

Makes you think

>Mad o Ka
>Mad to Ka



Really gets the ol' noggin turning

>Akemi Homura
>A**** H*****
>Did nothing wrong
>Kills utilitarian (((aliens))) that make use of deceptive contracts to manipulate humans, whom they view as cattle

wtf i love homura now




>trying to summon the Alien


>Nagisa no Cherry


>Akemi Homura
>A**** H*****
>Adolf Hitler
Mind = Blown





I bet you love licking every inch of Kyoko.

>tfw you realized the entire plot of Madoka is basically one big redpill on the happy merchants



see The user imitated me. You should respond to me.

>Homura did nothing wrong
>The Beatles
>Hey Jude
>The Holocaust
>Hitler did nothing wrong

Word association game?



oh lord


>Kyoko loves eating out apples
Must be great to be you.

What's your top ten anime Lawn?

why are all magical girls gay?

you have a vivid imagination


>Momoe "Bebe" Nagisa
>Mom oe Bebe Nagis a
>Mom Nagis a Bebe oe
>Mom gains a Bebe

That is the best I can think of.

>Too moe
>mo' moe

>leaves conveniently when asked an important question

>still refusing to answer the question


Who is the dominant one? Do you want Kyoko to be dependent on you?

What do you discuss the order of the relative merits of anime works for? A ranking not worth reading is not worth discussing in the first place. There is no accounting for tastes. Moreover, I am neither erudite nor arrogant enough to judge which of those is better. Even if I watch more anime than you do, I hardly watch anime by contrast with hard-core otaku. Yeah, almost all Japanese are humble.

Ignoring your first question, I would rather be dependent on Kyouko as well as the other way around. She is a tough girl, but she has weak spots too.

At least I want you to talk to me.


well, time to stay away from Sup Forums for a while

>a lunatic bunny

I knew I loved her for a reason.

>sayaka wearing a mask

Ban finally ended. Mods banned me for one day for ban evasion even though I never once ban evaded. Might be because they thought I was that other user.

It is amazing how you still ruin threads.


Thank you apple. You really are red delicious sweet.

No way.

I don't understand these ones.

Actually I had made a mistake. I was thinking about an insane rabbit named Ripper (Roo) when user meant something completely different.

I don't understand the other one either though.

Just google.

It is a kangaroo you baka apple.