Shut up, I will delete you

Shut up, I will delete you.

I find it hard to believe that there are no ramifications to having two of these guys in the same world now.


go on

There's only one zeno. Trunks time travel couldn't make another one.

Wat.... did you not see episode 67, future Zeno meets old Zeno and that's the friend goku promised.

How long is it going to take for Goku doing whatever he wants with/to Zeno and everyone being comfortable with it?

zenou should be unique regardless of timeline. Now bulma can create an army of kings-of-all by traveling to a random point in time.

just another Toei fuck-up.

Never probably, I think something will happen like the 2 zeno's talking then Zeno gets annoyed at goku and then the tournament finally has a real goal, fear of the destruction of universe 7.

After that Zeno is done with Goku, and at some point the Grand High Priest trains him.

FUCKING ESPECIALLY since DS has the PERFECT FUCKING SETUP for it with Zeno existing in his own special universe.

Who would win?

left, he looks buffer

yeah but right is taller I'm gonna go with him


Furture Zeno
Doesn't know Goku
No restrictions

Why did zeno allow zamasu to kill all of the other gods

why was he so chill with being taken out of his timeline to another one.

It's not like he didn't know what was going on.

What would happen if they fused together?

>Sup Forums mod meets /h/ mod

>the two Zenos start having an argument
>this turns into a major arc

because he's a shitty god

but in all seriousness, it just leads me to believe there is someone higher than him
after all nobody ever stated whether Zeno is the one who created everything

Zeno seems to be very indifferent and his mind seems to wonder towards things immediately around him. He probably knew what was happening in the back of his mind but was interested in a design on a table, he only cares when he gets called and can see what's happening.

>Why did zeno allow zamasu to kill all of the other gods
He probably just doesn't care. It's not like zamasu was a threat. It's been stated that he's restarted the universe several times before so he'd probably just do it again.

Calling it now, Zeno has a mom and/or dad who retired and off on some world fishing

Singularity Point BS

Wait shit, really?

So that was his plan... destroy the Future multiverse and then create a new one?

"Who r u?"
"I'm u, but stronger"

He trains Goku to destroy a baby like creature?

That's not gunna happen.

I like how this little genocidal maniac smiles after erasing an entire timeline

The way I worded it made it seem like that, but that's not my intent.

In general he may want to train Goku, ever since he saw him the first time he came to Zeno's land universe...yeah.. his universe..

Fucking chilling upsidedown, floating all care free like, as if he was a 7 year old on a parkbench on a hot summers day eating ice cream all happy and shit.

Meanwhile he's probably like Death from Meet Joe Black and this infinitesimal part of his conscious we can interact with choose a small silly demeanor.

More likely he just choose a simple demeanor.

taken from a post on MMO-Champ.

This really bothered me, not only is Zeno something that should be beyond time, but the DBS universe is PERFECTLY set up for Zeno to be a unique entity that exists outside of time simply because he exists/resides in a different universe.

Then there's the fact he acted like a retarded child and literally didn't recognize himself when he saw him, although for all we know he's never looked in a mirror. We're seeing more evidence that he's basically a normal being that simply has powers and quite literally may just be a child.

I'm starting to think Zeno wasn't always around, and he was appointed or inherited his position. I won't even speculate on the 'what ifs' anymore concerning him, but watch me change my mind 5 minutes from now.

Having said that, I can also see the logic of him simply being a child with omnipotent powers, just based on his reactions, creativity, and other things.

I think this episode dropped many hints regarding a few things, but I'll leave it at that

Edit - One last thing, if I interpreted this right. Zamasu became the universe itself and destroyed everything, everywhere, except those 2 patches of Z fighters. Zeno literally destroys or 'empties' out that universe (I'd say destroys but how they they go to it if it didn't exist), hence the way it looks when they go back.

And his dad is king Yama who puts Zeno in the patented Yama lock.

inb4 there is someone higher than Zeno

inb4 it's Tory-bot

but yeah I'm liking this a lot... just who the fuck created everything in the DB series?

>king Yama

MAYBE POSSIBLY if he was the God of Death for the universe or multiverse, but afaik he's only the god of death for Earth.

>Edit - One last thing, if I interpreted this right. Zamasu became the universe itself and destroyed everything, everywhere, except those 2 patches of Z fighters. Zeno literally destroys or 'empties' out that universe (I'd say destroys but how they they go to it if it didn't exist), hence the way it looks when they go back.

Nope, pretty sure Zeno destroyed all the other universes of that timeline as well
Notice how he says ''this world shouldn't exist''
A ''world'' in DB is what they call all the 12 universes put together.
When Zamasu was talking about making a perfect ''world'', he was talking about the multiverse.
Essentially, every time they say ''world'' they actually mean ''multiverse''

Oh shit/holy fuck, I kept wondering why they said world when it didn't make sense.

I was wondering if that was the translation/interpretation I watched and wasn't correct.


