The right wing has a superiority complex. debate me

the right wing has a superiority complex. debate me

Why do you think that?

the left wing has a superiority complex.

I mean it's not like they're the ones who go to a shitty community college for two years and thinks they're enlightened geniuses who know how the whole world works even though they just majored in gender studies with a minor in liberal arts. Conservatives usually have very practical knowledge that comes from actually dealing with the world. Obviously this doesn't extend to all fields, but it's still something.

>right-wingers are trailer trash and country retards

the right wing legitimately believes that there is a master race.

Also I'd like to say most conservatives aren't as far gone as people on here. Sure they don't like gays and trans but who the fuck does when they're so goddamn annoying and pushy of their lifestyle? As far as niggers and beans, they don't really care all that much to be honest, as long as they behave themselves. t. Living in Georgia for ten years

Actually, I think everyone in the internet has a superiority complex.

Left wing must be inferior then, correct?

like I said in my other reply, that's pretty much just Sup Forums and Charles Manson.

what do you want to debate

the left wing legitimately believes that there is an inherently evil race

meme flag. sage

I'm not saying that the left is without its stupidity, i just think that it's funny how the right can laugh about how triggered the left can get, then do complete 180 when trump is mentioned and get all defensive without being slightly self aware.

Well yeah but the thing is, the left gets trigger WAY more easily. Like seriously, refer to "It's Okay To Be White" and see how ridiculous they are sometimes, or the Apple head of human resources that got fired for saying a room of blonde hair, blue eyed people is just as diverse as anything else.

>I'm not saying that the left is without its stupidity, i just think that it's funny how the left can laugh about how triggered the right can get, then do complete 180 when race,class,culture,women,faggots,the inept,the retarded, the military,ect,ect,ect is mentioned and get all defensive without being slightly self aware
>profuckingtip never concced ground in the first sentence, it makes you look like a leftist homo

the sense or feeling of superiority does not mean they are superior. if you really were superior, you wouldnt waste time replying to this thread, and use your time effectively to prove actual superiority.

the sense or feeling of superiority mean they are superior. if you really were superior, you wouldnt waste time creating this thread, and use your time effectively to prove actual superiority

>3rd position

yeah, the left does get triggered. and it's fucking hilarious. but to bring it back to the topic, the left does not talk about how they love triggering the right, then get defensive as fast as the right does when the topic moves slightly from whatever their views are.

spend twenty fucking seconds to research what a superiority complex is then reply to this thread.

they do, why do I know? they NEVER debate, they KNOW

and they use double standards to literally everything, this is so disgusting that I even do not talk to them, not even a hi or hello

But like I said, at least it's something worth getting triggered over and not stupid shit. The reason conservatives get triggered about shit like Trump is because of how it's all they hear, so they're sick of it and can't tolerate it anymore.

yeah, the left does get triggered. and it's fucking hilarious

spend twenty fucking seconds to not researching nigger dicks then reply to this thread.

And the left have an inferiority complex. What else is new?

both sides have a superiority complex.
ever heard of the smug lefist?

>the right wing has a superiority complex. debate me
>Show his/her own superiority complex by implying OP can beat every argument
OP, how can I let you know you can beat facts with arguments? It doesn't matter how hard you try

majority of the right (normies sometimes included) will chimp out if the left gets a hold of a meme. a literal internet picture

I think both wings have a superiority complex, but only one is deserved. hint: guess who DIDN'T win the presidency.

>Show his/her own superiority complex by implying OP can beat every argument
not sure what you were trying to get at, but that isn't a debate, maybe it is to the right, where you cherrypick information you like.

That's because they suck though and they're really, really cringey. We don't like it when you fuck up our memes.

If they actually had a superiority complex they wouldn't create a hierarchy based on how oppressed someone is. That a white leftist will elevate a crippled black midget woman above anything and anyone else is proof that they consider themselves inferior.

>But like I said, at least it's something worth getting triggered over and not stupid shit.

majority of the left (normies) will cheer in admiration if a negro gets a hold of a white woman by force. a literal dindu nuffin

Once again proving that they can't manufacture anything and rely on stealing what the right produces.

it's not equality, everyone given the same, it's equity, fairness in all situations.

bro you're so god damn unlikeable. i hope to fuck you're baiting. if you exist irl, then humanity has failed

>not sure what you were trying to get at, but that isn't a debate
Because it's not an argument, it's an irony
>maybe it is to the right, where you cherrypick information you like
Genetic distance is not cherry picking dumbass, every single genome sequence test regarding it reveals similar results, thus a repeatable phenomena (pic related, check the date in both pics)

where does fairness exist beyond your wine sipping, scarf wearing moral code?

are you trying to imply that the same wing that pushes (((rape culture))), would "cheer in admiration" for that? i'm not convinced.

