Why does fascism always fail every single time it's ever been tried?

Why does fascism always fail every single time it's ever been tried?

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same as any socialism. inward failure of the economic base. eats itself out to death

So, what is to be done?

live your life morally, speak the truth, and learn about the truth.

1929-1974 actually
And it didn't fail, I mean there was a peaceful transition through coup but that was it.


That sigma on the Brazilian flag is reminding me of the calculus homework I should have done tonight. Fuck you op you faggot. Sage.

Legal capitalism with cultural fascism. Anything else than liberty as a political system won't work but lack of cultural structure leads to decay as well. The only solution is a free society kept in check by a strong culture.

>ROC failed
amerimutt wants to revert to a corrupt monarchy? Go learn some histroy then get back into the oven.

Slide thread

isn't that what Canada currently is?

Only 3 of those objectively failed and that was due to Hitler's autism.


Reminded the the roman empire was civic national socialist.

Attacked and destroyed by other nations.

>Republic of China
Still exist. Have relaxed their laws but never 'failed'


Canada no, they barely have an identity and there's no culture. It's mainly defined as "not american" and muh healthcare. Also there's tons of market intervention in any western country to call it capitalism, it's mixed "markets". Quebec is a good example you don't need laws to keep a strong culture, with laws favoring french assimilation into british culture anlgos managed to both fail to assimilate us and also make the Irish fully assimilate into our culture rather than stay english-speaking brits. Pretty much all western countries have fallen to cultural marxism except the US who's still pretty strong so an adherence to values of liberty is also an important aspect to resist marxist influence along with a strong cultural identity.

Until it wasn't. It was civic nationalist and favored assimilation into roman culture through reward rather than punishment and it flourished well, it's only when they abandoned civic nationalism and stopped caring about citizens adhering to roman values and handing out citizenship like candy that things went to shit. Rome is an example that civic nationalism can work but you have to be strict about the citizens keeping those values.

>preceded capitalism by millennia

>communism is established
>fails of its own accord

>fascism is established
>fails because of wars from non-fascists

success breeds jealousy

but the SJWs are a socialized fascistic culture.

And it failed because of that (among other things too obviously)

Integralist, they were a party but never took power. Also you're very right, Chile is good examples of what fascism is supposed to do, it's not an eternal system, if it should be used it should be as a temporary system to deal with extreme problems like total marxist infiltration or war. Chile even willingly gave way to democracy after their crisis. Same with the ROC I think but I know less about their history.

>failure breeds jealousy

You call this success?

Not real fascism. Sage.

>what is Caesar's,and Octavian's attempt to redistribute land from rich patricians.
>redistribution of land, the taking of land and giving it to the poors is not socialism.

Germany, Italy, Japan, china were overtaken through war. Portugal, Spain, chile because their leaders died.

No, wtf you talking about man?

Because it was only tried once, and the United States squashed it.

Canada being fascist.

You look like this

>Most of these states succeded fantastically
>Brazilian fascism was racist

Who ever made this one was really, REALLY, retarded.

I found your picture on Faceberg


Shut the fuck up leaf. Anaue. Hail Salgado

Reeeee. They were dissolved and many leaders joined the main party of the time.

>fascism is racist
Wrong site man i will help you out >>>/tumblr/

Pinochet is not fascist. He was a neo-liberal and a puppet from ´murica

Instead of attacking you with images I'll just post redpills, maybe then you'll be less of a faggot


The Republic of China didn't suddenly vanish from 1938-1941 so I don't know what's up with those dates and it didn't lose the mainland until 1949. More importantly it is still around to this day. But most importantly it was never fascist, Chiang took some fascist inspiration but that doesn't make it facesit. Chile to was not fascist. Fascist doesn't equal every single non-communist dictatorship. If that is the standard you're referring to fascism as then it has a great track record since all of Europe (and the world) was 'fascist' for thousands of years.



don't know ask antifa, they're fascist and failed recently

>them nazis wuz rayciss n shiiiettttt


ROC just slowly opened up free elections. The Kuomintang now exist as a ~30-40% popularity nationalist party

The ??? were to say that I have no idea what fascist party ever took power in Brazil


It worked for the Roman Empire for 500 years.


This faggot was a glorious fascist. We all know deep inside our hearts. Anaue


Forgot pic

>literally tried to educate himself with infographics
Damn, I wonder why you're a dumbass

America sirca 1950s

>infographics can't contain factual information
imagine being retarded

>chile under pinochet

Fuck thats sad. Those were good men. Fighting for a good cause. No one deserves to see your own country your own people succumb.


