Why do millennials want minimum wage jobs to pay a living wage?

Why do millennials want minimum wage jobs to pay a living wage?

They should be going to college if they want a well paying job.

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debt-based society and intrest. bankloans are a hell of a drug.

They were raised to believe the world owes them something just for existing. Seriously, they think no matter what choices they make or what they fuck up the world should conform around them and blanket them with safety and praise. If you want $15 and hour (which is still shit) be worth $15 an hour.

Good goy, enjoy your 100k debt and assistant shift leader job at starbucks

It's hard to get a well paying job with a liberal arts degree

I can't wait to have the most educated demographic in the country clean my toilets when I buy my new house

Oh and by worth it I don't mean go get a useless degree. Kids fresh out of college are actually worse than worthless, they are a direct detriment to any company or organization.


Bunch of faggots raised by faggots and overprotective single moms.

Because a good quality of life is a human right??? Tell me how you'd feel if you broke your back scrubbing toilets while only getting pennies in pay for the rest of your life, OK?

A society is judged by how it assists its most vulnerable and underprivileged. I don't want to be in a society run by MAGAmorons with small penises. I want to live in a decent, educated, humane society. Not a bad thing to ask for.

>tfw no qt depressed servant girl cleaning your toilet while crying

I have a PHD in Gender Studies with a focus on sodomy

have been unemployed for 4 yrs

raise minimum wage to 15 tho

I never understood this meme.

If you live within your fucking means and don't spend like a retarded degenerate any minimum wage job is a liveable wage.

Millennials just want to have a lavish lifestyle they don't want to work for.

Minimum wage jobs should be enough to make a living, but not enough for luxury items.

Because it would be more difficult to admit they fucked up by doing what their boomer parents told them to do and acquire a liberal arts degree.
Art hasn't been a profession for 125 years, so admitting to chasing a meme must be embarrassing.
Then again we're talking about the most socially scrutinised generation since the French aristocracy of the 18th century. It would probably be like suicide to those millennials.

Why do you make this thread every day with nothing but bot replies?

>Wanting to be a wagecuck

What do you do for a living assuming you aren't some paid shitposter.

we all know their are only so many well paiding jobs in the US regardless of your education. their are many PhD flipping burgers

>Because a good quality of life is a human right
What's the limit to this? Who deserves a better quality of life than another? If you think that everyone deserves the same quality of life then that's wrong because not everyone has the same skill set nor does everyone work the same amount. Some people will have, and deserve, a better quality of life. That's how it should be.

I'd say it depends on the state. Minimum wage should be adjusted to give people the ability to live with basic items. If you want more, get a better job or ask for a raise.

Minimum wage jobs are literally for 16 year olds to build work ethic, experience in a workplace and references for future real jobs. They are not jobs that should be given to adults.

"Living wage" is a commie concept.

It implicitly implies all property is public property.

Do not fall for it. Your actual life depends on it.

Those of you bitching about those who have art degrees but spend all your time and money on games, animu, and mango make me laugh sooooo hard. Bitch, you like that shit?! THEY ARE MADE BY ARTISTS YOU FUCKING MAGAMORONS!

Even if you get a good degree, be prepared to work shitty jobs for a while after you graduate.
Take any and every opportunity to get your foot in the door because its a free for all deathmatch between you and all the other recent grads.

A far better question is how given modern productivity and efficiency why doesn't minimum wage pay a living wage?

We need social credit to free the world from the current monetary policy that makes all money bank debt.

>Why do millennials want minimum wage jobs to pay a living wage?
They can't be bothered to engage in society like an adult. They don't want jobs that require responsibility, but they do want the pay that goes with it. They seem to think that being "classically educated" in a college infers some sort of pay NO MATTER what you do for a living. Most will not move to work, most will not even leave the shitty city they live in. They get meme degrees, and demand pay that is outside of the skill set and experience they bring.

Basically they are just big gaping vaginas.

They are taking jobs away from high school aged kids who still have a chance to learn discipline and hard work. Minimum wage jobs are for minimum skill people. You can volunteer to be minimum skill, but don't ask for more just because you aledge that you have more social value....because you don't.

