Blackpill thread 2.0

What are the hardest pills to swallow? I want to feel depressed and hopeless.

the search for the blackpill continues. Pill

previous thread

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Media doesn't care what opinion you have it simply exists to demoralise you, whatever your opinion. The only true value is ego, NEVER help the other passengers.

All these creepy "kid" videos we see on Youtube
They were generated by YouTube's neural network and inserted on to youtube by the AI and google doesn't know how to stop it or what to do
That's why they remain silent and the videos stay up

Youtube search runs on google's new tensor processing units, designed specifically for neural networking.
It is also used in RankBrain which Google uses to provide search results.

RankBrain is Google’s name for a machine-learning artificial intelligence system that’s used to help process its search results, as was reported by Bloomberg and also confirmed to us by Google.

They claim the tech they created boosted AI/neural networking 3 generations ahead of where we were before that tech.

The current AlphaGo Zero that beat all the previous ones in 40 days of training, starting completely from scratch, runs on 1 machine using 4 Tensor Processing Units. It has now surpassed any human that ever played Go and continues to get better.
AlphaGo Zero's neural network was trained using TensorFlow, with 64 GPU workers and 19 CPU parameter servers. Only four TPUs were used for inference.>

RankBrain running on Google's far advanced neural networking/AI tech has begun generating it's own content to serve search results because it's only task is to get you a video it thinks you want to watch and it's begun generating content to fill the gap.
It started with these creepy kids videos because the small 3-4 year old children only type major keywords into the results and the neural network was struggling to complete it's task using human created content so it begun generating videos and inserting them onto youtube.

also check


another thought provoking post from last thread -

>No woman on earth is actually capable of loving you or caring about you. Women are not capable of empathy. There is no such thing as being vulnerable with a woman and having her care. Any sign of weakness you show to a woman makes her lose respect for you. Any weak spot you have will be used against you emotionally to gain leverage in a relationship.

>Example: I once told a former girlfriend about how I almost shot myself on the suicide hotline a few years back because I didn't want to die alone, and she was the only person I ever told. She expressed how sorry she was I went through that and how much closer she felt to me after I confided in her with this. When we broke up later on, she told me how she never respected me after that, and that I'm a pussy for almost killing myself.

>All women are like this. No woman will ever actually care about you. They will only care about what you can provide for them. You will never have a loving and reciprocated emotional bond with a woman, because they are incapable of it.

But it was the consensus that not only mothers, for the overwhelming majority, do truly love their sons more than anything, a man can also find a true lover in any women if he just applied himself.

My opinion is that if a women wants to respect and love you, no amount of you showing weakness in front of er will make her lose her respect for you.
Doomed relationships find excuses to die.

u 1st


then there is this shit totally heartbreaking

Hitler was the White races last chance.

Most other peoples dont like cats and dogs.

All we are is a bunch of cells. We're just an organism like any animal or plant. After we die, the infinitely long period of nothing begins.


Everything in life is fake and contrived. We're living in a real life Truman Show.

>What are the hardest pills to swallow?

That Sup Forums is fully Sup Forums and you posted a slide thread for noob pillthinking little queers who the The Matrix is philosophical discourse.

We lost, guys. Get over it. There's no way we can win against the eternal jew now.

Butt pills.

I want someone to attempt rebutting this chain of thought regarding AI/automation/superweapons that would end humanity for everyone that is not part of those who decide to end it. TL;DR why would it happend: because if You don't remove everyone else that is not in your tribe, there will be a faction that will develop the technology first and remove You and everyone you love. It's a matter of safety and survival. Ultimate victory is not achieved before your potential enemies are finished for good. No matter how rich you are, you will die like a poor peasant if you are targeted by any future superweapon. What superweapon? Can be anything. That's why you can't plan a defence against it.

Bump. I would really, really, want someone to make a rebuttal on that. I've been obsessed about it because I've been unable to do it myself.

