Are there any scientific proofs to the soy meme, or is the usual distraction?

Are there any scientific proofs to the soy meme, or is the usual distraction?

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some guy who has actual autism was screaming about it in a video so it must be true

t. Sup Forums

more estrogen in milk but they will never stop drinking that because of the white power meme.

Milk make bitchtits.

Androgens are known to have a structural effect on brain development, meaning if a chemical in soy inhibits testosterone or blocks androgen receptors while a male child is developing, the child's brain will be less masculine (permanently), and possibly his body as well. Don't know if soy specifically can block testosterone, but that's the meme
>A 60-year-old man was referred to the endocrinology clinic for evaluation of bilateral gynecomastia of 6 months' duration. He reported erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. On further review of systems, he reported no changes in testicular size, no history of testicular trauma, no sexually transmitted diseases, no headaches, no visual changes, and no change in muscular mass or strength. Initial laboratory assessment showed estrone and estradiol concentrations to be 4-fold increased above the upper limit of the reference range. Subsequent findings from testicular ultrasonography; computed tomography of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis; and positron emission tomography were normal. Because of the normal findings from the imaging evaluation, the patient was interviewed again, and he described a daily intake of 3 quarts of soy milk. After he discontinued drinking soy milk, his breast tenderness resolved and his estradiol concentration slowly returned to normal.

t. soiboi


>daily intake of 3 quarts of soy milk
A quart is almost a liter, wew

I've only ever seen that one GIF with him. A living Jojo character, another wew

and its added to crappy processed food more and more, so eat whole veg and meats especially chicken, snack on fruit and you will notice huge improvements to how you feel.

If I remember correctly soy doesn't necessarily increase estrogen. The problem with the study that was done (or at least the one that most people refer to) is that it's more a lack of meat in the diet that decreases testosterone and increases estrogen.

People on a high soy diet are usually vegans, and by not eating meat they are not getting much fat in their diet. Lack of fat in the diet will decrease testosterone and increase estrogen.

>3 liters a day
yeah and if you eat 3 kgs of dried fruits at 60 then you'll have estrogen problems, so obviously dried fruits are responsible for males becoming effeminate, not, you know, the media constantly promoting that bodytype

>t. Sup Forums


Yes, this is an extreme example, but what guarantee do you have, that smaller doses don't distrupt your hormonal balance as well?

beer is a problem too. which sucks I guess but, i mean beer often leads to degenerate behavior so, oh well.

we need to decide if the Official Drink of the Alt Rightâ„¢ is coconut milk or almond milk.

well, trans advice blogs & sites say this stuff too (i.e. soy = good for mtf, bad for ftm) so soy = emasculation isn't just some alt right meme.

eat more spinach, bananas, and pineapple.

cuz ur not a 60 years old man drinking 3 liters of it every day?
strangely soy has been cultivated for 10 000 years but only in the last 5 years has it caused a massive hormonal problem, or you know it's just a stupid meme and society just becomes more feminine in peace time

trans advice blogs recommend 50 million things, if we're not allowed to do anything those blogs say then we basically have to live on mammoth meat in a cave

Soy have appeared in white people's diet fairly recently, at lest in significant quantities. You can't a priori judge, that it has no adverse effects. Maybe those people that cultivated it for k years have evolved approportiate adaptations to it's consumption?

>Soybeans were first introduced to North America from China in 1765, by Samuel Bowen, a former East India Company sailor who had visited China in conjunction with James Flint, the first Englishman legally permitted by the Chinese authorities to learn Chinese.
guess americans were soyboys from the get-go then

hohoho I found something interesting here too
>A Hitler Youth manual from the 1930s promoted soy beans, which it called "Nazi beans" as an alternative to meat.

so it's those (((guys))) complaining about soy yet again

> at lest in significant quantities
I'm not discarding this outright, but i'd nedd the statistics on consumption throughout the history, which probably don't exist

Xenoestrogens are everywhere, focusing on soy is stupid

>my point can only be proven if people drink 3 concentrated liters of it at a stage in their life when they produce 0 hormones of their own
your point just isn't very good desu

nice stawman. My hypothesis still stands.
Soy consumed in significants amounts is a fairly recent thing in populations with europen ancestry, therefor you can't dismiss it's potential negative effects by claimng an analogy to different human populations (south-east asians)

well yeah I can, just look at this, it ain't, and you can't prove otherwise

whoa, you got me there.
All in all, I think that declining testosterone levels are caused mostly by a sedentary, and stress intensive lifestyle, but to say that chemicals, be it industrial, pharmaceutical or from a diet, have no effect on the hormonal balance, is to big of a claim to make

it's not chemicals though, it's just beans, it is quite difficult to cause change in a growing man's hormonal balance with literal hormone changing drugs, just ask any tranny, let alone with something that contains traces of something that could maybe effect a 60 years old guy by causing his breasts to feel a little softer than usual

I'd love to see a proper scientific study with a big sample, wonder if it exists. Is there any reliable literature about the effects of xenoestrogens?

