Can we at least all agree he literally did nothing wrong?

Can we at least all agree he literally did nothing wrong?

He traded planets with space jews despite having the power needed to genocide them. He did EVERYTHING wrong.

But he did. He should have trained during a longer time. Four months weren't enough.


I doubt that anyone was distraught to see the saiyans wiped out.

>did nothing wrong
>Hire Zarbon

Didn't procreate despite an excess of wealth and being, genetically, the most powerful being in the universe.

>creating competition

Fuck Cell, Fuck Boo
Freezer will always be my favourite.

Speaking of which, didn't Goku commit actual genocide by killing Frieza?

Freeza was a fantastic villain. I don't think any other DB villains compare.

Vegeta was just arrogant, Cell was directionless, and Buu was just too stupid to know what he was doing. But Frieza was legitimately, irredeemably bad. He wanted to rule the entire universe. Even Zamasu would have afforded the mercy of killing everyone rather than rule them.

Goku didn't kill Frieza. Also neither he or his father were the last ones of their species.

>didnt procreate

>Goku didn't kill Frieza.
Well, he had no choice but to kill Frieza in Super, because Vegeta was having too much fun kicking his ass, and his complacency caused the whole planet to blow up.

But you're at least right about Frieza's species not being extinct. There could be a whole planet full of his own people, for all we know. And if we take Universe 6 into account, Frost is still alive.

Trips speaks truth, also he could have nuked earth from space.

>the sun is essentially a giant ball of energy that emits radiation
>Frieza could "nuke" Earth from space
>he unleashes his death ball from outer space
>it ends up having a sun-like effect
>parts of Earth that obtain limited exposure to the sun end up drawing energy from Frieza's death ball as a substitute
>Frieza ends up creating life instead of destroying it

Super isn't canon.

He could've also taken Tagoma's advice and continued rebuilding his forces and plying his planet trade in another universe quadrant well away from Earth. If he still wanted revenge, just wait until Goku and Vegeta have died of natural causes, rendering them unable to be revived via Shenlong ex Machina.

Then he'd have free reign on their descendants, as Gohan and Trunks are scientifically proven to suck without their fathers or evil androids to prod them into keeping up with their training.

Tagoma is also an idiot. He went from Ginyu to past Cell level in only 4 months. If he wasn't lazy, he'd be the new Frieza all be himself.

>all by himself*

Isn't Frieza a mutated version of his race? Maybe he wasn't able to procreate.

Well Tagoma was a super thing. In the movie he was killed by Frieza for questioning him and in hindsight it made more sense

Here's your reply, you autistic cocksucker.

The term "mutant" was thrown around quite haphazardly between the 80s and early 2000s, and it had a very different connotation from what it actually means.

Back then, it was used to describe anything alien, rather than unusual deviations from the norm.


He's basically Space-America.
>slaughtering villages
>enslaving an inferior race of monkeys
>waging war in the whole galaxy for no reason
>racist leader
i could go on and on


H-he's bald!

I'm pretty sure enslaving an entire galaxy, having a kill count in the millions and and just being a general dick is doing something wrong.

>by himself

Not really. Tagoma became so strong because he was used as a literal punching bag for Freeza during his training, which led to him becoming stronger and more durable. Tagoma becoming that strong wouldn't have happened under normal conditions.

So there's a difference between getting beaten up by someone and getting beaten up by someone much much stronger than you?

So what exactly IS Frieza? He calls himself emperor, but he sells planets to the highest bidder which would make him more of a mercenary, right? And his father is a king, so wouldn't that make him the prince? Or is Frieza in charge of the whole operation and did he just give his father a honorary title because he loves daddy that much? And where does Cooler fit into everything? And what's the deal with their race, will they ever be something other than "Frieza Race"? And we see Frieza has a father (canon) and a brother (non-canon), but does he have a mother? Does the "Frieza Race", whatever it is, reproduce asexually? We only have the games to go by at this point. And what happened to everything now that Frieza's no longer around? Sorbet was trying to deal with revolts, but they're selling planets, right? Why not sell all the dissenting planets at a discount instead of bothering to bring Frieza back from the dead only so he can die again 4 months later?

It's like Geekdom101 said: Toriyama is the opposite of Tolkien. Where Tolkien wrote entire backstories for even the most minor of side characters, Toriyama introduces shit he never explains and then never again mentions.

Frieza and his dad were "mutants" of their race.
Which means (in Dragon Ball) they were born with an unusually high power level compared to the rest of their race - Think of them as the "Broly" of their race.

they are a Master Race

she spins My head found round

Yes definitely. If you're playing chess against a GM you'd learn much faster than playing against someone equally ignorant. You learn through imitation

Frieza was based on Japanese land traders. So I assume he doesn't really sell planets as much as rents planets off to people. He essentially is the boss of a planet, but he doesn't need to govern, because the person renting the planet pays Frieza to live and govern the planet.