89 year old WWII vet dies gasping for air as nignog nursing home workers laugh

89 year old WWII vet dies gasping for air as nignog nursing home workers laugh


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his righteous reward for his help in defeating Germany for Israel

Let me guess, the nurse was whispering "Hitler sends his regards" in his ear

Its almost that you live in a jewish controlled society if you fight for a jewish controlled society

>Leaving your relative with niggers
It must feel wrong for everyone. Why do they do it? Why do they go against their instincts because the guy on TV told them to do it?

This is quite horrific. I have experience breathlessness and it is scary as shit, and would be an awful way to die.

I also was caregiver for my mother, who died at home. I am glad I was able to do that.

The sad fact is, as each generation passes, more and more people will end up in a home being taken care of by minimum wage workers who don't even know them. How many people reading this have enough money saved up to retire and live on their own? How many reading this have children who can or will take care of them in old age?

Shit's fucking serious. Think about it. This very well could be your future.

Iv'e seen nignogs wheel old vets outside in the cold, to try and freeze them.
Til I choked him.
This is common in VA clinics.

Fucking Niggers

Just imagine being this guy. The America of today must have seemed so alien compared to the one he fought for.

fucking is about all they can do

Soon whites will wake up and it will not be pretty

ZOG trooper got exactly what he fought for.



Shiieeet nigga us honest black folk can take care of yo cracka asses, whas the matter u rayciss?

Not this one though.

jESUS FUCKING CHRIST. We need to kill these people.

This the reward for fighting for the jews. Hope you like the jew cocks you sucked all your life amerimutt.

one word. Niggers

When will my fellow whites wake up from a blue pill induced coma?

We're living in a real nightmare. Once the veil of comfort is lifted from your eyes it becomes clear, as black demon women cackle at your bedside while you choke to death.

>black caretakers

I've been noticing something consistent here. Why is it that black caretakers are always the abusive ones? I swear I've seen like 4 other videos like this, including a few videos involving babysitting, and all of the caretakers are fucking black.

Why is this Sup Forums? Low IQ?

>my fellow whites

>meme flag

H-Hans i...

He deserves it. For living off the fruits and glory of a ravaged Germany and saying nothing about it.

Niggers, not even once

I wonder if he realized he fought for the wrong side after all

God I hate black people


Nobody deserves that t.b.h.

Shame upon his family for leaving him in a nursing home. The family is in a truly abysmal state of affairs; the parents take care of the children in their forming years, it is the children's duty to take care of their parents in their waning years.

I expect this from the infernal Yankee, but it is saddening to know it has seeped into the Southron's being.


Unfortunately this. I feel bad for the old man but this is the world he fought for.

Niggers are demonic apes, TNB

Lets face it... we defeated the wrong enemies.

We should have wrekt the commies and split the world with Adi.

Until about 6 months ago I was civnatfag.

The more I learn about jewish participation in the ruin of our society and culture, the more I realize we fought the wrong war.

like poetry


The problem is that the media has made it socially acceptable for people of colour to watch anyone with white skin die, because they deserve it.


This is what happens when you have to rely on a team of nogs to stay alive. It's not their fault... they simply lack the intellect, morals, and discipline needed to keep a living creature alive.

I don't blame the nogs, I blame the white liberal who put them in charge.

My 89-year-old grandma is in the hospital atm.
Do I need to be concerned?

It's no wonder. Old people treat their caregivers like shit.

this is true


Pretty Much,

if those guys back then could see 2017 They NEVER would have fought.

What is done is done.

Pray for Robot Nurses by 2030. When they show up Do not go to nursing homes. Just sit in your house with your robot nurse.

yes. they literally dont give a shit and just want to get paid

How shocking that the"nurses" were niggers

abdul your days are numbered

I have first-hand experience
apes will do this like CLOCKWORK


Nogs somehow seem to plan to invade an industry. Once everyone there is a Nog who wants to actually go in there and work around them.

Lack of empathy.

But who would put their loved one in a nursing home where niggers work?!?

Yeah, like most of these people weren't basically forced to fight against Germany.

Many were drafted, and had little access to information on what was really going on in the world.

Sucks for him and it shows what kind of filth they are BUT..... the irony cannot be ignored. Had he not fought in the war, and if America had not chosen the wrong side, it never would have happened to him. Fate can be cruel and has a sense of irony.

They knew about the Jews then. Moreso then than now.


how is this a race issue? why blame all blacks when its the fault of a few? Sup Forums is obsessed with minorities like in a sexual kind of way


>current year 2017
>89 tears old
>served in WW2 which ends in 1945
>their parents generation and theirs ate greasy food and promoted smoking and drinking while pregnant as acceptable
>shocked he dies at 89 above the average life expectancy
damn nigger your dumb. your a dumb nigger. *nudges another user with elbow* dont talk to that nigger because hes a dumb nigger

fuck these women.


Kek, only Germans can do the Le 34% face with style.

Another happy ending


>if America had not chosen the wrong side
This is a stupid anachronistic take. The nazis were enemies to our allies and had an incompatible fascist ideology that directly conflicted with our free democratic system.

We can look back and say "wow maybe we wouldn't have fought them if we knew this was our future", but people in the 30s had no such insight. You're shitting on everything that generation fought and died for because the left has worked hard since to destroy our civilization.

A big part of the reason people are so hostile toward white racial consciousness is because the Nazis soiled the image of it. Look at how hard Germany overcompensates. Only sheltered NEETs with no historical perspective worship nazis.

