
Ep8 already out

Reminder that we are all probably dead too

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Can scandium cure autism?

none of you anons have taken scandium before right

No, autism carries on after death

>Izumi is nowhere to be seen
O boy.

Not even death can save us from autism.

Wait fucking hell, I just rewatched

So the scandium thing where it makes you a ghost was just a bait for them to mindhack the rich people who was promised eternal life?

So basically, their goal is to get the rich people to inject themselves with scandium with the guise of "eternal life" in order to mindhack them

>scandium in your brains while alive + electro magnetic waves = mind control
>scandium in your brains on death + ??? = ghost

But what about the synchronization thing?

Why does ghost guy have Aria's brother's memories?

>Don't call it the Inokashira Lake Incident, call it the 256 Incident

Why did he ask for this? Also can someone dump the end cards from the previous episodes?

Demon must be her brother who maybe had an amnesia when he went astral accidentally which had that as a side effect

So why did they killed all this people?

Because that's the name he's trying to make mainstream on his blog. I actually laughed when he said that.

Thanks for making it clear for me. I thought what they wanted to control were the ghost.

I wanna protect this imouto

How many episodes are left?

Only four unfourtunately.

I want Asuna-chan to touch my dick and tell me what she's read.

I want Myu-pom to read my dick's future.

Isn't it five? That said, I can't see how we will get a satisfying conclusion with such little time left.

Hopefully there won't be a "BUY OUR VN" ending.

She'll probably see a lot of hand actions

Good. I hate to wait for this show to come out every damn week ;_;

This show wants me to hate it. For every episode it does right, like episode 7, it does an episode like this.

Rapid fire dialogue like this atrocious. Because even with characters I like and a plot I'm interested in, I just want to bash my head in.

The deliveries of VAs when rushed to this extent removes all feeling and emotion from their performance.

If this episode had removed the whole technobabble section from this episode, it could have been well paced and delivered.

It seems to be a case of whoever's making this show, wants to keep every single facet of the story intact, but doing so like this, results in fucking awful dialogue that makes my brain go numb.

I like Ryotas, I like Gamon, I like most of the main characters. I like the idea of a story where the main cast have already lost and are dead, and the mystery that surrounds it.

But this is not a good show. They have the talent, the VAs, and the Artists needed, Maybe even the director. I don't know. I don't care to look into the production teams. I judge anime based on what I see.

And this. This is bad.

A show that has me invested in the characters and story, deliberately does things to make me hate it.

I still hold out that this show can make a clean break for the last four episodes, but I know in my heart, at least two of them will be as awful as this one.

Will there be a vn?


You are blown things out way of proportion. You want to love it? Well then suck those segments up because it's one of the few thing O;N has to make compromise upon. If there's no technobabble it would get too confusing for normal audiences. And the feeling is still there in the VA's performances, there's not much wrong with their dialogues either. The only and biggest problem is the pace of their conversation going too fast, thus those emotions don't have time to sink into the viewer before going to the next line. You could view this as director opted for plot over characters, which is a legit choice considering this show is less about characters like S;G but events. I figure they would opt for both had they have enough time but they clearly don't with this 12 episodes format.
If you want a inspect on each character's feeling then rewatch it.

Are they fucking cutting out the milliseconds of silence between syllables now? Why are they talking so fast, holy shit?

I pity the fantranslators

How many times would you ishishu into Ryotas?

>mfw there are people who actually struggle reading the subtitles

O;9 is a fantastic retard filter

>there are people who don't know japanese

So has Sarai's dad taken the scandium

I like the OP and ED.

>O;9 gets a VN
>it will never be translated

If anything, they're the best part of any 5pb anime (Yes, including Plastic Memories).

It takes less than a year to learn enough Japanese to be able to read a VN with a dictionary.

Do people really believe this?

People say that shit all the time, but if the studio needed more episodes they would have done that. But they won't, so that means 12 is going to be plenty enough to give it a satisfying conclusion. Afterall, Chiyomaru himself did write the script for it.

