Anyone notice that none of these men accused of sexual harassment are physically attractive...

Anyone notice that none of these men accused of sexual harassment are physically attractive? I bet if women were groped by Leo Di Caprio they wouldn't say anything about it. Fucking desperate attention whores.

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Would you care if an attractive man raped your mother?

I've noticed they're all jews

Oy vey

OPs argument is the classic ugly rapey jew rant

gas yourself OP

Just a coincidence, goyim. Nothing to see here.

>Accused of not having a hoverhand when taking a picture
I hate Franken but who cares about a state fair?

Oy vey
She was asking for it
Taking a week off to reflect

Let the libs cannibalize their own. Good riddance.


Notice how attractive men are the ones who get molested by woman. You didn't because you're an ugly kike cuck and shill!

go to fucking hell loser.

And they mainly attack shiksas. Nothing personal, goys!

I've noticed they're all white men.

No black or hispanic men, because they know enough to keep there hands to themselves.

Yup most jews are sexual perverts who project their sickness onto society en masse using media.

Im goog enough

Smart enough

And gosh darn it give tour senator a handful of that ass

wanna guess how I can tell you're not black?
top kek.


Sexual harassment is when a women thinks she is getting unwanted attention from a man.

If a woman likes the man, then it isn't sexual harassment for him to grab her by the head, pull her into him, and give her a big slobbering kiss while shoving his tongue into her mouth and running I around in there like a mad squirrel. If she likes him, that is hot. If she doesn't she doesn't want that man close enough to smell what he did or did not have for lunch.

Just saying hello to a woman has been found to be sexual harassment.

Not saying anything to a woman has been found to be sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is not a minimum number of acts. Its purely how a woman feels, and she can change her mind years later about what she considered acceptable--- in effect making a consenting, understanding situation retroactively into sexual harassment.

John Nobel is a polititian and rapist now?

FYI the reason al franken is being accused now, is because the telecoms lobby is about to force the FCC to repeal net neutrality.

This user knows the truth

Getting pussy is the main reason why ugly people seek power.

what can I say? franken is the only one with the balls to ruthlessly grill these TV faggots.

Bigger question is - when will the real PAEDO parasites be exposed? So far it's "groping" (he touched my butt!) and "Harassment" (you look nice in that dress) tier stuff. This crap is just tabloid garbage to distract from the real sexual assaults - like outright rape & CHILD abuse & trafficking. See Mendenez in NJ. It was raping child sex slaves in DR which led to his investigation.

>FYI the reason al franken is being accused now, is because the telecoms lobby is about to force the FCC to repeal net neutrality.
I haven't been following this user, can I get a basic gestalt and what it has to do with Franken

Especially Franken since he's been with the same woman his whole adult life

Daily reminder that Al Franken did nothing wrong.

Ben Affleck was accused, but it all died down and no one seems to care.

I think he preemptively came out for fucking around and said he would donate millions to some charities. I'm guessing the millions shut them up.

There's your (((you.))) Care to kindly fuck back off to Imgur? I mean, this isn't even plebbit tier shilling, you fucking noobs.

Franken was largely responsible for blocking the Comcast--Time Warner merge. Remember that the AOL--Time Warner merge before it was a deathblow to free media. He's one of the few people in Congress with the desire to stop media consolidation, not to mention the balls of steel required. Now the lobby convinced some girl that an awkward fumble years ago was "rape" or something. Enjoy your totalitarian One State where all your news comes from 2-3 sources, that also shape telecoms policy.

Ben Afflec was accused correct?

I wouldn't call this unattractive.

Kevin Spacey isn't a Jew
And while most of them are Jews, normalfags will only ever see this as a white male issue not a Jew issue

Desireable men don't have to grope women. As trump said, they will let you do anything to them. Whores will throw themselves at you if you have fame, money or good looks.

Many people have. It mightve backfired.


US media is already failing hard. They have to merge to stay in business. The same happened a decade ago when the government prevented the merger of Blockbuster and Hollywood Entertainment Corp. A few years later both companies went bankrupt.

Creepy Joe got hairplugs.
Transplanted the hair from his ass.

I notice that they're mostly kikes preying on goyim

>US media is already failing hard. They have to merge to stay in business
but that's just not true, unless your metric of "failure" is "rupert murdoch missed out on his billion-dollar bonus this year."

Physically attractive make here.
Got pinched more in the butt than I pinched by a wide margin. Then again I'm not the dominant "I get so hard when women are uncomfortable type" but I'd say there's no need for me to throw myself at women.

But remember, you aren't allowed to say you got sexually harassed because you're an oppressive male

>1 post by this ID
eat a bucket of aids faggot
thanks user

I think it's good that more women are not afraid to come forward with their stories. It makes our soiciety more healthy when we can out and prosecute the sexual predators. Yes, I know that means Trump has to do too, but look at all the damage he's done to the GOP and literally nothing to show for it. Nobody will miss him

I agree OP. I was sexually assaulted by a pretty cute girl at a restaurant a few weeks ago but it was awesome. If it was some ham planet it would have been horrifying.

I dont care desu. If its not a 6ft 8 gorilla guy are girl then i'm fine. I'll punch her or him in the face if they go to far so...

Yeah, those ugly fucks, huh!?