Stop watching otaku pandering shows

Stop watching otaku pandering shows

stop being a hack

you make a good movie first

I was never doing so to begin with

>How to trigger Sup Forums the thread

Make an anime that is not funded by Disney then.

Shut up old man, where is my fried chicken?

Fuck off Varg.

I'll stop watching otaku pandering shows when you start making them

I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone.

What shows this season don't pander to otaku?

Mainstream shows.

Crayon Shin-chan, Doraemon, Sazae-san, the list goes on...

All anime is otaku pandering. No well adjusted adult would be caught dead watching cartoons unironically. Cartoons are for children

Stop wanting to fuck little girls.

Make me.

The Great Passage

Reminder that he has been triggered by tv anime since fucking Astro Boy.

let animators animate

If you say so

oh okay, thanks japanese santa claus, you saved me.

Stop yelling at clouds and make anime that is worth watching.

But anime /is/ otaku pandering.
If something is not then it's an "animated movie", not "anime".

tl;dr Wrong board.


But I am a Ghibli studio otaku

Wow, never realised how much he resembled my DVC teacher.

Stop sucking disney´s dick.

As a proud Otaku, I will watch whatever I want. The more that panders to me, the better

If John Lennon was around today, this would probably be him.

Fuck off you talentless hack. You were a mistake, get a lung cancer from all the smoking and die already. Piece of shit.

Yeah, but I can't tell what is pandering anymore after watched pic related.

>Stop watching shows that I like
No, fuck you, you old fraud.

Please provide the name of one (1) anime this season which is not otaku pandering.


No matter how much you hate him. Hes right, and he will die being right. You dirty otaku fucks, you are the cancer that killed anime.