I doubt anyone did that, because you realise that it's retarded with a minimal knowledge of biology
huh, don't you say. It seems that scientists are retards with a below minimal knowledge of biology

You clearly aren't as educated on the subject as you claim to be

It's been well known for decades

don't see anything about soybeans here
and you can't read scientific articles so I don't see why you keep bringing them up, you're like stoners bringing up articles about marijuana without actually reading them

it's a campaign by the dairy industry to reach out to the youthful spirit of memes

Soy has a tremendous amount of estrogen compared to otter foods. Milk and meat has a miniscule amount.

It's just a coincidence that male soy consumers look weak, sickly, and/or effeminate.

Plot twist, I've done some scientific work in my life.
>don't see anything about soybeans here
becuase you can't read scientific papers, lol

>Additionally, the flavonoid phytoestrogens genistein and naringenin were also identified as hSHBG ligands
>Amounts of genistein and genistin in soybeans, soy nuts and soy powder were in the range of 4.6 to 18.2 and 200.6 to 968.1 micrograms/g food, respectively. The values for soy milk and tofu (bean curd) were 1.9 to 13.9 and 94.8 to 137.7 micrograms/g food, respectively. Levels of isoflavones in fermented soybean products, miso (bean paste) and natto (fermented soybeans), were 38.5 to 229.1 micrograms/g food for genistein and 71.7 to 492.8 micrograms/g food for genistin

here is the proof

> These levels are much higher than those for Americans or Western Europeans, whose mortality rates for breast, colon and prostate cancers are greater than the Japanese.
and what is this one supposed to prove? that soy causes less cancer? when genistin is supposed to cause cancer?

you've done some pretty shit work then at some linguistics class, or done it for 5 minutes, if you've read hundreds of biology related scientific articles (LIKE ME) you'd know that these articles are just mounds upon mounds of shit, 99% of the results are just "idk maybe" like here
>Whether xenoestrogen SHBG ligands could reach high enough concentrations in the blood to expose humans to any such effect merits further investigation.
aka "idk maybe", people don't investigate if soybeans cause men to be more feminine because it's retarded and has no scientific or biologic ground

Fact: Americans eat more soy that the cultures who traditionally grow the shit.

I have seen some dumb shit on Sup Forums before, but this really takes the cake.

If "soy boys" are so thin or frail or whatever, then how come all the vegetarians I know are all muscular chads? Explain that retards.

If it's proven that xenoestrogens from food (including soy) can penetrate into bloodstream, and it can potentially have statistically significant effect on cancer rates, then maybe it validates the question, if that's the only thing it can influences?

The Soyim Know!

I'd love to discuss more, but I have to drop it here. g2g, bye

Ask The meme more then likely started there

>China Pop 1.4Billion
>US Pop .35billion

Are you really shilling for soy? The US consumes about the same amount of SOY that China does. It really makes the Ganglia Twitch.

Vegetarians dont necessarily consume soy. Should cognitive thought be this difficult?

Old women after menopause literally drink soy and other foods with high phytoestrogen content to increase estrogen. Look up "phytoestrogen" it's absolutely true.

is that an american fact?
>nothing related to hormones
this is far-fetched if anything, like this whole meme
americans eat a lot of shit, peanuts, corn, pretty much only americans eat those all day every day, your diet is just absolute dogshit, I think you have a myriad of other food problems to consider before soy
and europeans rarely even eat soy and they're arguably even more feminine than americans, so how does that work


Anybody who tells you only to eat less soy as some magic solution is a moron, it's a compounded situation with soy being only of the aspects, the other stuff comes from the chemicals in drinking water due to birth control, plastic being everywhere (especially when it comes to food) and the food on top of feminine behaviours being promoted.

Even if you just ate soy and drank milk you would still probably be fine if you'd lived somewhere innawoods and avoided plastic liek plague.