Giving a voice and responsibility to the least qualified person is a terrible idea in any and all cases no matter what.

You don't understand how important memes are though, this is our lifestyle they're fucking up man. In all seriousness though, I'm pretty sure most of the time people are joking about it. At least in the threads I've seen. Obviously they get made fun of still, but they really need to be made fun of for how shitty and low quality they are. Plus memes are basically just the 21st century version of sculptures and paintings. They're our art now, and as always art has political themes, so getting upset over memes is no different than getting upset over any other form of media.



They talk about science but never explain, never give reasons while spewing bullshit about many genders and equality taken to the extreme. They call everyone a bigot being bigots themselves

Finally if you are conservative they dismiss you with a read answer that you are a Russian spy no matter what. Because you dared to disagree.

if someone with an uneducated opinion and an open mind comes to you, you shouldn't shut them down, but listen and correct their mistakes to educate them.

It has, so what?

No it doesn't.
No they don't
.They've already acheived superiority.
No they don't.No they won't.Yes it is a debate. He wasn't cherrypicking.Memes are awesom.No it isn't. Some animals are more equal than others has been the norm.


Seriously though. What you're doing is called pathologizing. Psychiatric associations are very clear that it is not possible to make a definitive diagnosis without a face-face meeting.

You lost the debate before you started.

God damn this is retarded.

>"listen and correct their mistakes to educate them"
>does none of that

What you say is entirely correct but has nothing to do with equity or the subject matter.

No seriously dude, memes are basically the same as any other political comic. In fact, sometimes they literally are. If you can get upset at a political comic, why can't you get mad at a political meme?

it was in context to

>Giving a voice and responsibility to the least qualified person is a terrible idea in any and all cases no matter what.
giving no responsibilities to people leads to people who dwell on Sup Forums

Only retards get upset at comics. The fact that so many people care about memes just shows how idiotic and pathetic the political landscape is.


if you get upset at memes to a point where you cant just instantly brush it off, you may use a UNICEF meme fleg and agrue with slightly less autistic people on Sup Forums

you shouldnt be so overly opinionated were you feel distress over an image


So faggot I'm here to debate you, there is literally nothing but shill threads so this could be entertaining, what do you want to debate about? In order to start defining terms

I mean it's no different than getting mad at a regular political statement, it's just a different platform to spread it. Honestly, this is just leading to "it's stupid to get mad", which is just gonna lead to some Buddhist bullshit about how you should never be mad because it's a waset of chi.

>giving no responsibilities to people leads to people who dwell on Sup Forums

fucking hard to agruee with that one, lad. you may of finally made a point


Sup Forums

Well that's a separate issue and argument altogether. I'm not arguing about how upset you should be, because obviously there's limits, and it's subjective of what counts as getting "triggered" since to some people just typing "fuck you" in a YouTube comment counts, so really there's no way to actually argue that.

abortion. You start

I'm mad like 90% of the time, but regular political statements font make me mad either. Everyone can have an opinion, doesn't mean it fucking matters. If its a political statement made by someone with actual power then I can understand getting mad at it, but getting mad at some fucking frog image just means you are a dip shit that needs to be slapped.

You've already lost. You can't make a definitive diagnosis of an individual or set of individuals without a face to face meeting.

If you want to claim you can diagnose "average characteristics of a group," the definition of mental illness makes this impossible. Mental illness is normative and society dependent, and you cannot argue that behavior exhibited by 40+% of a country is out of the bounds of normal.

Which was a response to the equity and fairness argument. If you have to choose between two people for a job, one is a white man who's educated and has experience with the job, or a black midget woman with no experience or education, which one would you choose?

The answer is obvious, but the leftist hierarchy demands the unreasonable answer, and you know which one it is.