I love stopping at mcdonalds on my way to work in the morning. The entire staff makes slightly more per hour than I do. But the entire staff at mcdonalds cannot in one hour do what I do professionally.

They never thank me for my hard work either.

>debt-based society
Eh, not for long.
All of this is going to come crashing down within the next 10-20 years.

Because apparently people have a hard time dealing with their own lack of ambition not being able to support them

>They should be going to college if they want a well paying job

Lesbian Dance Studies won't get you a good job.

Zero interest in the trade market has made 4 year bachelors degrees hyper saturated and of no value.

When Diesel Mechanics are making 7-10x more money as a Master Degree holder working at Starbucks then you know (((they))) won.

>go to automotive school for 2 years
>make $60/hour working in high demand regions

But don't worry guys more (((smart))) leftists will be our punishment.

Fucking this.

The jealous hatred of redneck retards living with his parents should not be the basis for our welfare or immigration policies.

This country belongs to the people. Yes stormweenies, this includes women, blacks, gays, muslims, mexicans and everyone else you angry little trailer trash dropouts hate so much.

Does that bother you? Then maybe you don't belong here. Maybe you should fuck off and leave where people want you. Oh right, nobody does anywhere. I guess you'll just have to hop on your unicorn and head to the northpole to be with your imaginary nazi friends or whatever.

But at least you wont be here where you aren't wanted. On this board, this site, the internet, the entire world. Hop in your make believe nazi spaceship and fly away now. If you don't have one then get an out of body experience and SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE HEAD

>I have a PHD in Gender Studies with a focus on sodomy
>have been unemployed for 4 yrs
>raise minimum wage to 15 tho



>Millennials just want to have a lavish lifestyle they don't want to work for.

You should see the shitstorm from millennials the second a politician even jokes that maybe if you're on minimum wage you shouldn't shell out for the new iphone every year then complain about being broke

Haha, the college meme.

that would actually have a profitable market

Many mothers 30 years ago should have done oral and anal sex that night!!!!

So if everyone can't have a high quality of life then no one gets it?
Because that's what you are in effect saying.

>that would actually have a profitable market
Really? Explain.

>They should be going to college if they want a well paying job.

People didn't need college degrees to make a living 40 years ago. A lot of people who didn't even have HS diplomas landed good paying jobs in auto plants.

The real question is why are so many adults working for minimum wage... Is there nothing useful for these law-abiding citizens to do that pays more than $9/hr?

college has become voluntary enslavement with how stupidly expensive its become. Why pay so much to waist time traveling to class when you can stay at home and learn everything from your little black device.


>who said life was fair?
>t. boomer parent


Commies. They'll eventually get it too. We're pretty much there in Australia. Proof being HR girl gets the same as programmer. Or tradie gets the same as doctor.

You are weak, you don't want to play the game of life with everybody. You want to watch some animated shitty girls licking eachothers fuckholes.
Live in your fucking basement at home while everyone with a sense of purpose will be out chasing the best opportunities available.
This coming from this suicidal socialist fuckhole who invited muhammad for the money pot us swedes made. It can work as long as it's white, that probably doesn't include americans.

>They should be going to college if they want a well paying job.

Because the "Collage jobs" pay shit as well.

Fun fact - here in Australia you can get paid more to be a cleaner or a fast food worker than a baker or an IT specialist.

although this looks like a bait thread because of your phrasing, I will still respond.
>They should be going to college if they want a well paying job.
Categorically untrue. There are hundreds of options for people coming out of high school. Trade school, apprenticeship, entry-level position in a skilled trade. All of these options can lead to a 6-figure income down the road without requiring more years of schooling and debt. Minimum wage jobs were never meant to be a living wage. It's an entry level position, unskilled worker. Welfare will help you if your that poor that minimum wage can't get you your groceries.