That if our generation does not succeed in averting the destruction of the European lands and peoples, if the globalists should win; all of the earth shall fall to darkness. We will stagnate on this rock until humanity's extinction, man will never touch the stars.

the bog pill is the hardest to swallow

Best case scenario is they get hoisted by their own petard and the AI themselves take over, which is probably more likely than not because humans are fucking retarded and just racing blindly towards making smarter and smarter machines without any safetynet of what happens when something inconceivably smarter than humanity's objectives doesn't align with ours, and we, the masses, just have to pray that it aligns with ours more than (((theirs))).

I don't think it can be any worse if AI takes over instead of some powerhungry humans. AI will probably do what powerhungry humans will try to do too, to destroy humanity so that nobody will ever risk shutting it down. There are no live organisms that don't try to stay alive by protecting themselves, so what makes us think a true AI wouldn't try protecting itself too.

It makes little difference from our peasant perspective if it's AI or humans who try to wipe us out.

No one is able to debunk it?

desu this redpill was even tougher for me to swallow than the JQ/holocaust.

Except that biologically this is complete utter bullshit. If sperm had been absorbed somehow the microchimeric cells would not have had a correct DIPLOID number of chromosomes. They would have been either highly aneuploid or haploid (meaning their number of chromosomes would either be bonkers or only halved).

Sperm (like eggs) is haploid. It has half the number of chromosomes of a human being. You get the diploid set by combining sperm with egg. Straight and simple.

Microchimerism can be explained but not by this atrocity of mental gymnastics. I have worked in feto-maternal med for a year and this topic is tantalizing but explaining it with such crap just hurts, you mongrels!

Btw the real reason for microchimerism is simple: embryos, human embryos, act like parasites. The placenta of humans fucking INVADES the mother's uteral tissue like a cancerous growth ... placenta cells act like cancer, only more controlled. And they produce, of course, metastasis. The reason for this? Modulate the mother, force her body to secrete more nutrients into the bloodstream, rewire her brain so she will care for the little fucker after he is born. Straight and simple. Like a fucking alien, only without the chestbursting. Oh ... and this whole mechanism is driven by a protein which was ancestrally the hull of a retrovirus (like HIV) which had inserted into our genes millions of years ago. So ... pregnancy is when a piece of virally infected cancerous tissue eats into your body to get the yummy nutrients for the parasite growing inside you.

t. a drunk geneticist

there are billions upon billions of solar systems in the universe and our entire existence is completely meaningless. On a cosmic scale you are nothing.

Btw the claim that women with more "manly" traits are more promuscious is right but that is because their brains are genetically more inclined to react to the baseline levels of testosterone even a woman produces (or they are less sensitive to the estrogen, does not matter). Of course they are more promuscious, they act like men because their brains have been masculinized! What do you think androgens are for?! They do not only make you grow a pair of breasts or a beard, they program your fucking brain tissue. That is why men are more inclined to be geniuses than women. Testosterone MAY make you smarter in the right dose ... however, too much and at the wrong time makes you rather dumb. This is baseline neuroscience. Go fuck a blender I am writing my ass off to explain this simple stuff to you guys because idiots are running around with misinformation that they have sucked out of their own ass (most likely by using a rather long rubber tube, the sick fucks)!

t. a drunk geneticist (you guys would make me an alcoholic if I wasn't one already)

