsense. Caused the Dark Ages. Why do you still worship a Jew?

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>tfw christianism is also part of the reason Hitler lost

Spaghetti no Popetti

Only thing that is worse thsn christianity is satanism.

get out of here noodlenigger

More Masha


Paganism is the answer.

>"durr Christianity is degenerate"
>posting loli

That's the Evola pill in a nutshell. We need to get back to our traditions, but the nearest tradition we know is cuck poison. Enter, le black pill

>italian tries to larp this hard against the church
>is being colonized by the third world
enjoy your second fall of rome mario

kys pedo its not her

>Destroyed Rome
Degeneracy, women influencing politics and successive barbarian invasions destroyed Rome.
Christianity saved everything you loved about civilisation.
And it will again.

It's not? Must be the pose making it llook like.

>you know that religion that got conquered by Christianity, yeah we need that again
How fucking cucked do you have to be to get conquered by christcucks?

Oh my god I fucking agree so much. I was raised as a Christian but I believe I have seen the light.

Every Christian I know is a civ nationalist who donate to charities in Africa. They're cucks.

The way to start a revival of paganism is to erect monuments and idols to the gods once again...

I doubt (((they))) would allow you to do that though.

nazi flag checks out


>Christianity saved everything you loved about civilisation.

The Renaissance was not Christian but a rediscovery of classical Greco-Roman values. That's what saved the West. Christianity did not do shit.

The more protection women have by law through the state, the more degenerate a society becomes.

With law women become independent, free to make demands and destroy the society they inhabit. Without the law, they must anchor themselves to a man and raise his children.

Prove you are not an absolute kike by saying something about God.





looks like mario didn't even respond to me, he's busy being culturally enriched by his colonial masters, but he still has to larp against the church so abdul won't sell little giovanni when he decided to beg for money in Turin

I build small shrines in the forest sometimes.

>muh mental gymnastics
>look guys, we don't actually have to love our enemies or turn the cheek like jesus says
>my interpretation allows us to gas the kikes and genocide shitskins! praise the king of israel!

Irish monks preserved the works of antiquity. Had it not been for Christians, all that knowledge would have been burned by Odinist snow apes chimping out.

christianity was a gift from the jew to stop white people from destroying themselves through degeneracy. it's the only way to keep whites in line, they aren't mentally strong enough to develop their own ideology. but wwii proved that religion was no longer enough to stop whites from destroying the world. pray the jews accomplish their mission before whites are able to take too much power

How can I possibly be a kike? Christianity is kikery. Paul was a Jew, Jesus was a Jew.

Being anti-Christian is being anti-kike.

glad i'm not the only one.


Or preserved neatly in the library of Alexandria?

Educate yourself on paganism you filthy pleb.

Oh wait, you can't because the Vatican stole all pagan literature and locked it away in a vault so you can never know your true history.

Oh look, another religious D&C thread right after the other one died.

>Calls Christians cucks
>literally worships a god that gains power by drinking semen


>Irish monks preserved the works of antiquity.

Arabs did. In any case, in Christianity was the white man's downfall. Then and now.

It doesn't matter if Christianity used to be good or not. All that matters is how it is now. Would you eat a piece of fruit that has gone rotten just because it used to be ripe?

Sorry for bumping this shill slide thread too.
Meet me here:

>the vatican is all 2 billion christians, we are all the same hive mind

>doesn't realize Christianity literally calls jews the synagouge of satan, sons of the devil, and anyichrists.



