Import millions of blacks

>Import millions of blacks
>Enslave them for centuries
>Expect them to not get tired of this shit and start chimping out

baka desu senpai

Other urls found in this thread:éon_Rom

>demand to be treated like people
>act like animals

>demand is denied
>acting like animals works
Blacks uncucked themselves by force, Respektable desu

>Be nigger slave in africa
>white man pays your master and brings you to american continent
>white man frees you
>say white man owes you money because he didn't free you fast enough after paying for your work, fair and square.

Certain portions of that greentext are missing regarding the forced labor at the threat of violence kek

Got to act like humans first to be treated like humans.

Daily reminder the slave trade was run by jews

The ultimate proof of the bullshit behind niggers' complaint is that none of them ever go back to africa.

If we did them such harm, and treated them so badly, they should just go home where they belong.

Which is why the south was btfo

Those blacks were property that we bought fair and square.

Niggers took niggers and turned them into property.

Whites took property, and turned it into people.

>be rape apes in the jungle
>superior rape apes capture you and sell you into slavery
>centuries later pretend you aren't just rape apes and demand rights

>ransacks your house
>sabotages you economically
>wtf? You dont want to remain in this condition???
Woahh... So this.... Is the Power.... Of conservative historical context....woww

>bought property that you knew didnt want to be enslaved
>shocked when the slave resents you and Fights back
Fucking KEK

>Blacks uncucked themselves

How do you figure?

Blacks were property of the actual "black Kangz" who took them as wartime slaves. There's little difference between what they did and what the Romans did only no one condemns the Roman Empire for having millions of slaves.

We didn't do any of that.

We freed them, gave them opportunity. Africa always was a shithole. We saved those blacks by taking them from african slave holders and bringing them to america.

Then we shed our blood to free them from slavery and turn them into people. Blacks owe american whites a huge debt that they can never repay.

>> them ever go back to africa.

This is OUR country. None of us have ever been to Africa, so we couldn't possibly go "back".

Dont you find it odd that west africa had millions of slave captives from war? Why did the jews fund the slave trade? Who are the real Jews? Never forget pol, pic related:

We freed them. Whatever they do, they'll still owe us for that. They had no right to be freed except by our decree. And we decreed it.

You're welcome, nigger.


No one cared what slaves thought for milennia, from the dawn of civilization in Mesopotamia until the late 1700s.

It was only the Brits and French that eventually banned the international slave trade due to the Enlightenment values. In Africa many people still practice slavery.


>This is OUR country. None of us have ever been to Africa, so we couldn't possibly go "back".

Then act like it and stop blaming whitey for everything, and start giving back.

>we didnt do any of that
>what are (or were) the Congo rubber vines
>just one of many such cases!
Did not read the rest of your post because im sure it has more unfortunate gaps in education KEK

>shocked when people dont agree with this
Fucking KEK

Oh fuck off you ignorant sausage swallowing fag, you treat your sand niggers better than your own people and look how they still treat you.

>know the "jews" are nefarious
>still dont know why the "jews" do what they do.
Still blows my mind Sup Forums never looks into slave history in africa before the slave trade.

>ransacks your house

By doing what? Building infrastructure? Introducing basic civilization?

Europeans didn't even introduce the international slave trade to Africa, that was the Arabs.

>still shocked that people dont excuse slavery for inhumanity

Amazing how the Jews convinced the American Government to take them

Slavery is a fuckin myth. Think about it......

Would you want a big beefy nigger straight from the jungle running around your 10 children you already had to work on the farm and your wife? A Jigger that didnt even understand you? Didnt understand shit. And have you even seen a nigger in the fields? fucking worthless !!! Not a single nigger picking strawberries right now on the whole planet.

Ya we all had our own personal slave. Like Rosie the robot and shit. sure we did.

A few large corporations did it in a few southern states like they are doing it today in china but havent heard a nigger say anything about slavery unless it was black slavery.

When we gonna get a thanks for that civil war thing anyways? You know where 1 million whites got killes and hurt fighting for these niggers?

Really fluxes my flux capacitors kek

>Congo rubber vines
Do you not know that africa was always a shithole till the whiteman came and developed it? Rubber vines are totally irrelevant to this fact.
Are you literally trying to tell me about some wewuz bullshit?

