Anyone Else Disappointed in the (((Future)))

As someone who grew up reading comfy scifi and cyberpunk books i really looked forward to the techno marvels of the future. but it's all bullshit

1. human life expansion - medicine has not succeeded in improving human health. we can just embalm the elderly in a state of living death until they shit out their heart in the nineties
2. cybernetics - nothing. cucks can implant led clocks in their arms and good goy soldiers can get peg legs and hook hands after being ied sponges but thats it
3. AI - weve trained programs to beat us at chess and pakincko thats about it
4. energy - solar and wind are shit, less effective than coal and nuclear has been cucked into Oblivion by the government
5. VR - google ass and ocuckuless rift, literal virginity goggles
6. cyberspace - 99% internet is worthless, allthe advances in UI, graphics and connectivity is just data mining and goy distracting
7. space travel - even more autistic than the VR goggles FUCK

i could go on and on but you see what i mean. either the future will never come in our lifetime or it already came and it sucks

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You're not wrong. There's been a marked halt in human progress.

And I have erectile dysfunction

Give it another 50 years. A.I. at the least is moving incredibly fast.


Where are all the hot, fit women wearing spandex bodysuits? We have fat, gross women wearing sweats

coincides with a huge increase in market monopolies and artifical restrictions like patents and copyright

we're stunting human progress for the sake of worthless fiat currency

Why are there niggers everywhere?

Nigger you are so incorrect.
exhibit A)

AI is getting better and is better than you think.

What are you talking about? Have you speak to anyone who works in scientific field or related to one? They can't even keep the pace of the advancements that are being made and thats why big data is being pushed into everything

yeah it fucking sucks. Aside from smartphones and apps it feels like society hasn't technologically progressed in a very long time. I guess maybe we'll get self driving some point, but I'll believe it when I see it.

As a child born in the early 90s I expected flying cars by now, and a whole host of technological advancements. Cars were invented in the 1880s. By 1969 man had landed on the moon. One would think there would be multiple moon and space colonies now, with hundreds of thousands if not millions of people living on them.

Instead we get feminism and declining white populations around the world. The youth has been neutered intellectually. There is no more dreaming about the advanced tech of the future. When the average young person thinks of the future they think, "Well I better not have kids or do anything cause that would, like, contribute to global warming, and I don't want to die".

That's literally all everyone thinks about the future. They think because of conservatives and le epic drumpf that everyone will die to global warming. This is a normal belief. They can't not believe it. They can't allow themselves to believe in a positive future, because doing so would mean that the ruling structure on earth is not 100% evil and oppressive man. No, they have to believe everything will suck monkey dick because if they don't they literally create a contradiction in their mind. Fucking soyboy faggot dreamless niggers

for me the last step forward we took was around the early 2000s when decent broadband became the norm for home use, was the first time we didnt need the mass media and it opened immediate access to pretty much all the knowledge in human history to everyone.
we havent done shit of note since then, still have the same meds, the same tech, the same energy etc
like you i am disappoint but im not naive and i know the current state of affairs are not natural at all, once the internet hive was created we shouldve been accelerating all sorts of stuff youve listed but the current status quo is too profitable.
lots of cool stuff planned, nothign in reality

to remind us of our failure. Imagine going back to 1955 and telling everyone that there would be way more niggers in the future and you wouldn't be able to consume media without watching the nigger act and behave in lewd ways

The future is most likely going to be like Brazil and South Africa. Hordes of niggers doing nigger things and a few whites living in fortresses, providing the gibs for the niggers. You have to understand that all this positive futurism and techoptimism is just another thing to sell to dumb goys. How many times have you heard "In X amount of years we will have the amazing invention of Y!" and never heard of that thing again?

I fucking loathe magazines like Illustrated Science since all it does is provide future porn. We're gonna have this and that and everything is gonna be so great! No, not very likely. It's just a hope for sale.

Compare 25 years ago to now OP. Our technological growth has been exponential, and it will continue to grow at a stunning rate. By 2042 out world will be so different that you could not imagine how we are living in 2017.
>2. cybernetics - nothing. cucks can implant led clocks in their arms and good goy soldiers can get peg legs and hook hands after being ied sponges but thats it
>but that's it
Do some research before spouting shit from your mouth. Cybernetics have made major leaps in the last few years.
>AI - weve trained programs to beat us at chess and pakincko thats about it
See the above response.

how do we change this, how do we let people know how massively they have been robbed of a future? Nothing is so infuriating as realizing how brainwashed the masses have become and how little recourse their seems to be.

