Why didn't he write a book?

So, Uncle Charlie's dead. Let's take a break from the eternal battle between the F and S keys to consider, why didn't he ever write a book?

Not some bullshit like "Charles Manson in his Own Words", made of compiled interviews, but an honest to god manifesto. He had two things for the last 46 years, free time and stationary. He had a lot of passion, and a message he believed in. So why didn't he ever write a manuscript? Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in prison. Charlie Bronson's authored multiple books, among them a workout manual. How did Manson never set pen to fucking paper and give us a book?

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He had nothing to prove to anyone

> He had a lot of passion, and a message he believed in.

If you believe that you're a simpleton.

> USA flag

oh welp nvm

you clearly don't understand how publishing works.

the kikes even own nature journals

he had nothing left to say

because he was an actor and his role was just an intelligence project. if he wrote a book, it would've came out of Langley.

The CIA wouldn't let him since it would blow the lid on MKUltra.

Probably some Son of Sam law.

He was literally a pseud fucking acid casualty. Nothing worth reading.

another jewish CIA agent

read The Family by Ed sanders
closest thing you’ll get to an auto bio

also fuck charlie. the most uninteresting non killer to have ever existed. try looking up Dr H H Holmes for someone far more devious than the dead manletpath

I *think* he was illiterate


I'll leave you folks with the definitive text on Charles Manson, an 80 page pdf, but probably 250 pages in print. Enjoy!


He was a nobody. He just wanted to fuck and make music. That's all. He didn't have anything to say.

it's perfectly possible to write and publish from prison
i got a copy of dr kaczynski's "technological slavery" on my desk right now

I think someone did teach him how to read and write. But he was for most of his free life for sure.


Nigga, if you don't think this guy had a book you're retarded

Nigga couldnt write

Rest in piece you fragile flower, you will be missed.

Because publishing business is run by jews...