What we saw Goku go to was literally the universe that contains all the universes. so I guess it would actually make sense if he tried to travel to the future he would be in that universe that contained everything since it was in something that could be traveled to and would be a natural exit for a universe.

Bro, great fucking post.

A world is composed by 12 universes
Each universe is composed by a mortal realm, a demon realm, an after-life and a godly realm
Each universe also has a god of destruction, an angel and a set of kaioshins.
Each world is ruled by Zeno. Time-travelling is probably forbidden because it just ends up creating other worlds, like Future Trunks'.

Now, you'd think there would only be one Zeno for every world... but that isn't the case.
So, is there someone even higher than him?
Notice how it's never stated that Zeno is the one who created the world.

>just who the fuck created everything in the DB series?
Toriyama's editor.

Also how the Grand High Priest doesn't freak the fuck out that there's 2 Zeno's.

I really think Zeno is someone's child, really.

The way he's looked at, acts, everything.

See this is why I like Super so much, all this delicious lore

King of everything would never be Smart enough to play dumb..........


This is also the first time we've seen Whis bow to Zeno.

It might have to do with how high up he is, idk.

He has done it in the manga

Thought the manga wasn't tied to the anime.

You could say it wasn't done to save money or time, but there are very specific scenes where they focus on people fearing him, if whis was to bow I think they'd take the time.

If you watch Whis' reactions to various things through the series it basically tells you if something is going to be good or bad.

What would happen is zeno fused with himself?

He's not even that strong

Really wanted to see Zamasu in his crazy universe form try to attack Zeno, was a perfect opportunity to see how Zeno would handle it. As in would it affect him, or would Zeno simply pause time and move then delete everything.

He doesn't need to be, he has admin mode.

What's also really important is that the Grand High priest showed no worry that there's now 2 Zeno's there...

Literal admin and literal god mode.

If there's one thing about Super that I like it's that Super is going back to its Journey to the West roots and has Son Goku fuck around with the gods and shit instead of him defending earth from ayyliens.

Now we just need Buddha to come along and slap Goku's shit.

You think that he cares. If youre the lord of a universe, a universe with an infinite amount of stars, why would you care about some planetary systems being in trouble?

He did.

He wasn't kidding

So Zeno wiped out all 12 universes in the future and was just floating in the multiverse.

Possibly meaning only he was left, as in his house, Grand High Priest and everything else was wiped out.


no retard he just wiped out universe 7


the real retard is zeno

You can't even transcend time.

But you are cartoon character and Earth is too far from saiyans and other aliens.

bet you can't wipe your own ass retard

This doesn't make sense. There should only be on Omni-King. Toei is retarded.

My bets for future episodes

>the crew is hanging out with the 2 zeno's
>someone walks out "what the fuck since when did I have two sons"
>its basically a bigger version of zeno different clothes on
>its his dad

It did take him couple of minutes to destroy everything.

the thing about zeno being a literal child is implied due to his way of speaking and choice of words. just imagine a japanese kid interacting with you casually, that's how they speak.

Kaioshin entering future trunks world didn't bring back Beerus, so you probably don't have power over timelines you don't belong in

how does it make sense? Why would he be exempt but kaioshin/hakaishin not be exempt?

We know when a new timeline is made, it is an exact copy of it except with the new change in history. So let's say if someone (from universe 12 for example) makes a new timeline when zenchan entered the champa v beerus tournament (uni 7 for example).

Due to the mechanics of multiple timeline theory, there are now 2 timelines (A, B) which both have a zenchan who appeared in the champa v beerus tournament in uni 7 in timeline A & B. If zenchan is unique, the theory can't be consistent. Unless of course zenchan can't exist in time and can't enter time.

>Why would he be exempt but kaioshin/hakaishin not be exempt?
Because apples are not the same of oranges, and being the King of All and not a mere Kaioshin, maybe Zen-chan could or should be different?
So Zen-chan, as soon as he comes to a different timeline, becomes a totally powerless twat that could easily be killed?
Powers are tied to people, not timelines. The reason Beerus didn't come back when Kaioshin entered the FT timeline is because the Beerus from the main timeline and the FT timeline were different people, not "oh, I am in another timeline, my powers do not work anymore".

Read along I already talked about it, if King of All is exempt then the multiple timeline theory is not consistent and falls apart.

Does the very idea that Zeno should exist outside of the concept of time and thus not be beholden to just....go completely over your head?
That he, like Whis, can toy with time without creating new timelines?

That he can destroy EVERYTHING including the afterlife and all time leaving NOTHING should tell you something.

Zeno being left floating in a void of nothing after zero summing all of FT's timeline shows the complete lack of imagination and logic that the writers for DBSuper has.

Go over my head? It goes against the logic of the lore with multiple timelines.

>We know when a new timeline is made, it is an exact copy of it except with the new change in history. So let's say if someone (from universe 12 for example) makes a new timeline when zenchan entered the champa v beerus tournament (uni 7 for example).

