The FCC plans to end with Net Neutrality

The FCC plans to end with Net Neutrality and bring full censorship the day before thanks giving. Don't let the internet be stolen from you, TAKE ACTION!

Other urls found in this thread:

Okay we dont need the 12th thread today shill. Fuck Net Neutrality. It's going away whether you like it or not.

>the government plans to stop regulating the internet
>they're bringing full censorship
you are a special kind of idiot


You're communist faggot who wants gov't control too. Ironic.

No one cares fuck off

The Internet has given far to many retards access to social media to spread their retarded opinions about everything and the ability to spread their retarded schizo fear mongering conspiracy theory bullshit. The Internet was a mistake. Fuck Al Gore. Go outside.

Thanks Trump.

Lmao you idiots would be crying like babies if Obama's FCC director was the one doing this. But its Trump so its okay.

So many retard boomers ITT

Obama put in Net Neutrality, who the fuck wants that garbage .

>tfw this means company's will begin regulating internet speeds even more
>tfw I'll have 1 kbps speeds on Sup Forums, and only have a decent speed on normie sites
>tfw no one cares because they're obsessed with the blowup over EA

Man, I was not expecting much of a difference in opinion about this on Sup Forums. How can so many people using this website not be at least a little upset?

Because ever since the fappening, this site has slowly been filling with kiddies and normies.
The election was a real kicker, and we got fucking flooded.
Now it's full of teens who try to fit in by being an edgy contrarian, because they think that's what this site is for.

they're called "shills" user

Spot the shills.

Yeah, there are a relatively large number of wankers who either have no idea of what this actually is or are just shills/bots that populate these threads with alarming regularity.

The long and short of this is that it no longer forces ISPs to treat data equally regardless of source, destination or protocols. Examples of violations in the past include:
Cox Cable and Comcast blocking VPNs
AT&T claiming that home wifi was a form of "theft of service"
Comcast again in 2007, this time doing deep packet inspection and blocking the king james bible along with public domain songs. (Hey guys, if the song is out of copyright then you can't download it!)
And in 2012 for throttling netflix in order to promote their own service (better use WB's streaming service if they're your ISP because they can just block compeditors now!)
AT&T blocking face-time applications unless user's upgraded their service (face time is an application developed by apple and has nothing to do with AT&T)
A huge range of ISPs blocking ports 25, 50 80 and others which prevents you from using your own email servers or hosting your own websites at home (better use someone else's hosting provider so they can read all your emails!)

In short if you're against net neutrality then you really want the internet to only consist of a tiny number of websites with everything else rate limited or outright blacklisted.


Yeah, who wants companies regulated so they dont block websites unless they extort money from them.


Show your flag if you're not in the USA you can fuck off right now.

If Obama said it was a good idea, then it was evil incarnate and should be banished from the civilized world.

>a fucking yankee doodle

>How can so many people using this website not be at least a little upset?

Because it's the Trump administration buttfucking them, so it's alright.

If it had been a Dem FCC director, they would be in an outrage. Ridiculous.

yeah cause kids are so smart. you know what the word "sophomore" means?

Here you go, dum dum.

Lets see if you still dont care when Sup Forums gets throttled unless they give your ISP shekels for a faster speed.

Telecoms continue to say that net neutrality harms competition somehow, without ever explaining why beyond a vague "regulation bad! reeeee"

Net neutrality doesn't stop telecoms from building more cable to increase bandwidth. It doesn't stop new telecoms from forming. You might argue there are other regulations that do, but you'll notice the entrenched telecoms never actually complain about those.

>when every single altright website including this board gets slowed down

Fuck you commie bastards.

Netflix uses 40% of all bandwidth to stream leftist propaganda non-stop for free.

It's over.

>wut is vpn
>wut is proxy
>how do i tor
I now understand your position on net neutrality, have a good day.

Golly, you're right fellow /Polack/! If we don't give the government more power, the corporations will enslave us!

I guess socialism really was the redpilled all along, huh? Only a shill would complain. And we're not shills of course not haha only a shill would think that!


>In short if you're against net neutrality then you really want the internet to only consist of a tiny number of websites with everything else rate limited or outright blacklisted.
That sounds exactly like the current situation

You're a Jew.

What's the problem with this?

If Comcast would prefer to give better access NBC related content than problematic content like 4hcan, then it is their right to do so

Daily reminder that the same (((corporations))) that a pushing for NN are the ones that basically kicked the daily stormer off the internet
Daily reminder that NN does not apply to mobile and there are no censorship there

>calls others commies
>wants everything he doesnt like silenced

I guess being a fascist is better, huh you crying dummy?

Are you talking about the deepweb, aka all the websites that aren't official, but may not even be all that bad?
I mean, sure, but the thing about net neutrality is that, unlike the current situation where you can use a vpn, your ISP could just blacklist all vpn's too, as they've done before.

