6 episodes in, when does it get good?

6 episodes in, when does it get good?

Episode 97

When you switch to watching Code Geass instead.

You fell for the meme

It's already good, maybe it's nto for you.

Ep 1

The prequel movie, and then from episode 1 onwards. You did watch it, right?

Wait a minute that's not Zeta Gundam.

It's already good. Just drop it now and admit that you have awful, awful fucking taste.

It doesn't

Drop it and rewatch when you become 24 years old +

An overhyped, overrated, inflated-by-details anime of Mary-Sue dialogues and bland battles. When somebody says "the show doesn't get good until 20+ episodes in" you know there's something wrong.

As you can already tell, nothing good can come from me writing this review. Legend of The Galactic Heroes is beloved on this site, a great deal call it a classic, and here I am writing about it being only "average". I have not finished the series: I can't, and this review is intended to tell you why I can't, but moreso, why others like me, who bought into the hype, shouldn't waste their time (a LOT of time).

The story of Legend of the Galactic Heroes follow the protracted war between the The Galactic Empire and Free Planets Alliance with a stunning degree of depth. You will know why the war started, who started it, why they started it, and why it mattered to the characters. What you might wonder is: why does it matter to you? This is where the main problem with LoGH arises, and the first problem with the story: this is a series of details, not entertainment, not development, not provoking ideas, but details. This is where LoGH gets its staggering 110 non-filler episodes. It is a slow crawling assault of information, mostly useless. If you enjoy fictional history, this will not be a problem for you. You'll even be treated to several episodes of literal fake history lessons, in a documentary-style format, with interviews from fake historians and everything. Having fun, yet?

The second problem with the story is actually a problem with its characters. They fall into only two categories: Mary Sues and trying too hard. The main characters, Yang Wenli and Reinhard Lohengramm, can twist probability and reason in such ways that would make the characters in Gurren Lagann blush; they can do no wrong. Yang Wenli is outgunned to some astronomical degree like 1 to 100 most of the time and he wins because of "superior strategy" or "morale". Julian, Yang's boy servant, can also do no wrong. He'll commandeer warships with little or no effort. They don't try to disguise this, as every character who loves Yang, Reinhard, or Julian will survive, and everyone who disagrees with them, regardless of how justifiable their reasons are, will die, at least in the first half of the show. This is where trying too hard comes into play. Look no further than the character Poplan, where you'll notice it first. He's horny, and he will appear in no scene without reminding you he likes women and that's his only trait. Oberstein will go through every scene looking suspicious only to have absolutely no payoff. An even greater insult to this cast is Fredrica Greenhill, who just blatantly admits she's useless aside from making sandwiches and tea. We get it, these are one-note characters. You cannot care about any of them aside from the aforementioned Mary Sues, making over half the cast uninteresting. Most of them just serve as vehicles for the three main characters to spout more of their ideals.

How does "morale" make a difference, anyway? Does morale make lasers stronger or weaker? These are space ships; morale has no bearing on the functioning on mechanical constructs, morale barely has an effect on conflict even in our time. Everything you heard about the tactics in LoGH is a joke. They use simple ideas like "Circle around behind them" or "Don't tell them about our main fleet", and apparently, that's very impressive to a lot of people.

I heard around epiosode 30

See . If you're below the IQ of 110 or are a child (mentally or physically), then this show is not for you, Code Geass is.

You won't need to worry about this, though, action is sparse in LoGH because they prefer to drink, eat, stare out windows, converse, and philosophize for most of their screen time away. You ever wondered how Yang feels about democracy? You're gonna know. You're gonna know over and over again.

The third issue with the story is that it's entirely implausible. There's only two ways for the enemies to cross into each other's territories, and they never really explain why other than "we'll die". Wars are lost and the remnant survivors are still implausibly able to combat the enemy for the sake of plot. This would work in a show that didn't take itself so seriously; it doesn't work in LoGH. Also, in the future, wars are waged with battle axes and armor in space ships, lasers are less lethal than bullets, and everybody lives and looks the exact same way that they do now. LoGH exists in some strange mindset of the future where we got into space (somehow), developed some very limited mass-communication, and all other technology stayed in the Middle Ages. The show Star Trek did it better in the 1960s, and even changed the world we live in with its ideas (like the wireless communicator AKA cell-phone), what is LoGH's excuse? It doesn't have one, it's just not creative enough. What's strange is that one would think, given the absurd amount of historical and political babble, that this show would've given equal care to imagine life in a futuristic outer space, but it doesn't.

