When you realize science is just philosophy for the retarded

>when you realize science is just philosophy for the retarded
Holy fuck...

You're finally onto the true red pill. Keep going user

I will. Thank you brother

Wow a leaf is actually WOKE


You have a point. Philosophers believe what they know, and don't need a bunch of pointless experiments to prove it to themselves. Scientists refuse to trust their intuition, and commence on spending countless hours to proves small little details. Anyone with half a brain then looks at the results and goes "No shit?". Meanwhile the scientist spend millions of tax payer funded dollars to figure out why carbon dioxide it bad. Totally missing the point that plants need CO2 to thrive.

probably more of "for the autists" since it plays more to solving practical, boring problems, such as figuring out what type of lightbulb is needed, rather than figuring out how many idiots is needed to screw it in

>when you realize that all art is propaganda

Science explains how things work.
Philosophy explains why things work.

> this thread

How so OP?

That image really captures the timesink of debating brainlets.

This post explains it pretty well

i dont get it pol
science also says that iq change between races is a fact and you guys all liekd the idea that niggers are way more retarded than whites.
what did science say this time that you suddenly disagree with ?


a leaf post

>food all around year
>being able to travel the whole world
>not being eaten alive by animals for being a fucking retarded faggot

Hurr durr science is a joke ... its basically shitposting for retarded.

It doesn't say anything. That's the problem

but the scientific fact remains that niggers have a lesser iq than whites. that is science and you agree with that. if you dont then your a a shill and jewish and a leftist.
how about we pick our poison and stick to it.

Able to sperg any nonsense as long as it's 'logical' or rather it fits certain parameters of discussion.

Actually adheres to a standard of, you know, truth.

You're missing the point entirely

you have to start giving me here something other than just saying
"your wrong"
expand plz on your claims and help a brainlet out so i can also see the light.

>when you realize science is just philosophy for the retarded

Science has improved the lives of millions.

3/10 troll harder Christfag.

I'd really rather not

But how can a philosopher "know" about the age of our sun, or gamma ray bursts?

Science is okay. People who aren't literal scientists directly advancing science are retarded if they say "they believe in science" as though it substitutes philosophy or devalues it in anyway. Science used to be called natural philosophy anyways because philosophy is how we ardived at scientific thought

Who said anything about Christ? What is it about brainlets like yourself? You see something that challenges your preconceived notions and instead of embracing that and learning you just huddle back into the safety of your own stupidity

Science is the opiate of the autist.

That's not how it works, faggot.

Science is nothing but applying maths to other people's research to prove that what that scientist said, is indeed correct based on all the other things the committee agrees with. The advantage of science is it uses maths, and you can't argue with maths. It's a combination of observation and computation.

Theoretical maths is the highest form of maths where you're inventing maths. Inventing maths isn't like, creating an argument, inventing maths is euler's formula. e^x*e^y = e^(x*y) Nothing before was created by Euler, but the maths works out precisely and this pretty much revolutionised how we think about calculus, growth, science, I mean, this is kind of shit that changes peasants into farmers, knights into politicians, and writing into your diary into Infowars.com

Philosophy is beyond that. Euler may have invented calculus, but that still has to use algebra, trigonometry and other maths are still needed to prove how calculus works.

Philosophy invents it's own rules. There are no rules with philosophy, it's just daydreaming and masturbation but when a philosophical question or theory comes about, people really start to think.

When it comes to philosophy, you just need a word, and you won't stop jerking off about givens, debates, rights and practice.

Example: Murder

I'll have to remember that one. Cheers

Philosophy is induction, science is deduction. Neither can be your entire worldview and both compliment the other.

>Philosophy: Everything is made out of atoms, that can't be divided any further (Damokrit)
Physics: Actually they aren't.

>Philosophy: by being born you agree to the social contract and have no way of backing out (Hobbes and others)
Law "science": Actually, that's wrong. You can't enter a contract without being aware of it and any contract can be dissolved someway.

And finally, my favorite, which is how my "ethics" teacher in school summed up Descartes claims about the soul (Not sure if Descartes ever said it though):
>Philosophy: Animals don't have souls, since souls don't have physical shape, while animals do. Humans however have souls since the bible says so.

Well, have fun with your pseudologic bluepills. I'll stay with physics and mathematics.

The problem baby boy, is that they can label anything they want "science" and produce "results" that favor one outcome or another.

Science is the new feminism. I like the idea of feminism, but in practice, it's completely fucked.

I get your point but a philosopher can’t tell you how much co2 it takes to kill a human or grow a plant

Correct, because a philosopher just grows the fucking plant, because he intuitively knows how shit works.

OK bye brainlet

Philosophy does not allow industrialization and mass production while rationality and scientific theory does. Philosophy is the brain behind science but it’s not the muscle.

You’re only on the second level of brain expansion.