Is the only recourse making better propaganda than the enemy? There has to be a faster way, we don't have a generation or two to change. We need to change the mind of the current generation and with the utmost gusto.

We are just adapting, takes some more time

i've gotten pretty blackpilled with social media. seems obvious after charolettesville that we're close to the apocayptic "shut out the believers with a push of a button" senario

that's what people said 25 years ago, and yet the world is much the same as it was. The only parts that have changed drastically (how we communicate with one another) have largely changed for the worse. Current year just feels like the 90s with aesthetic improvements

The internet has become so ubiquitous to daily life that people fail to understand how different it's made life.

>how do we change this
Well that is the big question. What we DO know however is that what this tiny clique on this corner of the internet is working.

We have to wake people the fuck up, this is the stage we are at right now. More and more people are joining our cause every day and you see Sup Forumslike comments on every youtube video or forum or whatever now. Even the comments on norwegian MSM articles are like reading Sup Forums now. For now we dispense red pills and wake people up. After that we organize in real life, after that I can't tell you, but I'm sure we will know when the time comes.

Step one is to wake people up, and what we are doing is working. Don't forget that. I may have sounded pessimistic as fuck in my previous post but I am actually quite optimistic about our future. Things have to get worse before they get better but I'm sure things WILL get better.

All of you people pessimistic about current and future technology have to keep practicality in mind.

Why would we need flying cars? We have airplanes and helicopters? What would flying cars be good for, really?

Why have a space colony when we know that there are specific barriers to living and reproducing in space, such as radiation, lack of proper gravity, lack of artificial self sustaining automated life support systems, asteroids, logistical issues (How long would it take to beam information from mars to Earth?) and a whole host of other things that you haven't even thought about, obviously. We can't just colonize space and live there, that technology is incredibly complicated. Automated asteroid mining will come long before anyone wants to colonize space. There is still plenty of space on earth, the idea that there isn't enough space is dumb. It's resources, there are resources in space but it's more like minerals and frozen water and solar and not much else. We have to take care of the rest ourselves.

Think practically niggers.

Maybe this is as good as it gets

socialized health care will never pay for this

I wanted big multi national corps fighting the government. All I got is twitter and facebook brainwashing my friends.

I think about my great-grandmother who was born in 1898. She started with candles and gas lamps for light, and horses for transportation.

By the time she was 50, she saw electricity be harnessed for the masses, the invention of automobiles and airplanes, the invention of air conditioning and refrigerators, the creation of modern medicine, radio and television, vacuum cleaners... I could go on and on. In her first 50 years of life, her world was literally transformed before her eyes.

We will never see that level of progress again. The pace of progress has been slowing for decades and I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually goes into decline.

Of course it won't, I never suggested such a thing. I am a libertarian.

Again, big, life changing technologies that will forever change the way you live are coming but they won't do what you think they'll do. It'll be more of a technocratic dystopia deal and its much closer than anyone is willing to admit.

Cyberpunk fantasies are just that, fantasies, things will be cyberpunk-ish but thing in lines with reality and what is and is not practical.

>Current year just feels like the 90s with aesthetic improvements
this. absolutely this. the cars look a little better. the internet is faster but essentially the same. people still use their mobile phones to text each other. only now it's via some shitty app and it's free. gaymen pcs still are big towers. laptops got better but still have roughly the same battery lifetime. it's like technology stopped evolving and is waiting for a new world war.

Its all about creating a low IQ brown population that can service the automated production systems that support the jewish oligarchy of the future.

Feels bad man. The only real things we have to look forward to in the future is the imminent devaluing of human life when automation almost fully takes over, and the worlds governments becoming even more of a shitshow to their own populace.

This is what happens when there is no driving force to evolve, change to meet new problems, and overcome. It just stagnates and goes to shit.

It's not really slowing down, I want you people saying that it's slowing down actually providing hard evidence that it's slowing down. It's not slowing down, it's just not going in the direction that you're thinking it will go in.

