Prove to me that getting rid of Net Neutrality is good, Sup Forums

People I know from both sides of the political spectrum are unanimously supportive of net neutrality. Why should I think any otherwise?

Other urls found in this thread:

google and mozilla both want net neutrality.
thats reason enough for me to want it gone.
hopefully this cesspool of degeneracy will die shortly afterwards and ill be freed from this disgusting hellhole

>People I know from both sides of the political spectrum are unanimously supportive of net neutrality.
That's what should alarm you user.
What do companies that operate websites gain from this?
What do they stand to lose from this?
Money. Alot of it.
>be ISP
>put in fast lanes
>charge consumers for a subscription package like "video streaming" or "social networking"
>charge consumers small amount/month so they'll be incentivized to bundle
>on the other side, charge Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc a FUCKTON of money to be listed on these "subscription platforms"
Thats what they don't anynone to notice
This will hurt them ALOT more then it would hurt consumers

It disempowers facejew, jewgle, and twatjew. Anything bad for those people is good for humanity.

we are not talking politics here but absolute truths. internet is the new battlefield where the force of the robots is being deployed more than in real life at this point. notice that all the leaders have a furrowed brow - they are not humans. the ET overlords of the galaxy have long been churning out robots in order to colonize the earth and now they are ready to apply their plan. they have had it in for us a long time now. notice how they try to avert every single fact about aliens casting the 'conspiracy' label upon it and literally labeling everybody talking about aliens as 'insane'. they want to defer our reach for the truth.


The current net neutrality rules allow for the government to censor whatever it wants. Fortunately our government is pretty fair but who's to say how different that will be 7 years down the line? If people like HRC get their way Sup Forums (or any truly free place on the web) is toast.

The current rules also stagnate any competition in the ISP market. There's so much red tape and regulation that it's really only feasible for one ISP to dominate a regional market. Do you hate Comcast? You should be against NN, it's what keeps them tyrannical.

Sure, website-based companies (Google, Yahoo, Reddit, etc.) are pro-NN because it guarantees them a 300+ million audience, and getting rid of NN may lead to the "fast track" implementation ISPs might put in, which will diminish profit for those websites. But that will be a small price to pay to free up the market. Comcast might finally be humbled.

And any concern of Sup Forums going under if NN stops is silly. There's a 99% chance that the ISPs will have an "all-access" Internet package no matter what, and I'd bet Sup Forums will fall into that bracket. This website never has been (and hopefully never will be) a profit-maker for Moot or Hiro, so I highly doubt he'll take it down. If anything it will improve this website by filtering the normies back out.

Net neutrality made the Internet what it is today, there hasn't been a single day without net neutrality so far.

Recently (last few years) the FCC was forced to increase regulation because companies started dicking around with the formula.

So it basically becomes a fucking cable subscription? No thanks

Net neutrality could easily be used by an oppressive government to shut down opposition. President Kamala Harris decides it is not fair that Rush Limbaugh eats all that bandwidth so POOF there he goes. The gate swings the other way, too. President Ted Cruz decides Redtube eats an unfair amount of bandwidth and POOF there that goes. Make it easier on everybody, can Net Neutrality.

Ive seen a lot of fear mongering over this but no proof of these claims. If they wanted to monetize internet fast-lanes ISPs would have done it already.

Net neutrality is fear mongering to instate government regulations to the internet. We all know how fucking great it worked out for health care and schooling.

im happy if they shut down Sup Forums

fuck this place, i only come here because im addicted to memes

i literally woke up a 3pm today and have been browsing since then, its 2am now

fuck this place, i want a life

without net neutrality...

> If they wanted to monetize internet fast-lanes ISPs would have done it already.
They can't, that's the point of the NN movement
It's currently treated as public utility

$5/month out of your wallet, MILLIONS out of Twitter's, Facebook's, etc.

Obama's net neutrality bill had absolutely nothing to do with net neutrality. "Call it something that sounds nice and the retards will never realize it's not actually nice" is a very typical strategy. You know, like the Patriot Act.

>People I know from both sides of the political spectrum are unanimously supportive of net neutrality.
That's because their retards who are spoonfed political opinions from Facebook, Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Reddit.

>teleports behind ISP
>cancels service and switches to different ISP
nothing personal, ISP

>cant control himself

dumb krautnigger we didn't have net neutrality in the 90s


you are stupid

did you ever hear all those recordings of customers trying to cancel their comcast service and the rep doesnt let them?...

>"7 years down the line"

Well played Sir!

Only poltards can think isps will harm Google Facebook Netflix etc...

they will work together, if anything isps will crush their competition

but i embrace it
Sup Forums needs to die

The globalist are right, mankind needs to be controled

Anybody who has this problem is fucking retarded. If a company won't listen and wants to keep charging you can arrange with your bank to stop any further payments made to them. Grow up and handle your business, don't act like an ISP is capable of stealing your money or forcing you to do anything. Just tell them to fuck off, block any further payments, and if you're stuck in a contract maybe remember that next time someone offers you a cheaper rate IF you sign a long contract.

