Flip Flappers Thread

Who is best Papika?

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This anime kinda reminds me of Phantom World

I don't know about best... it's not even in the top 3.

No, I mean, which papika is best papika. In the last episode, there was more then one papika

Original still best Papina 2nd.
Also is that pic official? Why Yayaka so desperate?

I want more boy Papika

I want more every Papika.

Explain this.

Why do women enjoy this show?

Internalized homosexuality

Papina wants to throw caution to the wind and do something fun. Naturally, Coconuts refused.

They don't? No one does, it's only popular on Sup Forums

And twitter and reddit and tumblr

Flip Flappers is anime which took best from creativity of FLCL, plot deepness of Evangelion and symbolic surrealism of Utena.

Barely 11k followers

Not even top subreddit for new shows

All degenerate lesbian garbage is.

But that version of Papika was more a part of Cocona than it was the real Papika. It basically would have been masturbation. Also it would cheapen their real first-time.

Well I'm on Sup Forums right now almost entirely because of this damned wonderful show.

Curious decision by the creators to wait until almost halfway through the run to start putting out the good episodes.

Same thing happened with Phantom World

I really miss the tone of the first batch of episodes.

The more grounded PIs are definitely less interesting. I feel like the first 3 really gave us a range and a varied suite of PI adventures and 4-7 have all been relatively rooted in reality the the point of losing the charm of being different worlds

Someone help me i had a dream that somewhere in the next 2 episodes Yayaka gets hurt bad, i need reassurance that best girl will be fine.

Hopefully Papika's rocket ship signals a return to a more whimsical PI and a happy ending.

Her heart gets broken.

It's inevitable.

What's wrong with you people? Last week's episode is the best one out so far.

I guess they want less character drama and more MAD MAX: YURI ROAD stuff.

It was good and fun as always, but much weaker than 5 or 6.

No way bro

The show is just not that exceptional at character drama and ep7 was not a particularly great example. Sure it had some mildly interesting stuff to think about for 10 minutes but the experience of watching the actual thing didn't live up to the previous eps

I think I'll abstain from watching previews from now on. I'd rather go in naked.

They've been using PI to develop character nuance and advance drama that could just as easily have been done in the real world.

The writing has bee good, but compared to strange and dangerous adventures as dust bunnies in vacuum incinerators, it feel like these last few PIs aren't really using the concept in an interesting way

Last week's episode was episode 6, unless you somehow live somewhere where it is Sunday.

I think there wasn't really anything wrong with 3, 5 and 6 PIs but going back for a quasi-real world PI with a gimmick that many shows have used before just to push some kind of character point that could've been incorporated into the plot in a different way that took better advantage of the possibilities of the setting wasn't the best move.

Personally, the characters are okay and all but the best asset of this show is the setting possibilities. Ep8's preview is perfect in this sense. Ep7 threw that away for something that felt undercooked, personally. We are presented with this rift in Cocona's and Papika's drive yet we don't get to see them actually interact while in that no-sync mode or face any true difficulties due to that; only Cocona's mindfuck journey is shown and it feels like they used PI as an excuse to have this kind of episode, rather than the more organic gradual development of the setting that goes along with the character development.

Drillika #1

I want to FUCK Yayaka.

No one wants to fuck you Yayaka.

I do though?

Probably for the same reason you do?

You're mad...This Episode was every bit as fabulous as the preceding. If there was a "weak" Episode, even though I'm sure I'll catch ALL KINDS of shit for this from those Who'll say, "OH BUT IT WAS THE ONLY EPISODE THAT MOVED TO FURTHER ELABORATE ON WHATS GOING ON IN THE SHOW!"

To me, that's simply not going to hold water with my thoughts as a viewer. If the Creators behind this were going to allow even the smallest damn bit of Information as to exactly WHAT THE HELL We're watching, and solely intended EP #6 to 'SUDDENLY EXPLAIN' a GRAND majority of the ridiculous running mysteries, and "unknown unknowns" in this Series, then I would tell them and their shit "Story-telling" to suck a dick.

I bet every member of the Crew is tipping their fedora as I write this...

