Utoya Massacre

What are your thoughts on the 2011 Utoya attack and Anders Breivik?

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totally cool

newfag get out, and kys


It was preemptive self defense

eđi af

He should've just killed the organisers and the adults in the commie camp.

this, he was trapped on an island full of communists, what was he supposed to do

>chin strap beards

He just wanted to generate discussion.

Still holding the high score

>its always white at the top

I'm considering writing Breivik a letter, what do I put in it to make sure he replies?

Did he manage to cripple the future leftist establishment or were their ranks then flooded with sympathetic teenagers who were previously apolitical?

counter-productive and cowardly

>shooting unarmed children
ye what a great warrior of the right

Your address.

Send him a PS3 game, make him rage.

You know that hypothetical question people always pass around, “would you go back in time & kill Hitler if you could?” Here’s a man who never has to ask himself this question, as he went and prevented some bad timelines pre-emptively.

He did spare those he considered young enough to be saved.

My genuine question as well.

good boi


This. It was destructive to his cause.


Strongly disapprove of his methods but he had the right idea - target native elites and their indoctrinated offspring instead of immigrants.

He was a real jerk

He really is delusional then. Anyone surviving a horrific slaughter like that is going to despise him and everything he stands for

Funny guy, you made me chuckle
I don't know how smart that would be since he's the type of guy who kills 70 kids to prove a point

he is innocent is was really sam hyde

post natalya gtfo webm

Sup Forums --> WoW --> Breivik

Some extremely bad things went on here just weeks before the attack

send him my video

liked his manifesto. Agree with him about the jews, they are not a threat, Islam is. Hate that he killed so many people but I also feel like if he didn’t do such edgy shit, his manifesto wouldn’t have been popular enough to reach me. He could’ve chosen to kill fewer, but more important and specific people and his manifesto would’ve been just as popular.


Every massacre since then has been a copycat or even a copycat of a copycat.

He was really smart. Started a business and made a lot of money with it. Also used it to get the material needed for making explosives. How often does someone start a business and make enough money to fund their killing spree? Most fail.
That aside, he was a zionist.

How come the left always kills adults with guns and other stuff, and the right only kills children and old church people.

Really tickles the pickles if you know what I'm saying



Islam is not a threat user, it's a menace. They're simply too dumb and unorganized to take over

He prove us that white attacks should happens more often.

He did something very bad to save his country from islamization.

If you think muslims are a bigger threat than jews you have a lot of swallowing to do yet user.

As I recall, he changed his plans just weeks before the attack.

Why the fuck would I kill Hitler?

What's wrong with killing the next generation of commies?

How did you get that backwards (You)?

ye and how is that working out?

The Romanov children?

False flag to lube pro-immigration laws making machine.


>Why the fuck would I kill Hitler?
you breivik lovers defenders cant handle this so u ignore it how pathetic

Dude wtf?

At least Norway is not same as Sweden. And those groomed young leftist are dead now.

It certainly made a deep impression on me and I said some super spergy shit about it back then.

How do I fit a YouTube video inside a letter?

Have you consider Sucide?

Mass repliers should be killed

This. It was retarded

Funny that he saw what was coming before it did.

I strongly disagree with what he did though. Also, he's a fucking zionist of all things.

Of all the people he could've killed, future left-wing politicians and activists were a pretty sensible target.

He saved the children from Jewish indoctrination!

I wish he just stayed in politics.


>mass shootings can't happen in places with strict, 'common sense' gun regulation

I sometimes wish he would have taken down a mosque or two as well. He attacked a decent target though.

I often think of him and hope he is well. May he get his ps4.

Brevic did absolutely nothing wrong


He killed like 5% of the Youth Party, didn't make a difference

Dumb newfag

Actually the opposite happened, we got our most anti-immigrant government ever 2 years after Breivik.

>Funny that he saw what was coming before it did.
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you think muslims first came here with the migrant "crisis"? lmfao

It got a pretty good meta score on IGN.

Oh no, it's you again.

Looks like she's having a fugen orgasm


Why he killed people i knew i can never understand. He shouldve gone after the political leadership if he was so set on becoming a terrorist.

