Best holiday "Sinterklaas feest"

It is the beginning of the Sinterklaas festival again. For people who do not know it, it is about a white priest with a group of white servants who are black faced

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*Blocks your path*


They will just take an actual black

Black face doesn't exist in Europe, it was an American thing at about the time of the abolishment of slavery. The Dutch Zwarte Piet is actually a demon from pagan times. Reading is hard for niggers, but you might learn something if you tried:

>A Romanian trying to tell the Dutch about their traditions
Gypsies gonna gypsy

Mate, I'm behind 9000 Russian hackerservers


What's there to hmmm about, it shouldn't be surprising these protests are all done by blacks and leftists. 95% of the country is for Zwarte Piet remaining as it is, and I am willing to bet most of the Randstad still is too.

Jakub, that u?

>op is a jew supporter

>and I am willing to bet most of the Randstad still is too
I'm from Amsterdam, and I know no-one here who is against Zwarte Piet

I think more like 60% in Randstad. If Zwarte Piet is banned on TV people will just dress up as him and take to the streets. Unless the government makes a law against it. Then we will be pissed, but Randstadcucks will probably go along with the new law. Sad.

Oh shit it was all true


"No wonder afrikaners are so racist, look at where they come from"

They legit say this here because of you guys

Why do they all look so... Underclass

So you be sayin that they murder white farmers partly because we dress up as stereotype blacks in funny clothes and act goofy during an annual holiday for children?

''Samen feesten, met meer kleur, minder racisme''

Signed - a fucking Socialist.

white Socialist are the fucking worst.

Last year they wanted a multi color Piet, that plan failed. This year they want to try to do a grayed version that symbolizes a chimney coal dust stuff.

But I do agree with the protesters. We dont want blacks in our country! Get them deported.

He is right though.
Originally it was that, but you know, the church changed stuff to fit over pagan holidays to make them christian during the take over.
That why Sinterklaas looks like some christian priest.

Also, kanker.

Yeah, you're killing people you fucking muderer

This Krampus-argument is retarded. Sure it coincides with other European festivities that involve a combination of a Saint and an evil character (the devil/krampus) but Zwarte Piet is clearly a negro servant to Sinterklaas (the Catholic Saint Nicholas of Myra).

Zwarte Piet is a more friendly version of Krampus, also the pagan festival that celebrates the transition of seasons (winter solstice?)
A lot of northern euro countries have their own version of this, it's what Americans now call christmas although they probably don't realize their tradition is a mongrolized version of this ancient custum.

Watched TV yesterday, been at Amstel banks. Have to say that blackface is slowly leaving. They change attire to some shitty "chimney" looking faces. Looks like shit.

He's correct, stupid mutt.


In my town they're luckily all still black, the only people who shit on it are foreign students and bleeding heart leftists. Fuck it i say, a bunch of foreign students have nothing to say about my culture i swear to god they are ruining this town

Why are black people so racist?

Ackually they are north spanish marrocans turned permsnently pitch black from being in the chimneys all the time

>all cultures are equal!
>except the ones we don't like, which we will force to submit
Great logic. Honestly the problem is treasenous counties and government who will bend over backwards for this tiny minority of professional aggrevators. Last time I checked zwarte piet approval ratings are still well over 90%.

OP it's not a black face that represents the negroids. They painted their face black as a disguise. If you're white you should learn about your historical traditions.

Retort with "No wonder afrikaners are so racist, look at who they have to live with".


>. This year they want to try to do a grayed version that symbolizes a chimney coal dust stuff.

>I think more like 60% in Randstad
Hell no.

My arch enemy...

What city we talking about? We can meet up maybe.

Even black people put on blackface

Something for the Dutch users (and anyone else, cause it's funny): Sinterklaas op de Molukken.

Going to the big Fair in Tilburg was one of the most depressing things I've ever experienced. Don't think I've ever been around so many brown people smelling of weed.

It's not black face, stop calling it that. They are confusing the people on purpose by calling it that false name. Never start arguing in their own jargon, it's the oldest trick in the book. Once you do, they trap you in their false frame of argumentation.

jullie willen gewoon een zwarte piet in je reet

tfw your (((educated))) friends call these Frisian heroes "tokkies" and think we should let go of black peter because he makes niggers cry

Je bedoelt schoorsteen.

It's literally painting your face black
What's even the issue with that?
You act as if the argument for zwarte piet gets weaker if you say it's blackface, that's wrong.


Absolutely disgusting.


>chimney pete

Literally an unwashed white man, kek.

>Sinterklaas meet and greet yesterday
>Nigger couple with 3 nigglets taking pictures with zwarte piet, having a good time

I didn't hate niggers that day.

>They change attire to some shitty "chimney" looking faces. Looks like shit.

Everyone thinks it looks like shit, even the angry niggers.

Only niggers and white roasties with a single white nu-male.


Those are some ugly motherfuckers.

Sure, but the butthurt negroids are using the term "blackface" to refer to the institutionalized racism from the time of MLK in the United States. The strategy is to try and get support from people by making them believe Sinterklaas is racist so they can eventually get political support to abolish the feast in it's entirety, and using vocabulary like "blackface" helps this tremendously. Avoid their language and you avoid trapping yourself in their frame of argumentation. Calling it blackface to be edgy only helps them in the end, since it makes you acknowledge their frame.

>tfw your (((educated))) friends

I have sad news for you vriend, your maten are not educated. They are liberal lefty faggots and probably have some bullshit degrees in somekind of parasitic bullshit workfield.

90% of those in (((academia))) are absolutely retarded.

