How can I as a POC benefit from these SJW idiots pol? Give me some advice

How can I as a POC benefit from these SJW idiots pol? Give me some advice.

make a patreon about reparations and give me 5%

By contracting AIDS and then having sex with them.

Not bad.
I don't want to have sex with them.

Move all your valuables to your relatives' house, vandalize your own house with swastikas, get on the news, and start as donation campaign to milk money out of lefty faggots, making sure to really push the "lets show those white racists!" message

what colour are you? I need to know this to give advice

you just have to act like an absolute idiot.
or some insane shit like that.
and just bluntly write at the bottom that you are going to buy some new shoes or shit.
monthly income from faggots in California.

Now when you say POC, what are you exactly?

As indigenous European I see the benefit in SJWs and open borders zealots, since it’s your subhuman immigrant kind mostly dying in terror attacks lmao

Open borders today - a race war in a decade

Go to large grouping of white guilt, make up oppression story, fuck white womenz

I am Vietnamese.

you buffoon that wouldn't work if you're vietnamese.

you're fucked then, no one feels sorry for asians

Why :(

Which ethnic groups are eligible?

Only niggers and Muslim arabs. Asian don't get forced guilt upon them like Whites. Just be happy with that

Ok then I'll just say I am Turkmen or Uzbek.

sorry I should of said refugee arab muslims
you will have to get to syria 1st and then move on from there

as a t. 30 year old
I don't fucking understand who these faggots are who are donating actual money to other faggots for making youtube videos or whatever
what the fuck happened to the world

literally just go to the welfare office
also cry on twitter about being oppressed and make a gofundme to pay for you to "get a better education"

he is a gook not a nigger

user you're in a lucky position senpai, I'm white and I troll SJWs sometimes lel



Literally subhuman tier

get killed by Moroccans and your grave shitt3d on by surinamese aboriginal abomination