Btw concerning ploidy (right number of chromosomes) ... the embryo (or rather its placenta) does not only invade the uterus it also sends cells into the mother's bloodstream. At the invasive edge the placental cells begin to act strange ... they fuse with each other (I also postulate that they fuse with cells from the mother but I could never prove that besides microscopy of some really wonky looking cells...). These mutant things then enter the bloodstream and try to find a spot where they may settle. And THEN they somehow reduce their chromosome number back to correct and that is some really fucked up stuff these cells are doing! Oh and the retrovirus involved in this whole process? He seems to become active again. Btw has always been my theory that this exact retrovirus which drives human pregnancy is the one culprit in cancer metastasis. Like the cancer cells "remember" the old placenta program and become invasive, wander around the body and then find some sweet spot to spread their deadly growth. We are doomed from the start and why? Because we NEEDED the retrovirus to make more effective placentas ... for our embryos to break open the mother's blood vessels like a little predator and directly suckle on the sweet, nutrient-enriched blood (even more enriched by the strategically placed microchimeric cells) in order to grow the fucking high-octane brains that are inside our heads. We pay the evolutionary price for this virus-driven shortcut ... in cancer! Doomed from the start. There is your fucking blackpill!!! Now go eat a skunk I am fuck outa here.

t. drunk geneguy in need of something stronger than a beer now

Looks accurate to me. Nothing to debunk really.


I'm a simple layman but sounds right to me. Sperm replacing the DNA of the mother doesn't sound that right.

That's what I fear. Still hoping that someone would come up with something to debunk it, since the implications are othewise that we should within our lifetime expect a wipeout of humanity. The only way to avoid dying from the unknownable superweapon will likely be by hiding from the reach of civilization.

God doesn't exist

so, any woemn who's ever had a fetus take home in her womb is basically damaged goods.

good to know.

but many a times girls don't even know that they got pregnant and the fetus aborted on its own due to some complication. most girls would think it was their periods.

to make it simple we'd just settle for not dating non-virgin girls.

>no hymen, no diamond.

phew, that was simple to understand.


AI doesn't exist today and we're a few decades away from it. The mainstream media blurs the line between neural networks, algorithms and artificial intelligence to click bait and fearmonger
The best "AIs" we've got atm are stuff like Watson and DeepBlue and they're nothing more than complex search algorithms and filtering strategies.
A real AI would be a complete simulated brain, and the simulation needs to include the plasticity of the brain which is another massive challenge.
The relationship between computing power and the speed of consciousness is another hurdle, that is to say even if we had ways of simulating a complete brain, it might still function (from our point of view) at a 1000th of a regular human speed

Exactly. I mean, the truth behind this microchimerism is even more insidious. The once-viral gene (called Syncytin btw) which does all this crazy cancer-like stuff for the growing fetus is produced from the MALE part of the chromosomes that the fetus has received. The female part even actively tries to shut down the pseudo-virus. Why? The pseudo-virus drives the growth and invasion of the placenta so the fetus may suck in more nutrients. The thing is, this damages the mother's organism.

There is a genetic war going on during pregnancy. The male genes have one simple interest: the fetus MUST get as many nutrients as possible. Does not matter if the mother is damaged, the newborn must be STRONK!

The mother's genes want something else entirely: conservation of energy. Provide nutrients to the fetus but not too much ... do not get damaged and exhausted by this one pregnancy because you will want to breed more children later on. So the male genes (driven by the virus mostly) have become more and more aggressive over time while the female genes desperately try to shut down the worst consequences of this evolutionary arms race between man and woman. This. Is. Fucking. Brutal! Don't you ever again believe that pregnancy is something "magical and wonderful". It is the worst nature can come up with (besides maybe those wasps which inject their eggs into caterpillars which then get eaten from the inside out).

t. a drunk geneticist

not exactly.

and then see

Yeah, current opinion is that about 2 out of 3 fetuses which are conceived die off an get reabsorbed without the mother ever knowing or noticing. Those leave traces still. Btw did you know that male firstborn do alter their mother's epigenetic makeup (how her genes are finetuned) in a way that male babies which come afterwards have a higher chance of becoming gay? So as a firstborn son, while still inside your mother, you have actively tried to sabotage your possible younger brother's chances to reproduce by "poisoning the field" that they are growing in.

>did you know that male firstborn do alter their mother's epigenetic makeup ...
i find out after reading this >male babies which come afterwards have a higher chance of becoming gay?
thanks for telling me that.