Now go read Wittgenstein to realize philosophy and logic are tautologies inherently and that what can’t be said shouldn’t be said at all and science is the only based use of philosophy.

This is relativism in action.

You have got absolutely no idea about what philosophy is.

>Science is deduction
Wew leaf, almost got me there

go spread your scientism somewhere else.

fucking retard i'd like to see philosophers build nuclear plants

>using science to prove science

Philosophers built western civilization, without which there would be no nuclear power plants fag

I bet the people that did read a book or two on philosophy.

Just a wild guess.

corporations and crony capitalism killed science just b4 ww2. but at least we got ipads, viagra and i heard they are working on a cure for boldness. self-driving cars and robots too, i forgot

That's fine, science is compromised. Like I said, it's the new feminism.

This is more healthcare related, but just an example. Viagra was created as a bloodpressure pill I think we all know this, but the company that made viagra literally coined the term ED, erectile dysfunction apparently was just a made up thing backed by "science" to sell this blood pressure medication that didn't work too well, but for some reason makes your dick hard.

Tinfoil hat time, but a lot of healthcare and science seems to be set up to convince people to take things that hurt them but make others a lot of money.

Aluminum by-product? Flouride, put it in the water, too expensive to expose of. Make "scientific" studies to convince people you need this chemical in your water.

Make low fat milk, have much left over curds. Put cheese in fucking everything. Suddenly it's on the food pyramid and you need this byproduct in every meal.

Science is fine, the problem is it's being manipulated to get people to believe certain things. It's exactly like religion.

>building things

Are you aware of the works of Frederich schelling? Do you know the words of holderland, and of hegel?

I refuse to believe a human being can be this retarded.

You refuse to believe anything that challenges you, huh?

Ok, I believe a human can be this retarded now.

hes leafing out

Only read Hegel in full, I do consider positivism to be dull.

WRONG so have you got your GED yet?

the dark ages called, it wants you back


This is an interesting concept.


SCIENCE WAS ORIGINALLY CALLED NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. You can not have science with out philosophy. Science requires the philosophy or Rationalism and the philosophy of Empiricism for example.

Noone forced you to believe anything in religion.
Only organised religion.

>Science is one unified field
>Science is a settled fact
>Science says you can be born gay
The scientific method isn't under attack, it's (((scientism))) and the use of agendas that the current science fields that make people less trustful of it now. You can have the same piece off evidence and different people will draw different conclusions from it from thier fundamental perspective, he notion that hypothesis are netural is a farce, numbers don't lie but the inference from it can.
Scientific method, universities, all the Natural science fields come from Christian principles, homos need not apply.

>implying that nig will breed

Science as a religion has been a pretty massive failure.

I'm fairly convinced that it only exist as a catalyst to soften up weak / stupid people for Islam.

>Science says you can be born gay
*Blocks your path*

Scientists don't know the age of the Sun, it's literally a hypothesis, to say it's a fact is ludicrous. They do a lot of assumptions when they come up with the age, and it's been changing over time. Even the speed of light isn't a constant, you can speed it past the so called speed limit.
Learn what a fact is.

philosophers are too busy questioning why they should grow the plant to actually do it

look closer. the philosopher's parents grew the plant while the NEET stayed inside jerking off over muh intuitions

Well then, how about you kindly explain to me what it is?
Cause from what I've seen, Philosophy is nothing but a bunch of people circlejerking about ideas that resemble the ravings of a junkie in rehab and telling each other how intelligent they are.

Hay guiz if gawd is reel how cum SYENS says he iznt? Chekmat

Nope philosophy seems to impact how people think Science SHOULD work.

Hence we have materialism, atomism, and SJW retardedness prevelant in the sciences.

A set of ideas that change people's perception of reality.
Science is a philosophy in the sence that it tries to interpret reality.

Philosophy is a meme.
Science is a weaker meme.

Chemical- / Process-engineer here (or, for the philosophers, "somebody with the ability to built nuclear powerplants who may or may not do so at any point in his career"). I've never read any philosophy other than what I was forced to read in school and some things online (which I read mainly for the lulz). Same with most of my colleagues - in the few cases philosophy gets mentioned, it's as the butt of a joke.
>So if there's a 1 in 1000000000 risk that this plant blows up, does that mean it wil blow up once in 1000000000 years?
>Write a thesis on that and earn your philosphy degree if you care, just make sure that you reach that level of safety first.

>Self-driving cars
How is this any improvement to society? Under scientism all you need to better a society is to keep producing and advancing tech while having no consideration for the human. People are more depressed, fatter and quality of life is worse than before.
It's how we use the tech that what matters, not just the improvement of it.

Noone is arguing the necessity of science in the modern world, retard.


Politics is philosophy without science.

Philosophy is literally the study of thought. The idea of empiricism being valuable, the concept of logic and rationality, objective vs subjective, the very concept of science, all products of philosophy.

