Why not legalize all drugs?

I don't see why not. If a grown adult wants to smoke meth or whatever in the privacy of their own home I see that as their business and nobody else's. If regulated by a governing body, it would be much easier and safer for law abiding citizens to use responsibly. People on here are so against drugs but have 0 problems with alcohol and tobacco, it's hilarious. Give me one good reason that all drugs shouldn't be legalized. Alcohol kills and destroys more than anything else.

Other urls found in this thread:


Drugs are destructive but not as destructive as the war on drugs.

The general masses are too stupid to do anything responsibly.
The average person out there needs to be treated like a child and told whats good for them.
Drugs are not good for an individual or for a society. Drugs ruin peoples lives, ruin families and ruin the lives and property of innocents.
That's why.

Drug users dont pay taxes.
>drug user.
Seriously who the fuck you think makes the most money out of this.
>gun industry.
>the prison industry.
>the border patrol
the government is selling drugs and rehab services, if drugs became legal no one would make money off of it.

Muh feefees.

>people dying and wasting hospital resources in droves because of fentanyl
>making it easier to get would improve things
I'm not gonna pretend like the drug war is some kind of benevolent operation to keep people from hurting themselves, but you're retarded if you think legalizing opiates is a good idea either.

>you're retarded if you think legalizing opiates is a good idea either.
Or meth.
It's incredible what this stuff can do to an otherwise normal person.

caesar would shit down your throat you kiwi cuck. the only reason not to legalize drugs are because drugs are degenerate and hamper your biological motivators. If you don't believe your countrymen could have the will to live like men, free of drugs, why are you still alive? Why haven't you given up and committed suicide? The only explanation is you're a selfish jew that seeks to exert control over others.

any substance or activity that influences a person away from being an otherwise responsible, law-abiding citizen should be illegal.

ie. Meth, cocaine, heroin, etc.

The keyword here is "Responsible".

A drug that destroys one's ability to contribute to and operate within civilized society should be illegal.

Argue with this.

I can get guns and drugs legal or not.
But making it illegal helps the police arrest people.
More cops arresting people for using chemicals isnt a free country.

Jews found a way to make money

Next question

So what about the guy that can work a 12 hour shift then goes home to get high, and shows up to work the next day?

I know. It's awesome. Makes you go Kaio-ken x20 in about a jiffy.

Imagine being so weak you let chemical change you.
You were never on our side.
If smoke a joint or drinking a beer doesnt turn you into a junkie then how the fuck does cocaine turn you into a desperate loser?
It doesnt your fucking fuck up choices fucked your own life up.
Not my fault you ass holes cant baby dose and stay clean for a week or two after wards.

meme flag. sage.

read up history then, bubbles. Maybe you'll learn what did the Opium trade did to the the Chinks.

Also, muh Alcohol and Tobacco. Surely those with liver and lung diseases are very thankful for their vices.

If a chemical can fuck up your life then maybe we dont need you?

youre probably high right now, here on Sup Forums at 2:30 am half-coherently shitposting. Highschool is over, kid. Time to get a life, you fucking LEAF

How come opium only hurt China? Sorry for asking inconvenient questions BTW. Being opium's been around for thousands of years and all but only became an issue in the last 150 years or so.

Highschool is over like my life.
I dont have many years left dude...Cocaine and heroin was legal once a upon a time.

Its 6 40 in my neck of the woods and I am sober like a judge.
Might change that and get some booze.

>If a grown adult wants to smoke meth or whatever in the privacy of their own home I see that as their business and nobody else's
exactly, why are you making it the governments business then you degenerate cunt? If you want to smoke meth go score some and feel free to smoke it in your shitty apartment. retard

bro the problem with meth is what you then do once you leave your home cause trust me your not going to stay home for the whole time your on meth. However Im all for legalizing all drugs but every individual should be informed non bias health information about the substance before they take it, be informed of other peoples experiences and sign a bunch of serious paper work saying they are fully accountable for taking said substance and all actions they do as a result.