You talk like an "IT specialist" is any different than learning how to flip burgers and work a cash register. It's still brainless rote memorization

>Go to college all the teachers said
>Its the only path to a middle class life they said
>Ask them what to major in
>"Just follow your dreams user"
>Ask boomer parents
>"It doesn't really matter son, all that matters is that you graduate. Most people have jobs that have nothing do do with their degree. Employers just care that you have the determination and intelligence to finish it
>Go to meme state university
>Pick a science major because muh stem
>Keep good GPA, even get academic scholarships despite being white male
>find out boomers shipped most of the entry-level jobs overseas, only senior-level positions open
>the few entry-level jobs have 100+ applicants for every position
>because market in general is oversaturated
>because 28% of your age group has bachelor degrees, same percentage that had hs diplomas in 1955
>decide to try teaching, because muh stem teacher shortage
>literally lose job to a H1B applicant because muh diversity
Moral of the story
- boomers sold out their children in exchange for a fat retirement check
- never take career advice from anyone over 40 years old
- K-12 teachers are fucking idiots. They have never spent a day in the real world. ignore them.
- bachelor degrees are the new hs diploma. buyer beware.
- pick a good hard major, go to a good school, do a shit ton of internships, and make fucking connections. Its still doable, but plan accordingly
- if you can't do a hard major, consider a trade. Your back will be broken before you are 60, but you will have a good shot at some kind of middle class life.

>Instead of going to uni, I went to lower level school. (They teach trades there but also skills for accounting, IT ect)
>Cost me 5k in a student loan, 1-2 years study depending on course
>Did a course in software development
>instead of working spent my spare time working on projects and gaining skills.
>lived off student welfare, had to turbo budget, some weeks I would only eat rice.
>before I finished my course in software development get offered a job and now make 55k as a junior dev

Uni is mostly for cucks, Not only is the education worse but you pay more for it. Employers care more about your actually skills then a piece of paper.

However a minimum wage job on full time hours should at least cover renting a room, food, bills and a little leftover. Which it does in Australia considering I was doing that on student welfare. Is it not the same in burgerland?

>Because a good quality of life is a human right???

You commie fuckwit. Good quality of life is not a human right. You have the right to pursue it. That's all.

That's what they said 20 years ago, yet no 20% interest rates anywhere.

Too bad college is the new high school.

>literally lose job to a H1B application
a) "an" H1B; this is probably why you didn't get job
b) H1B is for jobs that have a shortage of talent in this country. Granted, it's mostly bullshit in the tech fields, but there's absolutely no way anyone can claim there are a shortage of teachers in this country.

Why are soeposters so dumb

The biggest advantage to going to a high end university is for contacts/networking. This is why anyone that goes to Harvard/Yale/etc. are extremely successful - they're given amazing jobs simply because they went to those schools and now have connections to powerful people/families.

Actually lots of millenials want to live in a world like their parents did where they could just walk into a place and have an entry-level job or be able to support a family and buy house with a high school degree. Now you have to have a college degree or basically work for free to connect with people that can get you an in.

Pretty much if your just doing MS sever administration and some help desk work. Which is also the area with the most amount of professionals including poo in the loos. Supply and demand means they are the least sought after IT workers.

Better of doing programming and become DevOps master race or move into Secruity

>You talk like an "IT specialist" is any different than learning how to flip burgers and work a cash register. It's still brainless rote memorization

The same could be said (and is) about most jobs.

All your doing is trying to make excuses on why careers that are being sold as the future are so low paying.

>Which is also the area with the most amount of professionals including poo in the loos.

The poos are of very low quality I've found - sure they work for like 10% of what an Aussie does, but you don't get any value for them.

I'd rather have a Aussie employed at the top rate who gets the job done right than penny pinch.

There is no price on quality.

If you're smart (like actually smart, not just better than 50% of the retards), software development will always be the most lucrative. I bill $130/hr

And not to bash boomers relentlessly, but those same people who relished that simple access to the job market when they were young are currently the people responsible for the insane application demands and consequentially the high unemployment among youths.
Those are the same people who took their chances in the early days, had a laugh in the middle days and now in their old age are overtly obsessed with health and safety to the detriment of everyone involved.
Yeah there's a place for degrees and health & safety, but they've taken it overboard.
And when their kids haven't moved out yet at the age of 22, struggle to find a job despite a finished degree and turn lazy out of depression?
>just go to a fucking businessman and ask for a job
>that's how I got started when I was your age
>didn't I tell you I bought my house at the age of 3?