Remember that one fake image where you pay for different internet packages as if they were cable channels?

It's not just a meme, that's literally what Portugal is dealing with right now.

That's what US telecoms are looking forwards to in the future.

>If Comcast would prefer to give better access NBC related content than problematic content like 4hcan, then it is their right to do so

Then I hope they blacklist Sup Forums, Breitbart, Infowars and Fox News. That'd be great.

And you wont be able to do anything about it because Comcast has a monopoly in many areas. Great thinking.

>Today the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to extend the rules that previously regulated the telephone industry to now regulate Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The Commission did this in order to preserve the principle of network neutrality. Broadly stated, this principle is that networks should not discriminate against content that passes through them.
>At CloudFlare, we are strong proponents of network neutrality. My co-founder, Michelle Zatlyn, sat on the FCC's Open Internet Advisory Committee. The work of that committee played a role in guiding today's vote. So there is a large part of us that is celebrating today.

>Earlier today, Cloudflare terminated the account of the Daily Stormer. We've stopped proxying their traffic and stopped answering DNS requests for their sites. We've taken measures to ensure that they cannot sign up for Cloudflare's services ever again.
>Our terms of service reserve the right for us to terminate users of our network at our sole discretion. The tipping point for us making this decision was that the team behind Daily Stormer made the claim that we were secretly supporters of their ideology.
>Our team has been thorough and have had thoughtful discussions for years about what the right policy was on censoring. Like a lot of people, we’ve felt angry at these hateful people for a long time but we have followed the law and remained content neutral as a network. We could not remain neutral after these claims of secret support by Cloudflare.

I first started using the internet in 1997 and for the first 18 years I would try to go to websites and they'd be all censored and shit. Then in 2015 the nigger president made net neutrality and suddenly I could go to websites and shit.

I'm not saying anything should be silenced.

They don't get to do it for free.

Sorry, I know you love your free shit.

It only took 1 minute to find out that this image is fake news

Get that damn FCC chairman to step down

Nice to see you actually addressing the argument. Perhaps you fail to understand that giving unrestricted power to any group is a terrible idea; whether it be governmental or corporate. Of course you can continue to avoid to actually discuss this in favour of straw manning all you want.

Nice Ad Hominem, this is not a blue board, you must be 18 to post here.

>Comcast throttled netflix in order to promote their own streaming service
>Can continue to do this to all competitors preventing actual market competition
>Wut is a monopoly.jpeg

Yep, and I'd rather it didn't get any worse.

>Then between 2001 when the internet really got off the ground and 2015 there were numerous bills passed and numerous legal cases in which the entire area was contested and numerous sites and streams were censored or throttled until it was declared illegal to do so.

explain please

>29.28 USD just to have access to sites everyone here in the states has access to for a far cheaper base price
what the fuck
why would you ever support eradicating net neutrality unless you were an an-cap tier retard?

How to know who is correct on net neutrality:

the right wing has never been correct about anything. every policy over the last 40 years they enacted was a disaster.

There's a lot of shills, and uninformed morons here
Pic related and the following copypasta should be good enough to get most non-retards up to speed.

2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.

2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.

2007-2009 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.

2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except youtube.

2011-2013, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit.

2012, Verizon was demanding google block tethering apps on android because it let owners avoid their $20 tethering fee. This was despite guaranteeing they wouldn't do that as part of a winning bid on an airwaves auction.

2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.

2013, Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place. Forums_Stirs_Internet_Hornets_Nest.html

2017, Verizon caught throttling customer data in direct violation of FCC Net Neutrality rules

I dont care about any of that

Remember to archive

>wired com/2011/01/metropcs-net-neutrality-challenge
>businessinsider com/verizon-blocking-google-wallet-2011-12
>washingtonpost com/blogs/post-tech/post/fcc-fines-verizon-125m-for-blocking-tethering-apps/2012/07/31/gJQAXjRLNX_blog.html

Were it not for the "free shit" we wouldn't be winning the culture war right now.

This has nothing to do with broadband it's for extra mobile data allowance

More copypasta from posts I made yesterday on this:

>Net neutrality means Google/Facebook/Amazon/etc. control all speech online!
No, net neutrality just means the Telecoms have to give customers what they pay for. If you pay for 500L of water, you don't pay more for using that water to wash your car instead of drinking it or washing the deck. You pay the same for the water no matter how it's used. Net neutrality ensures you pay the same for your bandwidth no matter how it's used - whether for videogames, visiting websites, torrenting, or watching netflix. It has nothing to do with any kind of censorship that tech companies may or may not enact on their own - that's a separate issue the shills try to conflate with net neutrality to confuse you.