Just because /djt/ is gone doesn't mean Japanese cannot be learned. Apply yourself, motherfucker.

It is going to be hard, and you WILL be reading pretty damn slowly, but it can be done.


Gamotan's dad on the other hand...

>learning japanese

>Chief editor is Suwa 2.0


domo arigato

I remember when I forced myself to go through this untranslated Manga about wizard poker, I read so slowly and my head hurt after a while but I learned so much, especially considering the scope of the work. I second this, learning a language is hard work considering you're trying to understand something people have been learning their whole lives.

While you're a lost cause, your death would save us from your autism

This episode set everything in place for the grand finale.

- Everyone finds their bodies.
- The big bad plan is unveilled.
- Finally we get to see Gamotan's dad and we are also told he had a connection with the occult.
- The editor in chief in the magazine Touko works is revealed to be the one that ransacked Hashigami's place.
- Ririka BTFO red herring spoiled pale kid.
- Myu gets mail from her supposed dead friend.
- Izumi misteriously disappears at the same time someone who goes by the name of 'Emperor' is introduced.
- Kiryu's memories are surfacing.

This episode was perfect.

Why would the leader of illuminati pretends to be a gay bar owner to play with retarded boy and his big-titted gf?

I didn't say he was the leader.

But he IS definitely involved in this mess.

Holy fuck the gay owner is THE emperor and shun's boss
Really makes you think

Speaking of that, when he called Shun, wasn't he worried that the call could be intercepted? And didn't he make him trample with an important piece of evidence the police could have used to find the list much earlier and alert the 256 victims?

He got played like a damn fidle.

>yfw the emperor is actually Chi-chan

Drop the drugs. NOW.

>Watching to the show expecting Myu-pom greatness
>She just got depressed all week in her room

From how it ended this episode she looks like she gonna kill herself only to find she's already dead

Izumi doesn't just disappear though. Gamotan and crew did visit his shop so he's there to open it.

Sure, but what was he doing that he wasn't even at sight. Probably he was hiding behind the curtains... again.

I tell you, this seemingly harmless bar tender is going to be the FB.

Oh, he will be, but the disappearance act that people keep talking about didn't happen. Being sneaky is another.

What worries me is that Ryo-tas has throrough it been getting too friendly with him. For a good purpose, of course, but I'm afraid we are soon going to see her 'caged' like in the ED.

Let's consider all of the people in the past who died, and then add all the people who aren't born yet, and put them together as 'non-living', to start with. So there are many billion or trillion of these 'non-living', compared to just a couple billion alive right this moment. If you were just picking at random from the entire set, you would get a 'non-living' almost every time. In fact, it's actually so much more likely that any random person is dead than alive, that you should just assume everyone is dead, including yourself.

Myuu is just going to get raped hard when "Chi-chan" texts her to meet in the alley behind the Korean BBQ place

All those other dead people aren't synchronized with our time, user

Oh shit it's the white kid who called her out because he's curious whether he can see her or not.

Nah. This time is really going to be Chi.

I don't understand astral bodies. If people die then the scandium in their brain should stop sending out information to all the broadcast stations, then what exactly is those astral bodies? What sustained them? What granted them the ability to interact with people, object, other astral bodies?
At first my hypothesis is people uploading their brains to server through scandium, then those brains begin to get itself broadcasted after their owner died, thus creating a "ghost". But if that's the case then that ghost can only be perceived to other, it shouldn't be able to interact.with others and most specifically, it shouldn't be able to interact with other astral bodies- No, I'm getting to mixed up. In the first place, how do these brains manifest itself into people?
Can someone provide me with an explanation?
Let's stay with these questions:
>What is astral body?
>What formed it?
>What sustained it?
>Why and how people can perceived it?
>Why and how can these astral bodies perceived other people, learn from them
>Why and how can they interact among themselves?
>What's with the ghost radio, ghost clothes, ghost phones, etc?

They may not even know what time is. They're frozen as forever still memories, just like that Gamoshotan, forever looking at the window with a happy face.