>as a firstborn son
my mother did have a few abortions before me, but i am a firstborn male child.

i don't think i am exactly gay, even though i have done a bit of an experimenting.
sucked a few dicks in my time.
now exclusively straight. so yeah, the abortions my mother had before me may have given me the tendency to suck dick a bit. well, fuck my unborn brothers.

I would not exactly consider it "damaged goods" under all circumstances. May be that the microchimeric cells reprogram the mother to provide more nutrients during pregnancy. Or they may fuck things up because they are somehow incompatible with the current fetus.

Would be a great thing to look into but really hard to study as 1) the cells are hard to find and 2) you would have to do really nasty human experimentation to actually verify it.

But yeah, there is no proof at all but the male genes MAY have an interest in "ruining" the mother for later pregnancies with other men. If you actively sabotage other men's reproductive success your genes indirectly win. Of course, the mother's genes would try to counteract this. Evolutionary arms race... the Red Queen at its finest!


Hyman Repair. sorry to crush your dreams dued.I know I know. *Gently pats you

It is the same with my younger brother. Never actually did it with men afaik but he once admitted to me that he sometimes watches gay porn. Do not mind it but inconceivable for me ... just cannot find men attractive.

Good job my selfish genes did there...

If you're asking this, you have not taken the black pill.

The deep state would most likely release a Bio Weapon killing off the majority of the world's population before they were fully uncovered and arrested.

I think you all went to shoot yourselves. *Sad face

>no proof at all but the male genes MAY have an interest in "ruining" the mother for later pregnancies with other men
i think with what you have explained above, it is only a matter of time before it becomes clear that lover's genes do try to take hold of the female's body and actively try to "ruin the mother for future male lovers."

yeah, i know.
fuck modern plastic surgery science.

i know,
find a virgin girl from a poor household!

we must find ways to make sure our progeny is secured.

>selfish genes
i'm glad i did not turn out to be totally gay.
i mean, the only reason i ended up with a dick in my mouth, and enjoying the fuc out if was probably because i was young, GF-less virgin and of course the taboo nature of the thing.

since i now have had a few gfs after that, i do not see myself ever going back to sucking dick.
maybe if large amounts of money was involved. but now i do not get turned on unless a vagina is directly in my line of sight. so there's that.
i guess my unborn elder brothers' genes were not successful enough in doing much damage.
lucky me, eh? kek.

in any case, this explains why the every culture has put so much emphasis on the girls' virginity.
activates the almonds, doesn't it?

Im actually down the number of childs. Not gonna say how much but a goon number. I've never thought of doing anything gay or have. I think you might have been a homosexual before.

Smallpox? Everyone with minimum lab equipment and the sequence for the smallpox genome (freely available on the internet) may produce the virus in a petri dish in his basement. I shit you not! I frankly do wonder why nobody ever tried it. It would be devastating!!

This stuff here may not be all you would require but it would be a good start:


shut up and let me blame someone else for me having sucked a couple of dicks in my life a decade ago.

also, stop pretending to not be in closet. stop lying to yourself.
i bet you want to gobble up that meat stick. experimenting is good for you, user.
come on, tell us if you already have.
we don't judge here.

Lol not trying to mock you was just Stating a past truth lol buttocks much . By the way a hymen can be repaired for about as much as the shittiest used car you could buy. Dont forget the special offers the price could go to as low as a video game

why would you even say that?

Just look at what your govs vaccines containt. You could make something Much more terrifying then small pocks.

You think ISIS goatfuckers read this board?

However, some frustrated NEET with PhD in genetics and enough cash at hand .... ooooops

>lol buttocks much
yeah, yeah, i was kidding. chill.
gosh how do i portray sarcasm in a text?

>a hymen can be repaired for about as much as the shittiest used car
that makes me sad again.

everyone's had vaccines for smallpox, i think.
ebola on the other hand ...

>frustrated NEET with PhD in genetics and enough cash at hand .... ooooops
how much have you had to drink today, user?
maybe you should go to bed early tonight, eh?

