How often do you just sit and think? No distractions of any kind...

How often do you just sit and think? No distractions of any kind, just exist and think; about yourself and life and the world. I feel a lot of peoples "discouragement" stems from the constant assailment of sense data on the mind. Why not take a couple minutes and do nothing. Alternatively write a couple of things that you appreciate and maybe say why those things matter to you.
>inb4 no
>inb4 killing niggers

Not as often as I could . Usually only when I’m trying to sleep. Too bad it’s 2017 faggot - get with the times. Free thinking isn’t reccomended.

Not as often as I should desu

I sat and thought about writing something wise for this thread or something

but then I'd sound like a faggot

I would like to hear what you have to say

Everyday is a learning experience

Sounds like a waste of time.

I do and it makes me sink into despair. This whole thing is a never ending nightmare. I need a distraction like video games and internet at all times

>tfw tinnitus destroys my ability to meditate without at least some form of white noise


>inb4 killing niggers
If you have to stop it from being said then unironically both you and i want to
>kill niggers

I like to go out to my yard, sit on the steps and just look at the stars forming constellations. The skies have been incredibly clear lately and the constellations look beautiful at night. I suggest doing it if you havent. Just take a deep breath and enjoy looking at the universe; it really puts things into perspective and reminds you how small you are.

If you dont have visibility because of city lights, you can always just go out at mornings and let the sun hit you directly for a couple of mins as you stretch, deep breaths and close your eyes. It feels wonderful, during the stretch you get a nice rush of endorphins nd its a great way to harness positive energy before you start your day.

Always look up to the skies, really underrated technique to acquire good energy and vibes

about once a week during yoga

you're a trucking traitor

i do quite often, but i also find it very challenging to "think about nothing"

>trucking traitor


>> once we lived in paradise, but we made hell
>> out of it

wonder where it all went wrong

Thanks for sharing mate, I think I will watch the sunrise tomorrow morning.

Every time I try to sleep I can't stop thinking about what comes after death. Is life worth all of the struggles? I'm trying new things like music and art so I can hopefully leave something behind me, a mark of my own for this world. But even that seems pointless at times. No one I know really ever talks or cares about the future. It seems like I'm the only one who worries too much. I don't even find happiness in anything anymore. Even video games and listening to music or reading just makes me feel like I'm not enjoying something that I should be. I want to go back to when I was fifteen and played Dark Souls during the whole summer with my friend. Back to when I didn't think or worry. It's all so tiring. Maybe things will be better in the future


>No friends.
>No GF.
>Nothing to do on weekends.
>Noone to drink my sadness away and contemplate my existence with other than Sup Forums.
>Terrible weather outside this time of the year.
I got all the time in the world to think...

hello, "user"

It's called meditation and yes, regularly. Regardless of how vehement you are to your opinions and political ideologies, it's always healthy to do some soul searching.

Psychedelics help but that's neither here nor there

daydreaming is a window to higher dimensions

kids should be forced to be "bored"

Somehow its funny when you think about it. All our art all things we ever created will be gone once. Latest when our planet explodes or got destroyed by the sun. Nothing will last. All is lost. But still we go on with our meaningless life's and try to give it a meaning.

along these lines...


Kids no longer get bored. Thats a problem. They all keep watching trash videos on their ipads and keep pushing their creativity and curiosness further down until its supressed and they become your typical nu male who can only identify with pop culture and media consumption

Kys if you haven't thought of this before. Fucking drones.

I don't know what you consider meditation but when I meditate I rarely think. Thoughts come and go but the focus is on nothing.

Man you should think about your attitude and if that is really how you want to behave towards people.

There are different ways one can meditate. Anything from daydreaming to deep introspective thought, to what you described which is the classic interpretation of meditation - the practice of death. All are equally beneficial to the mind.

i dunno
Stop thinking and start doing?

Fuck off soy boy. Muh emotions, muh perception among muh peers.

See you think I'm talking about how others perceive you but I'm actually talking about how you perceive yourself. Enjoy your life.

Thought is the precursor to action.

Thinking too long leads to doubt in doing something

Often when I'm on a speed binge.

Nice try, faggot. You know you'll end up alone. Why care what others think of you?

I perceive myself as the hero in this journey of course. Everyone else is a clown, I can't help that.

Heroes have followers.

every time I drink


Entertainment provides modern man with an essential means of escape. While absorbed in television, videos, etc., he can forget stress, anxiety, frustration, dissatisfaction. Many primitive peoples, when they don’t have work to do, are quite content to sit for hours at a time doing nothing at all, because they are at peace with themselves and their world. But most modern people must be constantly occupied or entertained, otherwise they get “bored,” i.e., they get fidgety, uneasy, irritable.

And casual narcotic consumption. I wonder what percentage of our generation will fade away into absolute escapism and die immersed in it. 20%? 40%? Fuck.

I often think and try to come up with an invention or something to help make life easier but I always come up with nothing.


I go hiking or camping to think, though my job gets pretty quiet at night so I have some time then.

I enjoy working with machines. It's become a spiritual thing for me to reflect on mechanisms whilst cleaning guns or doing PM on a vehicle. I'm trying to get a job as a technician or mechanic so I can get paid to tend to Machine-Spirits

at least several hours a day
I spend most of the time in my head
I'm not a very productive person either

With the eventual rise of vr/ar, possibly much more than that. When virtual reality is everything you dreamed of, there will be no need to spend time in this shitty reality. It wilm become a serious problen in the future, worse than any reality bending drug and more addictive too