From 2000 to 2017 the internet and interconnected devices, access to almost the entirety of human knowledge blossomed. If you're successful and wealthy enough, (6 figures) you can design and make use of a smart home. But because it's gimmicky and not exactly practical to every degree, we don't do it. We go without. The big life changing technologies exist, but plebs like you or I cannot afford them.

Think for a second, I could be some nigger freezing my ass off in some remote region that happens to have a cell tower nearby posting this from my cellphone. Everywhere I go, I have it all at my fingertips. This thread is a testament to how we take that fact for granted.

You are ridiculous, the jump in performance between towers now and towers in the past is fucking enormous and if you can't see that, then you didn't play video games back then.

Good point user. It should stop fairly soon. White majority nations will soon become extinct and after that comes stagnation and decent into jewish run feudalism for a couple hundred years.

The dark ages that follow however will be exciting times as language and society is reinvented. Rediscovery of the wheel (perhaps helped by archeological finds). Rediscovery of thermodynamics and the tools necessary for advanced society.

Do not despair about today's failures, just smile that your offspring will share in these rediscoveries.

You are producing offspring aren't you?

Stop eating sugar and soy. it's in everything in the USA at the moment. All forms of sugar and all forms of soy/wheat/corn are fucking bad for you.

Rudy Rucker and Neil Asher fan here.

It will never happen, but still cool to read about. AI isn't ever, ever going to happen.

in 50 years, I'll be dead and you will be ancient.

you are living in the cyber punk future, kiddo

AI will be as smart as it needs to be, it will be smart enough to take all of our jobs. Then you niggers will be retracting everything you're saying.

There will come a time when we've perfected cybernetics to the point at which limbs and organs can reliably replaced with mechanical parts that give the recipient more power and longevity. However, these things will not be available to the general public. They will only be for the wealthy elite who wish to live forever and rule over the goyim.

This guy gets it

It's gonna be some ghost in the shell type shit. Guaranteed.

And not for the better really.

The only reason people leave their homes these days is to go eat somewhere.

>human life expansion
It's legit. As expected only the wealthy and a few exceptionally wise people know how to extend their lives significantly.
You don't have a clue, friend.
Is already getting dangerous.
>space travel
Needs more work. We kinda gave up on that 20 years ago. Hopefully Trump gets shit moving again.
No comment on the rest. It is shit.
Superhuman health is within your reach. The problem is that you don't have any idea where to look and I'm not about to ruin the source by giving you a hint.

The future is always in the future
>that’s always the problem with the present

>Is already getting dangerous.
No it's not. It's coming along nicely but this idea that Skynet is 10-20 years off is ridiculous.

Literally google habits that increase longevity. Look up common traits among people who live to 100. It is somewhat dependent on the length of your telomeres but as long as you're successful and disciplined, you can be strong and healthy into your 60s. And live a long time after that, too. It comes down to diet and exercise, and keeping your brain busy and using it as much as you can, and keeping it occupied and challenged. Live in a low-pollution area with clean air. Be successful, be able to afford top notch healthcare.

Skynet is not dangerous. Brainless skynet controlled by communist globalists however, IS.

All those things you mentioned are the present not the future
OP is a faggot

Let's examine some possible reasons for such a hindrance to human progress.

>human life expansion - medicine has not succeeded in improving human health. we can just embalm the elderly in a state of living death until they shit out their heart in the nineties
Google SENS

well, i usually leave my house only to throw my trashbags to the neighbors yard.

I order food home to my door, so no need to go eat out.

AI is stupid. Elon Musk talked about how AI will take over the world

AI doesn't do shit that could be considered dangerous. All it does is let you do certain work faster, if you program it specifically to aid in that work.

Saying AI is dangerous because some group of people you don't like has it, is like saying guns are dangerous because some group of people you don't like have them.

futurism is the religion for people with slave morality. go look on sci sometime.

Yes i'm disappointed we have neither freedom nor community it's terrible.

No it isn't. I never argued that we should fight against it or control it with legislation. I am simply saying that it is dangerous enough right now.

People are dangerous, but when they could just order a covert drone swarm attack on the opposite political party, and then blame it on ISIS, maybe we should be talking about that.

