Hibike! Euphonium 2

You could tell that he wants to Shuujaculate into her Kumikunt.

Tromboner X Euphole is the OTP

It's never happening.

Have you worshiped ribbon for today?

I wish she would train red ribbons too.

You're just increasing the possibility of a threesome for our boy Shoe

what a shitty fucking op

I hate her

>Shoefags relying on fanart to fuel their foolish beliefs

pleb max

Have you noticed something familiar?

I'm noticing a bit of QUALITY and off-model characters. That is familiar considering this season has had subpar visual quality, I guess.


And it's episode 8, too.

What's with the shitty shop of her monaka?

I like her a lot more in S2. She seems nicer and her interactions with people, especially Kumiko and Natsuki are great.

>tfw his only appearance last episode was getting pushed by Kumiko

*toot* *toot*

You know they have been hinting an original ending all the season.

the new aoi

what about that scene when he says to kumiko "asuka hasn't come today"

Only thing to like about Ribbon are her tears.

Shota Shu next episode?

What goes on in that strange little head of hers?

*bwoot* *bwoot*


She actually looks Japanese in that shot.


I bet Chikao will be... you know when it happens right?

In an alternate universe Ribbons is a member of the survival game club

>Mizore has probably only had about 15 minutes of screentime in total
>is probably one of the most posted characters in these threads
truly a top tier girl

Finger touching Kumiko's nose?

She's joined the rank of "Top-tier side characters that never get used" along with Midori and Hazuki.

She's also as cute as a button, which helps.

Please tell me Asuka gets hit by a bus or something. What an annoying character.

mockingly *Go park and get to dispatch*


>Please tell me Asuka gets hit by a bus or something
Be sure to watch episode 9

Trump won so everything can happen, I guess.

Except a romance ending

I won't take a side. Either couple is fine.

That is to conceal inadequately made stitches.

Updated with this week's episode.
Layout looks a bit weird now, any suggestions?

Is Mizore still the patron saint of second seasons?

Distribute the ones from this episode to the four corners?

What's the purpose of her role? How hard can it be to hit together pans and hit a drum?

Make the top right picture with the back of the heads smaller or get rid of it. It's a little confusing.

You have to get the timings right, not so easy. And if you fuck up everybody will hear it.

Doesnt Kumiko own a book written by Asuka's dad? Id love to see Kumiko read it again only to see Asukas name under the people the author dedicates this book to.

Last Season Meme Girls: Oboe & Fagott
This Season Meme Girl: Drummer Girl

Episode 1 at 13:22 has the book Asukas father wrote

Don't forget Grumphorn-chan

Why does she look so grumpy?

Asuka >>>> Meme Hair >>>> Crazy Dyke

T s u n d e r e

Senpai doesn't hang out with her.

>piccolo in the foreground
god damn

I love you guys, so here's a thing I made

Why is buchou so best?

>I wish I were as pretty as fagotto

I like it.

>implying they aren't flaming lesbians

No old men to please

Are we just ignoring the fact that Reina clearly has a crush on teach?


They'll at least portray how close Shuichi and Kumiko were when they were kids, and this will trigger yurifags.

Which is the more cancerous fanbase: Yurifags or Hetfags?

She's my top hibike



Unconventional hair style.

I like her little hearts barrette.

But for real why the fuck would KyoAni jew us this hard and give us Kumiko x Shoeshit when Kumiko x Reina will make the fans happier and raise the fucking sales

Kumiko x Reina is shit tier pairing. Yuuko x Natsuki is where its really at.

>their whole "relationship" is just Natsuki being an epic prankster and Yuuko just being annoying

Your pairing is shit, user.

And that's besides the point, we all know Natsuki prefers the dick. Reina is at least actually into Kumiko.

What we do know there are guys in both Reina and Kumiko's life. Doesn't matter if the anime shows shoe winning or not it will happen down the line.

The SunFes pic? I tried to find one of her with the snare drum but that was the only half-decent shot.
It's the only time they show us she playing snare, so I didn't want to leave it out.

Hm, that's a good idea
Thanks, user.

Kumiko doesn't even like Shoe though, it's a one way relationship and they're literally shoehorning this pair as kanon and I fucking hate it, they don't need to follow the book because this is better than the book at this point

Daily reminder that Reina is actually the biggest Shuumiko shipper in the series.

They're not shoehorning anything. They're not ending together KyoAni already confirmed it.

Daily reminder that this is just put into the anime to appeal to a wider demographic, and if Reina had free will she would definitely not support it. KyoAni's really milking the cow dry on this show and we all know it.

cute couple

It's good KyoAni toned down Reina's obsession with the teacher and upped the gayness with Kumiko in S2.


Best friends tease each other all the time. It's normal teenage behavior.

/u/ on suicide watch

The drama in this show is so forced. So scripted.

Why dont they just leave the characters and observe what happens? And then they'll make an anime frombwhat happens. Fucking hacks.

Oh wait...

This is what /u/ fags actually believe.

/u/fags probably more pissed fujos were rewarded with yuri on ice, meanwhile all they get is yuribaiting which goes nowhere.

I only agree with this sentiment for the Mizore/Nozomi drama. What exactly feels forced to you?

Reina's free will is currently tied to Taki's dick.

Kumiko happening on literally everyones drama.

Anime sims

Totally unscripted, we just watch what happens. That is true storytelling

I think the one that bothers me the most is with Asuka. She's trying so fucking hard to be edgy when she's like 18. Bitch, you aren't that tough.

Maybe she is. And you're not. That's what bothers you.

But hey, bitches be trippin, amirite?

I wouldn't call that forced, it's somewhat cheap yes, but I think it has only happened in S2 which I consider inferior to S1.

Hazuki is the cutest

When she removes her hairpin and cries, she was cute. But aside from that her design just sucks. Genki sporty loli moe is the worst

Does this shit look like Whiplash to you? Nothing goes on in that club.

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the series and there's no way I'm dropping it, but they could've at least made it episodic or, hell, some Amagami/Bartender style of script.
Kumiko eavesdropping and gossiping about everyone/everything feels just like a dumb Key VN.
Yea sure, the novels are told from kumiko's perspective but the anime isn't exploring the multiple stories connections to her life at all.

Not my fucking tempo, Cymbals-chan.

Now I want to see Red Ribbons and Cymbals get abused

>we are staying here all afternoon until one of these fag-ass cock sucking trumpet cunts can play the solo on time