>not blasting clouds in public while listening to Highway to the Dangerzone with a very menacing crazed look in your eyes DARING a motherfucker to call 5-0

>not taking a weeks supply of pervitin tablets and going on a crazed soviet killing spree in one of the harshest winters on earth
are you even trying m9


just no way to know what youre getting without regulation so you will have people dying left and right from tainted supplies. that's the status quo now and people will keep saying 'oh theyre junkies they deserve it' .. and its not just heroin it's also things like ecstasy that is actually meth or acid that's actually 25i-nbome. basically not having regulated drugs will cause many needless deaths every year in a given country, just like how pitbulls are legal in the us. people continue to die every year but nothing is done

Some drugs are so all consuming that when people's lives are ruined they turn to crime to get more.
What do to do about that?
No longer a personal problem

There you go. Swap soviets with niggers.
Imagine hunting coons in the non-policed parts of Detroit on a 5-day binge.

Man is a machine manning machines. Throw some gas on the fire, listen to some Van Halen.

I didn't really understand how cutting cocaine worked until I kinda got into it after highschool. I figured cut cocaine was only found with detroit crack dealers n shiiet, but was surprised to learn that there is almost no such thing as pure cocaine. From the fucking getgo, it's cut with SOMETHING.

the point is not to do hard drugs you fucking degenerate

Because you think it's okay for people to do drugs, sure, but then these meth heads go out and rob and murder people.

What about television, video games, sex, pop music, message boards, politics, gambling, message boards or the internet in general?

if they weren't illegal, couldn't people who were way into drugs just get legitimate jobs selling drugs so as to have a reliable supply of drugs?

Sure. However the broader society want Gib me dat health care and safety. Nothing is free

Sounds like that person needs to get a job to afford their addiction or quit.
Just because I can drink booze doesnt mean I can drive.

1. to buy GHB is legal
2. more girls get drugged and sedated in clubs
3. raperate is out of control
4. abortion is illegal
5. birthrate is back to good terms
6. ???
7. Profit

You know how easy it is to make meth?
Shake and bake is something even moot makes.

As a child of a single mother that is not whats going to happen at fucking all.
Those kids grow up to either commit crime or kill.

>but then these meth heads go out and rob and murder people
That's crackheads and junkies. We don't need to rob people. If we can't afford our drug we can just make the shit up as needed or use 5-fingered Benzedrex inhalers until the paycheck arrives. Or just buy some hexen. 10g for less than $100 US motherfucker.

Bitch I can turn your spice cabinet into a dozen different drugs.

Weed is legal now and I got a medical card, used to get an 8th for $20 in highschool. Now, it's 35$+ for a pretty shitty 8th from an actual dispensary. Unless I've got a lot of money on hand and I want to be put in a thc coma for the weekend, I still buy from dealers, and everyone I know sticked with their dealers. One of the guys I know grows all his shit at an actual legal dispensary grow-op, but he just sells it all on the street. Good shit too.

>if we can't afford our drugs we afford our drugs


If we abolish social security, and other social services, then we could easily legalize all drugs.

If people want to kill themselves with drugs, that is none of my business. The problem is, that people often survive drug abuse, and then they expect others to pay for their health care needs resulting from their drug abuse. This makes it my business, if you expect taxes to pay for your bad choices.

Opium became an issue because the English introduced smoking it with tobacco. Smoking causes a much faster onset than oral ingestion, which is what most people had done. Not to mention the dopamine synergy between nicotine and morphine. Too bad the English didn't introduce speedballs. now that stuff makes you fuck

meth is already the bottom, in layman's terms he's saying you could always go huff so drain-o until the welfare check arrives