Code Geass real life edition.

>People are dangerous, but when they could just order a covert drone swarm attack on the opposite political party, and then blame it on ISIS, maybe we should be talking about that.
What in the fuck does that have to do with AI?

All it does is play board games really well and draw a picture of a cat after sorting through billions of internet pictures. Wow, fucking dangerous.

Your vision of the future was always a pop sci delusion. Now you're just accepting reality.

Human progress stopped due to mass narcissism created by social media.

The futuristic technology is doable, but government aided monopolies, price fixing, regulation of innovation, taxation, and other socialist policies are strangulating a free market which could do any of the things you listed given enough consumer demand for them. Thank socialism and it's subsidiaries (((Social Democracy))) and (((Conservatism))) for retarding human progress for decades now.

>not becoming a polymath in everything stem to embrace the future on your own and live accordingly

tfw there isn't a tech frontier only interested in progress and no politics
I mean you could get likeminded people but it's likely that most of them are berniebros.

this pretty much, idk if everone is just jumping on a bandwagon or just retarded

All the funny thing is it actually is all possible in our current ERA we have the materials to do it it's just the market is to restricted I corporate monopolies and when I say Monopoly I don't mean a hundred percent on a market the term Monopoly needs to be redefined because you have companies like Google that have 80% of the internet traffic there are so many different factors that can be understood as to why that's bad like I don't know skewering search results to influence a election

In a market a free market to be more exact you're supposed to have the ability to create competition against other people normally the first person to create the market will have a very short Monopoly and then they'll have competition and then they'll have competition to get someone else and so forth so forth making the market a hell of a lot more cheap for people to purchase from monopolies prevent this because they do not want competition so there is no incentive to look into different markets and excetera in order to make more profit so you won't find flying cars cybernetics and our current time line because there's just no incentive to look into them and develop them it's cheaper and more reasonable to simply just stick with what I already is and make profit off of that or at least that's the general mindset of course this mindset is because you have things like YouTube that made plenty of money for the course Google bought in short I really need is an innovation Revolution to spark the creativity of both the market and individuals who have no interest in the market that's how millionaires are made proper millionaires

You dumb fuck there is continual advancement at a faster pace over the past decade than in the prior 50 years. We now have CRISPR, self driving cars, reusable rockets, invisibility cloaks, head transplants, vastly improved artificial limbs, robots that can actually walk and mimic human motion, the first steps in human lifespan extension, railguns, and many more.

Do you really honestly think that that's where AI is right now? I fear for your children. Do more research, holy fuck.

An AI could potentially pilot and navigate each individual quadcopter, use facial recognition software to identify targets, and then execute said targets with the quadcopter, shaped explosive charge with a projectile on the end. Goes right through an iron pan. Detonate on forehead. Instantly kills you.

Post the wrong opinion, get put on the list. Sometime in the future, probably within the next 10 years, opposing political party releases the swarm. Everyone blames ISIS. You die because you didn't even know that AI could do that, and you didn't even try to prepare for the eventual day that your opinions get you attacked by globalists.

welcome to capitalism, where the world of tomorrow is the world of yesterday
well, it's not just black and white. If you don't get a solid return on your investments, nobody is going to invest in the first place. But yeah, we're long past the point of a reasonable balance. Once upon a time, the purpose of patents was to make sure that the knowledge will find its way into the public; use it for a limited amount of time for yourself, make your money back (and then some), but after that, we all get to know and use it. That was the explicit purpose of these kind of laws. Not any longer though. They perverted laws s.t. they can prolong protection at infinum (e.g. by changing a minor thing slighty and reapply, or what not), see disney and their shitty cartoons. It's a fucking joke.

>An AI could potentially pilot and navigate each individual quadcopter, use facial recognition software to identify targets, and then execute said targets with the quadcopter, shaped explosive charge with a projectile on the end. Goes right through an iron pan. Detonate on forehead. Instantly kills you.
>Post the wrong opinion, get put on the list. Sometime in the future, probably within the next 10 years, opposing political party releases the swarm. Everyone blames ISIS.

all that shit is not available to everyone ding dong, a small sliver of mankind gets to benefit from that

>wanting something that is way better than the human race to exist

They will replace humanity. The only reason we got this far is due to the fact we're at the top of the food chain.