You’re on Sup Forums. Do you think these retards will care? Only once it directly affect them will they care. You’ll have to wait until Sup Forums, and any of the other sites they like going to, gets throttled to hell or put on a pay more to visit flag. Only after that will they attempt to rub two brain cells together and research and realize NN is the reason the internet is the way it is now in the first place since it was started in the early 2000s, and not the hold the dumb fuck belief that it was something Obama invented.
But this is Sup Forums so expecting anons not to act like dumb fucks over something serious is a pipe dream.
Your only hope is that a repeal of NN gets taken to courts.

yeah because you work for comcast and are a faggot

Not only that they sue any local government that tries to set up a municipal ISP.

I archived them before even posting here.

>Tech companies should pay their fair share! They are stealing bandwidth!
Nobody is stealing anything. See above: You pay a rate, you should be getting what you've paid for; $50/mo for internet access, and you can use it to watch netflix or visit Sup Forums. You don't pay extra for either. Likewise the tech companies like google pay for their internet the same way. The analogy isn't quite accurate either, because these internet connections are not actually a limited resource like water. You cannot "consume" all the bandwidth - there is no store of bandwidth to consume in the first place. There are no 'bandwidth lakes'. Your 500GB monthly download limit is a Kike scam to get you to pay more money for something that is unlimited to begin with. What has actually happened is the Telecom companies oversold their infrastructure and cannot accommodate the number of users they're in contract with. The correct course of action is to upgrade the infrastructure - but that costs money and they don't want to spend it (in spite of receiving plenty of subsidies from the government to do exactly that) - so instead of upgrading they just charge everyone more money. That's why in Sweden you can get a 150mbps up/down line for $50 USD a month, but most the US can't even get close to that and where you can, it would cost $150+ per month.

>Net neutrality destroys free market competition and creates monopolies
It doesn't; it has absolutely nothing to do with market monopolies. What actually created the telecom monopolies in the US were the major telecoms buying contracts and legislation with various state/municipal governments in order to lock out competitors - it has absolutely nothing to do with net neutrality in anyway. Again a separate issue that is conflated with Net Neutrality to confuse people and keep them from supporting net neutrality.

so because it's for mobile it's acceptable?

Can you paste the legislation you're talking about?

>forgets to mention that there are state regulations in place today that would prevent the ISPs from doing this in most states.
just neck yourself.

>Net neutrality never even existed before 2015 and nothing bad happened back then
It's partly true - telecom companies weren't explicitly under net neutrality laws, however back then nobody had bothered testing the limits of it. All the companies assumed, and behaved, as if they were under net neutrality. As I mentioned previously, it wasn't until market competition against the Telecom companies began stepping on their strangleholds in TV/Telephone that they tried sidestepping net neutrality rules - and when this happened it caused a public outcry and these companies were regulated.

>Google etc just want to cripple their competition using regulations! That's why they're in favor of net neutrality!
It's actually the opposite. Telecoms are trying to repeal regulations creating a free market because they don't want to compete fairly against the likes of google. They've already been caught strangling streaming services only to turn around trying to sell their own streaming service without any QoS issues. For example, if you try to use netflix you get stuttering, buffering, poor signal quality, image artifacts - but then you use your ISP's Not-Netflix service and magically all the problems 'disappear'. What is actually happening is your ISP is throttling their competition because they are both the infrastructure operator AND a content provider.

If you want to actually return the markets to a 'free market' state, then your first step needs to be destroying the monopolies and forcing actual competition. Attacking and getting rid of net neutrality is only going to allow the Telecoms to fuck you and the rest of the public over.

No. It's because it relates nothing at all to the point you were trying to make that makes it acceptable

Give it a couple years anons, this website will be categorized as a 'premium service' and be slowly priced out of use, same goes for any website thats against their narrative. The truth will literally become more expensive

And maybe include it in original OP next time?

mods... how many Russian IPs are in this thread?

NN is just one possible regulation the feds can do now that ISPs are classified as common carriers

There was nothing wrong with the internet before NN
It is a solution in search of a problem to justify a federal power grab

i dont want to play csgo on cs1.6 internet speeds

Different things.

NN is to prevent ISPs from blocking right from their servers. What Cloudflare did was drop Daily Stormer from using their services.

The real comparison would be is if Comcast or Charter blocked Daily Stormer for every customer they have.. that would be a breach of Net Neutrality.

Basically if youre mad Cloudfare dropped DS, then you should be mad that NN is about to be axed. Because then ISPs *will* be able to dictate what sites you can or cant visit. Theyll be able to slow down sites to a crawl to the point where its not even accessible. And since ISPs have a monopoly in the vast majority of areas in the USA, you cant just switch to a competitor. You lose.

