What do atheists get out of removing statues, memorials and traditions? It seems like a waste of money to me

What do atheists get out of removing statues, memorials and traditions? It seems like a waste of money to me..

Well I wouldnt call them atheists....

Why does it matter to them? Its not like your harming the animal, or trying to forcefully convert it?


Notice how a disproportionate amount of these ''atheists'' are ''atheistic jews''
I still haven't figured out how you can be an atheist and be the spawn of Satan at the same time.

Atheism is a religion, not a fact. They are inherently persecutors, and would use courts to force their religion on society.


If an animal having been "blessed" by whomever at the shelter diminishes it in any way from being adopted by you or anyone like you then you're not actually atheists, just umbrage-taking counter-culture snowflake faggots.

>Atheism is a religion


>worshiping the power of the state

What's with the unnecessary double spacing? You are not a redditor, right?

Its not supposed to be, but there are retards who make it seem like it is.

Yeah it seems like (((somebody))) is behind this

So glad I got this reference

>worshiping the power of the state

Is not atheism so into the trashcan.

Actually caring about what my post looks like.

Well, that has nothing to do with me.

>tips fedora

>Tips jesus

Atheists, specifically American atheists, ARE NOT ATHEISTS. They are anti-Christians. They don't pull any of this shit with any other religion

Athiesm is about the Satanic erasure of God. Peak Athiesm is the erasure of God's creation, suicide & self-destruction. Athiesm is anti-thiest nihilsm.

They're jewish puppets against Christianity

some crazy cat lady looking for attention.

you know anyone raising church seperated from state argumenta are spouting KkK propiganda? I can prove it.

Hugo Black, supreme court judge, wrote about the decusion in 1947 to ban public busses from dropping kids off at catholic school. Hugo was the lawyer for the KKK before he joined the supreme court. and thats where all this bs started.

The satisfaction of forcing the overwhelming majority of Americans to make them feel welcome.
Or, if they fail, a victim complex that they can justify to themselves.
>"They basically told me to fuck off when I tried to make them hide their religion. I'm 'exactly' like Che Guevara, struggling for my ilk.."