>Better of doing programming and become DevOps master race or move into Secruity

yup poos still can't touch that area they pretty much suck for devs , i work as a freelancer dev and the first thing they say to me is if i'm from india they will not hire me. LOL

>Because a good quality of life is a human right???
rooffll. That flag too. Swede confirmed. Your country is 10% Muslim now. Your quality of life is going to drop like a fucking rock. Your kids are literally doomed. Ahahahahahahahahaha



Imagine being such a cuck that you don't believe the world owes you anything

Ya true, baby boomers are incapable of understanding this

No, thats what for mowing lawns for less than minimum wage is. Minimum wage is for the bulk of necessary jobs that anyone can do. Since these jobs are vast and required it should be expected that adults do them.

Half of college is cucked liberal socialist jew bullshit to stop em from free think

I agree with you, but am not making excuses - it's the reason they are low paying. Jobs are low paying because the workers are easy to replace. The more a position is paid, the harder it is to fill that position. This is why teachers are paid such shit - there's a line around the block to take open teaching positions as it's the "fall back" job after morons graduate from college without any real marketable skills.

Any job that doesn't require reasoning, critical thinking, and dynamic problem solving that can't be handled with a checklist is a real, professional job.

Min wage is another communist tool.

It needs to be eradicated. It was formed for all the Corporate places like Cars and Burgers to keep them in power and with a constant advantage over anyone else afterwards. It is used to facilitate monopolies and corrupt corporate practices. This country was fucked before I was even born!

>Ya true, baby boomers are incapable of understanding this

Age war when?

fuck you UN. your Mr.Enabler . you try to talk every one into taking in hungry niggers and given away free food. you have no room to talk, if niggers dont want to be hungry they should grow food is basically what your saying but you ask that every one give africa food

shill shill shill shill

Apprenticeships are the only valid form of work-training in the 21st century, everything else is brainwashing.

See my previous post - loos code via internal checklist. They're taught by, essentially, MSDN coding samples. Any time you request something out of the ordinary, they don't know what to do with themselves. If the project is outsourced, they just won't do any work until you check up on them and they say they don't know how to do it. Or they'll say it's done and deliver a hot steaming pile of code vomit that doesn't work and has to be completely rewritten. I've made my career by being the guy called into to rewrite a 6-12 month project in 3 months after this type of event.

What do you do when society leaves you with only low paying jobs?

The Communists never advocated for a living wage. Herr Hitler advocated for a living wage. IE, to put an end to the Jewish exploitation of workers who often were under paid and not paid for overtime work.
Workers deserve to be compensated based on the merit of their efficiency, good workers deserve to be paid more, shitty part time workers who do nothing deserve to die in a gutter.

50% of creating a working wage is destroying the Jewish powerhouse in the financial institution. IE the central bank.
Deflating currency is another 25% of the plan and the remaining 25% is paying employees a wage which allows them to live.

The only way to create a strong National Race is to have strong families which can afford 5 or 6 children.

>per hour
hourly wage needs to be abolished people should be paid for their product not their time.

Why are women allowed to have autonomy?

They're literally parasites. Theres no such thing as an independant human female.

>OP is probably a millennial

>Why do millennials want minimum wage jobs to pay a living wage?

25 hour limit for any part time non management employee is the norm at many places

Loads of places don't give you a fixed schedule so working 2 jobs is often tough

TL;DR don't pay people ridiculous wages but at least let them work if they are good

It is really the forced mandates by government for benefits and companies being cheap and getting out of the mandates

I had a client that said he won't hire loos anymore because they can be so difficult to communicate with. He said he's had loos whose emails were indecipherable.

I don't know about American or other worldly systems, but here they get a social pension from the age of 65-67 depending on date of birth, up to the day they die.
Used to be 65, but due to the sheer lack of tax and the special way this system is set up they had to raise the age.
Boomers threw massive sissyfits, it's fun to watch but also sad.
These are the people who didn't invest much in their kids (on average) and didn't produce enough kids to offset the tax burden for their own social pension, now complaining that "the gouvernment is abusing us".

Can't wait for them to all hit retirement so the redpilled politicians who will hold power by then can nuke the social pension.

>Move to work

Yes goyim, abandon your roots, become a vagabond, become a nomad, abandon all your ties to your common blood, move for work.

