I hope we get another decade like the 90s where everything is fun again

I hope we get another decade like the 90s where everything is fun again.

I don't know about you Sup Forums, but I'm sick and tired of outrage and controversy around every corner.

Doesn't it get old guys? I'm hate being angry at everything all the time.

Only if we meme it user.

10 percent of the us is pro Nazi
We only have a few more years and things will get good again



Exactly! Hypersensitivity is shit....

Why the fuck should I sacrifice my entertainment cause you might be offended? It's a joke, stop being offended, it's a game stop being offended it's a fucking movie etc.... I want to be able to say nigger or faggot in public without worrying about being doxxed or killed.

grow up faggot


You grow up leaf, realize life isn't about identity 24/7. Take some downtime and enjoy yourself.

My uncles have good stories about the 1970s.


depressingly true

Nice, insightful reply user. I know society is shit. I still wish we lived in less controversial times.

The price we have to pay for having the Internet. Would I give up the Internet for a fun society with 0 political correctness? Still haven't decided.

Not sure if I'll get a home I desire but damn it I'll settle with a compromise at this point. Too many people taking both sides of the coin seriously not realizing it's the same coin. The future cannot survive in such ignorance and boredom. It is the stale death of complacency and subjective egoism.

i think things are going to get much worse before they get better. i miss pre 2008 before smartphones and social media

Not sure what you are talking about OP, but the 90's were actually shit, maybe you were a kid and were unaware of things around you. The 90s was a renaissance of pop culture that really drilled itself into kid's heads, but that was a spell. Most 90's kids are the fucked up liberals we fight against on a daily basis. So, think on that.

This, social media seems to be sort of a failed experiment, it's great to see many people connecting at the same time yet it brings out the worst in us. We realize not everyone is in general the same at some level and so we chimp out due to our propagandized conditioning, and smartphones makes this so much more accessible so it becomes even more a part of our daily lives. We are bombarded constantly with this or that narrative and we get thrown for a loop if we are not hardened enough to not take the bait. Emotions are great for laughing and crying and in general being empathetic or more then just a robot. Yet if it gets too serious and controls our lives anything logical becomes moot.

I was born in 92, I had my edge anarchist phase, anybody who took punk rock culture seriously is a retard, it was all about anti-establishment yadayada, rustling the jimmies, now it's pol's turn, except this time there are those of us who really need a change.. not just trying to piss people off for the lulz.

or rather I should edit that, punk rock/grunge culture.

The 90's were the way they were through a combination of burgeoning technological progress beginning to disrupt societies in ways not accommodated for by corporations, and pre-millennial tension/fervor. You can't recreate those factors, so you can't recreate the 90s. What you can do, though, is take the positive impact that era gave you, and pass that on through your current actions.