>acting like this on the internet

This is absolutely correct, but the implications are different than what you think.
The general population is too stupid to make good decisions, but government control in this case does very little to force good decisions on them.
A statistically far better approach is to decriminalize drugs, and spend more money on prevention, research and education. If a drug like heroin is decriminalized, it could be far better quality controlled by the state than now. Most overdoses happen because its cut with something or the dosage is too difficult to figure out, since there is great variation in potency. If you had one government issued standard in potency, next to things like sterile environments for homeless drug addicts and fresh needles, you could cut down the amount of overdoses (and by extent of that medical costs) by a huge amount.
And instead of sending the addicts to prison, youd have the opportunity to force them to undergo rehab.

you mad bro

Meaning we don't need to spend $100 a day.
Hell, if worse comes to worst(that's the proper use of that saying BTW), we can just take a T-break. Which is advised anyway because stims work best with low tolerance. Meth is easy to put down for a while. Hell I ain't stimmed on anything but caffeine for a couple months now myself. Withdrawals aren't that bad(three days of YUCK and you're gtg). There's always a craving to go fast, but it's not hard to tell it off. Not at all. Anyone committing murder or robbery on meth and blaming the meth is handing you a bullshit excuse. Don't fall for that faggot.

the only acceptable reason to murder, rape, and rob on meth is because its just fun

Meth heads dont have homes
Meth heads are not responsible

meth heads are the life blood of this country

without amphetamine, america would be nothing

Why do we want to keep these people alive then? Why are we advocating for any personal freedoms if the people are not capable of thinking for themselves? If you can't think for yourself, you should not have a single choice on how to live your life. Your body should be an extension of the government. The only ones who should be validated to hold any kind of public office are those who DO know how to think for themselves, and I can guarantee you that, based on the degradation of our societies over the last century or two, white men are UNFIT for this service. The only ones capable of steering this helpless ship are God's chosen, of course! Jews are the only ones with the unbiased intellect ( a side effect of the holocaust) to run a society, because as you said yourself; we are unfit. Unless you meant everyone but you, of course.

Are you aware that one of the most basic challenges that members of all species face is deciding what is safe to ingest?
Until recent history, the ancestors of everyone alive today managed to decide such matters without governmental assistance.
Now that we have the internet and more information available than any of our ancestors ever did, why would we need the government to tell us what to ingest today?

Furthermore, what do you think is going to happen if idiots are not given the opportunity to kill themselves off?
Deprived of their sole avenue for making the world a better place, what will happen in several hundred years when the world is primarily composed of idiots?
Who will play the part of wise overlord then?

The red pilled thing to do is to have a state sanctioned underground market. Basically denounce drugs in public but tolerate consumption and trade on a small scale. There needs to be only one organized crime syndicate per country. That way the peace is kept and degeneracy is pushed back to the margins of society where it belongs.

I like how you think in terms of what "should be" instead of what is feasible at all. For instance, restricting weapons, drugs, or sex. People love to go on crusades to limit access to these things but its impossible without some unrealistic situation like controlling what everyone does 24/7 or just killing off large portions of the population.

the idea that there should only be ONE organized crime syndicate is the essential idea behind governing in general. unfortunately there are a lot of people with different desires, including for power

>Meth heads don't have homes
There are a fair share of doctors, lawyers, and business executives who have done considerable meth and they prescribe the same basic thing as meth to toddlers for ADHD.

Only certain people.
I treat the average joe like a friend if I can. Hate dragging negative energy around with me.
You can always tell the assholes from good folks though when manic/psychotic. Their bullshit shines out. They also tend to get more shadow people crawling about around them.

>Meth heads dont have homes
Sure we do. In fact, 99/100 times we end up on the news isn't because we robbed someone or OD'd.
It's because the cops hate us for cooking our stash up for cheap and bust the labs.
And meth labs generally don't "blow up" either, another news/cop lie. It's almost always a simple lithium fire or some hydrogen going off with a gunshot-like bang. Shit you'd see in oldschool highschool chemistry labs before the PC police ruined chem for highschoolers.

the idea behind the post, friend, is that the suggestion that people are too stupid to make decisions for themselves is, in fact, a very stupid thing to say, and is detrimental to the idea of a functional society.


go to sleep retard

Because it's too much of a good way to make money, Jews can't allow that.
>Jews finally get their grip on the world
In the white man's age heroin was a cough suppressant and cannabis tincture was sold all over the place.
>wait a second, goyim can make money just by manufacturing drugs? OY GEVALT MY PHARMA SHEKELS

oops, took you literally.

amphetamine is amphetamine. do you think it magically changes because you get it legally?