Yeah, because it's all recent. Give it a few decades the first computers were invented in 60s. Breakthroughs take time to reach the mainstream.

You're an idiot dude hahaha

Literally what the fuck are you talking about? When I was a kid we had VHS tapes and corded phones with dials. Soon after we had basic internet and cell phones. Now everyone on the planet is connected to a giant global network 24/7 and carrying around phones that can store and play or stream any song or video ever made on demand.

Literally die or never speak again. Go bash your idiot head into the wall until it stops shitting out this psychotic idiocy.

>He thinks Humans are at the "top" of the food chain
>He thinks theres a top to the food chain
>He thinks the advancement of a species if related to their placement on the food chain

Fucking Bacteria rule the earth. And its likely something even smaller than them controls them, and so on. We are just biological machines designed to gather energy, and material for our bacteria overlords. The human body is 90% bacteria in terms of the number of cells.

You know, it's funny you made this thread OP, because I was thinking about this just today.

Well, and yesterday.
And the day before.
And before that.

I start off every day with a litany, no joke. It goes like this:
"Today is Nov 20th, 2017. My name is (whatever). I'm (whatever) years old. I live in the future, and the future sucks."

I don't know when I got into that habit, but now, it's a part of my daily routine. I don't like it, but it's there.

I wish this was real so I could use it against Sup Forums posters but, alas, it's not.

Flying cars would be fucking great because of traffic. The economy would explode if people could get to work faster, and thus have more time for fulfillment outside of work. Flying cars would completely eliminate the concept of traffic.

Regarding the space colony, one would think those petty issues solved decades ago. It's all doable

What, you thought YOUR sorry prole ass was going to enjoy those things?

All those marvels were to be enjoyed by the cream of the elite. All the future has to offer you is the opportunity to kill yourself with elephant tranquilizer because robots can now do everything you can do and do it better.

The class war is real. The bad guys are winning.

The future doesn't look great either. High IQ populations are decreasing in numbers, nigggers and 80 IQ muslims are breeding like rabbits and the world average IQ is going down. There's going to have to be colossal social change before we get back on a good track and that will likely have to come after serious suffering. The future really isn't bright IMO but still we could see another golden age of tech in our lifetimes and if you're rich there's gonna be tones of shit for you to play with.

Traffic is not as big of an issue as you think. Those are not petty issues, and they are hard to fix. I mean, basically, what is necessary is that we reproduce earth's conditions in space. The odds of you finding a planet that is Terra-form-able is very low. You're not likely to get there with current space travel technology. It makes much more sense to create a colony from scrap that uses some sort of means to produce earth conditions in space.

Consistently replicating earths gravity in space is not a "petty" issue.

Consistently protecting inhabitants from solar radiation is not a "petty" issue.

Coming up with a self sustaining system to support growing economies in space, that can grow with the population, yes the materials in space are there to do this, but god damn, writing it off as a petty issue is really ignorant.

Can anyone recommend some comfy adult sci fi?

Disappointed but only in the sense that I am not Hiro Protagonist but rather corporate drone #2501. No one should be a background character in their own film. Oh well such is life. I guess I shouldn't expect much from the multicultural hellscape I find myself in.

neuromancer is king comfy, and the world i was hoping for despite how fucked up it is

>the color of television tuned to a dead channel

That only makes sense if you grew up with CRT and traditional analogue broadcast. All the kids today will have a completely different picture in their heads, what a shame. I am already a dinosaur

>mind consists of shotsighted non sense, retarded expectations from scifi books, and wide sweeping generalizations with simplistic understandings
>disappointed and unhappy
Jesus christ, who would have thunk it?

>That only makes sense if you grew up with CRT and traditional analogue broadcast. All the kids today will have a completely different picture in their heads

aw man, i didn't even think of that. the future is such shit we can't even appreciate psychedelic dystopia anymore

Someone make a pic of a bacteria rubbing its hands


i am sorry. i inherited a lot of money and high IQ from my dad who wrote scifi and gave me all the asimov and nebula winners growing up. i had the luxury of dreaming of a beautiful world

instead we get goys posting about waiting in line to buy the iphone XX234 $3500. fuuuck

I can relate