While the creativity and story of LoGH is sickeningly weak, its artistic merits were more worth my viewing. Classic and orchestral music scores carry the scenes well, though the scenes themselves look bland; characters are barely animated, even compared to other anime of this era. It's very stiff, not that it needs to be extremely fluid for characters to sip drinks and talk.

There's some shocking scenes of gore randomly spread about, too, but the action mostly comes down to these short bursts of lasers, explosions, and blood effects. It lumbers monotonously on the dance floor, but it does it to a classy sound-track, at least.

The main attraction of this show is, apparently, the dialogues between the Mary Sues. Admittedly, they are pretty entertaining for a good 50 episodes. They touch on a lot of subjects that are relevant even more in today's world than they were then, which is surprising and delightful. If you keep up on current events, or even politics in the slightest, there's a lot of meat for you here to dig your teeth in. This raises the question, though: why aren't you just reading about politics? The ridiculous set-up of this story's conflict, and the sheer "greatness" of its main characters makes taking its subject material seriously impossible, yet it practically commands you to.

Let me sum up, and re-phrase that last part. The main attraction for Legend of The Galactic Heroes is the ability for one to say "I watched something from the 1980s that nobody's heard about or cares about". Then one can say "It was mature and intelligent, despite the fact I learned nothing". This show is a waste of time as entertainment, this show is an example of what NOT to do with a show about the future, space, philosophy, politics, and the human condition. There's a reason only MAL and hipsters care about LoGH, and everyone else knows Star Trek and Star Wars. Star Trek (classic) and Star Wars (classic) had vision and creativity that inspired generations and scientists. LoGH has 110 episodes nobody watched, flat characters nobody would recognize or identify with, and a literal universe of wasted potential.

Interesting copypasta.

TLDR faggot

Thank you for sharing this tasteful understated nerdrage with us. I tip my trilby off to you.

>They don't try to disguise this, as every character who loves Yang, Reinhard, or Julian will survive
I'm not gonna go further than just this but this the most objectively false thing in the whole post. Also I can't believe you called Oberstein a flat character.

Wow you type fast

H-he's fast indeed

I wish I could watch it again for the first time.

I wish I could unwatch it and get get those wasted hours of my life back

You'd only waste that time here anyway

Sasuga shipu wulf-da.

das sum high Quality autism

But what about Reuenthal ?
and what are the shows that you consider better than LoGH or a Masterpiece ?

Hayai na

You're supposed to watch the two prequel movies first.

So I know when I watch this, it will be my favorite show. I fucking know this.


I keep hearing rumors of a remake and keep waiting. I want to experience this in its premium form.

What do?

just read the damn book

Won't that rob me of what I hear is amazing music and some visuals?

>i know when i watch this, it will be my favorite show
Please kill yourself.

Why user-chan?

read the book first then watch the anime. The new one wont be the same thing.

Cool. Thanks.

That's rich comming from faggot who watched less than 300 series and rated CGIserk 9/10

Because you like Bleach and One Piece and because you follow hype rather than forming your own opinion.

Pre-episode 1. The OVA is great. The prequel OVA:s are great. Episode 1 is great. Episode 2 is great.

It's all great.

I legitimately post well-known anime images and so on to draw out idiots like you.

My conclusion isn't based on hype, but what I know about my own interests, the material it covers, and the scenes I've seen.

You're a fool. Fuck off.

It gets good when you acquire taste

Why do you type like a 14 year old?

Please identify the parts of my post that fit that description and help me improve then, user-chan.

Stop trying to fit in cringeboy.

Watched ep (22?) last night, did they have to redraw some things later on? One minute Reinhard looking all glorious, next frame he look less detailed and blocky as fuck.

I'm trying to piss you off.

Anyway, I don't want to derail the thread or anything, so have a nice time user-chan.

It took you half an hour to think up this genius reply?

Stuff looks more consistent after episode 26, which is after it took a little production break