>Alcohol kills and destroys more than anything else.
>That means we should legalise all drugs!

Sure, but regarding illicit trade which is always going to exist and considering the state should not promote degeneracy of any kind, there should be one mafia and it should be controlled by domestic intelligence. You give the people some illusion of escape/rebellion, but there is no more gang violence.
I don't know if I'm making sense I just woke up and this sounds good in my mind :DD

>amphetamine is amphetamine. do you think it magically changes because you get it legally?
>t. brainlet
Your Jew doctor didn't explain the difference, did he.

you had me until now, why would you throw it away with something this retarded. 6/10

Agreed. There's nothing more destructive to a person than the penalty for having drugs. Prohibition is a failure.

methamphetamine is just stronger due to the methyl groups, it has the exact same mechanism of action. it's like how heroin just has to acetyl groups that improve how its taken in by the body. it isn't a radically different drug, it's the same shit.

it makes sense in theory, but not in practice. also large nation states can't help but promote degeneracy due to the effects of scale in destroying real organic communities.

thats wrong on so many levels

you rail 20 mg of prescription of amphetamine you'll get the same effect of railing 20 mg of street amp (provided its the same purity, which it won't be). do you think your brain, your heart, your liver or your kidneys give a fuck about its legal distinction?

>amphetamine is amphetamine. do you think it magically changes because you get it legally?
The government keeps making the ingredients that home meth labs use illegal or difficult to obtain. Not to be deterred, the idiots keep resorting to more and more dangerous substitutes. So yes, there is a difference.
Also, relatively few people are prescribed Desoxyn (the commercial name for methamphetamine). Different amphetamines have different effects on different people.

few people are prescribed desoxyn but plenty of people are prescribed adderall. desoxyn is just a more powerful version of adderall, that's all it is. it's not inherently different as to what it does to you, just in intensity.

and yeah the government has made it much harder for a DIY cook to do his thing, but major criminal organizations in mexico and such still have no problem at all. the arc of capital is long and it bends toward monopolies

>methamphetamine is just stronger due to the methyl groups, it has the exact same mechanism of action.
Look up brain damage studies comparing the two.
The difference is pretty damn huge.
They are VERY different when it comes to how they affect the brain.

Professional drug user here

You faggots are just too scared to take the drug, we all know you are omegas irl

It's just ridiculous. Alcohol is the worst drug of them all, I know so many who completely destroyed their lives

No point in banning anything else if you leave the worse offender around.
There's three drugs responsible for most(90%+) of the ills society has with drugs.
1. Booze
2. Heroin
3. Crack

That third one has far more to do with niggotry than the drug, too. Whites who use crack don't have the same issues.
Meth is number 4, but is very much damaging to the user, not others, on the scale.

only in intensity. would you like to show me any of these studies? because you're full of shit. they're not "VERY" different, they act identically.

Here's an example close to home. Back when Yugoslavia opened up to the west in the early 60s (rock and jazz music, movies and pop culture) we saw the introduction of weed and heroin for the first time brought into the country by federal security operatives. My parents tell me their city had like 5 known drug users at the time. You could get drugs, but it was socially unacceptable and everyone knew to stay away from those guys, and it was a healthy society. Nowadays every 18 year old with a couple hundred euros to invest can become a dealer. We are flooded with drugs and it kind of sucks desu. All I'm saying is push back the degeneracy to the margins of society since you can never eliminate it completely.

I agree that the more fucked up strata of society should know their place, and it shouldn't be glorified. That takes half the fun out of being a fuck up if everyone is doing it.