>too lazy to absorb non-pictoral information

dumb leaf boy my country died a long time ago

pls usa giv coup so we can have new pinochet with love kast

>Roman Empire
it got so filled with barbarians it fell apart

Gulag Archipelago by Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
The Bell Curve by (((Hernstein))) and Murray
The Prince by Machiavelli
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

Just a few of my favorite books

Speaking of good ol' Solzhenitsyn


>dems are da real Nazis

why does communism always fail to provide basic human dignity is what I'd like to ask. Fascism and communism are practically the same thing. It angers me that idiots see hitler and stalin as different sides of a spectrum; what kind of shitty half baked propaganda are you slobering over op?

Japan was essentially the same politically from the Meiji restoration until the end of WWII, and was never really fascist, just imperialist

Military invasions of their countries probably played a part

dems are closeted communist


I don't think I've laughed so hard in my fucking life!

Well its right in the name Fashionism. It just get popular when things are really shitty. But like all fashion trends it comes and goes. Really just a way to blow off some steam.

Holocaust is a lie. No Jews were killed in Gas chambers.


Like the Commies, that was Fascism all the way. The Nazis got close but lost the war. I wonder what wouldve happen if the just took over France, some of Russia and the Baltics. Leaving Spain and UK. I think things could've worked out. Maybe not for the Jews

>socialism fails ever time
>liberty is currently being stamped out globally in favour of socialism with the general public seemingly in support of the shift.


Dude, If you are going to try to deny something based on weapons and Equipment, learn a little bit about the weapons and equipment you are talking about.

and the uniform Ordnungspolizei



Depends on how socialist they get. In Chile it was a giant success, and then they voluntarily handed the government over. Today Chile is the only country worth a shit in shitskin America.

nazism =/= fascism

Yeah, right.
Fucking germans.

Yeah because they’re great now

holy fuck those are some bad shops you have there m9.

a fucking nigger with the iq of 70 could tell

Why is that fat kid wearing a tanker's jacket and walking through the woods? Was his panzer fausted?

If I remember, Chile was saved from communism by fascism, and it's economy therefore saved. Then everything went to shit when he was gone.

The Left Can't Meme

>hur durr the entire world with stolen nuclear secrets beat a fascist state, fascist fags btfo

>Charles Manson
Jews kill it

you don't know the nature of fascism at it's core it wants to restore one's nation to its former glory or rid of degeneracy like Chile and Spain when it transitions to a more normie form of government

Chile never had a fascist government

Franco ended it and wished it this way to a way of a monarchy after his death, but Juan Carlos de Borbon didn't see it this way and ended the monarchy as an absolute power for Democracy. In essence, Spain was the most successful Fascist State in the world. The US also worked along side Spain, working with them because of Franco's hatred against the commie faggots. The US also worked well with Franco to have bases built--such as in Rota--and have the infamous Belgian collaborator Leon Degrelle build them for the USA as well as working with General Agustin Munoz Grandes while he lived to spite the red faggots. So in essence, Spain was successful. In the famous words of most of my ancestry, A chingar a vos madres hijos de la gran puta estupidos malnacidos traga vergas. Thank you.

Fascism is a jewish idea. It's Zionism for goyum.

And where is the roman empire now?

Democratic crapitalism fails every ten-fifteen years, by far the worst system ever conceived of desu.

It didn't. The regimes of Italy and Portugal were very successful. Italy was the most stable it had ever been during its fascist period.

Japan too didn't fail due to internal failures but because of the totalitarian nature of the democratic regimes of the world that cannot tolerate any kind of counter-ideal to their own. This is a failure of democracy not of "fascism" per se. Most of the big conflicts of the 20th (and now 21st) century have been directly caused by what are portrayed as "crusades for democracy" which really means "war for profit and for the banking interest amongst others"

Portugal failed cuz the military are retarded enough said

They were essentially "Fascist", actually more than fascist. It also had fuck all to do with "barbarians" who came in and ended up reviving a people who had lost spirit and been enervated by Christianity and its erosion of the actual religion and rites of the Roman people.

Why were barbarians used? Because Romans no longer had the will to fight and they needed blood for the legions. So what came first? "muhh barbarians" or the inner decay of the Roman people themselves?

The answer to this question is obvious.

This is the economic freedom index, from the right wing think tank the frasier institute

You seem confused about market freedom

Fascist flags need more maths symbols

Japan was not fascist. Was a monarchy headed by an emperor regarded as a god.