"It's actually kind of sad that so many people in the alt-right obsess over religion. I mean being Jewish has nothing to do with how you act as a human being."

"I myself had Jewish grandparents in Denmark, even though I'm not a Jew, since religion isn't a race, but what you believe in, haha."

This is what Lauren Southern said at the UCI meetup.

What did she mean by this?

Fuck off (((Moarpheus))))

Being in a religion and following said religion dictates how a person behaves to some extent. OP is a moron libtard faggot

Quit posting about this dumb fucking social media whore you faggot. Saged like a mother fucker



>m-m-muh precious dumb skank!!

Kill yourself beta


not morpheous , hes from the usa, but i agree, i know why she hasnt named the jew now, i was suspicious all along, and it seems my gut feeling was right!

Anyone that took this kike seriously needs to kill themselves.

I know many of her fanboys come here to whiteknight for this ugly hookhose

Can we finally drop the whore and agree to not follow other whores ?

>"I suck many dicks"
This is what OP said at dunkin donuts.

Previous threads starting from the day before:

The quotes are completely fake, hence OP does not provide a link and never will provide a link.

Ironically enough every disinfo thread like this just strengthens the argument that Lauren is doing good work if shills are this desperate to character assassinate her.

>Ironically enough every disinfo thread like this just strengthens the argument that Lauren is doing good work if shills are this desperate to character assassinate her.
How can you do "good work" when you're just regurgitating what you read on Sup Forums WHILE DODGING THE MOST IMPORTANT, aka : The Jewish Question ?

OP gave me aids

Don't really care that she's a half kike, but it's extremely off-putting that she dated both an Indian and a nigger a few years ago - and has repeatedly said that she doesn't care what race her bf/husband will be.


do you just spend your day taking screen caps of lauren threads because you're a pathetic white knight loser? Do you know how I know you're from reddit? It's because you don't let people have a different opinion and are intolerant of anything that goes against your white knighted view of the world.

Reminder that this lying shill says these lies about every right-wing woman. Pic related is him saying it about RageAfterStorm. He has also said it about Tara and Pettibone. He will never provide evidence for any of his claims or engage in debate, he just drops disinfo.

Ugly kike with recycled opinions taken from other people.
Nothing about her is special or unique.

How is straight up lying about a person in an attempt to character assassinate them equal to "having a different opinion"? Are you an idiot?


just because someone doesn't like her doesn't mean they're trying to character assassinate.

She's somewhat pretty. It's just her views and racemixing which is a problem. She also claims to be an identitarian, but does it in a sneaky way. She wants the majority of each country to be its ethnic citizens, but is happy with niggers and Muslims coming in so long as they (((assimilate))) and come in smaller numbers. Typical kikery.


What if they're making shit up and lying about her though?

If I call you a pedophile is that me just not liking you or me trying to character assassinate you?

Notice how this kike doesn't engage in debate because he knows he would get trounced. LS supports ethnonationalists in Europe.



Whether or not these whores are Jewish, they are trying to jew you as bad as any Jew would. That's the important point.

It sure would be nice if you fucking BABIES could stop arguing over pointless shit like "is this whore I send all my money to a kike", and just ignored them altogether.


she's not, just another ugly bitch with pounds of makeup on.
she just says whatever gets her the most views, she's a kike by blood as well as by action


>posts the exact tweet proving my point that Lauren doesn't care about niggers coming in so long as they're not a majority
Top kek, Finnish kike is not too bright it seems.

how the fuck is the JQ the most important? fuck off retarded nazi nigger

When will shills learn that they can't force a fake consensus when anons are autistic and can spot these attempts right away?


You realize everytime you come here to shill your pathetically easily disproven lies you just make it obvious to every reasonable person that she is doing good work?

You realize that you leftists will be the first people to go on the day of the rope, right?