Your writing style is unintelligible and obnoxious

>You're mad...This Episode was every bit as fabulous as the preceding. If there was a "weak" Episode, even though I'm sure I'll catch ALL KINDS of shit for this from those Who'll say, "OH BUT IT WAS THE ONLY EPISODE THAT MOVED TO FURTHER ELABORATE ON WHATS GOING ON IN THE SHOW!"....than it would have to be EP #6.

Sorry about sending that before finishing up my first sentence. Pragmatists!

>Who is best Papika?
The one with bedroom eyes



Did they air episode 8 and 9 or was it just a preview? Any spoilers?

Ka > Yo > No > Na > Ko > Wo > To > A > Ya

Ka > Na > Ya > shit > all other Papis


I remember this thread quite well.



Let's make this the greatest 10 minutes of our lives, Yayaka.

What exactly does Yayaka mean by lifting her skirt like that?


They translated that one user's Cocona poem too.

Did Papika encounter different Cocos?

Lipstick on a Papika is just wrong!

Pls translate

>hey kid, wanna /cream box/

Don't know why but the one with drills really got me. Like her voice and the way she moved snd express herself caused a small twinge in my heart.

It's a japanese translation of the Sup Forums thread when that image came out and everyone thought cocona was going to die so that the japs can laugh at how wacky the stupid gaijins are.


Have a feeling that despite being rational Cocona is a very influenced person. Even if we can't see to who the other's PI belong, Cocona is still influenced by them, just like she lets herself be influenced by Papika. At this time she has a weak personality, emotionally fragile. Yayaka don't, likewise she never lets herself be influenced by PI.
PI in some episodes served to demonstrate this, now we're going into a deeper level handling with how it influences and is influenced by reality and people.

Just the imouto coco. After a few days of that going nowhere PI gave up.

Here is your "translation":



I bet aliens do something similar.

>this scene I thought only that it is a romantic situation. Was fooled!
I love google translate

It kinda reminds me of Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai.

Papiyo has the best personality, but Papino is the cutest. Drills a shit.

> Papika is actually Cocona's grandmother
> Salt is Cocona from the future

And none can compare to the real Papika

I really want to date Papiyo.

Papika isn't real


Drillika #1

I... I wrote a song for Cocona.

You are my Cocona
My only Cocona
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my Cocona away

I hope she'll like it.




2ch pls go and stay go


Copypaste from last thread. Yayaka episode incoming fellow Yayacucks.

This show wants to be Yuri Kuma so bad but it lacks Ikuhara's vision and tries to make up for it with pretty backgrounds and animation


Post Papia

Those were supposed to be different boys?

Episode 8 or 9 where Yayaka gets beat out of the job?

> translate.google.com/translate?js=n&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://solitarybee.hatenablog.com/entry/2016/11/05/194408

> This is a very fine detail, but Papika obviously does not know exactly anything about table manners, but still intentionally imitates Cocona in order to be polite.

Holy crap I missed that.

> These genre nachos I thing that apposite as the beer or female genitalia, and female genitalia.

What is this I don't even...

Was obvious enough from the preview imo

This shot of Cocona is driving me crazy.

Guess this individual is a PI boss like plant loli in mad max world.

Nah, apart from like episode 5 with the mixing of horror and yuri elements, it isn't like YKA at all.

I can't be the only one who finds the way those awkwardly long fingers tug at the edge of her skirt to be strangely erotic.

It's almost like a tease.


I love this shot and the one of the cityscape. It seems to indicate that we'll get a return to the crazy and colorful variations of PI.

>This shot of Cocona is driving me crazy.

Why? It's the same shot that appeared in episode 1, where she checks herself in the mirror before leaving for school.


Friendly reminder that Cocona wears long stockings that go above the hem of her skirt because she has a large, visible scar in her thigh where her shard was embedded. She uses the stockings to hide it, and this is also why she's so meticulous with fixing her skirt and over-reacts in the early episodes whenever Papika gets touchy with her. She's afraid of revealing the scar

It really does look great.

Agree, the lesbian introspection and rule of rose worlds were cool but we haven't seen much action after ep 3. I mean Yuu has to punch someone with that arm.


Oh man, I kind of loved these more grounded but more...contemplative? PI's of the last few episodes. They presented their messages very clearly unlike the first two where all theories feel like wild guesses. Hope we get more PI's like that

I'm a retard so I fucking love these threads for pointing out neat things like this.