"Dogging" is Becoming More Common In Third World Prisons

>Botan Wong thought it was only going to be temporary before the guards noticed, he was in for a shock when he found out they had no concern. The 27 year old arrived in prison and was quickly the target of the prison bullies. The gang-leader put a leash on him and made him strip naked and walk on all fours. They made him role over and bark like a dog. Wong assumed once a guard saw it would be ended but the prison guards loved it. The guards first laughed at it but then one got the idea that if prisoners could hold other prisoners as dogs there would be less prisoners to control since every dog is looked after by his ""owner"". All across the prison this ""dogging"" was encouraged where inmates were forced to act like other inmates dogs where they were the victim of rape, sexual assault, and often forced to lick their ""owners" genitalia. The "dogs" were forced to drink from toliets after other inmates deficated in them. Overall it was a nightmare for them.

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wow so progressive we should import thirty million of them to date our daughters amirite fellow whites?

What the fuck, the people that do this, and the guards, should all be killed

it's just their culture you filthy bigot. it's going to be ours as well within 50 years so you better learn to love it.

I noticed you have UN flag as your avatar. UN "peace keeping" troops in Africa has been doing the same for decades.

>tfw no hot felon boyfriend to dog you

Lol, that's actually pretty funny. They sjould have dog shows and make theme compete for best of show

A world with out whites brown Savage's act like brown Savage's.


Is this how women secretly want to be treated? They want to be dogged?

They should execute more of their criminals.

i dont see a problem here. gays show the universal faggotry of men when there's no gross stank pusses around. imagine the boners
>like my fiveskin

*prisons show...


I bet they like it "rough"

pretty hilarious at face value desu, that's exactly the hyper cruel kind of shit somebody only from Colombia would come up

I swear so many of those fucking mestizos are utter sociopaths for whatever reason

We should depopulate the countries, and build nice homes for our families there, so in the future they can be full of decency and order.

Do you have a source for this, boyo?

Hope they are responsible and get their pups neutered

doesnt bother me. freud wouldnt know what to do with himself. but i would. and i'd be diamond moded the whole time

I gave a link second post.

They only wrote this so they could mix in some US prisons and pretend they're anywhere near as bad.

Shit is hot, for real. I got a new fetish now but I still hate furys

A link isn't a source unless it backs up your claim. That link does not back up or have anything to do with your claim, thus it is not a source.

Yeah I want to see pics now and maybe some video

Give it a few year and the "dogs" would live better than the average prisoner.

They would be fed, clothed, kept clean, exercised, socialized with other "dogs", etc.

ADX Supermax prison is American, worst prison on the planet actually. I only used the example of "dogging" in my post to get readers attention but in all honesty ADX is the worst prison on earth

It's one of the prisons there, and I googled the prison and that's what came up. It was some news story.

what was

I thought dogging meant to whore around without protection?

The dogs aren't clothed though. They strip them naked at all times so they can be raped at any time.

In some contexts.

>T. "Dogging" "victim"

My advice is dont be a criminal

I would say dont live in a third world shit hole, but we dont want them moving here


>It's one of the prisons there, and I googled the prison and that's what came up. It was some news story.

Literally the only place that has your supposed quotation is this thread itself. This thread is just a shitty attempt at sliding and an excuse to discuss your sick fetish.

You'd think he'd be hoping for the sweet release of death and being eaten like the poor dogs that the chink scum enjoy feasting on.

Fucking HOT!!

What about the tough prisoners who did really bad crimes but get to be the dog owners?

>I've read every single news story in existance
Are you trying?

Problem is they can't do that.

What breed is most popular? I bet German short hair

if they shat on me i'd be angry but not show it. im pretty healthy and they should be giving them all condoms and truvada. nothing bothers me, really. what month were you born?

Third world countries should just execute all their prisoners. They'd be better off.

>We should depopulate the countries, and build nice homes for our families there, so in the future they can be full of decency and order.
Wholesome genocide

Post a single fucking source that talks about 'dogging' as a systematic method used in prison, dipshit. It doesn't exist because you made it up.

Of course. The best way to depopulate the prisons is to start killing the inmates with the longest sentences.

would solve overpopulation, starvation etc

Just noticed the same thing. I'm not convinced this is a real story. The only get on google is this post.

stop trying to find dogging videos you sick fucko

>I only used the example of "dogging" in my post to get readers attention
...after you were done masturbating over your self-written fetish fantasy?

>ADX Supermax prison is American, worst prison on the planet actually.
Not even close. It's clean and the prisoners are fed and not physically abused, or allowed to physically abuse each other, with medical attention provided when needed. They get an hour of exercise each day, and can sit and read the rest of the time, with some TV allowed for good behavior.

And these are some of America's worst, most dangerous, most unmanageable criminals, who do things like murder other inmates at another prison.

The horrible white Christian European Heterosexual Patriarchy did this.

i did my own simpler searches and nothing came up. kinda embarrassed now. but. cant sue a pseudoym. and. who gives a shit. nice little fantasy thread for five minutes before potential deletion not for lying but for "taboo"? prolly not cuz no nudity posted

Since third-world countries will never move beyond the most primitive social arrangements of Europe, which implemented hanging for all crimes, you are indeed right that they would be better off with uniform capital punishment.

youd get over it after a few days

yeah prolly

big if true

>Not even close. It's clean and the prisoners are fed and not physically abused, or allowed to physically abuse each other, with medical attention provided when needed. They get an hour of exercise each day, and can sit and read the rest of the time, with some TV allowed for good behavior.
Reminder that Supermax prisons force-fed prisoners. The third world does not do that except for political prisoners.

