POS Jacob Rothschild, is he dead now?

Is the the supposedly retired Illuminati boss dead now?

Seriously Sup Forums get your shit together. Did he die in the helicopter/airplane crash?

Stupid conspiracy theory

p sure he's not dead

he's got the body of a young man

they transplanted it last month

You could nuke him into the deep sea and his heart would still be pumping adrenochrome in 200 years, brainlet.

So what does he look like now?

This is a recent one of alefantis.

Mr. Burns' head on Bart's body

a) So anything that includes Rothschild's/Jews is a conspiracy theory?
b) What's wrong with conspiracy theories?

the call was his to take

Of course he didn't, rumors just snowballed out of hand.
>helicopter and plane collides mid-air
>collision happends near a Rothschild estate that's open to the public and where no one lives in currently
>people ignore that last part
>starts assuming a Rothschild was involved in the collision
>rumors spread
>people start thinking of the most infamous Rothschild
>rumors spread further, now claiming that he was on board
>people interprets that rumor as that he died in the crash
>rumors spread that he's now dead
>who-tier media starts spreading it for clicks
>people take it seriously
And there you go.

it was a yellow person, that is true.


Have all the victims been identified?

Passenger in chopper still not identified at least a day after all other victims were. Very strange.



The guy has not been active on his twitter account basically since he started it three years ago, or has his later tweets been deleted?

>Stupid conspiracy theory
lmao if he died they'd just bring him back to life

I doubt grandad Rothschild would be the one flying that heli. The pilot's remains must just be pretty torn up and unidentifiable.

He isn't dead, and any stories about it are greatly exaggerating the truth. Devils that high don't die so easily

3 of 4 victims have been identified...
3 known victims were normies...
unknown victim was in helicopter...
helicopter was on the ground for an hour, took off, and was hit by plane...
Q tweets something about "we know where you are, we can hear you breathing" with L D R highlighted; theorized to mean lynn de rothschild...


Why haven't they done that episode yet? To revealing you think? They should put Bart's head back on Burns body and do like a freaky Friday kinda thing.