't Is dankzij de Hollanders da ze hier nu ook denken da Zwarte Piet een neger is. Welk zwart koppen noemt hun zoon Piet? De Pieten zijn overduidelijk blanke hulpen die zwart zien van't roet.

Most Surinamers and antillianen don't even mind zwarte piet

But it literally is blackface, and there's nothing wrong with it

Sure they are. Spaniards aren't just the mutts of Europe.

the only time of the year you actually see a "black" man behaving himself and being nice to children. but i guess we can't have that can we?

What is the relationshop between Afrikaners and the Dutch? Do you consider you self to be the same nation?

literally larping

>But it literally is blackface, and there's nothing wrong with it
I know you domme kankerflikker, maar je snapt toch zelf ook wel dat als je het blackface noemt je de Zeur Pieten in de kaart speelt? Want als jij zegt "ja blackface want gezicht zwart" zeggen zij "ja inderdaad blackface en slavernij". Je geeft toe aan hun framing van het argument, dit is exact wat je niet moet doen.

wien neerlands bloed door d'aderen vloeit

Dit dus. Jammer dat niemand m'n video kijkt.

imagine moving to a country and then telling them their culture is offensive to you.

this is basically what this is. if they dont like it they can fuck off. simple

You don’t evwn know your own traditions you fucktard. Zwarte Piet is a Moor, although Moors and demons are quite the same.

>tfw your (((educated))) friends call these Frisian heroes "tokkies" and think we should let go of black peter because he makes niggers cry
Should have studied something else than social studies then, eh?

Als ze van blackface naar de slavernij springen zal ik hun tegenspreken.
Ik hoef toch godverdomme niet de waarheid te ontkennen dat het blackface is of wel soms?
Ik hoef niet te liegen om zwarte piet te verdedigen

Ik vond het een hele leuke video. Bagus!

You do understand their ancestors were our slaves, right?

Lithuanian Shrovetide seems pretty comfy. Pic related.


They're all from our former colonies in the Caribbean and Suriname, our slaves. A lot of them are also from countries in the Caribbean that are still under the Kingdom.

Dutch leftist here Fuck those people wanting to destroy the best Holiday we have. Zwarte Pieten should be black and the haters are traitors. I vote SP so yes I am pretty left.

Threadly reminder that all this blackface bs is societal rot moving across the Atlantic. Dutch wannabe BLM activists.

Rare pic related is shoutout to the Frisians.

You do understand that we were mostly the middlemen in the slavetrade and that most of our own slaves were Indonesians and Molukkers, right? And this is what our former slaves think of Sinterklaas:

>the best Holiday we have
If you're 10, sure.
Otherwise it's as meaningless and soulless as Christmas is in the 21st century. Buy more presents goy

Photos like this makes me glad there is no such thing as smellovision.

>most of our own slaves were Indonesians and Molukkers

>Dutch wannabe BLM activists
Don't forget the 'black panther' hats. Ultimate cringe from those larpers.

Nekschot; allemaal.

>most of our own slaves were Indonesians and Molukkers
What? You're retarded.

>Rond 1670 telde Batavia ongeveer 13.000 slaven, de helft van de totale bevolking.[22] Deze slaven kwamen voornamelijk uit Zuid-Azië: India en Zuidoost-Azië: Birma, Bali, Makassar en Banda, maar ook uit de kuststrook van China.

i dont think he is.

moors were berbers.

and ive been just doing some reading about it from ancient times, and he talks off him carrying bags of coal and sneaking into houses via the chimney, this is pagan folk stories. long before any slavery.

Dus geen Indonesiërs en Molukkers.

who cares. he's not black because he's african.

Mad that we still celebrate Sinterklaas over at my parents house each year and we don't do the silly surprise shit you probably have to do every year?
Also people who give presents during Christmas instead of Sinterklaas need to leave the country.

africans dress up like europeans everyday, where is the outrage.

This tradition is from the 19th century, the people then didn’t know what Moors looked like. Even in drawings from the Middle Ages they depict Moors as black, so they are meant to be Moors, even if they don’t look like it.

I don't get it.

What town are you from?

This. Americans literally stole the idea of Santa from Sinterklaas and now there are cucks that celebrate Christmas and Santa. Fucking retarded, I tell you.

Sinterklaas is voor kinderen.

nah its not actually. its been around alot longer than Jan Schenkman book in 1850: St. Nicholas and his servant.

this is were people get the idea that it was created in the 19th century. its dead wrong

Pete is Black because he travels through the chimney. There is a lot of controversy regarding this explanation. People who oppose Black Pete assume that this is just a lame excuse to cover up the racism thing. If you look at the other giftbringers in Europe you will find that this explanation is used everywhere to explain the blackness of similar characters in folklore. This is a perfectly reasonable explanation for the fact that Black Pete is much older that most people think and that this was said about predecessors (e.g. the Black Klazen (Nicholasses) and the figures with hides and horns) that did exist in the Netherlands before 1850 and also that Black Pete is very closely tied to these other giftbringers and has a common origin. The chimney explanation is used for Schmutzli (Zwitserland), for Befana (Italy) and for Pere Fouettard (France), and for Knecht Ruprecht (Germany).

all came into house via the chimney, hence the black face.

Maybe for you cheapskates but where I come from we still celebrate it as adults with our extended family.

Weird. It really is for children though. There's no denying that.

The story is for kids, the idea behind it is for everyone. I buy presents for my brother and parents each year.

this is Schmutzli from switzerland.

he is black because he travels through the chimney to deliver presents.

same as black pete.

these dumb fucks all think the guy is black because he is african, when he is actually dirty from black soot in the chimneys

Wrong, it's a celebration for family and friends. Aka community.