/MHG/ Mens Health General

Welcome to /MHG/
Dedicated to educating young males on the importance of dieting and how to maintain healthy testosterone levels


Foods that boost T levels:

rich in two active compounds, quercetin and allicin, suppress the body's manufacture of cortisol, a stress hormone which been linked to a slowed or halted production of testosterone. Lower cortisol levels mean that the body can produce testosterone easily

Spinach is a rich source of magnesium. Research has shown that magnesium supplementation can boost testosterone.

Cabbage is rammed with indole-3-carbinol (IC3), a phytochemical that increases your testosterone,a study at the Rockefeller University Hospital found that when men were given IC3, their levels of the female hormone estrogen reduced by 50%

in a study that was conducted on rodents by Iranian scientists it was shown that onions can increase testosterone levels in rodents as high as 300 percent.


Soy contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones that may mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen in your body.

estrogens produced by certain fungi and mold. The most common being zearalenone which can be found in maize, barley, oats, wheat, rice, and sorghum,

>Chlorine ( unfiltered tap water)
Be in contact with too many iodine displacing halogens (fluoride, chlorine) and you’re going to end up iodine depleted meaning lowered testosterone levels.

>Tap water
Contains the aforementioned chlorine and fluoride, which are toxic to the human body, It’s a well documented fact that fluoride can disrupt normal testosterone and thyroid hormone production

>Bottled water
Contains Phthlates and BPA. linked to low testosterone, increased estrogen, delayed puberty, and feminine characteristics in various human and animal studies

Other urls found in this thread:


>1 post by this ID
fuck off, soyboy


>He doesn't drink water
Brainlet soy boy with stomach cancer detected.

Fuck off numale

>Cabbage is rammed with indole-3-carbinol (IC3)
thats hot

Daily reminder that soy is high-test

milk gives you bitchtits as it contains mammalian estrogen and soy reduces free estrogen, making you a man. Get your information outside of Sup Forums.
Sup Forums wants to keep you low test.


The dairy jews just want to keep you suckling their expensive products and gigantic industry.

>soy is high-test

Fuck off disinfo shill, soy is high in estrogen and mimics it within the body. this shit is given to old women going through menopause to help boost their estrogen levels, what do you think this shit does to young men then?

Read a study, kiddo.
Phytoestrogens are thousands of times less potent than mammalian estrogen, which is oestrogen. Phytoestrogens essentially 'block' estrogen receptors, lowering estrogen and increasing steroid homeostasis, increasing test.

Celery has aromatase inhibitors in it, which prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen in your body.

So wait,

You're telling me I've been spending tens of thousands of dollars on HRT pills, and all I needed to do way eat soybeans and drink water?

that shows how many posts you've made in the thread. ofc op will only have 1 post by the time you make the first response retard.

But don't these foods only give a MINOR, non-permanent increase in testosterone?

Reveal your flag, soyshill


>cant drink tap water cuz fluoride
>cant drink bottled water cuz BPA
what the FUCK am i suppose to drink Sup Forums?

Avoid Plastics
Avoid Receipts


I saw the exact same comment b4, fuck off botfag

yeah don't trust anything that says "BOOSTS X BY 200%!!!", you'll find a million foods that do just that and never get any results. reason being usually these things caused that effect for like 2 minutes in one guy who was deficient and has never been replicated.

that's not to say there are no real effects, but don't expect to eat an onion a day and suddenly double your T levels like these guys imply.

filtered water
spring water
reverse osmosis water

Phytoestrogen is literally a plant estrogen, look at the structure of the word. Whether the phytoestrogen mimics the behavior of human estrogen is something we can test, and so far, there's no evidence to suggest it does.

Moreover, many healthy foods contain phytoestrogens, like oats or apples. This histrionic fear of phytoestrogens seems to be, notably, most common among retards and other assorted fat people. Add to that many of these retards consume cow milk, which is filled with mammalian estrogens. We DO have a good grasp about how this estrogen functions in humans.

It is of my humble opinion, then, that this unfunny, astroturfed meme "soyboy" which was brought here by retards from notable websites like "therightstuff.biz" and twitter, needs to be eradicated from Sup Forums and anyone that uses it should be strung up from a lamp post for making the whole board worse off and spreading misinformation.

Thank you gentlemen, and have a good day.



this drinking anything but tap water is too much work can't we just double or triple our iodine intake to counter its effects I'm eating 2 full sushi roll sized sheets of Nori a day.

who fucking cares if retards start unnecessarily abstaining from chink food, if it means they start to care more about their health and hormone levels?

>drinks tapwater
>never seen water outside of a plastic bottle
Install your own filters and/or buy water in glass bottles. It costs more, but the cheapshit plastic ones cost your health & masculinity.