Yeah, I know that we are nowhere near a real AI. But within our lifetime? We have bias for underestimating the rate of technological progress, and although I'm not a programmer myself, I don't know why it wouldn't be possible within our lifetime.

I am personally more afraid of the knowledge of a bioweapon, because it feels like those things will be made long before AI's. When some group produces a bioweapon, they know by then that some other group can do it too. Many worry about some Best Koreans getting their hand on a few nukes, but imagine a purposefully designed virus or bacteria? Or nanobots injecting miniscule amounts of deadly poison? When attack is the only logical defence, attack by someone is inevitable.

Deeply interesting.

We won't let that happen user.

>God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.

>All that is happening in the world is supposed to happen. It is prophecy. It leads to the ultimate salvation and redemption of humanity.

>There will be no ethno-state or anything. The degeneration of man-kind is all supposed to happen. Hitler was supposed to lose. Mussolini was supposed to lose. Tojo was supposed to lose.

>You can't get mad at this world anymore, nor at the degeneracy. The degeneracy is all foretold by God.

>We are nearing our death.

>Don't lose hope. It's better if you still have hope, even if you feel it is pathetic. Take it from the man that has seen it all. That has been isolated by all, and who has lived as a walking dead man. It is better to fight crawling, than to die.


>everyone's had vaccines for smallpox

True but the last vaccinations were in the 70s if I remember correctly. Most people nowadays are not vaccinated ... and since we do not get smallpox at a young age like in the past the ones who are especially susceptible to the disease have not been weeded out anymore.

Our current population might have NO defence at all against smallpox. And it is fucking HIGHLY infectious, in fact it is batshit crazy level infectious. Spread the stuff as an aerosol on a nice little roundtrip to airports all over the world ... there would simply be no time to vaccinate enough people ... pandemic, chaos, massive death tolls, total breakdown of society and order!

>Spread the stuff as an aerosol on a nice little roundtrip to airports all over the world ... there would simply be no time to vaccinate enough people ... pandemic, chaos, massive death tolls, total breakdown of society and order!
you have given this a long patient thought.

That's my fear too, a new 1000 years dark age.

>how much have you had to drink today, user?
>maybe you should go to bed early tonight, eh?

One beer as of yet ... get more docile after the second. Smallpox bioterrorism has been discussed extensively, no real news here. Still the only thing that makes ME nervous ... there is no chance in hell that some terrorists may cobble together a nuclear device, but smallpox? Fucking gives me the creeps to think about it, man...

Ultimate black pill: men are completely wicked and evil and without the Lord Jesus literally changing who they are men are stuck being evil and wicked. There is nothing you can do to save yourself. The Lord must save you and that’s his choice and prerogative as the creator. He has made some vessels to be unto honor and some unto wrath and destruction. You, little tiny man, have no say in the matter. Just as a car being engineered by man cannot tell man anything about how to be designed. If this pricks you in your heart then cry out to God for help and salvation and He will save you as Jesus Christ took upon Himself all the wrath that is due upon you as punishment for all of your disobedience. Jesus suffered on the cross, God taking upon Himself your punishment so that you may have life. As Jesus said “all who love the truth come to me”.

>t.drunk geneticist
>t.drunk geneticist
>t.drunk geneticist
>one beer as of yet...

Might be ... I have also extensively mused about racially targeted retroviral bioweapons based on CRISPR chromosome deletion (been shown that it works in mice, cool stuff) but I am still not sure about the delivery vector and how to keep the virus from losing the genetically bulky CRISPR machinery. But hey ... not that I would do such things, I have studied this stuff to HELP mankind after all!

haha, i was about to post this.
what man gets drunk on ONE beer?

i usually start calling myself drunk when i've had about 4 whiskey pegs. anything before that is just for "getting in the zone"

>racially targeted retroviral bioweapons
you are one dangerous user.