For those who knows no time, eternity is but a single frame.

They're self-sustaining electromagnetic automatons containing the memories of those who died, living in the electromagnetic field with unlimited power Tesla was looking for.

Basically, consider them to be people made of electromagnetic energy.

Also, relevant post from last topic:

For all we know, right know, physics doesn't have to obey the arrow of time. There's no rules that states "stuff goes into the future" at the micro level.
We feel time because information is created by entropy.
What we, as human, feels isn't the arrow of time, but the creation of coherent information by matter at the macro level.
If souls were real, and weren't made up of "stuff", it wouldn't have to obey that rule.
Which is why time was such a problem for the Cult.
Psycho stuff doesn't have to obey the same arrow of time humans do.
Which is why some are capable of obtaining knowledge from past and future stuff.
The difference between simple "events" and "ghosts" is that ghosts were made to obey that same arrow of information humans do.
"Events" don't create knew information, they merely contains them.
"Ghosts" are capable of containing information, but also creating new ones.

If you want to imagine it like a computer:
"Psychometry" is a Monitor ; "Events" are simply a HDD without specified dates ; "Ghosts" are a HDD with a CPU, but a CPU needs to order how stuff happens to work properly.

We still do not have sufficient clues

What we know is the organization's main goal is to take control all of the rich person through mindhack by scandium injection which means you don't need to die. But they won't be able to sell it if they tell it straight that they'll inject you scandium so that the org can mind control them, instead, they reasoned out that the scandium will bring them "eternal life" which baits them into taking it.

Whether they know that the astral projection through scandium works or not, their main goal isn't to kill anyone but to control them.

But likely they know about it too since they mentioned something about synchronizing the spirit world and real world

I would assume that dead people from years ago can't be synchronize to the current time with us unless you can somehow transmit signal capable of affecting how their mind perceive things from the present to the past. But even then it still pose a problem as their "computer", their physical bodies still remain in the past. Let's say we will construct a pseudo body made of purely information for them in the present, what happen to their bodies in the past? How do they think with a pseudo body?
In the end signals are merely signals and it can't affect anything else but the mind. The limitation of not having a physical container is a big deal.
So astral bodies are electromagnetic automaton? Oh right, there was an explanation regarding to that but I forgot, welp fuck. That explains a lot, this is the possible container I was looking for.
I still feel like I'm missing something but for now one question resolved.

>Rapid fire dialogue like this atrocious. Because even with characters I like and a plot I'm interested in, I just want to bash my head in.
I'm so amused by people like this.

So it's bad because you can't read subtitles?

I remember when people were infuriated by Tatami Galaxy

A little bit of reorganizing:
Injecting scandium into people -> their souls turned into a mass of super concentrated energy, capable of interacting -> after they died, broadcast station sustain them through "synchronization".
What does syncing entail? These mass of energies shouldn't have mind of their own but just pure information right? And it also should somehow hold all the energy in one place so those aren't get disperse everywhere?

1- Yeah, basically you could probably revive someone using the memories he left from his dying place.

2- Yep, it's explained during the conversation between Sarai and the Journalist in ep 7, but we're probably going to get more infos later on when the Cult guy explains more clearly what Synchronization is, so you should have clearer infos soon(tm) for the things you didn't understand.

Tatami didn't use technobabble bullshit in its dialog.

Yeah, it seem like "syncing" is the key to all of these. Now I'm even more hyped for next episodes. Hopefully it delivers a good explanations.

I didn't say it did, but there were entire threads with people complaining about the pace of the dialogue

Memories are contained in a self-sustaining electromagnetic container. Tesla theorized that there was limitless electromagnetic energy available, and that's what fuels their electromagnetic shells.
Sync is how much they're able to interact the world with. For example:

Gamotan is capable of bumping into things and live at the same rate as other people. He's supposedly at 97% sync.

DemonDude can't do shit except interacting with electricity when he's in his ghost-form, he's probably at a lower sync level, maybe let's say, 50% sync.