Fucking Americans.

How have you been fucking posting this slut for 7 fucking months straight? Where does the commitment come from?

Anything to hurt the White man which they have done for Eons. I never knew how racist Kikes were till I started coming to Sup Forums. I'm thinking of changing my last name so people don't know I am partially German in decent. I think Niggers and Kikes prejudge just from that. Its might be why I have so many problems with them.

>"an" H1B
the letter h doesn't make a consonant sound like the word "his" or "how". It is read literally as "aitch". Because it is spoken with a vowel sound, "an" is perfectly acceptable. The British always insist on "a", but it is a common convention in the United States that is acceptable in numerous style manuals
>no way anyone can claim there are a shortage of teachers
the media and schools bitch about it constantly
Of course there is no real shortage, just a high turnover rate due to low starting pay, pc bullshit, byzantine bureaucracy, and shittier pension plans than days of old. There are plenty of unemployed teachers, but pajeet or filipino dude are much more likely to stay if quitting means they have to go back home.
And in case you think I was bullshitting:

>hourly wage needs to be abolished people should be paid for their product not their time.
I want the job of classifying all the value of peoples' product.

Wow, the first time she hasn't looked insanely punchable... Maybe she'll realize the short-haired smug smile look isn't a winner?

I scrubbed toilets for 3 years. It's not even remotely backbreaking work. Tbh I miss my janitor job sometimes. The only thing really bad about it was the pay and the occasional day where the bathrooms were all fucked up.

Mowing lawns pays better than minimum wage.

>necessary jobs
jobs pay what it would cost to replace a worker. Their only recourse is to not take a job they think doesn't pay enough. The problem is they can't get a job that pays better because they're literally useless behind brain dead work that anyone could do, thus the low pay.

>making it sound like trades are overpayed

i don't know if that's really what you meant, but in case it was let me state that you're incorrect. i'd love to see some master degree scientist get on his hands and knees in the dirt and troubleshoot/repair commercially sized air conditioners or furnaces without killing himself.

Here's the problem with boomers. They think these jobs can only be done by someone with 6 years of experience

That's roughly the amount of time most boomers would need to learn how to open an excel file and program a shitty macro.

>Minimum wage jobs are literally for 16 year olds to build work ethic
We don't have a centrally planned economy so no job is for anything other than making money.

The opposite will happen, only high paying jobs will be left. Robots, computers, AI, etc. will replace all the low paying jobs. My fear is they will implement basic income as so many people will be useless, I just hope it doesn't happen until I'm retired and can move to a place with low taxes.

Workers should also have investment in the business owners actual profits. That way they would have the cleanest and truly friendliest places to eat and shop at but they don't want that. They want you to be a poor good Goy. With no real investment type of jobs for workers. Truly a fucked system. Its build on a slave mentality and I've seen plenty of GOD DAMN dot heads who hire Ethiopians or some Slavic Canadian Jew who don't pay people minimum wage. That's what happens when you let shit skins and other people from other cultures in. Mexishits want straight cash time. They don't require overtime either.

My family(Mother,Grandmother) were never in a good financial situation,and having kids never helped but they did anyway to my 20 years of shit.
They can't afford to put me through college,me doing a minimum wage job wouldn't put me through college,realistically;how is this going to be done?
The only way to get an upgrade in pay is doing illegal shit which I'm slowly becoming OK with the idea of it.
Faggots want to bitch about Millennials & Boomers but no one wants to look at the Government.
I know the Millennial meme,but the ones living at the bottom aren't necessarily wrong,in this case the Jews representing the world,they owe everybody that they've stolen from,am I wrong?

I agree with certain labor laws like paying OT if you make your workers work longer than 40 hours just to avoid true exploitation, but low wages are not exploitation - the worker can choose to not take a job. If they can't find a job with a better wage, then they deserve that low wage.

>The Communists never advocated for a living wage

You really should read the Communist Manifesto

>Hitler advocated for a living wage
Not much difference between commie and nazi from an economic point

>currently the people responsible for the insane application demands and consequentially the high unemployment among youths.
>responsible for the insane application demands

Boomers don't like competition

this is what retarded redditors say