How much will the boost be then?

I don't see the point if it isn't permanent

It's not just about soy though, these retards see the word phytoestrogen and freak out. If you goole foods with phytoestrogens, you see that oats and lentils have them. These are good, healthy foods and you shouldn't stop consuming them because some retard on a message board said the word phytoestrogen.

>spending tens of thousands of dollars on HRT pills
Have you ever wondered why the media encourages you to be a tranny?

>glass bottles
this sounds like a good solution but in america i have never seen any company sell bottled water in glass bottles. do any anons know any companies that sell bottled water in glass? preferably ones that are available in america

It's permanent if you keep it up. So improve your normal diet, exercise, work out more, make sure you're getting enough zinc and vitamin D3. You'll get good long term gains.

Just don't expect to live like shit but still have good T levels just because you drink some fucking onion juice on top of whatever shit you eat.

a lot do absolutely nothing other than having a name that sounds similar to something else, but for the rest yes

What about broccoli?

You guys have all sorta crazy tech and not bottled water?
I'm sure you could order that online, preferrably in a large box so you'd have a month supply.

Contains aromtase inhibitors, increases T and lowers E by inhibiting the conversion of T to E


Thanks brother

>sell bottled water in glass bottles
That's needlessly expensive for any company to bother with. Bottled water is literally just tap water put into a bottle. Get a decent filtration system and a glass water bottle.

All cruciferous vegetables have aromatase inhibiting properties. You should be eating a lot of broccoli anyway.

onions are in Soy is out

I've actually been eating broccoli for the past couple months since around August because of a similar thread I saw on testosterone on /ck/. I have gained a little muscle but I am pretty sure it's just because I have been doing some minor exercises. I can tell you though that I have not gotten sick at all since I started eating so much broccoli and it feels pretty good not having to deal with getting the common cold every month and a half.

sparkling water

>You guys have all sorta crazy tech and not bottled water?
Not in glass. Plastic is more flexible, cheaper, lighter by volume so there's less shipping weight and can use less of it because it's not as fragile.

I wonder where the disgusting broccoli meme in American culture comes from. It isn't disgusting and if you make a salad it is delicious.

Who here taking the onionpill?

You linked a study on old women whose estrogen levels decreased because their body is halting production due to the influx of artificial phytoestrogens. Stop spreading disinformation. This is pol we will sniff put your bullshit both with science and common sense. Soyboys are fucked up, milk drinkers and meat eaters are not. We see this in everyday life and in science.

me, eating a full plate of caramelized sweet onions when I get back from work

>tfw I drink over 7 bottles of water, a day should I just end it all?


Take iodine, it helps your body diffuse fluoride and bromine within the body. Helps your thyroid which is a central part of your endocrine system aka the hormone hub of your body.

I've been eatnig onions like apples for 2 weeks now and I've grown 3 inches in height I'll be a areal man by Christmas Mass.

I've also been wearing more leather and my skin is thickening, mimicing the leeather I think it's the layers in the onions, they make my skin want to be like the next layer which is leather not soft soyboy cotton

FACT: Vegans have higher test
FACT: Vegans have longer life expectancy
FACT: Soy reduces estrogen and increases test
FACT: Sup Forums is having a bitchfit because vegans are making them look like pussies
FACT: Vegans are statistically sexier and will cuck your wives

How do you get cortisol levels measured? I feel like my testosterone levels are way lower than they should be because I'm in this constant state of tension about stuff I can't change. I've started to sort myself out by cutting out soy+processed food as well as lifting but I still don't feel like I'm performing at my full potential

mfw big soy actually has shills on Sup Forums

When I was making threads about soybean oil being in every sauce and spread imaginable there they all were.

Soy is the no. 2 crop worldwide after corn

post menopausal women don't produce estrogen, user. all their estrogen comes from the conversion of testosterone, like men's does. so why would it lower their E levels but raise ours?

Young male here, stop telling me what I should and shouldn't eat.

Whenever I eat garlic I feel terrible, I think it causes a major cleansing reaction that's hard to power through.

Enjoy your soy then goy

I know dozens of hideous vegans who are simultaneously awful people and maybe one who's a well adjusted individual

this is very wrong


I have a few gallon glass jugs I bought from natural grocers. They have cheap reverse osmosis water for 25 cents a gallon. Idk if you have those stores near you though. Great store.

Lying fucking kike.

Too bad they had to go and mess it up by genetically modifying it, it was once good and now is not.
There is nothing new under the sun.

>Vegans will cuck your wives
Sooooo ... They'll have sex with you behind your wives back?