Past and future events FBI and Myu-pom can perceive can't change and don't even understand the passing of time, they're just like movies, so they're around probably around 0% sync.

The % of sync is simply how much similar they are to physical things human perceive.
0% means you can't interact and time doesn't work at all with it, 100% means you can't tell the difference between it and a physical object

Not that guy but pacing of dialogues are important to convey emotion. same with cutting.
Their complaints are legit. The only defend I can think of is
>faster talk makes for more space to cramp expositions
>O;N is less about characters but more about events, thus it's ok to opt for info instead of feeling
And there are episodes when they talk in relatively normal speed to, which mean fast talk is only a compromise they've to make when necessary due to restriction of time format.

This is some Prometheus Rising shit. I love it.

What I don't understand is these limitless energy is suppose to be at idle state, not excited, right? Then the mass of astral bodies must continuously making an effort to draw in these idle energy to fuel itself BUT astral bodies aren't real human, they shouldn't be capable of thinking, then how do they draw in energy? Or is there something wrong with my understanding regarding this?
Interaction through the container of mass concentrated energy, that I understand. But a container merely solve the problem of physical interaction, like touching people, open doors, operating machines, etc... electromagnetic container alone doesn't solve
>something else I can't remember
And I presume this can only be explained through syncing.
If sync is simply a display of number but not a process then from where come the abilities of interacting, thinking, perceiving?

Hold on Ryo-tas is alive and yet she can see Gamotan and the others
Could she be the daugther of one of those who ordered their brainwashing microchips or is she part of the FBI

Lucky Ryoutas Special!


When the fuck will they reveal Ryotas is Zonko
I want Ryotas to be relevant to the plot.


The shells are self-sustaining, they simply draw-in the needed energy constantly, kind of like how a fusion reactor is capable of sustaining its own reactions, but with unlimited fuel present.
For the thinking stuff part, just imagine that the shell protects a good electromagnetic quantum woobly doobly computer.

Neither. However, she has a clear connection with Gamotan's dad.

And she can see them because she's a Psychic Medium.

Like they say, "leave the best for last".

Which means very soon, as there are only 4 episodes left.

>The shells are self-sustaining, they simply draw-in the needed energy constantly, kind of like how a fusion reactor is capable of sustaining its own reactions, but with unlimited fuel present.
This could work but it comes with the problem that if these self-sustaining shell were to touch each other, wouldn't something bad happen as they try to draw-in each other?
>For the thinking stuff part, just imagine that the shell protects a good electromagnetic quantum woobly doobly computer.
Yeah, unlikely. I remember dying guy from episode 2, Myu talked about him being inside a server room or something so that might explain where the "thinking" capability come from. Or maybe not.
In any case, for now there is still not enough info to work out anything conclusive.

Because of O;9 I have started watching youtube videos on 1.25x or 1.5x because I can't stand how slow everybody is usually talking.

Some context for you all:

What happened to the cast is, in the popular imagination, what happens when you achieve enlightenment in Buddhism. You become a physical ghost that's capable of acting on the world, but the world ceases to act upon you.

Furthermore, the way the cast died--they drowned, were reborn, and actually saw their own drowned corpses afterwards--is a point-for-point copy of what happens to the Monkey King and his adventuring party near the end of Journey to the West.

This is presumably why it's easy for the antagonists to pretend to be a New Age Shinto-Buddhist religious organization.

As an additional note, while Taoism also has methods through which one becomes a transcendent being, the methods and nature of your immortality are completely different. You retain the physical body you were born with, you don't experience physical death in the process of achieving immortality, and you have to spend the rest of eternity ready to fend off death gods and natural catastrophes trying to erase your existence.

So masked man = gamotan's dad?

That's correct. There's no way someone could walk the streets in that getup and not freak out people and make them call the cops.


Holy shit.

>R3 starts airing
>Lelouch turns out to be a ghost



>People say that shit all the time, but if the studio needed more episodes they would have done that

Never forget Chaos;Head