year -100: Rome conquests the Mediterranean coast, including Judea
year 0: Jesus is born
year 100: Rome has smashed two jewish rebellions. well, Sup Forums christians told us that Jews totally love pagans tho, so may be jews wanted to be smashed. Rome extends all the way to Persia
year 200: Rome has overextended, and faces a crisis
year 300: Rome converts to Christianity. according to Sup Forums christians, Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION, so it will surely save Rome from the crisis!
year 400: Oops, it didn't. Well, Rome deserved to fall anyways. Romans were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they were corrupted
year 500: Christianity is a religion of earthly power and cultural survival so it will at least keep the Mediterranean in control of christian kingdoms
year 600: Oops, North Africa is lost to Islam. Well, north africans deserved it, they were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they were corrupted. Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION that is the only reason why Roman Culture was preserved.
year 700: Oops, it has lost its Holy Lands. Well, Palestianian Christians were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION. Now it will REALLY contain Islam. Oh, Spaniards were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS either btw. Everyone knows Christianity is the only way to protect yourself from islam.
year 800: Charlemagne has decided that Jews should be the only bankers of his Empire, and the Church starts a series of edicts to protect them in case they need to move to a different christian kingdom when the farmers get angry. Jews totally hate Christianity tho, this is another shoah!!
year 900: Sicilians were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS. Christianity is a religion of Earthly Power and Cultural Survival. Now it will REALLY contain Islam.

>muh dark ages


Is that masha

year 1000: Did I tell you that it was Christianity that made Europe conquer the World because it is a religion of EARTHLY POWER AND CULTURAL CONSERVATION? The real problem is that there have not been any real christians up to this point. Christian Europe never let the kebab problem get too out of hand
year 1100: Now that the Crusaders have started, you will truly see how Christianity made Europe strong.
year 1200: Okay, Saladin recaptured Jerusalem, but the Crusaders were not REAL CHRISTIANS, that is why God abandoned them.
year 1300: Byzantines were NOT REAL CHRISTIANS, they didn't pay their debts so it is OK to sack them. Please remember Christianity is the religion of Earthly Power and Cultural Survival of Europe
year 1700: BTW all these Enlightenment philosophers with strange religiois ideas that are discovering a lot of stuff and making inventions are REAL CHRISTIANS.
year 1800: WTF!! FRENCH REVOLUTION!! SECULARISM!!!!!!! Europe is finished!!!! By the next century it will be conquered completely!!!
year 1900: Huh... European Empires have just conquered the entirity of Africa and Asia (minus China and Japan) plus Australia in one century, Darwin has published a theory about the origin of the species that contradicts the Bible, the political power of the Churches has been decimated by the rise of Nationalism and the Pope himself has declared himself a political prisioner in Vatican City... AT LAST!! A TRULY CHRISTIAN AGE!!! Christianity is what made Europe GREAT!!! See now?
year 2000: The Jews that Charlemagne provided with vast economical power have completely hijacked our civilization. DAMN IT!!! It would have never happened if you had adopted REAL CHRISTIANITY!!!!
year 2100: Europeans were not REAL CHRISTIANS so it is okay that they got replaced by BASED AFRICANS.


It doesn't matter what you call them, if you're unable to act against their plans or solve the problem then you may as well not know your enemy.

Now that the bible has defined your enemy (the synagogue of satan) what does the Christ demand that you do with this knowledge? Burn them at the stake? No, this is a fate reserved for innocent pagans.

You are, of course to love the jews and turn your cheek to them. If they sue you give them your cloak also. Buy a sword but never use it, or you will be rebuked by Christ and your enemy made whole by him.

In Christianity to know your enemy is to know your master. You will submit to him and he will answer to God in the afterlife.

>cited references
>some christcucks said it so it must be true
Christians are slimy lying kikes.

Really? Our morals made America. Being taught decency and having it reinforced made it so we could live our lives without killing and stealing. The worst part is people suggest replacing religion with nothing. You can't say parents are going to teach kids morals because every parent is different. School and facebook arent the structure to a kid's life. Police won't teach either.

pagan larpers like to ignore that part because it doesn't suit their stormfront inspired narrative

t. faggot maori lmfao

Checked. And well said.

>quoting a book written by a Jew

None of the sagas or the vedas describe the eating of semen. This is a lie made up by a liberal kike who interpreted odin's sacrifice of himself to himself as ejaculating and eating the semen because Jews have a mental illness and must pervert all that doesn't belong to them.

the same pagans conquered most of europe, the same pagans brought piracy and terror throughout coastal europe, they were more anti-white than the early church

lmfao hiarious bro i guess everything i said was wrong xD

1. I'm whiter than your criminal petrol huffing ass
2. Kill yourself you shit eating assuppet

t. virgin kiwi lmfao

>not true scotsman

What do you mean by this and where do you hear this from?
I'll be in this thread gathering dust waiting on your answer.

holy shit christcuck absolutely fucking rekt lmao

Figure it out for yourself you fucking lemming.