Killing kids is degenerate. Fuck breivik and know that i will shoot the cunt if the oppurtunity arises.

No shit. I've been arguing against immigration for 18 years now. In the 90s and early 2000s, the focus was on non-western immigration. Islam didn't become an issue until the years following 9/11.
Ironically, Islamic terrorism was a blessing in disguise, because it shifted the focus away from race to ideology and religion, which legitimized our cause and made accusations of racism much less potent.

About 10 years for me. But wasn't Islam a topic in the 90s? Fucking hell we are a bunch of naive idiots.

>He shouldve gone after the political leadership

He did. They were groomed to be the next generation of Norway's politicians and your former PM Brundtland was supposed to be visiting when he attacked

Free brevik

>They were groomed to be the next generation of Norway's politicians
Common misconception about summer camps

>and your former PM Brundtland was supposed to be visiting when he attacked
Another sign the degenerate couldent even achive his goals.

>Common misconception about summer camps
No that part is true, I know a guy who used to go there and he said it was like a cult.

Immigration was quite the issue in the 90's, but it was another world. Here's a silly video from 1990:

The mass immigration really started in the 90's. 911 changed a bit in the perception of things, but it was also around that time some black kid drowned after being chased by some neo-nazis, which made people made people made anti racist organisations explode in membership.

It took a long while before people saw where we were heading. FRP anti-immigration politics being somewhat accepted as legitimate is quite recent.

Islam wasn't as big of a problem in the 90s. We had far less immigrants back then, and radical Islam wasn't really a problem yet. However, non-western immigrants were still as violent as they are today, except they didn't hide behind religion.

The contemporary view of Islam came after 9/11, Taliban, Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi war. In the 2000s, muslims also ended up becoming numerous enough in western countries that they started their own religious enclaves. Then the terrorist attacks started.

I guess you're too young to remember, but the 90s were a very different era, and there was an illusion of peace and prosperity after the Soviet Union collapsed. Most people seemed to think that western democracy was some kind of logical and moral default, that would magically spread to the rest of the world after communism was defeated. However, as the years passed, and we no longer had a common enemy in the Soviet Union, the western world turned on itself, painting the US as the big bad wolf, as they were the only remaining superpower. After 9/11, everything became a clusterfuck. To top it all off, the wars in the middle east led to a huge number of muslim refugees entering Europe.

I guess my perception of the 90s being an innocent time wasn't just because i was still a child.

>FRP anti-immigration politics being somewhat accepted as legitimate is quite recent.
It's been at least ten years. Back in 2008, FrP was the second largest party in the country, with an astonishing 25% of the votes, about the same as SD has in Sweden now.
In the 2009 election, they got 23% of the vote, but Hoyre completely bombed, which resulted in a left-wing government, despite FrP's success.

>cool guy
>killed the next generation of traitor politicians
>started the fire
>the fire rises

He didn't do enough

Yeah, that's relatively recent.

Frp are complete liars

Totally unrelated: could someone post the pic of a woman in the military holding a gun by the nozzle and two officers looking at her like she's about to get eaten


I spent most of my childhood and teenage years in the 90s, and I think we had a total of ten minorities in our school of 500 students, and most of them were adopted kids who were more or less brown Norwegians.
I never saw a hijab in the 90s, and the only muslims I came across worked in kebab shops or pizza restaurants. Granted, I'm not from Oslo, and I assume it was worse there, but it was nowhere near as bad as it is today.

It's actually shocking how quickly things changed. I looked up the stats a few months back, and the number of immigrants in my city has increased by 150% in 10 years. I literally can't go to the store 5 minutes away without seeing muslim women in hijabs, and I don't even live in the city center.

Yeah the numbers are increasing like crazy. You don't see white children in certain parts of the country.

>He was shot twice in his spaghetti
Alright, then.

Commie kids club island fun, turned into right wing death squad escape. He is our hero.

Can't wait to see his next mission when he gets out

He is Europe's Mandela. One day he will be released and celebrated as the hero he is.




They're all either fat, ugly, niggers, or all three. Leftists really are the same everywhere