#include <stdio.h>


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;


C feels so nostaligc


Literally impossible.

that's some pretty nice looking pixel art




public class stellaThread
public static void main(String[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
System.out.println("Stella no Mahou thread!!!");


I wonder if translator-user is still going to send me a script to typeset.

for i in range(100):
print("Stella no Mahou thread!!!")

2nd TL here. Are you talking about the upcoming episode? I intend to give it a shot again, hopefully we can release before HS this time too.

>missed the sneaky typo

No, the manga. I talked to someone that had just bought all the volumes and said they'd write up a script.

Why not use puts()?

Whoa, sorry, somehow I kept reading "typeset" as "time".

So there's a manga TL going on too? Nice, I somehow had missed that.

As for me, I hope timer-kun saves the day this week too.

I didn't miss 1

>So there's a manga TL going on too?
Well, no. That's why I said I was wondering.
I just offered to typeset for someone that mentioned translating, but haven't heard anything since. Maybe they are going to send me an entire volume or more at once.

I've only used aegisub a few times to edit existing subs. I could probably figure out the timing part of it easily enough.

I think that was OP's point, it's one of those typos that still compile and that drive you nuts afterwards.

Shii a cute. A CUTE

>int argc
>doesn't use argc
mcfucking KYS

>2016th year of science and progress
>Still using i++ instead of ++i

You in High School?



do {
printf("Stella no Mahou thread!!");
} while ( !you.likeIt )

>I still do most of shit in C and occasionally python

Computational science was a mistake.


>printf("something\n") instead of puts("something")
>int i; for(i=0 using C90



What's wrong with using i++ in for loops? Both ++i and i++ do the same thing here.

Am I missing something?


print (lambda f: lambda text, num: f(f, text, num))(lambda rec, text, num: "" if num

Sup Forums autism.
Both of them are effectively the same.

i++ is post-increment, and ++i is pre-increment. The first will increment the value but return its original value. The second will return the incremented value.

When you see someone use ++i you know he's an expert programmer. i++ is for plebs.
Don't ask me why.

What is wrong with this thread?

Oh look it's a professional fizzbuzzer from Sup Forums here to show off his fancy functional programming skills. How's unemployment treating you?

Very hidoi post.

[Hidoi desu]

Don't give up user! Just gitgud.

is this anime about programming or what

Why would i


>all those loops in C, Java or other normie languages
>not a single loop in any Assembly language, or even a fucking BASH
It's like you guys never studied CS.


Is this series actually about programming, or did Sup Forums suddenly decide to randomly create a thread here?

>machine language autist

>return 0;

It's okay user, let your high-level programming language take care of everything, you just need to type some pointless functions or loops without even realizing how they work. I'm sure you will enjoy your career as a code monkey.

In this context, the result is the same, dumbass.

>int main

;text printouts

main PROC
mov ecx, 100

mov edx, OFFSET name
call WriteString
call CrLf
loop kamina

> let your high-level programming language take care of everything
Including your employment.

what kind of retarded calling convention is that

Sure, at least until your next possible employer asks you at the interview what is a garbage collector.

I'm sure all those years you coded in java will help you answer such a simple question, right?

>ITT : code monkey autists

Shorter is better.

print "Stella no Mahou thread!!!\n" * 100

op: .string "Stella no Mahou thread!!\n"
.balign 4
.global main
main: stp x29, x30, [sp, -16]!
mov x29, sp
mov x20, 0
mov x19, 0

top: adrp x0, op
add x0, x0, :lo12:op
bl printf
add x19, x19, 1
loop: cmp x20, 100
b.lt top

mov x0, 0
ldp x29, x30, [sp], 16

I'm not sure what your point is.

here senpai i improved your code a little:

;text printouts

main PROC
mov ecx, 100

mov edx, OFFSET name
jmp WriteString
label 1:
jmp CrLf
label 2:
loop kamina

;##WriteString proc goes here
jmp label1

;##CrLf proc goes here
jmp label2


java fags sux

touch stella.sh
emacs stella.sh


for i in {1..100}
echo "Stella no Mahou thread"

chmod +x stella.sh

if you only use c, then either is fine.
but in languages that support operator overloading it creates unnecessary copies.

so its just a bad habit to use i++ when you dont need to.

Enjoy reinventing wheels while Stacey and Chad get raises and praise for being productive "code artisans" :^) .

This is Shiina.

Say something nice to her.

I hope she isn't a retarded code arguing monkey like the kinds we have in this thread.

Grandpa please.


I mean, if you only care about your wage and not about actually enjoying your work, then sure. Code monkey career will suit you just fine - you will code the same shit every fucking day to the point where you want to kill yourself, but at least they pay a lot, so everything's good ;^)

while( Shiina ) {
print("Shiina kawaii.\n");

Nice legs

this thread feels like SUPA HACKA on STEREOIDS

please dont give me virus

nothing wrong with i overflowing, it'll keep running

compiler will take care optimizing it

>printing "Stella no Mahou" a hundred times is supa hacka now

Because the boolean expression in the for-loop is "1

>Not typing in binary

>this deluded
Yeah you're a CScuck alright rofl

Any AP Comp Sci or college intro-level Java course teaches you what garbage collection is right from the start, you goddamn idiot

I wouldnt know since i don't know shit about programming


oh shit I didn't notice that.

Please leave.

This thread confirms that Sup Forums is the most cancerous cross boarders right?

>thread with just some entry-level programming code gets shitposted to oblivion
>we are actually going to a Winter Ball with Sup Forums this year
Oh boy. Fun times ahead. Imagine what's going to happen if such threads will start appearing on a semi-regular basis because of the Ball.

Fuck me.

I want Sup Forums to leave.

Would Shiina use i++ or ++i?


using Stella.Magic;

namespace Mahou
public class Game1 : game
GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
protected override void Initialize()
CuteWife cuteWife = new CuteWife("Shiina");
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, cuteWife.ToString() + "is my cute wife!", new Vector2(Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2, Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2), Color.LightPink);

Reading through the thread reminded me of how learning to understand ar tonelico programming helped me in actual programming


hymmnos is neato

It's sad we don't have much to talk about.for this show.

Needs an antagonist to help spice things up.

What do you think about this cutie?

Yeah, she's going to spice things up alright

She's a huge cunt, actually.


character main{} <
for [i == 1; I < 100: I+=1] (
system,output,printf "mahou stellar thread":

Goto exit()

Nice infinite loop faggot

That was probably intentional as pointed out by .

It depends on if she wants predecrement or postdecrement. I hope she isn't one of the shitters that does *i++ for iteration.