Fucking Kek

>did not See me already answer to this retarded point

Yaawwwn....hmmm..... yaaaaaaaaaawn....

also this threads about to get flooded with disnfo or slid to page 10.

Look into it. It's worth your time.

>ransacking proven
>goal posts begin to retreat
Finally we are getting somewhere! Top KEK

most of the americas slave trade went to central and south america, only a minority went to the 13 colonies
even when adding the total number of slavers imported to the west the Arabian slave trade was far greater in number, the only reason why they don't have a massive black population is because they castrated their slaves.
I know others have pointed this out to you but nigs enslaved each other and sold them to the white man who eventually freed them by international decrees, sanctions, and a show of force
and even a civil war
where today nigs still enslave eachother in africa and middle eastern countries like Qatar lie to foreign workers about the job they applied for and when they get there they are forced to work and they take away their passport
but do go on about the only civilization that gave a shit about someone that was not of their own race

>hasn't responded yet to my original point
>talks about moving goalposts

Top Zizzle

This place is controlled by jews, dont ever forget that. Jews and Satanists. Dont be a fool, do your own research.

Gonna go grab a Tasse Kaffee

>Blacks uncucked themselves

>Blacks uncucked themselves by force, Respektable desu
Whitey had to do it for them 600000 dead guys later


It's ironic because aside from prostitution, you probably couldn't find a longer human tradition than slavery.

It's in the Torah, it's in all the Mesopotamian literature prior to the Bible, it's in the Koran, it appears in every eastern culture slavery was a universal aspect of civilization for the entirety of recorded history up until a couple centuries ago.

They were enslaved before they were imported.
Their only mistake was to let them live alongside them.
Prooving capitalists in the world that multiculti is good for business.
Creating this idea of the melting pot to a bastardised 56% face.
Being so powerful no nation can use another system.

Baka baka.

>civil war is fought between white and black


Tell that to the Belgians. Or Eternal Anglo.
When you can't into history just don't.

>Their only mistake was to let them live alongside them.

That problem was the result of leniency by whites. Why live alongside blacks? Get 'em out.


>muh Congo Free State

It's always shocking when people try to use that as an argument considering those Central African tribes were literal cannibals and ironically, the Belgians who went there were "following Central African custom" by beheading their enemies and using their skulls to decorate their tribal areas.

>He is also said to have kept a gallows permanently in place at his station. As the literary scholar Peter Edgerly Firchow argued, however, displaying severed heads was not unusual in contemporary Central African society:éon_Rom

If anything the Belgians respected the local African culture far more than any other European power.

And by skeletons I mean Jews. You know the ones you sold your country over to in league with the masons, the ones who founded this country. Think Esau, why 400 years of captivity? Truly think about why the jews would do this, at this time.

Niggers enslaved niggers
Sold them to Jews
Sold them to Whites who eventually freed them
Somehow this is whites fault

Fuck off

White people were being enslaved decades after the last black man was brought from Africa.

Africans were enslaving Africans back then, whole societies economies were built on slave trade. They still enslave each other today.

Only 4% of all slaves from Africa went to the U.S.

>Hamites Enslaved Hebrews
>Sold them to Jews
>Sold them to Jew slaves when they were supposed to be let go
>Still under Jacob's troubles

I thought the Abolitionists were Christians?

lol, say it to Old Egypt.

No shit, as real as it gets

unironically this.

don't worry europe is making up for it now.

Britannica belongs to Japheth. Go back to Petra.
You need to go back.

I forgot those chat filters were still up, baka desu senpai

Keep it up. Fan the flame. Your time is coming

You Edomites need to go back or face judgement.

>brought from a land of constant famine and war
>brought as slaves
>remain slaves until WHITE MEN decide to fight a war on your behalf and free you
>after gaining freedom go right back to exactly the same savage behaviour as back in Africa
>"why ppl be opressin us n shit"

Pop that rabbi dick out of your mouth and use your noggin.

They can chimp out all they want until they bring that shit into my 'hood. Then we'll find out how abruptly their simian behavior ceases.
> ook, ook, eek!!! Mongo ANGRRYYY!!!
followed by:
> ook, ook eek! Mongo LEAKIN' !!!!