What's wrong with soy? I'm just being told to avoid it for some reason.

what is the best way to eat onions

It will turn you into a raging beta cuck

Eat a lot of vegetables, especially green ones, but eat a lot of them of a lot of different colors. Also eat fruit, especially berries. Your main energy source should be starches, something like potatoes which is filling and cheap. Also eat things like beans and lentils to get your protein in.

Sparingly eat processed foods, make sure you're not eating much of anything with added sugars. Keep your cholesterol intake near zero and your saturated fat intake low and you won't ever get heart disease.

Exercise, get enough sleep every night, and make sure you always set some time away each day to manage stress, in whatever way that it might be (don't do something self destructive like daily alcohol).

Perform exercises that move the body through space like chinups, dips, squats, and deadlifts, and do some cardio work like uphill sprints. Work your way up to everything, the point is to be healthy, you don't want to deal with an injury and potentially chronic pain. Trust me, it's not fun.

has to be raw, buddy
sorry to tell you. but its not that easy


Make sure it's in glass bottles. Plastic contains BHP and estrogen


You get used to it. I eat raw garlic daily.

And what I supposed to drink, vodka?

You're going to drink Vodka anyways Ivan so why bring it up

>Not drinking fresh springwater from non-polluted mountain ranges

so what im getting from this thread is that I should eat al those veggies listed raw, drink only glass contained water, and exercice daily

it may be different for you within your country, not sure if your bombarded by as many chemicals as americans are. pretty sure most of south america doesnt even put fluoride in their water

Digits confirm

true that, either way, imma do that, i dont want to become a sissie

Sounds like a healthy lifestyle. Regarding water quality it differs from country to country, look up the water filtering type your country uses

Posting my testosterone levels.

Sup fags?

What are some chemical free pots and pans to cook with?

The treatment of drinking water is the process by which water is subjected to the elimination of waste to obtain a liquid suitable for human consumption, which meets the required quality standards and can be distributed.

The treatment of drinking water in Colombia consists of the following steps:

The first is disinfection or chlorination. Note that according to the World Health Organization the concentration of free chlorine in the treated water should be between 0.2 and 0.5 mg / l (ppm). In this first procedure, bacteria and viruses are eliminated. However, the dose of chlorine used does not destroy certain pathogenic microorganisms.

The subsequent step is filtration, where the water purification begins, eliminating solid particles that may be in it such as earth, sand and particles of organic or inorganic dirt. These sediments are eliminated in their entirety, as they could block the equipment used in the following process procedures. A second filtration is required because the smaller suspended solids have the ability to pass. Afterwards, an activated carbon filtration is carried out that eliminates some flavor or odor from the water, a quality that chlorine or mercury give. Likewise, organic pollutants such as pesticides are eliminated. Filtration ends by eliminating the presence of high salt content such as calcium and magnesium that exceeds the permissible levels.
It is necessary to reverse osmosis, ultraviolet light that sterilizes water and ozonation to oxidize organic and inorganic compounds and eliminate ultraviolet light radiation.
is that good? i wouldnt know

numales love to have their mouth open as if they were desperate for cock...that is because they like all the beta-like anime characters that are always drawn with their shitty mouths open.

Used to make me sick when I didn't add it with food. I mix it with honey in a jar and take a spoon full on an empty stomach in the morning now I feel good.

like apples peal them and then take bites out

Cast iron is the best

Clay is second

From the sounds of it all you need is something that will filter Chlorine if that is a concern to you

Get a blender. Blend an onion. Add kale. And coconut juice. Plus 2 bananas. Youll feel pretty good

Cool I already have both.

>tfw put a lot of garlic and onions in my food
>work out
>still look like a low-t soyboy

it's not fair

Cast iron

>lift weights to boost test
>fast to boost test
Garbage chart, fasting kills gains, it's another meme solution for fat fucks that eat like shit and don't exercise. Same with the noporn faggotry. Lift and eat right and you won't have test issues, period. Just don't be a soyboy like vegan gains, dude is half the size he should be and he clearly has jaundice.

not good, if your water has that distinctive chlorine smell then you should buy a good water filter to remove it.

>be gay soyboy
>open door to my gay sex dungeon
>grab child out from puddle of cum
>put on the one pair of clothes that aren't covered in shit, piss, cum and puke
>"get your sorry ass up here or big john's coming to play tonight"
>take child over to fridge
>"make two thumbs up you little shit"
>"good now get your ass downstairs"

How can I filter fluoride out of water?

What levels of chlorine, flouride and other stuff post-filtering does your average water contain?

If it's good according to WHO plus no fluoride or dangerous levels of chlorine post-filtering it's ok i guess. But getting a water-filtering jar could still be good. Alternatively look up ways to filter water for home use. You probably don't really need to be as nitpicky with water you boil though.

Your workout and diet are fucked, that's why.

>(((cold showers)))
>fasting, which kills gains