To convert them so aren't jews anymore

>implying I used that fallacy

You're an idiot who will use a blatantly marxist source to justify your own marxist beliefs.

>Look guys homosexuality is okay! I perverted your history to prove so! Yay!

Read pages 204 and 205 of Mein Kampf neopagan skinny bois.


Not really.

It logically stands but taking other scriptures into account - it falls a part.

why didn't the west adopt some sort of mythology instead? like greek or norse.

>i-it's not r-real guys i swear

Because greeks and romans were literally faggots

mfw probably less Italian than you

The west needs Islam. White muslimahs like pic related love kids and want nothing more than to get pregnant. They also value modesty and reason.


It started with the Edomite priests from Hyksos Egypt around 1650BCE, they had a really cool book about how to talk to demons through possession, it was Lucifer's gift to enslave mankind out of envy.

These nasty priests start up Babylon and get shot down by Sumerians. So they made a deal with the Sumerians and started Judaism around 300BCE.
All Abrahamic religions are Lucifarian spirit binding ego trap full of inconsistencies so that stupid people accept it and intelligent folks balk at it. Mission accomplished for Moloch

It was in fact an article written by a jew and there's no norse writings that ever describes this claim. Your turn


His only citation is the myth Germanic myth of mandrake growing beneath gallows and the mandrake being used as a regent in rituals.


>guys i swear i-its not real

or we murder all the muslims and force convert women to whatever religion europeans follow there

imagine poping that zit with a baseball bat
you see it go " plomp" and she aches in pain as the puss starts excreting that shitskin pus

getting awful dusty already.
This was your proposition which has no bearing in anything I have read, including the Bible.

Am I to understand you have no means to defend your own assertations?

Repeating the same non-argument

Ah, a fellow based Christian. I can trust what he says. He is my greatest ally.

I abhor my history and my people. I am made whole by the Jewish nation. Praise hashem.

Checked for quality


True. If only Whites adopted Islam, we could be in Betelgeuse now enslaving the local (((aliens))) and putting them in Whit eAfrica


this is the most retarded shit i've ever seen in my life.

Kill yourself kike.

Christians BTFO

Speghetti Niggers are the worst.

Oh look another one of these threads
Where op never says why Christianity is bad for whites (whatever thay means) and proceeds to claim paganism/atheism is the answer
>but muh Christian values is what got the west into its current situation
Kek yeah no,if anything the west is in decline thanks to the abandonment of Christian values
Can't wait to see what generic bullshit you reply with

Pic related are the "Cucks" who marched across Danubia to save Europe, and they marched with the Cross painted on their shields. The marched across Europe proper and absolutely fucking wrecked your pagan "ancestors". Look, don't get me wrong, there's nothing more frustrating than the fact that soyboys have taken the main face of the Church via the Novus Ordo mass, but, for fuck's sake, Catholics are waking up damn quick and they're the ONLY fucking "mainstream" community you can talk about redpills with outside of Sup Forums.

I went to the Tridentine Mass last week, and what was the homily about? The Fall of Western Civilization. I went to the Tridentine Mass the week before, what was the homily about? The Masculinity Crisis. You want to reclaim your heritage? You want the Europe of yesteryear? Get your ass back in the fucking cathedrals. Take your family, your friends, and I promise you, you will discover the flames of Nationalism — no, not cucked out Civic Nationalism — burning loud and proud in the pews.

But, you'd rather wear a mjolnir and jackboots, right? I know. Larping is just too much fun.

It actually is not real, it's debunked and you have nothing to prove it with. What is your goal at this point?

I believe in what he had to say, and if more people did the world would be a better place.

Christcucks BTFO