This has to happen, with an extra zeno being made just like everything else being made. The events have to be identical.

missed this quote
>Due to the mechanics of multiple timeline theory, there are now 2 timelines (A, B) which both have a zenchan who appeared in the champa v beerus tournament in uni 7 in timeline A & B. If zenchan is unique, the theory can't be consistent. Unless of course zenchan can't exist in time and can't enter time.

For the same reason Donald Trump won't spend a penny of his own money on what he does as president. Its not about what you have, its what you don't have.

>We know when a new timeline is made, it is an exact copy of it except with the new change in history
*Amendment: unless the transcendent King of All is involved directly in one of the universes.
We only really "know" that because Zen-chan was always out of the picture before and didn't hang around in one of the universes.
Him being unique to all timelines may shit on consistency between timelines, but isn't him existing in multiple timelines worse?

This only works if Zeno allows himself to be a part of time and time is a quality that he himself has no control over.
Which is bad.

Do you understand?
NOTHING says that zeno doesn't just appear in different universs and create new universes all fucking willynilly.

Do you get it? The only way to keep this from expanding exponentially and completely out of control is for multiple timelines to be a localized event that does not directly interfere with the other universes.

The only fucking way.

Did you cry Sup Forums?

calling it. Zeno is Akira Toriyama's proxy and is a manifestation of 4th wall breaking.


This might be why time travel is banned

Zeno of course has no control over time, his only qualities are creating a universe and destroying it and destroying a person.

>Which is bad.
what? There is only a zeno for each timeline. Originally timelines weren't a thing.

>Him being unique to all timelines may shit on consistency between timelines, but isn't him existing in multiple timelines worse?
Him existing in his own timeline doesn't make anything worse, why should it? It makes it consistent with the timeline being an exact copy except with the change in history that caused the split.

>inb4 he can create a person

He was looking for a friend, so if he can really create people, then he would've made a friend for himself.

This was 100% literally all Goku's fault for forgetting the seal for the Mafuba.

>Zamasu's best friend was himself
>Zeno's best friend will be himself


>Him existing in his own timeline doesn't make anything worse, why should it?
Because the Zenos from all timelines could meet up in one of them to have a gigantic party. Having around one being with those capabilities is one thing, having many of them is another.
I'd rather have him be a unique being, and people in other timelines wonder why the fuck he vanished just now (not copied over to a different timeline the moment a timesplit occurs), than the possibility of having a Zen-ou-party.
Timelines already differ from the point where the timesplit happens, what difference does it even make if Zen-chan suddenly disappears in one copy? How about
>It makes it consistent with the timeline being an exact copy except with the change in history that caused the split and Zen-chan possibly disappearing before everyone's eyes.

>Zeno of course has no control over time, his only qualities are creating a universe and destroying it and destroying a person.
Time comes in two flavors.
A magical independent quality that millions of idiots like to pretend exists as some thing
Just how we measure things changing in a uniform state.
The former is what we're going on here and it can mean anything.
When he destroyed trunks timeline he destroyed fucking everything.

>what? There is only a zeno for each timeline. Originally timelines weren't a thing.
Timelines have always been a thing because time travel has always been a thing.
I reiterate. The way they have it set up there is no reason what so ever that there shouldn't be infinite zenos and infinite multiverses right now.

>Him existing in his own timeline doesn't make anything worse, why should it? It makes it consistent with the timeline being an exact copy except with the change in history that caused the split.
No, goddamnit no.
Him existing in a new timeline makes literally EVERYTHING WORSE.
Him existing in a place cut off from the very concept of time and him being completely unaffected by any and all timetrave shenanigans would solve EVERYTHING.

hes not omniscient. He probably didnt even notice zamazu and his army is there more to take care of his needs than to inform him of shit, they are caretakers not a staff.

This nigga erased an entire multiverse from existence. Trillions of lives, all lost. Were the writers on drugs?

>king of all
>now there are two kings of all
Are they the kings of eachother, or just themselves?

inb4 the 2 zeno-samas create some reality threathning meme, or Whis/angels become corrupted by Zamasu

I think by the end Mai and Trunks were the only 2 ningen still alive in the entire universe.


>tfw fan comics are better than the source material

hes one of the facets of toryama, the whole
"this world is pretty terrible" thing is toryama erasing the gt universe

So everything Goku and the others did was for nothing and they might as well have just sent Trunks to another future and asked Beerus to kill Zamasu from the beginning.

Shut the fuck up Salagir
inb4 the big bad of DBM is giong to be XXI corrupting Bra , or Ginyu taking over XXI or something with those two

No, Zamasu was capable of invading other timelines, as seen in this episode. They could have just called Zeno-chan to stop an end to it tho.

Wait a minute, so the future will have 2 trunks and 2 mai's?
can't wait for the doujins

>was for nothing

Worse than that, Zamasu just wanted to kill humans oku andthe others got the whole universe erased instead

That's the exact moment Goku caused the death of....infinitillions...I don't even know how to say the number in english....