Do you know what the word "senile" means you technologically illiterate kid fucker

You work for reddit and are a kike

Considering that google/netflix/amazon/etc. rely on it for their business models, and that the telecoms are literally trying to legislate their competition out the door, I think there's a good chance it will.

But people need to speak up anyways.

Some of us have memory that spans longer than a year you stupid commie. The internet was running just fine long before Obamaniggers cabinet forced extra illegal regulations on it.

with Net Neutrality dead they will throttle Sup Forums to death.

>Net neutrality never even existed before 2015 and nothing bad happened back then
It's partly true - telecom companies weren't explicitly under net neutrality laws, however back then nobody had bothered testing the limits of it. All the companies assumed, and behaved, as if they were under net neutrality. As I mentioned previously, it wasn't until market competition against the Telecom companies began stepping on their strangleholds in TV/Telephone that they tried sidestepping net neutrality rules - and when this happened it caused a public outcry and these companies were regulated.

I'm repeating this for you, since you can't read.

This has nothing to do with accessing sites you gullible sheep this is a data plan for mobile phones

>There was nothing wrong with the internet before NN
Because in the past it wasn't technically feasible or profitable to repeal NN.

That's no longer the case.

Oh lookie here!

B-b-but I thought Drumpf was gonna stand up to the big corporate interests, r-right guys?


You reap what you sow, and pretty soon you’re going to be reaping those crocodile tears when Spectrum decides Sup Forums is a hate site(which it is) and blocks access to it.

Way to shoot yourself in the foot.

Scared yet, drumpfkins?

reminder that pro-NN posters are redditards and paid shills for the streaming services.

The break up the monopolies so you get actual competition in the markets. Don't give the monopolies every piece of legislation they demand on a silver platter hoping they'll somehow find a way to charge you less money.

Come on man, use your fucking brain here.

Everything I posted was an example of something a company tried to do and ended up getting called to court in over. If net neutrality rules did not exist then at a federal level it would be fine for those companies to do as they tried. While individual states may ban these activities others do and will not; especially after lobbying by comcat, AT&T and others.

Also I do enjoy you telling everyone who disagrees with you to kill themselves. Maybe next time you can actually engage with the argument?

you are a lying sack of shit

Onig let it build to (((neutrality))) before you quit hotpockets.

net neutrality != Net Neutrality

I'm far from a Commie, democracy rests on an informed electorate, this will just cause more information asymmetry across class.

Streaming services already pay for their connection, just like you do. They don't get a free lunch you retard.

This. Net neutrality regulations would be about as neutral as the patriot act did for citizen privacy.

have you realized that the guy doing it is a CIA plant yet? he doesnt give a shit how you vote.

>Because then ISPs *will* be able to dictate what sites you can or cant visit.
But they dont
> And since ISPs have a monopoly in the vast majority of areas in the USA
Not where I live

net neutrality rules are already in place, and were assumed to be in place since the advent of the internet

It only became an issue when the telecoms tried to pretend like it didn't apply to them anymore, and THAT is when we got the rules enforced for real.


There is no vote so I don't understand why the shills are pushing this so hard. Ajit is gonna do it regardless.

How was it not working?

Tell the tech companies to enforce freedom of speech first.




lmao you are full of shit

>Not only that they sue any local government that tries to set up a municipal ISP.


Then you have these retards ITT wanting to give ISPs more power because it's "their right."

Isnt it funny how right-wingers dont like it when the goverment gets any kind of power, but they're more than willing to do so for private corporations? As if corporations are somehow more benevolent than the government. Bunch of morons.

reminder that anti-NN posters are memewashed idiots and paid in shills to post anti-NN by the corporate overlords's legion of marketing firms, in order to keep us down.

He is going to do it regardless, because he's bought and paid for.

But people need to show to their congressmen that this actually fucking matters to them so that the damage can be fixed

>Streaming services already pay for their connection, just like you do. They don't get a free lunch you retard.
lol corporate shill. They would have to pay more if not for NN, in some instances much more. They eat up huge chunks of ISP service that fucks the rest of us but ISPs can't discriminate and make them pay more because muh net neutrality.

states rights was my argument, if a state does not want to do shit then that's their call.

I hate this fucking curry nigger.
I remember when the whole FCC hearing was taking place and this guy wasn't chairman and everyone here watched the livestream and said he was a tool.
The fuck happened to have so many shills here defending him now?

Ask yourself, do they ever paste a link or reference to the primary legislation in discussion? Why would there be 5 threads on the issue, and none of which make reference to the specifics of regulation that is CRITICAL to discuss? Who would ever do such a thing on the internet?

Good, let faggot Globalists and the retarded public pay for their usage. the Googles(youtube), netflix and all the massive fucking streamers, and spammers.

>welcome to the free market you fucking faggots