January 4th 1983
Not even gay but prison rape seriously gets me hot

>its asian

youre a capricorn!? im a leo lol. i wouldnt expect punctual serious capricorn to be like that. right on tho bro

Pretty common around here and ither 3rd world cunt.
This is why criminals would rather get shot than to rot in jail.

Isn't there another board for gay fan fiction? Whatever your sick fantasies are, why bring that shit here?

This is what happens when you abandon civic nationalism.

Only warning Sup Forums

>nobody's ever said anything about sex with women

>tv for good behavior

isnt that just church service stuff ? or do they get to watch seinfeld and some shiiiet?

Thanks, OP. Now I have a boner.

Same with American prisons. That's why they have to have suicide-prevention guards

Prove it you stupid dumbfuck. I can't find a single source that says anything about your degenerate dogging fetish being involved in prisons. Obviously third world countries like yours will have shitty prison systems, but the OP's brand of fetishistic shittiness is unprecedented.

Truly it is a doggy dog world out there.

Dog fights would be rad, but I like to imagine good dogs get belly rubs and can even sleep on the bed.

Britbong ere.
Bollocks can these nips steal the term for a quintessential British past time.

It's mainly in Phillipeano news sources and other third world news sources. Flip bro says he knows of it. Not everyone is a shill trying to trick you.

Yes, they stop suicide attempts if they can. What terrible abuse.

Everything bad about Supermax comes from the prisoners being unmanageable animals, who really ought to just be burnt in a dumpster and forgotten about.

You don't go to Supermax unless you're aggressively violent to other prisoners or guards. Nothing worse happens to you in Supermax than being shut in a cell with stuff to read unless you continue to be a disruptive asshole.

OP's quoted message can't be found anywhere on the web except on Sup Forums.
He wrote that up by himself.

>I swear so many of those fucking mestizos are utter sociopaths for whatever reason

It's genetic, natural selection, darwinism at it finest.

Why don't they execute them? Why not if a prisoner is that bad why not just execute them

>What terrible abuse
Yeah it actually is U.N banned forcefeeding

Here we go with the vague claims again. Post a fucking news source, I don't care if it is in Cherokee or Afrikaans or whatever else. Merely saying "IT IS BECAUSE IT WAS IN THIS THING THAT I'LL NEVER ACTUALLY GIVE A SOURCE TO" just further convinces me that you are both full of shit.

Western prison looks like a prime real state compared to living conditions here.

>His youthful good looks have made him a target inside the jail and he was eventually nicknamed "Baby" on account of his baby-face. He was repeatedly sodomised and the final straw was when his pregnant wife was lured to a small hut by a prison guard and was raped. The event proved traumatic to the couple as his wife chose to commit suicide with their unborn child.
>That's where all hell broke loose. He became a "hit man" inside the cell, rapidly disposing his tormentors and eventualy becoming leader of his own prison mob. He was credited for leading the biggest jail-riot in Muntinlupa Penitentiary history and was sentenced to death via electric chair. And the movie "Anak Ni Baby Ama" followed with the life story of his son Kevin "Baby Ama" Calo, who was also sentenced to death via electric chair.


The world is going to be like this, enjoy your diversity.

I'm going to need more info on "dogging."

Next time, just ask nicely or else I’ll give you an additional hole to fuck.

link related is too womany for me. but. look at it. look at itttttt. great post tho user. imgur.com/a/n5V5J

>Why don't they execute them? Why not if a prisoner is that bad why not just execute them
Take it up with the people who lobby against the death penalty.

>U.N banned forcefeeding
The U.N. is no moral authority. They put fucking Saudi Arabia on the Human Rights Council.

The death penalty isn't used consistently to get rid of irredeemable garbage, and prison authorities are treated as negligent if prisoners are allowed to commit suicide. Of course they're going to forcefeed prisoners who refuse to eat.

Sounds like a load of shit and there are no sources.
Report slide threads.

There comes a point where morals and ethics should be thrown out the window and these people should just be killed enmasse.

I'm still waiting on that source. What you have given is not a source, because it has nothing to do with the OP's central claims, all it says is that abuse and rape occurs within prison, which is obvious.

>prison authorities are treated as negligent if prisoners are allowed to commit suicide. Of course they're going to forcefeed prisoners who refuse to eat.
Lol that makes no sesne, the prisoner chose to not eat

i gave sources troll

1 result?

Just because there’s no new “journalist” source in these kind of things doesn’t make it untrue or false. More vile things like happens all around the world and some remain untold.

>i gave sources troll
Where? I don't see your quote in the OP anywhere on the World Wide Web.

>ADX is worse than Brazillin prisons

So what is your point, you stupid flip? Just because it could happen doesn't mean you should choose to believe it. There needs to be some evidence towards the given scenario, otherwise there is no real reason to believe in it.

And this isn't a matter of not having a new source or not having a journalist source, you retard. The problem is that there is NO SOURCE AT ALL EXCEPT FOR THE OP. You can't find a news story, a blogpost, something from a forum or anything else for that matter barring the OP. Stop defending something which has absolutely no precedence. Stop being so god damn gullible and instead try using your brain for once in your life.

Brazilian prisons don't forcefed inmates

Then stop being ignorant and actually see things yourself.
There are other things happening outside of your safe space which we have no obligation to prove to you.

Well atleast we have the courtesy to shoot our criminals on site so we don't have this. Whos calling us mutts now when your prisoners are literal mutts ahahah.

As someone who hates eating this sounds terrifying to me.

What do you mean you hate eating?

Alright, great, you can fuck off then since you subhumans are not capable of rational discussion. Why even enter into this conversation at all if you just want to blindly state your faith to some blatantly made-up claims?

If a man were to go up to you and tell you to give him all your life savings and in exchange you'd be given godlike powers, would you do it? I mean heck, maybe he is right, maybe you are just being ignorant and need to see things for yourself.


god damn furries


nah son