>We laugh about philosophy therefore those ideas and research haven't influenced our own thought behavior just because.

Science is PRACTICAL philosophy (and its correct that Science is just a sub one of philosophic methods of understanding the world and is not and scientific view is not an objective absolute, but just section of philosophy, or more so - application of one of its methods.

HOWEVER, Science speciality is that it Works and that its practical. Science does not contradict philosophy except for Metaphisics, which are bullshit and shunned in philosophic world.

>Chemical- / Process-engineer here (or, for the philosophers, "somebody with the ability to built nuclear powerplants who may or may not do so at any point in his career").
You mean undergrad who's never worked in the field yet

So if A tells B how to get somewhere, that's philosophy:
>it's a set of ideas (if you go there, you'll be able to go there next)
>It changes B's perception of reality (Now B knows that it is possible to get there instead of being unsure)
So google maps is a philosophical forum then?

This post is stupid as fuck, modern AND ancient philosophers are completely insignificant compared to modern scientists. Modern scientist is closer to god than any human has ever been.

Science is a tool of technological advancement based in naturalistic observation, it makes no claims of reality apart from the causality of the universe.

But at the same time, unless you assume a supernatural governance by which we are beholden, atheism and amoralism are perfectly reasonable positions to take.

>Philosophy invents it's own rules. There are no rules with philosophy, it's just daydreaming and masturbation but when a philosophical question or theory comes about, people really start to think.
That is plain wrong. Science is directly a part of Philosophyc structure, and exists because it follows phylilosophic concept of LOGIC and dialectic conclusion making.

Yeah I really like how it is philosophy that is keeping the planes in the sky, running the internet and curing diseases. Like, duh, just think about intuitively how to build technological wonders.

stupid american

This hurt to read.
Please be troll.

>science in 2017

Dude you can make over 1 billion people that muhammad flew to heaven on a horse in the modern world.
Over 1 billion who believe christ ressurected.
All of that in a litteral sence in our physical world.

You believe that physical laws exists, and that their existence can be proven by experiment. This conclusion is result of Philosophy teaching you a logical thinking and dialectic method of attaining and consensus on what is the "truth".

Science is simply application of philosophy. Science does not contradict philosophy in any way. Metaphisics is not philosophy, but what you said a "mastrubatory daydreaming" - but no one cares about it.

Nah, Dipl.-Ing. VT.
In case you're not aware, there have been no Dipl.-Ing. graduations since germany adopted bachelor / master in cose to a decade. So yes, I have worked "in the field" (BASF reactor development) for some years already.

Reason I put both chemical and process engineering is because Verfahrenstechnik combines both and has no direct translation.

>A bunch of low IQ, Post-modernists will try to imply "Feelings" are better than empirical Data

Sup Forums sometimes you are legit the same as a bunch of tumblrites.

The goypill is right in your hand, why don't you take it?

Define post-modernism

What people dont get about Philosophy, is that its not about "i belive that" assumptions and theories each of whom can be valid. False. Philosophic concepts are tested and disproven and have logical foundation and experiments just like a science.

It is just that Philosophy covers wider area than Science and most of the "experiments" are possible only in though and logic.

Good example for people to understand: What are Sociology, Economy?

Those are SCIENCEs however lack proper scientific method that would be absolutely reliable, and are actually nearer to abstract philosophy methods than you think.

>this thread

Wow the Sup Forumstards are reaching amazing new levels of stupid.

>be atheist
>believe in natural selection and evolution and breeding better and worse animals
>lmao let's ensure the existence of weak genetics with vaccines and medicine lmao

Truly atheist are brainlets. Also they have no reason to do anything, care about politics or have any morals. They believe the sun will explode destroying everything the earth has and their is no other end game

>hur dur our destiny is among the stars!1

So what? Inhabit another planet that will only be burned up by its sun.

An atheist that does not kill himself the moment he becomes an atheist belives this life philosophy

>I'm ensuring an existence that is a pointless existence

Or you could, you know, just enjoy life without needing a “point” from some sky wizard.

What? Are you fucking dense? Science is objective fact backed up by observable evidence, its not close to philosophy.

Not all atheists believe in evolution.

>Dude you can make over 1 billion people that muhammad flew to heaven on a horse in the modern world.
Not sure what you're trying to say. That I can father 1 billion children and have someone called muhammed fly them to heaven on a horse?
What race of horse can even fly? is that a new feat of genetic engineering that I haven't heard about?

>Over 1 billion who believe christ ressurected.
So? I'm missing your point there.

>All of that in a litteral sence in our physical world.
Not sure if you meant to write sense or science there - literary science perhaps? (Is that even science?) Do people in literal science believe that the bible is true?
Or where you trying to say "literal sense", as in, "They literally believe jesus resurected"? In that case, it's nothing new, but I still do not see your point - I was aware of certain religious groups attracting stupid people before.