Is PJW controlled opposition?

is PJW controlled opposition?

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Of course.
Good for redpill about sjw/muslims, but dont expect this goy to make a video about the JQ or the true reasons of (((migrant crisis)))

I didn't know Brain Force contained Soy. Thanks, OP.

Reminder that on the day of the rope he will be the first to hang

why is his handle @prisonplanet

its time to unsubscribe, user.

more like @prisonbrainlette

Because he started the prison planet website.

What ever happened to him having the debate on holocaust figures?

He pussied out

Maybe, or the he's just fucking retarded.

Yes, definitely. As well as all of the other (((skeptics))).


All sodomites and their enablers are the enemy.

>tfw I eat Porridge it has Soya(Lecitihin) inside it.
Am I fucked?

He's right to be fair. Comparing a bunch of undisciplined, non uniformed Nationalist marchers with NSDAP paramilitary forces is extremely stupid.
>Most feared
Now that's stupid. I'd say the NKVD,League of Militant Athiests and Red Army were far more to be feared as history shown.

Besides the idiotic left have overused the word (((Nazi))),Fascist and (((Racist))) so many times now that is meaningless, so when a real one appears on the scene everyone will just shrug, the taboo is lost and its the leftists fault.


Since when was every member and supporter of the NSDAP in the military and highly skilled soldiers? There were ordinary people who had normal jobs, just like us, who affiliated with the Nazi party.

Of course but its clear he was referring to the army of Nat Soc Germany and most likely the Waffen SS.
At least that's how I see it.

Alex Jones doesen't look like he's using his own products.

Imagine his lips wrapped around the shaft of your cock, your glans pressing against his inner cheek like it's warm butter

Even the Red Army would've been beat if it wasn't for the allies aiding them. The reds weren't shit on their own.

Nah I follow him and he always bashes the alt-right and white nationalists. He claims that the tiki torches are stupid and pointless. If they were, then why did every Jewish media and 90% of Politicians shit themselves so bad after Charloetsville? Meanwhile no one cares about his videos cause they know it will change nothing where as large gatherings of white nationalists are an actual threat to ((them)). Maybe if London had white nationalists marching on the street a few decades ago, white Brits wouldn't be minorities in their own country these days


comments are heavily modded. anything referring to (((them))) gets removed pretty much straight away. the top comments are always normie tier meme spouting

>gay man talking about soy boys

If you're gay you're automatically peak soy boy.


I'm weary of this guy. I know Sup Forumss view is that he's "baby's first redpill", but what he really does is prevent any advancement. He just goes around in circles, shouting at the sky, going after the same targets that have already been destroyed, and are, at this point, trendy to rip on. Like all e-celebs, it's all about his e-celeb status, as he syphons from the current zeitgist like the fame-seeking (((opportunist))) he is.

We should really choose one of these e-celebs and meme them out of their existence. Not 'cause of politics, just for the lulz. Imagine their shock.

YES CUNT /thread

Still watch him though, beats the utter shit in the trending tab

>within 2-4 weeks
>the next day
nice try

someone get him some fucking chapstick.

if i have to look at his crusty lower lip one more time im voting democrat.

Imagine being that user that originally said soy boy and next thing you know they're talking about it on CNN and the BBC.

Not defending Mayne Straim Meateor man but a significant amount of the SA were veterans of WWI who were part of organizations like the Freikorps or Stahlhelm that put down the original Communist uprisings in 1919.

Probably soy lecithine, a thickener. I avoid it whenever possible.

do people seriously watch PJW?

he used to say that Trump was controlled opposition working for Hillary. he's a moron

The implication is that since he's visiting the gay community in a foreign country, he's already gay and infected. I don't know why I have to explain this.

If you need to ask this you don't belong here. Go back to plebbit.

>le based!

Paul Joseph Watson is an annoying cunt, who is only incidentally right about some things I align with him on because it was what he already believed, rather than having arrived at any conclusion due to reason. His video editing seems like it's straight out of MTV and changing his voice pitch to imitate the posts he reads is incredibly grating.

He's basically like a dumber, more annoying Sargon of Akkad.

>meme flag doesn't understand what the word within means
imagine my surprise

It's a way of filtering out the subhumans who actually buy shit from infowars.