There isn't a master race but whites are superior to niggers in pretty much everyway gooks are debatable, kikes can't stay in their own god damn nation arabs have been corrupted by islam and Latinos turn where they live into a communist shithole

Abortion for whites = illegal
Abortion for non-whites = legal and encouraged


perfectly fine. more black babies are aborted in america than whites per capita

Ah, so you're just here to bait?
But I'll assume you're just retarded and explain your position for you since you're obviously incapable of explaining it yourself.
You mistake in-group preferences with superiority - there's nothing supremacist about putting your own race first. This is why the left completely misses the point when they say "oh but jews are smarter than whites - checkmate racists". It doesn't work because it was never the position to begin with.
Why is it so hard for you fags to understand the idea of racial preference? I'd go out on a limb here and say it's because you can't leave your own beliefs behind so you project them onto the right, a typical trait in the left being that they always think themselves superior to the right, when they live in a bubble of make-believe where-as rightwing ideology takes its root in reality.

a shill with a nazi flag. what a sight.

Whoa buddy only in europe it should be the other way around depending on the location

Good goy, keep fighting against your own kind until the end of time. Someday your team will win. The war of ideas

Yeah but if the politicAL statement is made by some unheard of verified "reporter" on Twitter then it's pretty much the same as said frog picture, and people still get mad on both sides.

If you can bear it, it's not a complex. Should've been the first post, really.

(You) Quit being a nigger and prove me wrong

That is implied, non-white nations should define their own policies.

because blacks havent been given the same financial opportunities as whites, and thus can't afford to raise a child?

I agree it's only natural that each race put their own first and should they choose to allow full on abortion or none they are free to choose

i shouldn't reply to shills but
>there isnt a master race
>proceeds to put down other races of people that aren't white

Don't you get support from the government if you have children in the US? To add to that, the wealthier you are, the less children you have, no? Pretty sure that's what the statistics say.

>Because blacks haven't been given the same financial opportunities
I wish you would've just started with this so we'd know not to waste our time.

>subscribing to dichotomies

just unsubscribe lad

the poor have more kids because of goverment gibs

It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that blacks have anywhere from a subhuman 65 IQ to a barely workable 85 nah they oppressed n sheit

>the wealthier you are, the less children you have
exactly, because they cost money for little to no return on investment. if it's black, there's even less of a chance of it being successful, so why waste the little money you have on a child that will probably institutionalised

>superiority complex
Typical Jew doublespeak. The right is simply superior.

Yes. Despite this, niggers still have kids they can't afford and make stupid ass financial choices constantly. I can't remember the exact steps, but there's like a short statistical guide to staying out of poverty that goes like don't have kids before marriage, graduate high school, etc. and you'll avoid poverty completely.

whites ARE the master race and guess what? ashkenazi jew evolved in europe

>"so why waste the little money you have on a child that will probably institutionalised"

because they cant plan ahead and the goverment provides the with a saftey net

it doesnt have anything to do with the fact that govmt funded schools in majority black areas are less funded than white areas in the USA.

Defend your fucking position you dumb faggot shill.

Calling me a shill doesn't discredit me /leftypol/ fyi. Want to know the problem with whites...they are so sorry for being better(despite not having a choice) that they are literally genociding their culture and people just to apologize for being better

Right wing ideologies are nationalist to the bone, it's a toxic mindset, at least left thinking promotes skepticism and recognizes there is actual evil in humanity.

This is your way of thinking though, not the thinking of someone who has 7 children and is given gibs to feed them.

my position is that there is a wealth inequality across races in the USA

Or you can just be a good parent and raise them right? Ever think of that?

>Definition to me: Extraction of a fetus younger than the first trimester
Pro abortion of all mentally incapable, prospected severe unhealthy conditions, bad genetic mutations, national ethnicity control*, and unwanted babies but fining the woman after, making her pay the costs of the process, and 2 months of prison. This last one only applies depending the circumstances of the impregnation.*
> * = More definition to it.
*Circumstances defined, by case:
a) Rape victims, with enough evidence will not be charged, but if got raped under the influence, she would get fined ($500 max.) but not imprissoned
b) Forced abortion, if the mother's life is at risk and the abortion is a must or already happened, then she won't be fined nor imprisoned
c) Natural abortions will not be charged (part of independent abortions appendix)
d) Artificial insemination accidents, i.e. she only wanted one, but they're twins, will not be charged nor imprisoned.
e) Other extreme situations that are not written will be on the judge's understanding to decide
*Ethnic control
Abortion is forced or the woman has the option to be sent to a proper ethnostate, to avoid social cohesion problems to the kid, the mother, and the nation as a hole.
The murder of a wanted fetus before the first trimester is considered infanticide, so killing a pregnant woman will count as double murder and infanticide charges (wanted/unwanted needs to be documented on the first check up)

They do produce a whopping 56 percent of crime though despite being only 13 percent of the U.S. population