This is why you should never leave your grandparents in rehabilitation centers where ghetto nignogs work.

They are devils. They don't care. This bitch even had the audacity to lie even after she got caught lying: it was an honest mistake. Fuck off. I can't help but wonder how the family must have felt after they saw the video.

The nazi's were not enemies to the US at any point during the war. Nor was England. The allied forces were total interventionalist shitheads who fought for the jews and now vets like this jackass are getting what they deserved.

If the "He was just following orders" excuse doesn't apply to Nazis, it shouldn't apply to ally cucks.


>meme flag
t. nigger

What's free and democratic about our system?

I encourage everyone to watch the video before they make any reply so you can feel the horror of what that man one through and the disgusting laugh they made us they saw him die

civic nationalism

It's a common pattern. The RC/AL license requires at most a high school diploma, meaning a lot of ghetto shaniquas and selenas get them and get paid to ignore the patients and abuse them.

What a absolute terrible way to go
Fighting a massive war for seemingly nothing & them being abandoned like disposable trash
>dur he fought for this serves him right
They didn't have a single clue what they where fighting fore,poor bastards
There is no justice in this wolrd

Show us your real flag rabbi

It's not about niggers. Shit like this happens in my 3rd world country too.

You paint a vivid picture with your words. And you are unfortunately very good at it. If this trend continues a worst-case scenario is staring up at the black demons while they're torturing you to death slowly. Hopefully we can turn this ship around before it's too late folks.

>Hitler sends his regards
They're both in heaven now

This is the way our old people will leave this world. To the laughs of niggers who'll even mock them in their last moments on earth.

minimum wage white trash may leave him there to fie but wouldnt laugh at him

lock up those subhuman pieces of shit!

>The nazi's were not enemies to the US at any point during the war
you are a NEET who gets your information from youtube documentaries made by mentally unstable ironmarch mystery meat

this is a stupid rhetorical trick. ignoring realpolitik and debates about freedom, we're ostensibly a free and democratic capitalistic society (because we say we are) and they weren't (and didn't pretend to be).

Thats why I'm saving up so that I can retire and if problems come I will stay with at the house of my seven children.


Hitler didn't want to impose National Socialism on America. The man in the high castle is fiction.

Also your """"free democratic system"""" consists of the liberal jew party and the israeli jew party. You are not free, you have no choice.

> I feel bad for the old man but this is the world he fought for.

What's tragic is that now his progeny will have to live in the dystopia his good goy generation created.

Part and Parcel, cunt

Hitlers Germany was indeed a democratic and free society. For Germans at least.
He did not take power through a coup, neither did he annex Austria through a coup.
Both happened democratically.
It's just that he made decisions that were in favour of the native majority, not decisions in favour of world jewry.

>This is the way our old people will leave this world
He got off easier than others will

>Also your """"free democratic system"""" consists of the liberal jew party and the israeli jew party. You are not free, you have no choice.
lmao I can already tell you became "redpilled" through 9/11 conspiracy theories and ron paul.

joe rogan dmt tool atheism! end the federal reserve!

oh you're a muslim. no wonder you obsess over jews

>you are a NEET who gets your information from youtube documentaries made by mentally unstable ironmarch mystery meat

not an argument

Stay mad, jew puppet

First post sad but true post

One good deed doesn't excuse countless bad ones. We are grateful to him for fighting nazism but this shouldn't be taken as some great achievement - it is something every single decent human being would do.

>this is a stupid rhetorical trick. ignoring realpolitik and debates about freedom, we're ostensibly a free and democratic capitalistic society (because we say we are) and they weren't (and didn't pretend to be).
I was asking honestly. Now THIS is rhetoric. Nothing substantial about your retort.

I'm going out on my own accord long before i go to a fucking nursing home

That doesn't explain how when thye got back they ran this country into the ground

I can't argue with someone whos worldview isn't based in reality.
>The nazi's were not enemies to the US at any point during the war. Nor was England.
lmfao. youre ugly trash and have a small penis. youre a loser. you have no friends which is why you jump from novel ideology to novel ideology. youre also addicted to porn even though youre ashamed of it. i can only wonder what types of fetishes you have. you're the type of unstable retard that "renounces his hate" after he starts to get his life together and becomes a neoliberal shill. because you were never in this for the right reasons.

Made a mistake, comment should go to ->Also it is none of your business what type of government other societies choose.
It's the typical jew justification used since the jews took over Washington.

Tell me, what do average Americans get out of this wonderful permanent jew government in Washington?
Endless jew wars? Devaluation of the dollar? Usury and sky high housing prices? Getting blacked and browned thanks to Jewish open border policies? Destruction of the nuclear family through changes to family laws and degeneracy promotion in MSM?
Fuck you, hope you die in a fire dirty kike!


>how is this a race issue?

Find the story where the white nursing staff does this.

copypasta potential

>lmao I can already tell you became "redpilled" through 9/11 conspiracy theories and ron paul.
ad hominem
>oh you're a muslim. no wonder you obsess over jews
ad hominem

Honestly, have you read anything about your country? Are you completely unaware of your foreign policy?

well it's not a pertinent question. whether or not we're living up to our own standards of freedom isn't the point i was making, and that should have been obvious. my point was that those standards are there and prohibit us from allying with nazis against other people with political systems much more similar to our own.