I’m writing a paper on illegal immigration and I’m trying to make it as red pilled as possible...

I’m writing a paper on illegal immigration and I’m trying to make it as red pilled as possible, I’m gonna advocate for deportation. What are some good articles that’ll help my case?

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just include a bunch of pics of thicc latinas with the subtitle "how can white women even compete?"

Do ALL illegal immigrants deserve deportation in your opinion?

>do people who break the law deserve to suffer the punishment set for breaking said law?

Yes, they’re a huge drain on the community

if you take money almost directly from someone elses wallet, and waste it on shit you dont need, and illegally come into that country, do you deserve a punishment?

The issue with arguing against illegal immigration is that the people who are for bringing in "undocumented citizens" don't care about facts. It's all about feelings. It doesn't matter what laws they were breaking, because those laws were bad in the first place. It doesn't matter how true your facts are, they're still "wrong".

Don't focus only on the facts. Include them, and use them to back up your arguments, but don't make them the key points. You need to focus on the human suffering. How illegal immigration hurts people. How many rapes happen at illegal border crossings. Shit like that.

'They are breaking the law'

8 USC 1325 sums up the issue pretty well

>What are some good articles that’ll help my case?
look up Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Research why we don't enforce any of the laws associated with it.

If you argue too much while mentioning immigration all will fall on deaf ears! A good way to go about it is to talk about the importance of the rule of the law and order, and how important is it to be just to support equality by upholding the rule of law and sneak immigration into it as the last example! However I suggest you do what you deeM to be the way to do it, this was just one way given you asked for some options. Good luck.

Also if you sneak it indirectley they might think it was their idea the conclusion that unlawful immigration is not fair!

Even Mexicans hate immigrants. Look up el tren de la muerte.

About 70% of women illegals are raped on their journey. Look up feminicide and cuerpomatico.

Look up the San Fernando massacres, both of them. Cartels literally hold hostage rape warehouses. This is the reality of immigration.

In 2005 or abouts there were more deaths in cartel ravaged Juarez, one city, than the fucking entire war in Afghanistan. That same year, due to strict border security and a big wall, El Paso was named safest city in America.

Show how much taxpayers foot the bill for illegals, most notably with the California state budget.

Demonstrate that none of these occurences are unique to North America, and are in fact the expected features of all illegal immigrations. Right now in Libya there is literally human slave auctions. Across Europe there is widespread social services fraud. Almost none of "refugees" to Germany have found jobs.

If you want to go full red pill, there's studies of cultural homogeneity and the problems of introducing foreign languages and cultures. Someone else might be able to give some good authors on this here.

Nothing about this has to do with race to make an effective argument. In Harrisburg PA a Ukrainian man was caught claiming to be underaged and going to high school. The fact is these are economic migrants, not refugees, seeking to break US law to skip the line of actual desireable migrants with skills who are willing to do it right.

>just include a bunch of pics of thicc latinas with the subtitle "how can white women even compete?"
Unironically shills think this stuff works.

force them to deport unless they pay back taxes for every year theyve been here

keep the focus on the huge national trillion debt and how illegals arent paying taxes

>long ass time ago your ancestors built a house.
>it gets past down until you end up with it, to live in and maintain for the next generation.
>man runs into the house, starts eating your food, and using up your shit.
>he tells you he lives there now.
>you beg to differ and try to throw him out.
>leftists run up and call you hitler for throwing the guy out of "his" home.


Mention how NAFTA was only passed with the condition that Mexico repealed part of their constitution that protected land rights of peasants (essentially squatters on heritage land either in debt to banks or landlords). This pushed millions of people off the land and searching for low skill jobs. They ended up in maquilladora shanty towns, which eventually closed up when even cheaper labor was found some other poor country with a free trade agreement. Now homeless and jobless, millions crossed the border to the US. Thanks, globalists!

just write that 80 million people are born every year into poverty in other countries. Immigration is not a solution. We only take 1 or 2 million people, Europe take 2 million people. that is not even 1/10th of the poor people born. Immigration is not a solution. it just feels good for liberals.


take with you photos of california 1960 vs 2017 you dont need more


>Do people breaking the law deserve to be regarded as criminals?
It, honest to God, must be beautiful being this retarded

This article is pretty good. It basically says immigrants have no plans on assimilation because America isn't enforcing it socially. This article is regard LEGAL immigration though, so you can make the argument that if even the legal immigrants won't assimilate what are the odds criminals will?

Ann caulter does normies friendly arrivals on that subject.
Or you could use main kamph and point out how these Jews have been obsessed with destroying the European people for thousands of years

Listen man, I’m gonna turn this in as an assignment and it’s gonna be read and graded, I don’t wanna mention Mein Kampf and illegal immigration in the same breath, as funny as that would be.

Migrant laborers' families move around the country looking for seasonal farm labor. Because of this the children attend any one school for just a few months at a time. They NEVER assimilate and don't learn English. They fall begind and never catch up on their education, making them only suitable for no skill labor like their parents. That's not the American dream, it's a permanent underclass.

Chinese food cooks are forced to move constantly as well, keeping wages low and at the will of their handler who takes a percent of their pay. Asian women face similar or worse prospects as masseuse or nail polish, often they are pimped as well.

>What are some good articles that’ll help my case?
dunno about articles, but your paper ought to be entitled: Would You Let A Wog Live In Your Nan's Spare Room?

Good luck finding articles that your professor will accept as citations. He'll just call them fake and fail you.

Ann Coulters "Adios, America" details point-by-point the issue with illegal immigration. It's an amazing book full of all the facts and data you'll need. Buy the audiobook tonight, listen to it, and write an amazing paper.