Do we actually have enough food to feed every person on this planet?

Do we actually have enough food to feed every person on this planet?


I don't count niggers as people and gooks eat anything that moves, so yes we have enough food.

Yes, the USA alone produces enough food each growing season to feed the entire planet between three and twenty times over.

The only reason anyone ever starves is because they actually want to starve, or at least are stupid enough to keep voting to be starved.


You kekistani newfags can GTFO

Yes, but we'd have even more if blacks could farm properly.



Yes, voting. Places like Zimbabwe and Venezuela held actual democratic votes, and the people voted socialist, which is literally voting to be starved.

One of the main issues is that while we do have enough food to feed everyone, spicific foods are still scarce. The world might work if everyone is only given beans to live off of, but most people want some steak and lobster much more often than what we could give people if they were free.

Yes. We have tons of useless farm equipment just laying around do nothing.

The question is not "can we feed them?" but "shall we feed them?"
Humanity is worthless trash.

>take resources from first world countries to feed niggers who still haven't worked out agriculture
>niggers, no longer starving or needing to spend time searching for food breed more
>now there are more niggers to feed

An H-bomb would be a cheaper, better solution.

arent we rapidly running through soil nutrients and nonrenewable fossil fuels to produce food at this level

the FDA burns millions of tons of food annually to artificially drive up costs, and the global population is still growing. draw your own conclusion.

This. Stop sending aid to Africa. That just gives them more people for Merkel to ferry into the EU

The thing with food is the moment you have a surplus, people will start to pump out more kids to eat it. Or at least that's what we used to do, now only niggers of various shade do that - white people don't reproduce. The question should be "do we actually have enough food to feed every nigger on this planet?", and the answer is an emphatic no.

it doesn't matter if we have enough money/food to feed them aand frankly they shouldnt be fed
let me break it down for you
all this will do is skyrocket an already unstable population that needs massive corrections such as death, the west is currently proping up and already burgenoning number in 3rd world countries
we simply do not have the infrastructure to support all these people
the humane thing to do is let alot die for the sake of everyone else before it gets out of conrtrol


I haven't heard of any massive starvation?

if there was aid groups would be all over it, and the first world would be dying to send food.

Ok I give you a bunch of food, now how are you going to feed North Korea ?

It's the same deal with all those dictatorships.

It's a matter of waste as well. The 40% food wasted also means that there is a 40% increase (or perhaps more since you have to store and dispose of all the waste) in fuel costs, fertiliser use, destroyed land/desertification from fertilisers, pesticide increase, GMO spread, water waste, etc.
All resources we need down the line, or pollution/chemical/genetic warfare that we may not be able to deal with. This isn't a simple problem of GIMMEDAT or GIBDEMDAT economics.

>implying NK does not have food.

We do, but, more food = more pop = need more food = more environmental destruction = societal collapse = human extinction.

So cut aid and let niggers starve

North Korea did nothing wrong.