The idea that you can just have one organized crime ring running things just doesn't work though. Look at Mexico, it's an absolute shit show with dozens of groups constantly vying for control.

I dunno, I'm pretty conflicted about the whole thing. I've seen an awful lot of degeneracy and I remember when being 20 and a heroin addict was edgy, now in my town there are tons of 14 year olds doing heroin and crack. And they have no idea what they're getting into.

Problem is that there isn't really any easy solution, since the problem isn't drugs per se, but the absolute void of morality and social cohesion that drives people to the oblivion of cheap kicks.

Dont forget cigarettes kill millions a year.

Sure, let us all fall into degeneracy forever.

Are you responsible for the other meme-threat "gib 30billion to end nog hunger"

Why don't we all convert to Islam and let the women control the entire civilization while we're at it?

In the past, the problem solved itself as there was little or no welfare and the addicts just died off if they couldn't control their habit. It's not just a drug problem, it's a welfare problem. It shouldn't be a surprise that the war on drugs has increased as social security payments get larger.


>No point in banning anything else if you leave the worst offender around

Very specious reasoning. If it were practical (and had any chance of success) I would argue for the prohibition of alcohol, or at the very least reinstatement of sensible licensing laws to minimise binge drinking.

But alcohol is already legal and the ratchet turns only one way. If alcohol causes the most harm and heroin the second most why on earth would you then want to make heroin legal?

If it's made legal then the suffering will be out in the open where everybody can learn from it second hand.
People who can't learn from what is right in front of their noses aren't smart enough to have good lives anyway.

Fuck off Amerimutt circumcised scumbag
>dude meth and amphetamine have same effects on the brain xD
Go die for Israel, illiterate scum

I had a huge problem with alcohol from 15 - 23 (Drinking 4/5 nights to blackout and spending the rest of the time feeling like death/drinking water) and the withdrawals were almost unbearable. I was bordering psychosis for maybe a week. Couldn't eat, hearing stuff.


Cocaine was also a problem, and when combined with alcohol lead to worse consequences. I have had rebounds with both alcohol and cocaine and I find they are fairly similar in terms of damage and dependency/etc.

Heroin however is another monkey entirely. Stay away from that shit. That stuff is definitely worse than both alcohol and coke, as bad as the latter both are. I have seen people turn into cockroaches with that shit. Total personality change, real fast. Way quicker than you'd think possible. There's a reason it has such a stigma.

Stay away from drugs kids.

I was actually thinking about all the harm it does to non-users, but it's true it hurts the users as well.

it = war on drugs

lol you have no argument so you resort to gargling up some memes with an extra helping of your dads cum. methamphetamine and amphetamine both have the same basic effects on the brain, meth is just stronger. I'm sorry you're from some irrelevant country that ISN'T the greatest nation on earth but those are the facts.

it could be argued that a large portion of the harm comes from the effects of prohibition itself

Drugs lead to societal decadence.
It is not permissible under any circumstances.
If it is legal or tolerated somewhere, it is because of corruption.

Because only dumb fucking niggers stick chems into their veins you nigger.
Its a litmus test for niggers.

I agree. legalize and put a tax on them. monitor addicts.

you've got it backwards

social decadence leads to drugs

>>dude meth and amphetamine have same effects on the brain xD
Amphetamine is a subset of meth.
Good job on never taking chemistry in highschool nigger.

the war on drugs only bring more drugs into a country.
legalizing drugs gets rid of dealers, lowers the price altogether and removes the taboo aspect.
why is this not common sense?


>methamphetamine and amphetamine both have the same basic effects on the brain, meth is just stronger. I'm sorry you're from some irrelevant country that ISN'T the greatest nation on earth but those are the facts.
Essential American post.
I'm not talking about chemistry, I'm talking about pharmacology. If you say Adderall and shards have the same effect/toxicity on your brain, welp, that's just not true.

Wtf is this a Portuguese sitting in a freezing room full of watermelons?

Portugal halved its addiction rate via decriminalization.