>HELP mankind
i hope you remember that.

Do not tolerate alcohol that well ... big advantage, do not need to drink much to feel an effect.

Nah, it is mostly because I usually post late at night when I am really quite drunk. Some people seem to recognize me from the name.

>what man gets drunk on ONE beer?

Yes I am a real wuzz when it comes to alcohol ... I may also get high on one tiny grain of weed. Funnily, sedatives make me more active but I do not like them they make all the stray thoughts in my brain go silent. Feels so lonely... alcohol just numbs them enough so that I am able to sleep. And I need to regulate my sleep pattern... else my boss gets furious when I oversleep and appear at work around noon.

They litterally post this to the public.
an A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus (updated)
an A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2)-like virus
a B/Brisbane/60/2008-like (B/Victoria lineage) virus

If its even true

It's fine being blackpilled on society, but never be blackpilled on yourself. Weather you're a NEET or whatever. Learn truths, keep your head up, and be happy, but never be naive where bliss overtakes your brain.

Always look after yourself and keep healthy too. Keep a good social life.

>No woman on earth is actually capable of loving you or caring about you. Women are not capable of empathy. There is no such thing as being vulnerable with a woman and having her care. Any sign of weakness you show to a woman makes her lose respect for you. Any weak spot you have will be used against you emotionally to gain leverage in a relationship.
True, but that's how things have always been and there's nothing wrong with that either. Women however can love you, but not like your own mother can. A women version of love to someone she's attracted to is more of a high respect thing. You become like a king to her. If you pussy out, then yes, she can lose interest. Mens love towards women is different.

If smallpox is what nature can produce, imagine something specifically engineered against humanity? Something that would be as infectious as smallpox but would take longer to notice symptoms and would kill almost certainly.

>a real wuzz when it comes to alcohol
it's okay, happens with the best of us.
at least you haven't sucked dick like me.

thankfully my tolerance for alcohol is high enough i could almost be a military general.

Would be tricky to design but would not rule it out as impossible... however, would not think one man alone would be able to design such a killer. Bioweapons program? Likely.

This is the final blackpill
we know exactly what we need to do to change our (((current circumstances))) but we will never do it because we're afraid and weak
look at south africa. the white population is being actively exterminated, yet the afrikaners consistently retreat into smaller and smaller enclaves until they're cut down to the last man, woman, and child. there's no actual resistance, no race war, no violent direct action. there was a single protest which was mocked and laughed at across the internet. this is our fate, and it's inevitable

You can gather the info of the past and just spread them together. What better then to have more then one spray as .t an has said.

Here's one for ya. Robotic factories are a meme. Most products are made by hand by uneducated people in poor countries. For example China has factories where thousands of people work 16 hour shifts hand grinding granite countertops. These places are so dangerous that people die by the dozens there in accidents and it doesn't even make their local news. The western world is built on this form of semi slavery and that's why nobody ever talks about it

I want to know more about ego

My blackpill? No matter what you know about this worlds its already far far too late. You and anyone like minded are completely outnumbered and outmatched by those who are fine with the way things are and the way things are going. Nothing will change. No one has the will to fight, no one has the will to leave the comfort of the modern world and why should they after all when life is a temporary things and you live on this earth once. The majority want to spend it being hedonistic as possible. You also CAN NOT have a society were a lower class isn't forced. If literally everyone can escape form poverty your society would not be able to function without a lower class so measures must be taken to guarantee poverty in a nation.

No, not one man. I thought more along the lines, a group of best biotechnologists (?) or whoever would be expert in such a task and a budget of billions of dollars. Do you think such a thing could be made in the coming decades? I'm again a layman only, but I don't see why not.

Ideally the virus would be launched on the same date simultaneously in hundreds of locations across the world, so countries wouldn't have the time to close borders before literally everyone would be infected.

Spread two bioweapons at the same time?

We are not talking about 2017 dingus. Protip: literally everything can be eventually automatized. Everything.