This, /thread, fpbp.

>no (((net neutrality)))
>literally nothing changes


>no (((net neutrality)))
>companies start losing business and other competitors with fair service start taking over

either way it's the mobile industries fault. kys phonecucks.

If you tell your bank to stop a p[ayment and your ISP keeps trying to charge your bank you will be held responsible and your credit will get fucked because republicans pass pro corporate laws that fuck you over and here you are shilling for them because you are a retard

It took me about 20 seconds to verify that you're full of shit. The only reason it would fuck up your credit rating is if you actually owe the money, i.e. you signed a contract. If its a recurring service that you renew every month and you cut it off than that's it, its that easy. The problem is that people see a deal like "$20/month EVERYTHING MEGAFUCK PACKAGE" and don't actually read the contract that locks them in for 18 months and drives the price up the normal rate after the first 6 months. lrn2read nigger

oh my god... you clearly have never heard the recordings of people calling to cancel and being told no. no contract no nothing, just lol you cant cancel we will continue to charge you. go look it up on jewtube retard. you are wrong.

>The Invisible Hand doesn't exist, so people won't switch to the companies that aren't buttfucking them
>Big companies will jerk each other off to milk the consumer and destroy anybody who dares to rival them
>Just like the government says they can't

>soros likes breathing air
>thats reason enough for me to stop breathing air ;)

meant for

I don't doubt that some people are too stupid to navigate the hurdles of modern society, I'm saying that the failure has as much or more to do with them personally as it does with the banking system or the business making the disputed charges. Like I said, just handle your business. Your mom's not always going to be there to do your laundry.

literally against the law.

Thats like pizza hut charging you for pizza you didnt order.

Yes thats what im trying to tell you, are you really this stupid?

do you think its ok for a monopoly to give you the run around for ten hours and force you to call back over ten times if you want to cancel your service? You might be a republican.

teenager detected

>Reminder that Net Neutrality only became a thing in 2015

>spending 10 hours on the phone
literally put it in writing you fucking millennial manchild faggot send a copy to the company and another to the bank and if you're not a poorfag have a lawyer do it there are laws about this stuff the fucking cable company or whatever isn't going to violate federal laws to make an extra few hundred dollars fuck man how did you make it this far in life without drinking the laundry detergent because it smelled good

I kek'ed out loud

l2r you fat fuck.

All the net neutrality can only protect are what are deemed to be legal. It's a shit regulation

Torrents will not be fucking protected you dumb fat ass fuck. With the wording of the shit they added, Sup Forums will also be seen as an illegal site.

Isps divide cities in sections, having a literal manopoly over their zones. My apartment complex ONLY offers verizon as an isp. Next time, if you have no fucking idea of what youre talking about, dont fucking post, idiot.


I said this last NN thread and I'll say it again.
Saying we should get rid of NN to fuck over Google, Netflix, etc, is like saying we should nuke the entire United States so we can get rid of all the corrupt politicians.

ISPs are the only people who will benefit from getting rid of NN. Everyone else, you and the internet based Corporations will suffer.

In other words you're swatting a fly with a fucking handgun you dumb niggers.

>MILLIONS out of Twitter's, Facebook's, etc
>And right into Comcast(NBC), Time Warner(CNN), etc's pockets
You're not very bright are you?

>lives in modern United States
>cries about lack of access to internet service
jesus christ you're really not going to be ok, are you?

I don't even know what shit is and don't wanna know either y'all some fucking bored ass nerds that's what

"net neutrality" is a meme though, the rule being struck down isn't actually net neutrality, it's (((net neutrality)))

even has a bunch of sjw language right in the rule

listen you can just stop, you're not having any success turning the board with your weak shilling

I dont need to prove anything, just look at portugal's current internet state without net neutrality.

(((echoes))) and buzzwords aren't an argument you dumb nigger.
Just saying "It's SJW Soros backed (((shitty))) shilling (insert other Sup Forums buzzwords here)" without proof shows who the real shill is.

in any event your attempt to turn the board has flopped hard

Jesus, is this real? And everyone has been saying this shit would never happen anywhere

Jesus Christ.
Welp, I'm saving this for future use.

Yeah its real, mobile only so far though, but hey! Give Comcast and AT&T a chance, they would neeeeveeer pull such a feat if they had a chance would they? C'mon, trust them.

>attempt to turn the board
>implying that anyone other than shills, ancaps, and normie Republicans who came here during the election want to get rid of NN
Good joke.

>implying these threads aren't actual shilling
have you even read the rule user? it's complat bullshit

I'm getting so tired of Net Neutrality. It's a shitty solution to a problem that leaves too many holes for abuse.

Kill it so that something actually sensible can take its place. Or break up the agreed upon monopolies by ISPs.

I'm OK with getting rid of NN if they break up the ISP monopolies first.
But if not, then getting rid of NN will only make the problem worse.